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To Anyone who'll Listen

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Hi all.


It's been a while since I communicated with anyone here in any shape or form. Too long. And to anybody that's sent me unanswered PMs, I sincerely apologise in advance. I'll be in touch with you all soon. Some may remember that last summer my desktop was annhilated accidentally by the missus. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but this event seemed to me to be the catalyst for my other misfortunes since then. Financial; personal; and 'medical'. Don't worry though - I'll spare you all the gory details.

My brother was able to rescusitate my desktop eventually with some hardware purchases and transplants when he had spare time, which in his case these days is a rare commodity. Over the past four to five weeks I've been checking things out here at CA and started rebuilding my SF2 series installs to my taste from scratch. That's something I hope NEVER to have to do again.


I've noticed that while I was 'away' that there've been some GREAT mods created. Keep up the good work guys. So anyway; i've spent the last couple of weeks wondering how to put this message. I hope this goes so far as to give apologies to those who may feel that it's warranted.

Anyway guys, I'm back for the time being (for as long as I can afford it!).




Enda Curtin


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Good luck with everything and I hope it all works out and that you get back on your feet soon... :drinks:

Edited by Slartibartfast

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good to see ya back, man!!

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Sorry to hear that - but good to see you back - hope things turn around for you :drinks:

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take your time, real life is the one of those we have that is more important, allways! Good to know everything's sorting out for you!:good:



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Humbled is all I can say - cheers for that lads. :salute:

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Welcome back. Hope all your misfortunes have turned the corner. We can all identify with going through dark times. Fair winds, and following seas.

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After all your earlier contributions, it seemed kinda odd that you suddenly seemed to have completely dropped off the radar screen. You had mentioned some time ago that you had some health issues, so I was concerned that they might have become more serious. Hopefully things have improved, and will continue to look up in future! It's good to hear from you again!

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I wondered where you'd gone, great to have yuo back m8.

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Nice to see you back my friend.

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Accidental annhilation? Was this malfunction electrical, chemical, or hysterical?

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Accidental annhilation? Was this malfunction electrical, chemical, or hysterical?


None of the above. My missus is what you might call a cleaning freak. Three or four times a week goes mad dusting, vacuuming, etc. During one of her cleaning sessions last summer she had the notion that it was high time that my drive unit could do with a cleaning underneath. Yes. UNDERNEATH. So she tries to hold the unit in one arm while dusting the desk surface with the other.


Let's just say she has a nasty habit of dropping and breaking stuff. I'm sure you can use your imagination with the rest.........

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Hmmm. I suppose *CRACK* could be classified as "mechanical" then.

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