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F-15C Galm Team (Ace Combat Zero)

Updated Version (09/09/17)


What is it?

It's a paintscheme for the F-15C Eagle of the Ustio Air Force 6th Air Division, 66th Air Force Unit "Galm", from the game Ace Combat Zero. For F-15C (85).

The Galm Team are a Mercenary Unit hired by Ustio and attached to the 6th Air Division. In the opening days of the Belkan War, Ustio lost 70% of their Air Forces and needed to find replacements quickly. The use of "Unofficial Assets" AKA foreign mercanaries became valid and the Galm Team was hired. Since then, they've become one of the most famous units in the war and have become known by their Allies and their enemies. They are supported by AWACS Eagle Eye and are deployed from Valais Air Base.

During one encounter with the feared Schwarze Wing they were called "The Mercenary Dream Team". The name stuck with them.
The Galm Team had participated in every major battle that the Allied Forces had undertaken, during the Belkan War. Cipher and Pixy had gained much recognition from their Allies for their amazing feats of skill and from their enemies in many ways. Some of it respect, fear or hatred.

Galm One
Name: Unknown
Callsign: Cipher
Age: Late 20's to early 30's
Sex: Male

"The Demon Lord"

The leader of the 66th AFU of the Ustian 6th Air Division. A feared Ace, who trailed across the skies, bringing doom and destruction. One could say he is like the Razgriz, bringing death upon the land,( the first part of the war). Then he enters sleep, during the "6 Months Of Void"", then comes back as a hero defeating Pixy and his V2 from destroying the world. Little is known about him or where he went after the Belkan War. (player's character).

Galm Two
Name: Larry Foulke
Callsign: Pixy
Nationality: Belka
Age: 28 (in 1995) 38 (in 2005)
Sex: Male

"A Brother in Arms".

Joined the Coup D'état forces and A World With No Boundaries after defecting from the Ustio Mercenary unit. It is rumored that he is currently a soldier in a volunteer army in a small country in Usea but, the info is still unconfirmed.

Which addon(s) are required?

F-15 Super Pack (version 2.4) by FastCargo (Link to File )

(You will also have to add a new nation Ustio into nations.ini, instructions inside)


Skin and Decals : Zachtan1234

Template : EricJ (Link to Template )

Check out my other work :

F-16C Windhover Squadron (Ace Combat 6)

F/A-18E Grun Team (Ace Combat Zero)

F-22A Gryphus Squadron (Ace Combat X)

F-5E Wardog Squadron (Ace Combat 5)

F-15E Sorcerer (Ace Combat Zero)

JAS 39 Gripen-C Indigo (Ace Combat Zero)

F-14D Schnee (Ace Combat Zero)

YF-23A Wizard (Ace Combat Zero)

F-22A Aggressors (Fictional)

F-4E Mobius (Ace Combat 4)

Eurofighter-GmbH EF-2000 "Typhoon" Rot Team (Ace Combat Zero)




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    • By Menrva

      View File F-22A Raptor Skin Pack
      F-22A Raptor Skin Pack
      October 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is an extra skin pack for the high quality F-22A Raptor aircraft add-on. Most skins are based on ideas and depictions from other videogames. Here below a list of the included ones:
      -YF-22 Paint Scheme (inspired by the real YF-22 prototype)
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      -Saudi Grey Camouflage (as depicted in Digital Image Design's F-22 Total Air War)
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      As a bonus, different aircraft configuration files are included in the "(Alternative Data)" folder. You'll be able to choose between realistic loadouts (default configuration of the aircraft add-on package) and what-if loadouts inspired by the mentioned F-22 videogames of the late 90s, namely weapons included in F-22 Lightning 3. Both configurations are also available with the addition of invisible skids; those will allow you to perform belly landings, which are a feature of good old F-22 Total Air War.
      -The B61 tactical nuclear bomb is a retarded version, but drop it safely from high altitude at high speed. Take note that it does not damage the stock Runway object, due to the armor values of it. The B61 is meant to be used against naval fleets you may encounter on some custom terrains.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -yakarov79, for his high quality templates which allowed me to easily put some new paint on the aircraft.
      -ravenclaw_007, for sharing some of his latest weapon 3d models for the bonus what-if loadouts.
      -Astore, for providing me with better Ace Combat themed emblems, and for being one of the few Italian Ace Combat fans like me.
      -godrugalultimate, from DeviantArt, for making incredibly detailed Ace Combat themed decals.
      -RythusOmega, for providing all Ace Combat 7 emblems and whose skins have been used as reference for the Phoenix liveries.
      -Lanzerince, whose Ace Combat 7 skins have been used as reference for the Scarface livery.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Blade, for sharing info about the purpose of the game's decal levels.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Submitter Menrva Submitted 10/13/2021 Category F-22  
    • By Menrva
      F-22A Raptor Skin Pack
      October 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is an extra skin pack for the high quality F-22A Raptor aircraft add-on. Most skins are based on ideas and depictions from other videogames. Here below a list of the included ones:
      -YF-22 Paint Scheme (inspired by the real YF-22 prototype)
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      -Phoenix Livery (from Namco Hometek's Air Combat, as depicted in Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      -Phoenix Livery, Dark (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat Infinity)
      -Scarface One Livery (as depicted in Namco Hometek's Ace Combat 2)
      -Z.O.E., Red Livery (from Namco Hometek's Ace Combat 2, as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat Infinity)
      -Mobius One, ISAF Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies)
      -Abell, Black Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies)
      -Razgriz Livery (from Project Aces' Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War, as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)
      -Pegas, 3-Tone Blue Camouflage (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)
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      -Gryphus One Livery (from Access Games' Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception, as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat Infinity)
      -Warwolf Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat: Assault Horizon)
      -Mobius One, IUN Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      -Trigger Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      -JASDF 2-Tone Blue Camouflage (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      As a bonus, different aircraft configuration files are included in the "(Alternative Data)" folder. You'll be able to choose between realistic loadouts (default configuration of the aircraft add-on package) and what-if loadouts inspired by the mentioned F-22 videogames of the late 90s, namely weapons included in F-22 Lightning 3. Both configurations are also available with the addition of invisible skids; those will allow you to perform belly landings, which are a feature of good old F-22 Total Air War.
      -The B61 tactical nuclear bomb is a retarded version, but drop it safely from high altitude at high speed. Take note that it does not damage the stock Runway object, due to the armor values of it. The B61 is meant to be used against naval fleets you may encounter on some custom terrains.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -yakarov79, for his high quality templates which allowed me to easily put some new paint on the aircraft.
      -ravenclaw_007, for sharing some of his latest weapon 3d models for the bonus what-if loadouts.
      -Astore, for providing me with better Ace Combat themed emblems, and for being one of the few Italian Ace Combat fans like me.
      -godrugalultimate, from DeviantArt, for making incredibly detailed Ace Combat themed decals.
      -RythusOmega, for providing all Ace Combat 7 emblems and whose skins have been used as reference for the Phoenix liveries.
      -Lanzerince, whose Ace Combat 7 skins have been used as reference for the Scarface livery.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Blade, for sharing info about the purpose of the game's decal levels.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    • By daddyairplanes

      View File Liberty Wing '95: The 48th Fighter Wing in the Eagle Era
                                                                                                                      Liberty Wing '95: The 48th Fighter Wing in the Eagle Era
      This mod is an all up unit mod featuring the 48th Fighter Wing and its three squadrons, the 492nd FS "Bolars", 493rd FS "Grim Reapers", and 494th FS "Panthers". The wing participated in some fashion in practically every military action of the 1990s: Northern Watch, Deny Flight, Deliberate Force, and Allied Force in 1999. These skins are accurate from 1994 until the end of 1996, and the serials accurate until the end of 1998. The Mod includes everything to have the Liberty Wing ready to go from install.
      F-15C_91 with 493rd FS skin and ini updates
      F-15D_91 with 493rd FS skin and ini updates
      F-15E_92 with 492nd and 494th FS skins, "new" aircraft based on old F-15E
      various weapons as would be used by these aircraft in the mid 1990s
      sounds, effects, floght and other objects needed to make it all work
      unzip. place contents of "to mods" folder into your chosen mod folder. allow overwrites

      ************************ Original F-15C/D/E **********************************
      AleDucat     - For the nice ACES II ejection seat models.
      Deuces         - For the F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.
      Diego         - For the Modern USAF Pilot skins.
      Fubar512     - For the FM work.
      JimmyBib     - For the F-15C cockpit flight control textures.
      MoonJumper     - Avionics work.
      Wpnssgt     - Models
      Kesselburt     - Original F-15C cockpit.
      Brain32     - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.
      Mago         - F-15E Cockpit.
      331KillerBee     - SF2 Weapons Pack (basis for some of the weapons included).
      JAT81500     - F-15E Cockpit avionics and HUD work.

      ************************ Mud Hen Maintenance Team **************************
      Viper63a     - Upgraded Skins, Decals, Cockpit and Menu Screens.
      Spudknocker     - Upgraded Flight Model and Weapons Loadout.
      Fanatic Modder     - Upgraded Flight Model and Engine Emitters.
      RavenClaw_007     - Freaking insane Weapons and Ejection Seats!
      JAT81500     - For the excellent Florian Pilot upgrades!
      Hi Ho Silvers     - AfterBurner Mod.

      ************************ this mod         ***************************
      Viper63        - skin templates
      ravenclaw    - weapons not in Gunny's pack such as the B61 special weapon and AGM-130 missiles
      daddyairplanes    - research, new skins, tga work, various ini edits on aircraft and on stock weapons like Mk82; new hangar and loading screens, "new" F-15E (92) with different weapons groupings and more accurate to use the -229 engines

       ************************ overall         ***************************   
      TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
      Thank you for downloading this mod, i hope you enjoy flying it it as much as I enjoyed working on it.
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      26 Dec 2023

      This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
      Submitter daddyairplanes Submitted 12/26/2023 Category F-15  
    • By daddyairplanes
                                                                                                                      Liberty Wing '95: The 48th Fighter Wing in the Eagle Era
      This mod is an all up unit mod featuring the 48th Fighter Wing and its three squadrons, the 492nd FS "Bolars", 493rd FS "Grim Reapers", and 494th FS "Panthers". The wing participated in some fashion in practically every military action of the 1990s: Northern Watch, Deny Flight, Deliberate Force, and Allied Force in 1999. These skins are accurate from 1994 until the end of 1996, and the serials accurate until the end of 1998. The Mod includes everything to have the Liberty Wing ready to go from install.
      F-15C_91 with 493rd FS skin and ini updates
      F-15D_91 with 493rd FS skin and ini updates
      F-15E_92 with 492nd and 494th FS skins, "new" aircraft based on old F-15E
      various weapons as would be used by these aircraft in the mid 1990s
      sounds, effects, floght and other objects needed to make it all work
      unzip. place contents of "to mods" folder into your chosen mod folder. allow overwrites

      ************************ Original F-15C/D/E **********************************
      AleDucat     - For the nice ACES II ejection seat models.
      Deuces         - For the F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.
      Diego         - For the Modern USAF Pilot skins.
      Fubar512     - For the FM work.
      JimmyBib     - For the F-15C cockpit flight control textures.
      MoonJumper     - Avionics work.
      Wpnssgt     - Models
      Kesselburt     - Original F-15C cockpit.
      Brain32     - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.
      Mago         - F-15E Cockpit.
      331KillerBee     - SF2 Weapons Pack (basis for some of the weapons included).
      JAT81500     - F-15E Cockpit avionics and HUD work.

      ************************ Mud Hen Maintenance Team **************************
      Viper63a     - Upgraded Skins, Decals, Cockpit and Menu Screens.
      Spudknocker     - Upgraded Flight Model and Weapons Loadout.
      Fanatic Modder     - Upgraded Flight Model and Engine Emitters.
      RavenClaw_007     - Freaking insane Weapons and Ejection Seats!
      JAT81500     - For the excellent Florian Pilot upgrades!
      Hi Ho Silvers     - AfterBurner Mod.

      ************************ this mod         ***************************
      Viper63        - skin templates
      ravenclaw    - weapons not in Gunny's pack such as the B61 special weapon and AGM-130 missiles
      daddyairplanes    - research, new skins, tga work, various ini edits on aircraft and on stock weapons like Mk82; new hangar and loading screens, "new" F-15E (92) with different weapons groupings and more accurate to use the -229 engines

       ************************ overall         ***************************   
      TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
      Thank you for downloading this mod, i hope you enjoy flying it it as much as I enjoyed working on it.
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      26 Dec 2023

      This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
    • By Viper63a

      View File F-15CD USAF Templates (Viper63a Modded)
      F-15CD USAF Templates (Viper63a Modded)
      This is a folder dump of my F-15 C & D USAF Skin Templates...
      This is merely my addition to the already existing and excellent skins in CombatAce...
      Thank you, 
      The Mudhen Maintenance Team 2016
      Viper63a - Upgraded Skins, Decals, Cockpit and Menu Screens.
      Spudknocker - Upgraded Flight Model and Weapons Loadout.
      Fanatic Modder - Upgraded Flight Model and Engine Emitters.
      Crusader - Upgraded and added 2012 FM and Cockpits to pack!
      RavenClaw_007 - Freaking insane Weapons and Ejection Seats! 
      JAT81500 - For the excellent Florian Pilot upgrades!
      Hi Ho Silvers - AfterBurner Mod.
      Nengajyou Aki -JASDF Serial Decals.
      Stick - Beta testing and assistance with FM - THANK YOU!
      April 2016
      Salute to the 2010 F-15 Super Pack Team for the original
      F-15 Super Pack!
      TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
      The Mirage Factory - For the nice F-15D MSIP aircraft...in particular Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, and Dave for making the F-15 MAX files available for me to play with.
      Kei Nagase - For the awesome skins for the F-15 ACTIVE.
      AleDucat - For the nice ACES II ejection seat models.
      Deuces - For the F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.
      Diego - For the Modern USAF Pilot skins.
      Fubar512 - For the FM work.
      JimmyBib - For the F-15C cockpit flight control textures.
      MoonJumper - Avionics work.
      Sundowner - Textures.
      USAFMTL/Dave - Decals.
      Wpnssgt - Models, Textures.
      Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit.
      Kout - Loading and Hanger Screens.
      Kct - Textures and decals for the F-15SG.
      Brain32 - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.
      Mago - F-15E Cockpit.
      331KillerBee - SF2 Weapons Pack (basis for some of the weapons included).
      Lexx Luthor - Siberian Sky Experimental 3-D Rocket Exhaust
      JAT81500 - F-15E Cockpit avionics and HUD work.
      To my fellows at Combatace for helping me beta test and work out bugs.
      Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
      FastCargo - 12 Jan 10
      Thank you, 
      Submitter Viper63a Submitted 11/16/2023 Category Skin Templates  

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