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Strike Fighters 2: Windows 10 Edition up for pre-order

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Where is the voodoo emoji when its really needed.... :blink:

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I just hope it comes out. I mean that's the salient point to all this.

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After consideration, I will pass this one and wait for holosuite version.  Miles and Julian said it is worth trying.

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Always wanted to fly with them in their "Battle of Britain"  scenarios!!!!! 

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so Win10 when eh?

tumbleweed? tumbleweed! prepurchased it and somewhat am not suprised it isn't here yet :insert suprised pikachu face:

MiGMan_Flight_Sim_Museum -BTW pleasantly suprised to see a legend from modem times way back here, cheers!- made excellent points
the biggest offense are the lighting and atmosphere, terrain I would argue still works in the tiled variant as titles like Falcon BMS or Vector Thrust show, it's the matter of polishing things there

and ofc the big elephant in the room is lack of presence on Steam and GOG

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1 hour ago, Stary said:

and ofc the big elephant in the room is lack of presence on Steam and GOG

Exactly. The SF2 games still have a reason to exist, they may be dated but they still are a very decent platform and framework for mods. The amount of third-party content made for them is unrivalled. However, TK insists on selling them overpriced on a late 90s-looking store, thus making these games even more unknown and scam-looking.

Probably we got it wrong all these years, TK actually stands for Taken Down, with reference to his own game series...

Edited by Menrva
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On 5/23/2022 at 7:10 PM, Stary said:

so Win10 when eh?

tumbleweed? tumbleweed! prepurchased it and somewhat am not suprised it isn't here yet :insert suprised pikachu face:

MiGMan_Flight_Sim_Museum -BTW pleasantly suprised to see a legend from modem times way back here, cheers!- made excellent points
the biggest offense are the lighting and atmosphere, terrain I would argue still works in the tiled variant as titles like Falcon BMS or Vector Thrust show, it's the matter of polishing things there

and ofc the big elephant in the room is lack of presence on Steam and GOG



Thank you sir!


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On 12/5/2021 at 1:37 AM, GKABS said:

I think we need to do more praying 🙏 maybe it will help it has been over two years, let use all gather around for a prayer please. :pope:

  19 hours ago, MK2 said:
  On 7/8/2022 at 12:13 PM, Erik said:

Hi MK, if you view his profile on the left column his email address will be available to you as an administrator. https://combatace.com/profile/51-tk_thirdwire/ I can't guarantee it still works but it was a direct line of communication with him at one point. 

Thanks I did try it but have not heard back. 

In case it's still active, everyone should go there and follow him...he only has 2 followers and I am one of them...


Edited by Viper63a

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I think we can claim the need of SF2 at Thirdwire DISCORD channel. Please help SF2 players. 

Our biggest may being no usage of official communication platform. 

Edited by 59rar

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We can't speak for TK and the devs at Thirdwire. I mean he's focused on the mobile aspect of the game and that's where it stands. As far as official communication we can't do anything for SF2 players who get on Discord and not here. If TK pointed users to come here they can be helped sure no problem. But I looked at the Discord channel after your post (after forgetting it existed after months of not using Discord for the Thirdwire channel) and think that there's not enough people to an "all hands" help fest with it. I'll pop on every once in a while, but there are not many users for the PC title.

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screen shots and suggest boxes are ocupited by MOBILE guys. 

What a miserable! 

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I saw that and frankly, it's not CombatAce's responsibility to moderate the Discord server. I mean they supposedly have people for that, but they may not be around.

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1 hour ago, EricJ said:

I mean they supposedly have people for that, but they may not be around.

They don't, I mean TK doesn't. TK created the server and no moderators exist for his TW server. Actually, it is surprising it is plagued very rarely by spammers, but nobody can remove any such posts from the server when they happen. TK does not deal at all with his own server, technical support for end-users is non existent. I'm sure there are fans who would gladly help him manage the server, but he's not interested in any interaction at all with the community. BTW, ThirdWire is a one-man development team, it's just TK at this time.

Edited by Menrva
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30 minutes ago, Menrva said:

They don't, I mean TK doesn't. TK created the server and no moderators exist for his TW server. Actually, it is surprising it is plagued very rarely by spammers, but nobody can remove any such posts from the server when they happen. TK does not deal at all with his own server, technical support for end-users is non existent. I'm sure there are fans who would gladly help him manage the server, but he's not interested in any interaction at all with the community. BTW, ThirdWire is a one-man development team, it's just TK at this time.

Sadly that it the truth.:sad:

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too bad the doesnt release the source code, im sure the community can fix a lot of bugs and enable discarded features.

maybe some kind of licence that allows him to still make profits from the .lods and art, like FreeSpace Open did.

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On 20.10.2021 at 4:48 PM, MICHOO said:

More than one and a half years have passed
Can we officially call it a fraud?

Can we?

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I think TK had planned to release a Win10 patch, seriously. But I don't think he was out to screw us over. The amount of money that was donated reflected the community's interest, and it was a bit not overwhelming, so he abandoned it. That's how I see it. I don't think it's a fraud, just didn't get the money he hoped for.

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2 hours ago, EricJ said:

I think TK had planned to release a Win10 patch, seriously. But I don't think he was out to screw us over. The amount of money that was donated reflected the community's interest, and it was a bit not overwhelming, so he abandoned it. That's how I see it. I don't think it's a fraud, just didn't get the money he hoped for.

I think you are correct, but he should come out and tell the community (especially people who donated) where he stands on this and to return the money in good faith.

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2 hours ago, GKABS said:

I think you are correct, but he should come out and tell the community (especially people who donated) where he stands on this and to return the money in good faith.


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I want to knonw What TK needs or going to do 

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12 minutes ago, 59rar said:

I want to knonw What TK needs or going to do 

Lol we all would like to know my friend

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So, in summary, nearly three years overdue and no communication. Sweet.

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even before, there was not much communication at all.

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