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The Corona Virus Thread

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9 hours ago, Dave said:

I know where you going with this comment Erik. I can't stand him anymore. I wish he would STFU and go away. Having said that, I'll never give a vote to a Democrat. So we are just fucked. 

Much love brother, no hate, you and your family be safe and stay safe. This is our time to be the Americans we are all proud of, the head Cheeto matters not, let's just get through this alive.

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3 hours ago, Dysko said:

Just to have some fun, here is a compilation of Italian mayors and governors angry with people defying the lockdown:


Good efforts there, promoting their martial law / police state protocols. Getting better with the day. Unfortunately it is still unconvincing, so i'll go outside now to catch some more spring sun.

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7 hours ago, Erik said:

Much love brother, no hate, you and your family be safe and stay safe. This is our time to be the Americans we are all proud of, the head Cheeto matters not, let's just get through this alive.

And you and yours as well my friend. 

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Update Teterboro NJ ,, 4 confirmed positives in my place of work, one in critical condition and 6 others in self quarantine

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10 hours ago, Veltro2k said:

Update Teterboro NJ ,, 4 confirmed positives in my place of work, one in critical condition and 6 others in self quarantine

Stay safe man!

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Update from Italy.

First of all, please understand that every region in Italy has some decision-making autonomy on several issues, including healthcare.

This is what happened:
Every region except for Lombardy: "Let's perform swabs on every suspect case, especially if they are sure they were in contact with a confirmed positive case, so we can trace the outbreak"
Lombardy: "Naah, let's perform swabs only on those who are hospitalized"

Every region except for Lombardy: the outbreak is more or less contained. Death rate is on par with rest of the world.
Lombardy: positive cases are coming out of the goddamn walls. Death rate is 4x than the rest of the world. Several people who were told to just self-isolate are often found dead at home (especially the elderly) without ever being tested (so they do not even appear in the official statistics). This March several towns reported 5x the number of deaths compared to the average number of deaths in March in the last few years, and often less than half of these are officially recognised COVID-19 cases.

Not only that, but in the last days a decrease in the number of daily discovered positive cases in Lombardy was reported.
It turned out that less daily swabs were performed.
As they increased again the number of daily swabs, daily positive cases started increasing again. Who could have imagined so.

I fear the situation here in Lombardy will still worsen for few weeks, as the outbreak reached Milan, the most populous and densely inhabited city in the region and northern Italy.

In Milan a new field hospital has been recently completed. And to celebrate its opening, hundreds of journalists were invited in a cramped conference room for a press conference  :doh:

The lockdown should have ended this weekend, but it has been prolonged for another week, and still it will not be enough.

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14 minutes ago, Dysko said:

The lockdown should have ended this weekend, but it has been prolonged for another week, and still it will not be enough.

So true, the lockdown will necessarily have to be prolonged. And as you say, Lombardy mismanaged the situation with swabs. The outbreak is not under control over there. It's scary to think that number of deaths are even much higher than the ones reported, for the reasons you explained. Here in the Marche region we're rather stable. We have deaths and new cases every day, but the rate is slow, fortunately.

What's even worse in Lombardy, a lot of doctors died. They don't have the means to protect themselves, and are doing the impossible to save lives. I consider myself lucky to be at home. They are not, and are putting their lives on the line for the health of others.

Hang in there and stay safe!

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I've been busy since 7 PM trying to upload a Skype recording of a transit board meeting with extensive discussion about Covid19.  One transit operator has passed on, another is in the hospital, and some more are infected.  The logistics of shutting down the transit and dealing with boarding beyond social distancing were discussed, it's that bad.  

Oh and when you record a meeting on the phone, make sure the microphone is NOT recording otherwise you'll have not just echo but also the sound of typing in the background.  Otherwise, expect to spend hours going thru Audacity and other programs to correct the error.   Only now is the YouTube uploading and it's 2:15 AM here on the West Coast - well over an hour past my bedtime. Sigh.

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Sorry Josefk, I am not very familiar with the US, can you explain more ?

What is a transit board meeting ?

Edited by jeanba
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On 4/3/2020 at 2:59 AM, jeanba said:

Sorry Josefk, I am not very familiar with the US, can you explain more ?

What is a transit board meeting ?

Sorry for the late response I was so busy.  It's when a bunch of local politicians get together to set policy for and finance a local public transit.

The video is below.  Big Covid19 stuff at 42:12 til 1:18:52, 1:32:47 til 1:37:20, 1:39:14 til 1:42:20 and 1:42:45 til 1:47:27.



Things are so serious for transit operators the Community Transit operator's union is posting weekday Facebook updates and the national unions are getting aggressive.  

Yes, if you depend on transit... essential trips only please!

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I understand better now.

The danger is the same a little everywhere.

Moreover, public transportation is mainly transporting people from health service in France, who are exposed to coronavirus (-thank's to them anyway)

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well my personal experience with corona has been rather on the mild side compared to two other brothers of mine with the third brother, mother and father so far not encountering or being asymptomatic. father is already struggling with severe health issues so if he encounters it, he will be dead without a doubt.

Denmark, time and place of infection 11th of march 13.45 local time, local grosser, expedient was coughing mildly and looked like sweating a little when we(roomie and i) started to deposit our goods, looked seriously worse after we payed for them so either rapid onset of symptoms or light differences made all the difference.

we where wearing gloves, we cleaned every goods we bought when we came home so most likely airborne.

symptoms started next morning at 0900 when we(roomie and i) got up, fatigue coughing, sweating, muscle pains - like having taken a light run and forgot to stretch, slight fever at 37.2 celcius which was also the highest temperature we recorded during our symptomatic period (lowest at 35.8) and the feeling of having a much severe fever than that for the first three days. Hard to breathe after 7 days which still persist, had indigestion after 9 days which took almost a week to resolve and i still get annoyances from it now with either loose or hard belly. started getting some slight chest pains with the indigestion (which needs to get checked first opportunity but since the docs are closed to anything but the most severe it is going to be a long while) which certainly supports the case of some serious long term damage...

coughing and hardness to breathe continues to today, mostly when there is dust or dry air, still get an occasional chest pain so most likely permanent damage to heart or heart region, fatigue is still present and seems to remain, likely o2 uptake could be down but i cannot detect it with any means i have at my disposal now - did see some lack of responsiveness around day 12 to 14.

older brother, his wife and two kids was hit much more severely by fever and cough, but is on the mend and on his way back to work.

younger brother just had a baby so they are "safe" in the hospital care.

earliest symptoms in the first few days would not have been something i would have bothered with prior to this virus and would probably had gone on working from home, but it keeps sucking energy from you, slowly hitting you with every guerilla virus attack, draining you and not letting you recover or really rest so you feel drained all the time, tired when you get up, tired after taking a nap, make you feel like you just had a short run and forgot to stretch all the time and never recovered from the last run either. so i would not want to get hit by this any harder or again.

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thank you for sharing that!  :drinks:

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On 3/17/2020 at 9:44 PM, JosefK said:


I generally agree with you.  The US Public Health apparatus had time to at the very least ramp up testing and demand emergency funding.  But of course when the President disbands the high level pandemic unit according to the AP....

It's actually worse than that. Here's a couple good reads worth knowing about.




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2 hours ago, jeanba said:

Makes me think he was teh first detected patient, but maybe not the "real" Patient 0

Agreed. In the two week period from December 26, 2019 to January 8, 2020 when all this information was coming out of China's CDC we should have closed ALL international travel coming into the United States. Inexperience, susceptibility to conspiracy theories, and his own anger of being impeached led to classifying the intelligence as top secret and subjecting Congress' hearings to classified which had the effect of keeping the information from the people, states, municipalities, and hospitals. It was deny deny deny, hoax hoax, next democrat hoax, deny deny deny, yeah I always knew it was a pandemic. I can't think of a bigger dereliction of responsibilities and duties.


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That sucks. Wish he'd taken things a little more serious, though nobody deserves this so indeed hope he regains his health.


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Hello everyone, i haven't posted here for a couple of years, being busy with real life issues, but stayed in contact with a few of us and just came to say hi.

We are in lockdown in Spain, i was in the Army Logistics Academy converting after promotion (from Infantry to Electronics, feels like a monkey training to become an astronaut) and they basiclly told of to F back home and carry on with the subjects online. It is kind of frustrating since we just got certified back in Law Enforcement and NBQ and could be out with some units wich were deployed providing support.

Family is Ok, but my sister works as a therapist in a nursing home and has lost several patients to Covid-19. She was quite attached to them, and it is taking its toll, i'm concerned she might get old-sergeant syndrome as this crap goes by.

Just wish you all the best, take any lockdown or quarantine measures seriously, it sucks but you get used to it. Don't give it any chances, it is far more serious than any flu and it is quite a cruel way to die. 

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All my thoughts to our Spanish neighbours (well, not all, I have thoughts to all other countries which are affected by Coronavirus).

I know it is hard there

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13 hours ago, Erik said:

Agreed. In the two week period from December 26, 2019 to January 8, 2020 when all this information was coming out of China's CDC we should have closed ALL international travel coming into the United States. Inexperience, susceptibility to conspiracy theories, and his own anger of being impeached led to classifying the intelligence as top secret and subjecting Congress' hearings to classified which had the effect of keeping the information from the people, states, municipalities, and hospitals. It was deny deny deny, hoax hoax, next democrat hoax, deny deny deny, yeah I always knew it was a pandemic. I can't think of a bigger dereliction of responsibilities and duties.


Somehow, doctors should adapt the famous US pilot saying:

"A Covid in your waiting room is better than no CoVid at all"

Edited by jeanba
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