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Showing most liked content on 12/17/2023 in Files

  1. 8 points

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Formosa Straits Terrain Revamp (v.2) by Gepard 10/15/23 *Full 5 Merged Installs Recommended* This terrain mod is designed to REPLACE any and all eariler versions. It also includes any previous updates from long past years. It is designed for use with the SF2-NA environment While the tiling has not been touched, (almost) all the target areas have been revamped, rebuilt or replaced. Several new regions have been added, and many of the other inis have been upgraded (See Notes for more changes). Several items (Ground Objects & Weapons) are supplied; in the Notes section is a list of other items you'll probably want to obtain. Be advised, you will experience longer than usual loading times, due to the weight of objects on the terrain. And yes, you can expect a plethora of 'hidden in the open' Easter Eggs. After all, it's my trademark!! (tm) As always, PLEASE read the install instructions, and the accompaning Notes and Other Nonsense for more details on other needed items. As is reccommended, unzip to an easy to find location, so you can access the readme for it's full instructions. Gepard's original readme is also included, for historical purposes. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  2. 3 points

    Version 1.3.3


    Royal Air Force Meteors. Bunch of Meteors for the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy. This mod is not to compete with the previous Meteor mods that I was part of. It is just my, different approach. Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.) Install: Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination. A fake pilot is required to run this mod. Also, the Thirdwire Meteor cockpit is required from the original game. Fuel tanks- not to be afraid. Overwrite or just leave it. 100 gal tank is the original TW tank. You can overwrite or just simply do not copy. 175 gal tank also. Tanks are just ini files. The mod uses tanks that are part of aircraft lod. Yes, again Meteors. But I made this revamp to fix what I wanted to fix for some time already in old models..plus a few new things. So we have 22 different (more or less) aircraft. F Mk.1 - first 12 production Meteors with Welland I engines. Not all served in 616 Sq at the same time. Some were moved to RAE or Gloster Company for further development. F.Mk.3 - first 15 airframes with Welland I engine. F.Mk.3 - equipped with Derwent I engine. F.Mk.4 - High-Speed Record (Basically F.4 with long span wing from F.3 - Or F.3 with long Nacelles - depends on how you look at it - but serial is listed under F.4) - Anyway, bonus aircraft for speed record in 1945 and 1946. F.Mk.4 - fighter jet with Derwent 5 engines. T.Mk.7 - two-seat training jet. F.8 - represented in mod with 3 variants for the game. First with an early canopy hood. Then bubble canopy and the last one with a large bore engine intake...(mostly serials WK and WL...but at some point, you could have large intakes and early canopy...just a matter of when and where) FR.9 - fighter recon version in two variants early and late canopy. PR.10 - photo reconnaissance version NF.11 - radar night /all-weather fighter NF.13 - radar night /all-weather fighter with additional equipment for use in hot/tropical climate NF.12 - radar night /all-weather fighter NF.14 - radar night /all-weather fighter NF.14(trop) radar night /all-weather fighter with additional equipment for use in hot/tropical climates mostly prepared for No 60 Sq. But also served within units stationed in Great Britain. NF(T).14 - training version for Air Navigation Schools - Rebuild from NF.14 - no radar or armament. TT.20 - target tug aircraft with target sleeve for artillery practice (target sleeve is deployed as bomb bay doors - AI will open doors when approaching target). U.15 - target/research drone jet based on F.4 Meteor U.16 - target/research drone jet based on F.8 Meteor T7(TT) - separate version - target tug with target banner. - Should start in the air in single mission editor - while AI is taking off it will lose the banner on an airstrip. Tip... TT.20, U.15, U.16, and T.7(TT) are serving for nation=RAF but privately I have them as RAF-RED for 'training purposes' you can do that too, or screw this at all. Use it for your liking. I do not know how you are going to use those special aircraft...but it is here for general enjoyment. While RAF did not have in mind using Meteors for a ground attack there was a possibility to equip them with non-guided rockets (F.8 and FR9) or bombs (F.4/F.8/FR.9). So you can do it...but I set primary/secondary mission only CAS and armed recon for FR.9...but you can always edit it your way. I fixed data files a little - collision points and hitboxes..as the previous ones were quite weird. But I believe that the flight model could be improved for this aircraft. But this is not my cup of tea nor coffee. All skins are in 4096x4096 format. You can easily resize as needed. Now all Meteors are using the same common color standard. Skins represent all squadrons that operationally used Meteors. Later at some point, after withdrawal many Meteors found some new home as squadron hacks..and could be found everywhere...almost. But those were single examples in specific markings. Those are not included in this mod. I Made a bunch of decals. Some squadrons have special markings on the fin to represent commanding officer aircraft (usually the correct serial number for a specific year), and some do not. Mostly code letter is generic and do not correspond with real code assigned to serial number. But in a few skin sets it is as it should be. You will see. Explore. Also, RAF letters folder should be added to the Decals folder I know it is big but it gives slightly better quality with still small file size All correct serial numbers for every Meteor version. Excluded are numbers that never served within the Royal Air Force or were sold to other countries from RAF inventory. this gives us 2918 individual serial numbers (I believe that is the number never counted what I did). There are many reasons why I have made things in this mod the way they are...versions, skins, and decals. A lot to explain but I doubt anyone wants to read about it anyway. Under no circumstances do not use any part of it with older Meteors done by me and published here in CA. These new ones have some differences in mapping. Some things were changed, some mapping issues and small thingies. So please do not mess up things. Credits. Veltro2k - the original old model of t7 Yours truly - model rework, mambo jumbo like skins, decals, research... No animal was harmed during the creation of this mod. Only Italian coffee was used, mod may contain cookie crumbs and nuts. Seat - all credits to the creator - unfortunately I don't remember who made this seat. I guess the skin was painted by Kulbit. Pilots - RAF pilot by Geezer another one I have no idea / don't remember who did it. All credit to him/her. Weapons RP-3 rockets from Ravenclaw. This model is designed/checked only to work with Ravenclaw's RP-3 rockets - so there might be some strange positioning in other (stock) rockets. During the creation of squadron patches, I might have used the wrong crown on squadron crests. (according to the squadron timeframe)Gaffe indeed. All should have St. Edward's Crown but I am aware that some have Tudor Crown. It is not out of ignorance ...Hope this small faux pas can be forgiven. Have fun. Report bugs. * Expect the unexpected. Live long and prosper. Jarek Hereda THIS MODEL IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE AND IN NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL IT BE USED, EVEN IN PART OF ANYTHING THAT IS PAYWARE. UNDER THE COMBAT ACE MODDERS AGREEMENT * report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it. Not like this mod is using some ancient or extraterrestrial files..
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    SOKO Kometa for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the superb Chengdu J-10A by the Insky Group to create a fictional SOKO Kometa in service with the Serbian Air Force. Two Serbian squadrons are included (101st & 241st) as well as a bonus Montenegrin Air Force skin but you'll need to add them to your nations list as they are not featured in a stock install. BACKSTORY In May 1982 the government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, led by Petar Stambolić, announced the ambitious 'Novi Avion' programme with the aim of designing and manufacturing an air superiority fighter to supplement and eventually replace the Yugoslavian Air Force's substantial MiG-21 force. SOKO (the state aircraft manufacturer) were awarded a design study contract and by 1984 their proposal had crystallized into a single-engine, supersonic fighter aircraft featuring a delta wing with a canard foreplane. The 'Novi Avion' programme seemed to mimic the Republic's move away from Communism to a market economy by becoming a much more capable multi-role aircraft and therefore more attractive to potential export customers. Whilst this did mean an unavoidable escalation in aircraft size and weight it did mean that the excellent Lyulka AL-31F engine (as used in the Sukhoi Su-27) would be a perfect match. In May 1986 the Yugoslavian Government ordered 150 'Novi Avion' aircraft to replace both its MiG-21 and Soko J-21 Jastreb fleets and the following month saw SOKO rename the aircraft as the SOKO Kometa (Comet). Development moved smoothly during the remainder of the decade and many elements of the aircraft programme such as production facilities, mock-up, cockpit simulator, etc. had been constructed. However the start of the new decade saw the political situation in Yugoslavia worsen and by 1991 Yugoslavia had begun to disintegrate into several smaller nations. Putting a brave face on the situation, SOKO announced a postponement of the programme but also an intent to continue "as soon as possible". Production facilities were partially dismantled and relocated to Serbia with SOKO absorbing Utva Aviation Industry (based in Pančevo) who had previously worked with SOKO in the manufacturing of the J-22 Orao and also the G-4 Super Galeb. On April 28th, 1992 the two remaining republics of Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro, formed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and President Dobrica Ćosić wasted no time in re-launching the Kometa programme. Behind the scenes, SOKO were instructed to simplify certain aspects of the Kometa and the UN economic sanctions imposed on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were bypassed largely by switching to Chinese avionics. SOKO worked miracles in assembling the first Kometa prototype during 1997 although the first flight would have to wait until May 1st, 1998 when Major General Dragan Mihajlović lifted off from Batajnica Air Base. In 2003 the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia became officially known as the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro but by 2006 Montenegro left the union following a referendum leading to the full independence of Serbia and Montenegro. This political instability slowed the programme even further and it was not until June 5th, 2006 that the Kometa entered service with the 101st Squadron of the Serbian Air Force. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Kometa folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Kometa folder into your Decals folder. 3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop all files into your Weapons folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Special thanks to the Insky Group for bringing us the J-10A... way back in 2008! This package includes some Soviet weapons from my install and I'd like to thank the creators of those files. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 02/03/2021
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Fighter armed reconnaissance version of the F.8, first flown 23 March 1950, 126 built by Gloster for the Royal Air Force. Former RAF aircraft were later sold to Ecuador, Israel and Syria. WHATS'IN: - a complete repacked plane with ALL airforces, skins, decals, squadrons for ALL terrains and campaigns - 24 skins (16 RAF; 5 IDF; 2 FAE; 1 SyAF) - historical decals by airforce - hangars & patches by plane - some little inis tweaks CREDITS: - Yakarov (model, templates, IDF skins: decals tweaked) - Soulfreak (RAF skinpack: No. 79 (59); No.2 (52 & 55) [nacelle emblems added]; No. 208 (52 & 55) [nose edit] + historical decals) - paulopanz (skin and decals works and rework, some repack tweaks) TO INSTALL: - extract Meteor9 Repack1 & 2 and "take to mod folder" folder - all in your main mod folder and overwrite ACTIONS: - key 10 canopy open with autoclose at take off Enjoy @paulopanz


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