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Showing most liked content on 03/14/2024 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    i made a new tail for the F-4E/F/G´s and thats how it looks now i did not add the pilots name yet for the 68-0317 because there is a small problem with the canopy frames and i dont have the names for the 68-0307 and here is the F-4E_72_TISEO , it is still a BETA version but a very close to final one F-4E_72_TISEO.7z the aircraft has the 1971 cockpit , it is a early cockpit and therefor no ripple quantity selection , if you select for example the Mk82 bomb and you have 18 of them hang on the aircraft than all 18 will drop as soon as you press the button , the only selection you have is the ripple interval with 0.08 sec , 0.10 sec and 0.14 sec if you carry nuclear bombs you may look at the right side panel there is a functioning DCU-94A bomb control panel for them if you go true the radar options you will come also to the TISEO ( is on the 2nd ground mapping ) it has no lock on function it is just fixed view
  2. 2 points
    Okay what you do is go to the upper right of the Mission Editor screen, and click on the ship icon. If you have SF2:NA or the complete, you should find the NImitz Aircraft Carrier. That's a takeoffable and landable aircraft carrier that the game comes stock with. After you select that place it in the water using the crosshair in the middle of the map (that's where you place objects with). Once you do that, open the menu for your aircraft, and select the carrier name, and you'll be able to take of and land on that carrier. As for the Range:
  3. 2 points
    thanks for all the help on this one thats how they look like now
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Beat me to it! Thanks Eric!
  6. 1 point
    I got my first F-4E model, a 1/72 Revell in 2nd grade after having watched a film on the Thunderbirds at school. Sometime between then and halfway through the 3rd grade, I got the 1/32 Revell F-4E pictured above. I loved it even more than my Monogram 1/48 B-17G. I tried to paint it as a Thunderbird with no decals and no photo references, so it was ugly. But I never forgot the box art. When you went to hobby shops or department stores, two large models were almost always prominently displayed: the 1/48 Monogram B-17G and the 1/32 Revell F-4E. The box art for both of those is forever etched in my brain. Of course, unlike the box art, "Hey Jude" flew South Vietnam ground attack sorties and never got near a MiG-21 much less kill one. This is the B-17G box I always saw. I bought the same exact model just before I left the Navy in 1996 and have it painted/decaled per the box as El Lobo II hanging above me as I type this.
  7. 1 point
    They best I can do on the red bird logo is the box art from the old model.


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