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Showing most liked content on 06/26/2024 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    been workin RFs too long already, i can tell the diff tween the old ODS skins an my work Lets hit up 3rd AF for a scenery change...
  2. 4 points
    "He Ain't heavy, he's my Chopper.." Converted from SA-330J "Bundesgrenzschutz"
  3. 3 points
    I was tasked to take photos of an AB in Korea, going in roughly 10 miles behind a flight of F-4E's. After being hassled by some passing Mig-21's, I heard the "Bombs Away" call, said "screw this", dropped the tanks, sped up and rolled in to get (hopefully) some good photos. Imagine my surprise (and absolute delight) when they nuked the place. I suppose there's a first for everything.
  4. 3 points
    they call themselves the Recce Rebels ya know but it you like bright and low
  5. 3 points
    LORAN (aka the towel rack)
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points
    Dev Blog №1 Well — here it is, this moment. We announce to you, dear friends, our new project and our new game world — "Korea. IL-2 Series." From now on and until the release of the game, we plan to publish developer diaries regularly and quite often, in which we will tell you in detail about most aspects of the new flight simulator. In this, the first, introductory entry, we will "go over the top" and outline the main features of the new project. What is it about? "Korea. IL-2" immerses the player in a virtual world that recreates the air battles in the skies over the Korean Peninsula from April 1951 to July 1953. Military operations during this time were concentrated in the northern part of the peninsula, and much was decided in the air. These events became a landmark in the history of aviation and military affairs: it was the swan song of propeller aviation (which played a very important role in the Korean War) and the rise of jet aviation. By the time of release, it is planned to recreate no less than 8 player-controlled aircraft — half of them will be jets and the other half will be piston-engined aircraft. The jets will be represented not only by the first "pioneers" of the new era, in which designers and pilots for the first time faced unknown challenges to their skills, but also by the powerful and efficient second-generation F-86A Sabre and MiG-15bis. Piston-engined aircraft will be the quintessence of the era — in the skies of Korea piston aviation enthusiasts will be able to fly the most powerful and efficient machines of this type in history: the F-51D Mustang and F4U Corsair and their Soviet opponents. One of them will be the Il-10 attack plane — where else but in a flight simulator about the Korean War could we pay tribute to the last attack plane of the famous Il-2 series? With improved aerodynamic contours, a more powerful engine, improved flight characteristics, still powerfully armed, and having an armored fuselage — in the hands of an experienced pilot it was a powerful machine. Who is it about? In the new project we are recreating the air forces of those countries whose pilots were most involved in the aerial battles: the USA, North Korea, the USSR and China. It is interesting that both the Soviet pilots and the Chinese People’s Volunteers participated under the legend that they were all flying North Korean planes — the identification marks of the USSR and China were painted over by the marks of the North Korean Air Force. In fact, there were air regiments in the command structure of the Soviet and Chinese armies, which will be reflected in the uniforms and equipment of the pilots and the language of radio communication. In the main game mode, the player will no longer be an ordinary pilot, concerned only with individual success in a series of combat missions — now the player will be a commander of an entire unit, and on his shoulders will rest not only the management of personnel, but also the planning of combat missions based on the situation and the management of the unit’s resources — the personnel and aircraft. What's new? The new game engine is even more different from Great Battles than Great Battles was from Rise of Flight. DirectX 12, Physically Based Rendering (PBR) technologies, new visualization systems for atmosphere, vegetation, graphical effects, integration of a new version of the sound API, a new GUI engine and design, an evolution of the aircraft simulation physics engine, including a new aerodynamics, systems operation and damage model, a new damage model for ground objects and ships, a new system of decision making and giving orders to AI pilots, a new radio communication system, and, of course, a new qualitative evolution of the main game mode — all this together makes a qualitative leap, not just an evolutionary step. It required a huge investment of effort and resources from us, because for the new technologies all models, effects, sounds, graphical interface — all this had to be created from scratch. In other words — this is not just "a new version of IL-2," no. "Korea. IL-2 Series" is a completely new version of the engine and has completely new content. What's next? Actually, we started the development of "Korea" in parallel with the development of "Great Battles" back in the summer of 2022, and most of the work has already been done. Now we are actively developing the graphical interface and game modes: the development of aircraft has already moved to the stage of creating cockpit models, while the map of Korea is in its final shape and we are already filling it with cities and airfields. The development of dozens of types of ground and sea objects is nearing completion, and the new technological base — engine and tools — is already ready. Most of the development path has been completed, all the parameters of the new project have been defined, and that’s why we can finally announce it with peace of mind and tell you about its features without making promises we weren’t sure we could keep. Thanks for your patience! We will try to keep you updated on what we have already created and how we are progressing during the development cycle until the release. Dev Blog №1 (il2-korea.com)
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
    Well, after 2K ish more polys, this was as far as i was able with all the pics from internet and the ones i took BTW, no F-13 was ever camouflaged in Soviet service, am I right?
  10. 1 point
    Hi all, We have a small Development news update on our Website. This is regarding the WOFF BH&H II DLC / Expansion! Please check the News section out there! https://www.overflandersfields.com/index.html
  11. 1 point
    In Brightest Day, In Darkest Night, No Evil Shall, Escape My Sight. Let Those Who Worship, Evil's Might.... Say Cheeze Biatches!!!! Courtesy of the Rootinest Tootinest HillBilly Picher Takers in the Deep South!!!!!!
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Definitely time to go...........
  14. 1 point
    May 13,2019 The President seeks Congressional Authorization to deploy US Forces in support of the Phillippines. Phillippine President Magkasi calls up reserves and issues a call for 20,000 vollunteers in what he describes as a National Emergency response to armed invasion. The two terrorist groups are made up of foreign fighters from the Middle East, Indonesia and Abu Saif which is based in the Muslim strong southern Islands chain. USS Ten Bears departs Yokosuka Japan with her five Arleigh Burke class escorts and support ships with orders to be within striking range of Luzon and the Southern Islands within 48 hours. The President is also seeking to deploy 250 Special Operations troops to augment the Phillippine Army and Negreto mountain soldiers on the main Island of Luzon. And no...Brian Williams will not be flying an Intruder.


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