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Showing most liked content on 08/29/2024 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    uh uh, nope. i seen that guy around throw him a template, let him make his own
  2. 4 points
    more texture update Added slats hydraulic points
  3. 3 points
    Rare secret photoshoots proved, that Canada was a communist country that used the MiG-21. It's astonishing what can be done with AI.
  4. 3 points
    It shouldn't be hard. I will try to work on them depending on my mood, 🤣😂 lol.
  5. 3 points
    Looks pretty nice! Any plans for other Skins (Luftwaffe, RAF, SAF, AMI)? Can´t wait for the 2 seater...
  6. 2 points
    @Nightshade/PR Ha ha, that is always a fun target... and actually reminded me that some time ago I had made an update to that "high priority strategic target" (think somehow encouraged by Wrench?). Anyway, here was the revision based on a real world representation with some artistic licensing and a functioning smoke stack once in-game, PM me if you'd like it! The "real deal" reference New rendition: seems innocent enough, little eatery... Wait just a minute - what's this? Some secret "cellar" door with a restricted sign warning? It must lead to some hidden VC supply cache, underground HQ or something of strategic importance worthy of being designated a target...!
  7. 1 point
    View File Albatros C III ( REDUX) Albatros C III Redux This is a complete work over of the Albatros CIII. I was inspired by both Steven 1918's and Sinbads earlier releases of this aircraft. I used Stevens original release as a baseline, and also took inspiration from Sinbads relese as well. However, these are totally new skins. there are 3 from early war, with the early style of cross. an all over Linen one, a Blue aircraft, and a Stained ply wood version, the next set are from the mid war period, with the newer syle of Cross,. A more Blue Grey version, a Dark Stained Ply aircraft, a Green over Blue , and finally a Camouflage painted Albatros. The next couple are both in Lozenge, one Blue, and the other Green with the lozenge on the uper surfaces, and the lower surfaces of the wings. Finally I did an Austrian machine, which is speculative, as some references sat the KuK Luftruppen did use the type, whilst others do not seem to refer to it being in service with Austria at all, but it's there anyhow, and the last one on the list would be a Turkish machine in all over Light Grey. I have not made any of the Aircraft as belonging to any particular Kasta, as information is not particularly good on this aeroplane, so all the markings are generic, but also different for each colour scheme. This is an all in one package, so everything you need is included Sounds, Pilot, Guns, Decals, simply unzip the file and drop it straight into you FE directory. Just be aware that if you already have the C III installed, that this WILL overwrite it, so please back up or rename your existing Albatros C III !!! A shout out to Stephen 1918 for doing the original, to Sinbad for his model, from which I copied and improved some details from, also to Geezer for the Pilot model. As ever ....................ENJOY !!.......................... Submitter Trotski Submitted 08/28/2024 Category First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Terrain and Environmental Mods  
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Days Gone By............ Took a hit from 1 random Mig-23 that appeared from nowhere, and took off after firing twice....
  10. 1 point
    @GKABS Huge fan of the more photorealistic look, love those type of intricate details, keep up the great work!!!
  11. 1 point
    They could be very accurate within CEP. I think GPS guide EOGB always have some problem,so I set them as EOGR. 2 weeks yeah
  12. 1 point
    Added the formation light Typhoon
  13. 1 point
    You can do this easily step1: move you mod folder to other drive. step2: you will need to run a windows command to make a directory link from C:\Users\your user account here\Saved Games. The command is as the following mklink /J Your_shortcut_Name Your_Mod_Folder_Path For example, your mod folder is the one called "Thirdwire" under the "Saved Games" folder. You moved the "Thirdwire" folder to your drive D:\ Then you need to create a linked folder still named "Thirdwire" under your Saved Games folder, which points to your moved folder that have a new path now D:\Thirdwire Then the command is mklink /J C:\Users\your user account here\Saved Games\Thirdwire D:\Thirdwire
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Back with that old project, really busy days...
  17. 1 point
    From way back when, before I was banned, excommunicated, banished and generally told to go kick rocks........


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