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starfighter2 last won the day on September 16 2021

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About starfighter2

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    Belgrade,Serbia - beautiful and unfortunate Country


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  1. F-16A FSD skin for the TMF F-16A Block 1 -

    Can you make this for TW F-16?
  2. Of course is not the same - this upgrade was performed by ASTRAC for Morocco(essentially Mirage 2000 standard avionics in Mirage F1 body), but good news for me is that more modern versions are in works.
  3. Very nice. Any chance for upgraded Mirage F1EM VI, or private fleet - 63 Dassault fighter jets that were acquired by Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC) ?
  4. Very nice Flogger (Enoc) ....Very nice indeed, too bad I won't see it released before the nursing home. I doubt it will be finished in 20 years .
  5. IAR 80/81 REDUX PACK

    No problem, it's nice that you decided to popularize the less known types of aircraft.
  6. IAR 80/81 REDUX PACK

    Yak-9P cockpit that you use here was made by me, not Stary
  7. F-16XL for SF2 – F-16E Blk 62 Fighting Falcon

    I can not download version 2.0, it offers only older file.
  8. BF109F-4.7z

    I made that cabin for 109, but never mind, the mod is great.
  9. BF109F-4.7z

    Good Job!!! Cockpit was made by me actually. Cheers, and keep up with excellent work.
  10. Any chance for Royal Romanian Air Force skin?
  11. Well....a kind of "MiG"... Aggressor A-4N ATSI
  12. Two-Seater Tuesdays

    Su-7U & Su-15UT Soviet Training Day
  13. If you can, pls make "low" version of lods too--- for new weapons onwards. BTW keep up with excellent job.

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