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sophocles last won the day on January 27 2024

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About sophocles

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  1. Just got them! Absolutely superb!! Thanks a lot!
  2. Fantastic job as always GKABS!!; Sorry for a stupid question, but where are the sound files for your A-6s?

    A very comprehensive and detailed package! Kudos to the authors
  4. Help please!!

    Hello Julio, this is what prompted me to look into the problem. I realized that the lewis gun was used as weapon station since it had both entries in the data.ini and the loadout.ini. This then made me experiment by placing the Lewisgun folder (lewis01) into the weapons folder instead of in the guns folder (where it was by default) and that did the trick as well as renaming the entry in the loadouts,ini from " 303CAL_LEWIS_MK2" into "lewis01" with the station ID matching the one in the [centerWingStation] in the data.ini. All thst was left to do was to adjust the AttachmentPosition of the gun and the ejection entries because the gun wasn't sitting right. What a nightmare!! If I had seen your post earlier it would have saved me quite a few hours, but thankyou so very much for looking so deeply into the problem and setting up your schematic!
  5. Help please!!

    Nah! I'm lost, I don't know what i'm doing .. Here's an effect for smoke tracer from Jan Tuma which I can't get to work in FE2 TracerSmoke.tga TracerSmokeEmitter.ini
  6. Help please!!

    Thanks Kevin! I'll do just that..
  7. Help please!!

    Hello all! After getting inti First Eagles 2 again, I've been confounded by 2 issues; 1) I can't get any of the Nieuport 17 aircraft in the download sections to appear in First Eagles 2 with the Lewis gun! It just isn't there. I've read some posts about this phenomenon but nothing seems to work! 2) I've downloaded some effects packages for gun tracers and smoke and it appears that they only work in the original First Eagles. I'd really appreciate it If any of you who have the above working in FE2 can point out some solutions. Cheers! Sophocles
  8. What problem did you have? remember that Win10 deletes "some" files so you have to turn security settings off before you try to install onto Win10.
  9. Volker, 3dsmaxworks just fine on windows 10 (just upgraded myself and have run into no problems at all (32 bit version). What i'd suggest is to see If your paint programme is configured to use your graphics card. There's no need to buy a new computer, your specs are way more than enough.
    The skins are unreal! Did you use real photos in the process?
  10. A-6A Early Intruder

    Fantastic Job!!! You've made an already excellent terrain even better!!!!
  11. Thanks to all but the solution was simple .. I'd forgotten to add the system entries for the extra tank in the wings section of the Data.ini All is good now!
  12. Kevin I added another dummy node to the model onto which I added the Fletcher tank, but still no success (-:
  13. Hello Carlo. I just downloaded his files and it appears that he has different ModelNodeName entries for the different tanks whereas the F-5 tanks are all attached to the same ModelNodeName entries; that is Left_Pylon_inner . I wonder If this is how he did it? example from the T-33 Data [RightWingTipStation01] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition= 5.792,-0.527,-0.065 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=900 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType= ModelNodeName=Tip_Tank_point_DX PylonMass=5.00 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= FuelTankName=F-80_Lockheed_tank FuelTankNodeName=L_Tank165_DX [LeftWingTipStation02] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-5.792,-0.527,-0.065 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=900 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType= ModelNodeName=Tip_Tank_point_SX ================> These are different! PylonMass=5.00 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= FuelTankName=265_Misawa_tank FuelTankNodeName=Misawa_Tank265_SX

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