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Status Updates posted by daddyairplanes

  1. ‎$94,059,400. That is the combined cash value of the salaries of our elected officials, and presidential retirees. That DOES NOT INCLUDE the benifits such as government healthcare, free mail, free travel (for the Executive Branch, by request for Congress) and protection details assigned. And also consider that honestly most join the military to improve their circumstances in someway, while most of our elected officals do it for the power and attention, not the compensation.

    1. JediMaster


      Direct compensation, no. How many of those elected officials were independently wealthy before running for office, though?

    2. daddyairplanes


      like i said the pols dont do it for the money, while the joes in country tend to need the money.

  2. 3 day drill this weekend. will be back monday hopefully with a buncha goodies for ya all

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. daddyairplanes


      yea well you know whats coming. got the _94 worked out while i was gone


    3. daddyairplanes


      besides Brad, its not really so bad ... is it?

    4. Slartibartfast


      Dammit Janet...

  3. and now, the larch.

  4. back from training at Ft Dix/Macguire. great training actually and an interesting cap to the trip with an earthquake, busted knee, and racing a hurricane home to NC!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. macelena


      ouch!get well soon

    3. daddyairplanes


      no worries already walkin tho quite a bit slower than before


    4. Slartibartfast


      Ouch well at least your walking and talking...

  5. back in southwest asia. damn.

    1. Stary


      I envy you daddy

    2. Slartibartfast


      Good luck out there man... stay frosty...

    3. daddyairplanes


      oh its already chilly in my neck of the woods slarti. stary, i'll trade ya sure. but i still get the paycheck!:p lol

  6. back in the states. and stopped off at hahn airbase on the way!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. daddyairplanes


      well i didnt know i'd be landing there till i got on the plane. gotta love military charter flights...


    3. Florian


      I see... Well, if you ever know about a stop BEFORE boarding, give me a message! :-D

    4. daddyairplanes


      will do though i think i've made my last transatlantic trip for a while. not doin it for uncle sam anymore and gonna be a while before i can visit bayern again.

  7. can you put a price on peace?..........

    1. Slartibartfast


      Peace does not have a price... it is given only willingly as you cannot take it by force...

    2. daddyairplanes


      not a Megadeth fan i take it Slarti


      Peaces sells, but who's buying ....

  8. exhibiting the patience of a zen monkey!

  9. Exp 2 will be announced by the ringing of every phone in the world. Oh wait. that was the end of LawnMower Man. damn

  10. fly to live, live to fly............

  11. got my external and book on Navy Phantoms in the mail today..

  12. got so many screenies to post when i get my own internet again. Phantoms phor the 80's!

  13. gotta semi bow out for now guys and gals. losin internet at the house for next couple of months and only able to pop in every couple of days at McDonalds(god bless free wifi) that Plus my two week training at the end of this month seem to conspire against me for now.

    1. MigBuster


      No Internet! - I'm sure you will survive - even discover real life again :)

    2. Dave


      Keep in touch my friend. We''ll miss you around here.

    3. daddyairplanes


      @ migbuster yeah it hits right when my inlaws are visiting so i wont piss off my wife as much lol @ Dave not completely gone just not the daily posting champ for a couple of months. gonna be a b**** when mods come out as McD's wifi is slow for downloading :(

  14. great day today. first find out that finance actually didtheir job and paid family housing allowance for the 40 days of training so far this year. then after going to the unit to make sure the payment was legit and uncle sam wouldnt be takin it back, i went to a branch of ed mckays bookstore in raliegh and found a bunch of old warbirds illustrated books for 1 or 2 dollars a piece! you know the old ones from the 70's and 80's! great reference shots in there for NATO back when ...

  15. Had to recover my wifes cat Tux today. She was hit this morning right across the street from my house...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MigBuster


      Gawd sorry to hear - not nice

    3. whiteknight06604


      oh no. I am so saddened by this.I'm so sorry.

    4. usafphantom2


      So Sorry to hear that,Guess I wanted to think she survived it.Please accept my sincerest condolences.I have four dogs and two cats I love animals and hate to hear them go like that.Sorry for both of you and your loss.

  16. Happy 4th of July!

  17. have a holly jolly christmas.....

  18. have to use a govt computer for the next 2 weeks. no downloads til then the HORROR!!!!!!

    1. Slartibartfast


      Did you manage to get a Bucc or are you Dimed out ?

    2. daddyairplanes


      just got back to main base so downloading the Buc now


    3. DEVIL11


      do u think u can teach me how to change SF2 to SF1 aircraft

  19. having a very amusing arguement with a frenchman on FB.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. daddyairplanes


      and then the Spam came out...

    3. Viggen


      Did he have a solution to Smurf infestations?

    4. daddyairplanes


      No, but if the smurfs in france start speaking german i am sure they will call back......


  20. here we stand and here we fall, history won't care at all...

  21. hows this for backwards? i'm having to move contents of my 2TB external onto my computer to back up..

  22. I distinctly heard a ruckus

    1. Dave


      Can you describe the ruckus?

    2. JediMaster


      It had some of the characteristics of a brouhaha.

  23. I DON'T LIKE SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. daddyairplanes


      (cue the singing Vikings)

    3. JediMaster


      Bloody Vikings!

    4. firehawkordy


      I love it, I'm having spam,spam, spam, baked beans and spam!


  24. i get distracted so easily these da....... oooooh shiny

    1. Muesli


      Where, where??????

    2. daddyairplanes
  25. i go away for two weeks and a new patch comes out. i guess SF Tomcat will come out during the deployment next year!


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