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umm last won the day on September 8 2018

umm had the most liked content!

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84 Neutral


About umm

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    Flight simulator and 3d modeling.


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  1. this is a new house just worked on today it is my house. lol Soon I will have it completed, but I have one request please don't do air strike on it lol
  2. This is my new Stadium. and I will be releasing the 3ds max file for free for everyone to do with it whatever they need.
  3. Yes the model is solid one I try to make it a simple as I can, as the tower is time consuming to make. i will take your advice into consideration. Thank you all for your replay and help.
  4. I have tried to make the tga file for Eiffel tower but I keep getting this can some one take a look at my tga file Eiffel.rar
  5. Various Air Base WiP Pics

    Really nice work. any time to have them completed.
  6. Mues Toolbox

    Outstanding tool! Thanx a LOT!
  7. Thank you for your assistance in explaining how to further work with the program. I tweaked with the controls via your advice and eventually figured it out.
  8. Hi Wrench Thanks for your help. I did get the TFDtool and I found out the position Coordinates but I didn't understand hot to find out the Offset Coordinates numbers it tried a lot of numbers but it didn't show in the map Thanks for your help I did look in the knowledge forum but didn't find it forgive an old man please can you but the URL for me. Thanks
  9. Hello, Can someone please give me some hint to how to find out the correct position Coordinates and the Offset Coordinates numbers in _TARGETS.ini file. I looked but couldn't find an explanation [TargetArea071] Name=HAWK Battery Position=605375,91250 <---------- Alignment=FRIENDLY Location=1 ActiveYear=0 Radius=800 Target[001].Type=HAWK_HIPIR Target[001].Offset=40.000,90.000 <---------- Target[001].Heading=45 Target[002].Type=HAWKL Target[002].Offset=-10.000,180.000 Target[002].Heading=315

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