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Ngr last won the day on December 21 2014

Ngr had the most liked content!

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105 Neutral

About Ngr

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    Mińsk Mazowiecki,52°11'N 21°34'E , Poland


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  1. Hey, I'm wondering if there's any way to add a braking parachute to the F-35A like the RNoAF planes have. I'm talking about the braking parachute itself, which would be activated on demand.
  2. Hello, does anyone have templates for CF-5A?
  3. I get Mig from CA. Link: https://combatace.com/files/file/16989-mig-29ub-9-51-series/
  4. Can anyone help me remove unwanted decals fragments?
  5. Polish MiG-29 crashed

    Today after 28 years of service the aircraft of the Polish Air Force MiG-29 No tactical 67 from the 23rd Tactical Aviation base in Mińśk Mazowiecki crashed 10 km from runway, when pilot wanted to land . Pilot ejected and suffered minor wounds.

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