First Eagles by Thirdwire
Sub Category
All FE Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
- First Eagles - General Files
- First Eagles - WWI and Early Years 1914 - 1920
- First Eagles - Golden Era 1920 to 1940
OEFFAG Ba 53 & Ba 53 (feld Änderung) REDUX
By Trotski
OEFFAG Ba 53 & Ba 53 (feld Änderung)
A rework of Jan Tumas excellent Oeffag Ba 53, I have kept this one simple as there were only about 50 or so Ba 53's built, a few of the early ones, about 10 or so were built using the Albatros D II planform, but this was swiftly changed to the D III instead. The Aircraft was actually better than the Albatros DIII, having a more powerful Austro Daimler power plant, also the Oeffag techies, figured out that the D III wing was a bit of a nightmare, and tended to drop off if you did any of that " Fighter Pilot Shit" So they strengthened the lower win by adding in another spar. Of course there is always a downside, although in this case a minor one, which was the armament, first off, it was a Swartzlose M7, the standard Infantry MG of the Autro Hungarian Army, it was orerated by a blowback system, which in itself was not the problem, the problem lay with the oiler, which had to oil each round as it was chambered, not an ideal set up, especially as the oil used to blow back into the pilots face, and bugger up his aiming somewhat. As well as this, the guns were buried deep in the cowling, so stoppages were virtually impossible to clear, Which I assume could spoil a pilots whole day at times There were also issues with the interrupter system, which was not very good in conjunction with the Swartzlose, so a special Tacho had to be fitted to Oeffags, to warn the pilot when the interrupter was not going to play nice, and let the gun shoot nice holes in the Airscrew.........Yes.....Well !!
There are 2 files in this upload, the main Ba 53 file, with all the gubbins, decals and all that good stuff, the second file is for the (feld Änderung) aircraft, basically the same plane but they took the cowl off !! Atogether there are 8 skins, 3 which are my usual Factory Finish ones, so very generic, the other 4 are of named pilots, see the thumbnails for an ideaof what is in there for you. Everything is in a ready to go state as usual, the second file is just the Field modded Ba 53, on its own, so that will need to be dropped into you Save game file under "Objects - Aircraft" and you should be good to go. I have used my own decals and skins to rework these Oeffags, the 153 series will follow shortly !!
A shout out to Jan Tuma for his original work, on this rather nice Albatros version, also to Von S for the updated FM's ( also an apology to the redoubtable Von S for not crediting him in my other Albatri uploads, my most profound apologies !!! ) and Geezer for the Pilot models.
As always............................ENJOY
By Trotski
This upload comprises of 3 Rar files, the first is the standard D III OAW, 2 of which are in generic markings, and 2 which are Ottoman machines, one in earlier markings of the black square, the second with the late war red squares. The other 2 Rar files are all for Jasta 39 Albatri, 2 generic, and the rest in the markings shown in the thumbnail pictures heading this download. Again as with the previous D III's I uploaded previously, the Jasta 39 aircraft are in their own complete fils, so you can use them as a seperate Jasta so it is named Albatros DIII (OAW) (JASTA 39) know the drill by now I am sure !!! The red and white candy stripe one, was a real pain in the bum to do, mainly because of the bloody awful way the models were made, so getting the stripes to marry up correctly had me cursing and swearing quite considerably. So it is not 100% perfect, but it is as good as can be expected, and certainly better than the original skin that was done in this scheme, I forget who originally uploaded it, but for sure it is a vast improvement.
As ever, everything is included in the package, Decals, Guns........blah blah blah..........You will need to download all the files as the decals etc for the Jasta 39 Albatri are in the first RAR file.............As for the rest, I am not going to repeat myself, as I am sure most of the folks downloading this, are used to my stuff, so I wont bore you with the blurb !!!
As always...................ENJOY
By Trotski
The fourth and final part of the D III series, aircraft are all from Jasta 12. Again you will need the PART 1 download of the D III for all the decals etc.
By Trotski
The third part of the DIII collection, this time for the Jasta 11 machines. again you will need PART 1 for all the decals and other bits.
By Trotski
PART 2 ( A & B)
The second file in the Albatros D III saga, these are the Jasta 2 aircraft. Please not you WILL need PART 1 as that has all the decals sounds etc. etc.
By Trotski
An overhaul of the Albatros D III, this upload will be in 4 parts, this the first of 4, are 2 generic Albatri, in factory finish, with spurious markings, 1 Yellow and black checked example from Jasta 36, and Ottoman machine in generic markings, as most Turkish aircraft seemed to be. The following 3 uploads shall be machines from Jastas 2, 11, and 12 respectivly. each jasta will be the complete D III, with the .INI file named thus " ALBATROS D III ( JASTA***) this allows you the end users to have Jasta specific Albatros D III's seperate from the generic D III files, sorry I am possibly not explaining this correctly, but it will become self evident should you download ALL 4 files.
On to the description of what I have done here, I have redrawn the panel lines, fixtures and fitting, and generally tidied up the frankly quite awful mess that are the Thirdwire skins, obviously, I have not done any remodelling as such, other than to move panels around, and put things in that are missing from the TW stock skins. I have reworked ALL of the Camouflage, and wood textures, and made the aircraft clean, rather than the over done dirty textures on the originals.
As with all my previous uploads of the DI/DII/W4 series, these are just straight up unpack and drop into your save directory, with again, the warning that the WILL overwrite any existing D III files you may already have installed, so if you wish to preserve your originals, make sure you back 'em up !!! or rename !!!
Everything is included as usual, Aircraft, Skins, Decals, Guns, and Pilots, and of course the sounds. Unpack, plug, and fly !!
As always..............ENJOY !!!
Albatros D II ( OEF ) REDUX
By Trotski
This is the file for the Albatros D II ( OEF ) which for some reason I didnt include with the earlier upload of the D II ( Late ) I was sure that I had included this file, but apparently I did not, and no one, brought it to my attantion, you little tinkers you !!! However, here is the file that SHOULD have been there, and was not.
Anyway, as always, both these Albatri are in plug and play format, unpack, and install, with the usual proviso, that any existing D II ( Late ) and ( OEF ) aircraft you may have WILL be overwritten, so please ensure you do the sensible thing, and back up or rename.
Everything is included for both aircraft, Decals, Guns, Pilots and sounds.
A shout out to Stephen 1918, for his sterling work on the original models, also to Geezer for the pilot models.
As always...............................ENJOY !!!
Albatros W4 (EARLY) & Albatros W4 (LATE) REDUX
By Trotski
I have redone both the Early, and Late versions of the Albatros W4 seaplane fighters, completely reworked skins, in both German Navy and Austrian navy versions. the early models are in dark ply for the Austrian, and a light ply for the German machines. These also have alt versions of the schemes if you dont like the options I have used as the default, you will see this when you install the relevant W4 ( early ) Schemes, so if you are not keen on MY new skins, just swap them with the alts. The W4 ( Late ) has the Austrian aircraft in an all over Blue Grey linen, and the German one is in the original Blue Lozenge over Blue, I have redone the lozenge somewhat, to allow for the panels I have reworked, on the fuselage, and floats, so it is very similar to Stephen 1918's original scheme, just tweaked.
Anyway, as always, both these Albatri are in plug and play format, unpack, and install, with the usual proviso, that any existing W4 ( Early ) and ( Late ) aircraft you may have WILL be overwritten, so please ensure you do the sensible thing, and back up or rename.
Everything is included for both aircraft, Decals, Guns, Pilots and sounds.
A shout out to Stephen 1918, for his beautiful work on the original models, also to Julio Junqueira for the pilot models.
As always...............................ENJOY !!!
Albatros D II ( LATE ) and D II ( OEF ) REDUX
By Trotski
An overhaul of both the Albatros DII late version with the upper wing mounted radiator, and the Oeffag built version, with the Austro Daimler powerplant, and armed with a single Shwarzloze 8mm machine gun, the Oeffag variant is in standard linen over ply for the KuK Luftruppen, then we move on to the D II ( Late ) these include 2 differnt Turkish machines one with an all over Green/Brown Camouflage scheme, and the other in ply and a 2 tone scheme on the upper wings and tail unit, the markings are fictional of course just to give a little visual uplift, as Turkish machines seem to have been very bland, also very few photos of actual Ottoman aircraft either, so of course you can always remove the markings if you wish. Next we have a generic 3 tone Camouflage over medium ply, all these Albatri have again generic personal markings, as they do not represent any particular Jasta. The final one for your enjoyment, is an all over 3 colour Camouflage, very smart looking if you ask me, again the markings are fictional, but all 16 airframes in the " Jasta " have the same stripes, and there are no personal markings ( not every German aircraft did have them anyway )
Anyway, as always, both these Albatri are in plug and play format, unpack, and install, with the usual proviso, that any existing D II ( Late ) and ( OEF ) aircraft you may have WILL be overwritten, so please ensure you do the sensible thing, and back up or rename.
Everything is included for both aircraft, Decals, Guns, Pilots and sounds.
A shout out to Stephen 1918, for his sterling work on the original models, also to Geezer for the pilot models.
As always...............................ENJOY !!!
Albatros D II ( EARLY ) Redux
By Trotski
Following on from my previous upload of the Albatros D I, it is only right and proper to continue on with the D II ( Early ) As with my previous uploads, this is a total workover of the original D II ( Early ) From Stephen 1918.
So, a brief callout of what is included skins wise. First a generic 3 tone Camo scheme over light ply, I have done this as that way I could amalgamate several generic but mainly correct personal markings, without assigning them to any particular Jasta, so a pot luck/generic DII. The next one is an early Turkish Ottoman Albatros, again very generic, and not intended to be any particular Turkish unit. Then the really tasty one, or at least I think it is, 16 Aircraft from Jasta 2, including 7 correctly numbered and marked Albatri, as follows :-
386 Oswald Bolcke
437 Erwin Böhme
390 Otto Höhne
391 Karl Büttner
426 Lt. Günter
372 Stefan Kirmaier
491 Manfred Richtofen
The remaining 11 aircraft are figments of my imagination, but I think they fit in with the general theme of Jasta 2 Bolcke.
Finally I have included Von Richthofens first red Albatros, which he used later on in 1916 most likely after the unfortunate death of Oswald Bolcke.Apparently it was his orginal Albatros ( D491 ) with all the fuselage, markings and tail feathers given a red wash, very cool indeed.
As for everything else, as with all my uploads the whole package is there, so it is an un zip, drop and go sort of deal. If you haven't had any of my aircraft before, then everything is included in this package, Aircraft, Skins, decals, Guns, Sounds, and Pilots. Merely unpack the zip/Rar file, and drop it into the save folder where all your other goodies are stored. I shall again Warn that this package WILL overwrite any other ALB DII ( Early ) you already have installed if that is the case, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE back it up or rename it so no untoward harm comes, so there you go, I warned you, so if you futz it up, it's your fault 'cos ya didn't read the boring blather on here
As Always..............ENJOY!!!!!................
Albatros DI (REDUX)
By Trotski
A workover of my previously uploaded Albatros DI models, I have completely reworked the skins and markings, there are 5 versions in this upload, A factory "Standard" skin in ply and Linen, a version with a lighter stained ply and more yellowis Linen for the wings and empenage. The next one is an all over 2 colour camouflage over blue scheme, then an rework of the previously released DI of Prince Friedrich Karl von Preußen, which is an all over sea green colour, there IS a discussion as to whether this aircraft had a camouflage scheme on the upper surfaces, however it is only speculation, as there are no actual photos I can find of this machine. The final DI is an all blue with camouflage upper surfaces, of Hans Bethge of Jasta 1.
Everything as always is packed up and ready to go, just unzip, and drop into your directory where you have all your other flying circusses !!! Just be aware it will over write any existing DI's you may have already installed, so dont forget to backup or rename the original files, to avoid any unfortunate mistakes !!!!
Included are all the sound files, decals, guns, pilots and of course the actual Albatros.
A shout out to Steven 1918 of course, without whom we wouldnt have the DI/DII Albatros in the first place, also to Geezer for the Pilot figure, and anyone else I may have inadvertently forgotten.
As always...............................ENJOY !!!
Albatros C III ( REDUX)
By Trotski
Albatros C III
This is a complete work over of the Albatros CIII. I was inspired by both Steven 1918's and Sinbads earlier releases of this aircraft. I used Stevens original release as a baseline, and also took inspiration from Sinbads relese as well. However, these are totally new skins. there are 3 from early war, with the early style of cross. an all over Linen one, a Blue aircraft, and a Stained ply wood version, the next set are from the mid war period, with the newer syle of Cross,. A more Blue Grey version, a Dark Stained Ply aircraft, a Green over Blue , and finally a Camouflage painted Albatros. The next couple are both in Lozenge, one Blue, and the other Green with the lozenge on the uper surfaces, and the lower surfaces of the wings. Finally I did an Austrian machine, which is speculative, as some references sat the KuK Luftruppen did use the type, whilst others do not seem to refer to it being in service with Austria at all, but it's there anyhow, and the last one on the list would be a Turkish machine in all over Light Grey.
I have not made any of the Aircraft as belonging to any particular Kasta, as information is not particularly good on this aeroplane, so all the markings are generic, but also different for each colour scheme.
This is an all in one package, so everything you need is included Sounds, Pilot, Guns, Decals, simply unzip the file and drop it straight into you FE directory. Just be aware that if you already have the C III installed, that this WILL overwrite it, so please back up or rename your existing Albatros C III !!!
A shout out to Stephen 1918 for doing the original, to Sinbad for his model, from which I copied and improved some details from, also to Geezer for the Pilot model.
As ever ....................ENJOY !!..........................
The Blue Max Fokker Dr1s for First Eagles 2
The Blue Max Fokker Dr.1s skin Pack for First Eagles 2
What you will find in this Fokker Dr.1 skin Pack:
- A full set of 2 skins to FokkerDr1 by Third Wire Productions used by characters from The Blue Max film.
- Fokker Dr.1 flown by the character Bruno Stachel. (Several versions)
- Fokker Dr.1 flown by the character Willi von Klugermann. (Several versions)
The character Bruno Stachel used two Fokkers in the Blue Max film, one with the cowling painted full black and other with the
cowling tip in black.
You will find both of them in the skin pack.
- I did Optional hangar screens for Bruno Stachel and Willi von Klugermann characters. They are in 1920x1200 size.
You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder of each character.
- You will find also an optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure which works best with the new Spandau machine gun I painted.
FE2 INSTALLATION - This skin do not uses decal files, so will be easy install.
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "FokkerDr1".ini file.
Directory=Bruno Stachel
Name=Bruno Stachel
Directory=Willi von Klugermann
Name=Willi von Klugermann
Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "FokkerDr1.ini" file order for others
skins that you have already installed before.
- To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file of your choice from the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. in your "FokkerDr1 aircraft main
folder", next, edit your "FokkerDr1.ini" file and add this line:
As an example:
HangarScreen=Stachel HANGAR 01.jpg <------ add this line
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE Optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure:
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
That's all.
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Fokker Dr1 and hangar screens.
- Third Wire Productions for the Fokker Dr1 model.
- special thanks to Third Wire Productions for the excellent FokkerDr1 model.
- special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in
any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Fly Boys Fokker Dr1s for First Eagles 2
Fly Boys Fokker Dr.1s skin Pack for First Eagles 2
What you will find in this Fokker Dr.1 skin Pack:
- A full set of 2 skins to FokkerDr1 by Third Wire Productions used by characters from Fly Boys film.
- Fokker Dr.1 flown by the character Black Falcon.
- Fokker Dr.1 flown by the character Franz Wolfert.
- I did Optional hangar screens for Black Falcon and Franz Wolfert. They are in 1920x1200 size.
You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder of each character.
- You will find also an optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure which works best with the new Spandau machine gun I painted.
FE2 INSTALLATION - This skin do not uses decal files, so will be easy install.
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "FokkerDr1".ini file.
Directory=Black Falcon
Name=Black Falcon
Directory=Franz Wolfert
Name=Franz Wolfert
Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "FokkerDr1.ini" file order for others
skins that you have already installed before.
- To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file of your choice from the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. in your "FokkerDr1 aircraft main
folder", next, edit your "FokkerDr1.ini" file and add this line:
As an example:
HangarScreen=Wolfert-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg <------ add this line
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE Optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure:
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
That's all.
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Fokker Dr1 and hangar screens.
- Third Wire Productions for the Fokker Dr1 model.
- special thanks to Third Wire Productions for the excellent FokkerDr1 model.
- special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in
any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
The Great Waldo Pepper Fokker Dr.1 skin for First Eagles 2
The Great Waldo Pepper Fokker Dr.1 skin for First Eagles 2
What you will find in this Fokker Dr.1 skin Pack:
- A skin to FokkerDr1 by Third Wire Productions used by The Great Waldo Pepper film.
- Fokker Dr.1 flown by the character Ernst Kessler.
- I did Optional hangar screens for Ernst Kessler character. They are in 1920x1200 size.
You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN".
- You will find also an optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure which works best with the new Spandau machine gun I painted.
FE2 INSTALLATION - This skin do not uses decal files, so will be easy install.
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "FokkerDr1".ini file.
Directory=Ernst Kessler
Name=Ernst Kessler
Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "FokkerDr1.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
- To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file of your choice from the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. in your "FokkerDr1 aircraft main folder", next, edit your "FokkerDr1.ini" file and add this line:
As an example:
HangarScreen=Kessler-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg <------ add this line
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE Optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure:
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
That's all.
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Fokker Dr1 and hangar screens.
- Third Wire Productions for the Fokker Dr1 model.
- special thanks to Third Wire Productions for the excellent FokkerDr1 model.
- special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Tweaked Flight Models and Realism Pack for FE2
By VonS
Hello Fellow Fliers of First Eagles 2,
Version 11.0 of the FM/Realism Package for FE2 contains approximately 220 WWI aircraft types and sub-types, for your (virtual) flying enjoyment. For detailed installation instructions, please check over the main "Read Me First" file that is included, as well as several older (pdf) files and that cover aircraft performance info., tips, etc., across all previous versions of the FM update package.
A great many thanks go out to Peter01 and Ojcar, also TexMurphy, for making most of those flight model files to begin with. Also a great thanks goes out to Stephen1918, MontyCZ and Laton for providing lots of beautiful planes and skins that go with those great flight models, to NBell for the many hitbox improvements provided for the planes, also to VonOben, Mike Dora and Crawford for many helpful suggestions, and to the A-Team by SkunkWorks for allowing me to tweak a few of the FMs for their models too. And of course a very big thanks goes out to Geezer for several fantastic, high-quality models that were produced for FE2.
What I've done is tinkered with the data files further. Modifications in all cases, to a greater or lesser extent, include data under the following sections:
(a) MissionData
(b) FlightControl
(c) AIData
(d) Sound
(e) AircraftData
(f) Engine
(g) Crew
(h) Internal Guns
(i) Control Surfaces
(j) Landing Gears
(k) Fuselage, Nose, Tail, Vertical Tail, LeftStab, RightStab, Rudder, Left/Right/Inner/Middle/Outer/Tip Wing components
Enjoy and happy flying!,
Von S
NOTES: For several of Geezer's latest aircraft and my FMs for those aircraft (Nieuports, Pfalzes, etc.), which are not included in this package, please see the relevant post located towards the bottom of page 25 of the "New Aircraft" thread for FE2, on CombatAce. Also see relevant posts on pages 26, 27, and 28 of that same thread for Geezer's "early beta" collection that contains the Breguet XIV, Junkers J.I, and other updates, including performance info. for some of those aircraft types.
DISCLAIMER: All Von S mods., for FE2, SF2, also WOFFue/pe/bh&h2, as well as for RoF (United Ed.), are subject to the CombatAce "freeware" terms of agreement. Mods. may be shared with others, included on other media devices, also modded further, providing that original documentation and/or credit is included, and providing that the mods. remain free to use. Von S mods. shall not be sold, resold, etc., and Von S takes no responsibility for injuries or fixations that may result from flying heavily tweaked FMs or from attempts to enjoy real flying without aid or instruction from a qualified flight instructor.
- tweaks
- modifications
- (and 6 more)
Geezer Germans pilots for FE2
Geezer German pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2
This pack presents some German Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for German uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew1", "wwiPilotNew2", "wwiPilotNew3", "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew6", "wwiPilotNew7" and "wwiPilotNew8", with the historical pilots names (ex: Kurt Wolff) or generic names such as GERMANPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this German pilots skin Pack:
- 13 Germans Aces:
- Ernst Udet (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Josef Jacobs (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Josef Mai (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Julius Buckler (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Kurt Wolff (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Kurt Wusthoff (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Max Immelman (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Oswald Boelcke (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Otto Parchau (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Paul Baumer (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- von Richthofen (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- von Schleich (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Werner Voss (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 4 fictional characters from films:
- Black Falcon (from Fly Boys film) (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Bruno Stachel (from Blue Max film) (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Willi von Klugermann (from Blue Max film) (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Ernst Kessler (from The Great Waldo Pepper film) (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 10 German Aces using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1) that I adapted to German service colors.
- Josef Mai 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Julius Buckler 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Kurt Wolff 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Kurt Wusthoff 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Max Immelman 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Oswald Boelcke 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- Paul Baumer 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- von Richthofen 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- von Schleich 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- von Schleich 3 (wwiPilotNew1)
- 1 fictive character using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1) that I adapted to German service colors.
- Bruno Stachel 2 (wwiPilotNew1)
- 6 Germans pilots with generic face and several options for different scarf colors & a German uniform at your choice.
- GERMANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6)
- GERMANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6)
- GERMANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- GERMANPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- GERMANPILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew2)
- GERMANPILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "GERMAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (GERMAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of German aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (FokkerDr1) Aircraft folder and find the "FokkerDr1_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with FokkerDr1
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=von Richthofen <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.00,-0.75,0.65 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for German pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew1), (wwiPilotNew2), (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew6), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer RNAS-RAF pilots for FE2
Geezer RNAS-RAF pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents some RNAS-RAF Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for different scarf colors and a RNAS-RAF uniform at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew1", "wwiPilotNew3", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7" and wwiPilotNew8 with the historical pilots names (ex: Robert Little) or generic names such as RNAS-RAF PILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this RNAS-RAF pilots skin Pack:
- 6 RNAS-RAF Aces:
- Arthur Roy Brown (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Bruno De Roeper (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Geoffrey Siedle (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Lawrence Coombes (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Raymond Collishaw (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Robert Little (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 1 Knowed pilot without the Ace status:
- Colin MacLaren (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 6 RNAS-RAF pilots with a generic face and several options for different scarf colors and a RNAS-RAF uniform at your choice.
- RNAS-RAF PILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- RNAS-RAF PILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- RNAS-RAF PILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- RNAS-RAF PILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- RNAS-RAF PILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- RNAS-RAF PILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3)
- 4 RNAS-RAF pilots: Geoffrey Siedle, Colin MacLaren, Arthur Roy Brown & Robert Little, using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1).
- wwiPilotNew18 - Geoffrey Siedle - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew20 - Colin MacLaren - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew23 - Arthur Roy Brown - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew24 - Robert Little - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "RNAS-RAF PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (RNAS-RAF PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of British & French aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (CamelF1_130) Aircraft folder and find the "CamelF1_130_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with CamelF1_130
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=Arthur Roy Brown <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.00,-0.20,0.75 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for RNAS-RAF pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew1), (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer United States pilots for FE2
Geezer United States pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents some United States Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for different scarf colors and a United States uniform at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8", "wwiPilotNew3" and "wwiPilotNew1" with the historical pilots names (ex: Frank Luke) or generic names such as US-PILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this United States pilots skin Pack:
- 5 United States Aces:
- Douglas Campbell (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Edward Rikenbacker (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Frank Luke (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Lawrence Callahan (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Raoul Lufbery (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 2 Knowed pilots whithout the Ace status:
- William Palmer (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- William Wellman (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 3 United States pilots: Edward Rikenbacker, Frank Luke & William Wellman, using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1) that I adapted to United States service & french service colors.
- wwiPilotNew13 - Edward Rikenbacker (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew14 - Frank Luke (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew28 - William Wellman (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- 5 United States pilots with a generic face and several options for different scarf colors and a United States uniform at your choice.
- US-PILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- US-PILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3)
- US-PILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- US-PILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- US-PILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "UNITED STATES PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (UNITED STATES PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of United States, French and British aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (SPAD13_220) Aircraft folder and find the "SPAD13_220_DATA.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with SPAD13_220
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=Edward Rikenbacker <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.00,-0.85,0.62 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for United States pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew1), (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer Russian pilots for FE2
Geezer Russian pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents the Ukrainian/Russian Ace Alexander Kozakov and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find different options for scarf colors at your choice. The Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this Russian pilots skin Pack:
- 1 Ukrainian/Russian Ace:
- Alexander Kozakov (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 3 Russian pilots with a generic face and different scarf colors at your choice.
- RUSSIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6)
- RUSSIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- RUSSIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "RUSSIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (RUSSIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of Russian aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (CamelF1_130) Aircraft folder and find the "CamelF1_130_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with CamelF1_130
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=Alexander Kozakov <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.00,-0.20,0.75 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Russian pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew6) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer Italian pilots for FE2
Geezer italian pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents some italian Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for italian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8" and "wwiPilotNew3" with the historical pilots names (ex: Ernesto Cabruna) or generic names such as ITALIANPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this italian pilots skin Pack:
- 4 Italian Aces:
- Ernesto Cabruna (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Francesco Baracca (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Giovanni Ancillotto (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Giovanni Nicelli (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 10 Italian pilots with a generic face and several options for italian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice.
- ITALIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- ITALIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- ITALIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- ITALIANPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- ITALIANPILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- ITALIANPILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- ITALIANPILOT7 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- ITALIANPILOT8 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- ITALIANPILOT9 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- ITALIANPILOT10 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "ITALIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (ITALIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of ITALIAN French & British aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (SVA5) Aircraft folder and find the "SVA5_DATA.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with To use with SVA5
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=ITALIANPILOT2 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.0,-0.60,0.55 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Italian pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer Austro-Hungarian pilots for FE2
Geezer Austro-Hugarian pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2
This pack presents some Austro-Hugarian Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for Austro-Hugarian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8" and "wwiPilotNew1" with the historical pilots names (ex: Godwin Brumowski) or generic names such as AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this Austro-Hugarian pilots skin Pack:
- 3 Austro-Hugarian Aces:
- Godwin Brumowski (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Josef Kiss (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Franz Graser (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 4 Austro-Hugarian pilots with a generic face and several options for Austro-Hugarian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice.
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of Austro-Hugarian aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (AviatikD1) Aircraft folder and find the "AviatikD1_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with AviatikD1
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT4 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.00,-1.12,0.55 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Austro-Hugarian pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew6) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer RFC-RAF pilots for FE2
Geezer RFC-RAF pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents some RFC-RAF Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for different scarf colors and a RFC-RAF uniform at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew1", "wwiPilotNew2", "wwiPilotNew3", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7" and wwiPilotNew8 with the historical pilots names (ex: Albert Ball) or generic names such as RFC-RAF PILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this RFC-RAF pilots skin Pack:
- 7 RFC-RAF Aces:
- Albert Ball (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Arthur Rhys-Davids (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Cecil Arthur Lewis (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Edward Mannock (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- James McCudden (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Lanoe Hawker (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- William Barker (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 1 Knowed pilot without the Ace status:
- Alan Bishop Jarvis (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 7 RFC-RAF pilots with a generic face and several options for different scarf colors and a RFC-RAF uniform at your choice.
- RFC-RAF PILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- RFC-RAF PILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- RFC-RAF PILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew2)
- RFC-RAF PILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3)
- RFC-RAF PILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- RFC-RAF PILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- RFC-RAF PILOT7 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- 7 RFC-RAF pilots: James McCudden, Lanoe Hawker, Albert Ball, Arthur Rhys-Davids, Cecil Arthur Lewis, Alan Bishop Jarvis and Edward Mannock, using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1).
- wwiPilotNew15 - James McCudden - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew17 - Lanoe Hawker - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew19 - Albert Ball - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew26 - Arthur Rhys-Davids - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew29 - Cecil Arthur Lewis - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew30 - Alan Bishop Jarvis - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew35 - Edward Mannock - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "RFC-RAF PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (RFC-RAF PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of British & French aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your ( SE5a ) Aircraft folder and find the "SE5a_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with SE5a
// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
PilotModelName=James McCudden <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.0,-1.150,0.699 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for RFC-RAF pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew1), (wwiPilotNew2), (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Geezer French pilots for FE2
Geezer French pilots for FE 2
This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2.
This pack presents some french Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish.
You will find several options for french uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8" and "wwiPilotNew1" with the historical pilots names (ex: Jean Navarre) or generic names such as FRENCHPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder.
** What you will find in this French pilots skin Pack:
- 6 French Aces:
- Georges Guynemer (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- René Fonck (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Jean Navarre (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Charles Nungesser (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Michel Coiffard (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- Gabriel Guérin (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- 7 French pilots with a generic face and several options for french uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice.
- FRENCHPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- FRENCHPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7)
- FRENCHPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- FRENCHPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- FRENCHPILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4)
- FRENCHPILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5)
- FRENCHPILOT7 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8)
- 3 French Aces: Georges Guynemer, Michel Coiffard & Charles Nungesser, using a British long leather coat (Geezer wwiPilotNew1) that I adapted to french service colors.
- wwiPilotNew16 - Charles Nungesser - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew27 - Michel Coiffard - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- wwiPilotNew32 - Georges Guynemer - (Geezer wwiPilotNew1)
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FRENCH PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder.
In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini
Inside the pack, there is a (FRENCH PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of French aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION".
As an example:
Open your (Breguet14_FRANCE) Aircraft folder and find the "Breguet14_FRANCE_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually.
To use with Breguet14_FRANCE
// Crew -----------------------
PilotModelName=FRENCHPILOT2 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
Position=0.0,-1.07,0.88 <------------------------------------ You must add this line
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for French pilots.
- Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew1), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8).
- Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work.
- Special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Stephen1918 Fokker Eindecker cockpits for FE 1
Stephen1918 Fokker E cockpits for First Eagles 1
Fokkers EI, EIa, EII, EIIa, EIII, EIIIa, EIV & EIVa cockpit pack for First Eagles 1.
I did new textures and new painting approach for Stephen1918's Fokker E cockpits.
You will find, a new Spandau machine gun, a new Parabellum machine gun, Vrt, compass.bmp figures & a new Glass.tga and a complet new set of textures for Stephen1918' cockpits.
The Spandau, Parabellum machine gun, Vrt, compass and all gauges, still with the same size of the original aircraft & cockpits bmp files.
Inside the pack you will find folders for optional cockpit leather colors (Black & brown) for all these fokkers above.
To use one of them just rename one of your choice as:
- BROWN LEATHER-FokECockpit.bmp rename it as FokECockpit.bmp
- BLACK LEATHER-FokECockpit.bmp rename it as FokECockpit.bmp
Installation instructions for First Eagles 1 users: (cockpit & aircraft BMPs & TGA files)
First make a back-up or rename your original cockpit folder, the Spandau, Parabellum, Vrt, compass BMP figures and the Glass.tga figures. This is just in case you wish return with your former cockpit textures later. Then just drop or copy all the Fokker folders from mine Aircraft folder to your Aircraft folder.
That's all.
I slightly modded my MinPitchFront for a little wide cockpit views (see the screenshots).
If you wish to use my MinPitchFront edition ini, Open your COCKPIT.ini and make these following editions:
MinPitchFront=-80 <----------------- you must to add this valor.
This is not mandatory. All cockpit files will work normally without this edition as well
That's all.
- Julio Junqueira skin textures (BMP & TGA files) for Stephen1918' Fokker E cockpits.
- Stephen1918 for the Cockpit ini files.
- special thanks to Stephen1918 for the excellent Fokker E cockpit models.
- special thanks to hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
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