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First Eagles by Thirdwire

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All FE Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. Laton Fokker Eindeckers for First Eagles 2

      Laton's Fokker Eindeckers for First Eagles 2
      Andre (Laton) Simpson Fokkers EI, EIa, EII, EIIa, EIII, EIIIa, EIV & EIVa pack for First Eagles 2. 
      This is a pack for Laton's Fokkers E, with 3D LODs setted to use jpg format. You still need all those Fokkers above installed in your FE 2 Aircraft main folder. This pack will only replace the original 3d LODs that still using BMP figures. 
      Also, I Hexa edited the LODs files of Laton's Fokker EIIa that had wire wheels. I comverted them to wheel covers, as they were usually in combat areas. 
      There is 4 optional (Vrt) used by Fokkers EI, EIa, EII, EIIa, EIV & EIVa  at your choice. You will find them on the folder "OPTIONAL PROPELLERS" .
      (2 "Garuda" propellers, one "Integrale" propeller and one "Germania" propeller) To use one of them just rename it as "Vrt". 
      I did, one new Spandau machine gun, one new Parabellum machine gun, Vrt, compass.jpg figures & a new Glass.tga textures.
      The Laton's Eindeckers 3d LODs are setted to use jpg files. So you will be able to use my new Spandau, Parabellum, Vrt and compass in jpg format figures together with Stephen1918's Fokkers cockpits using JPGs textures.
      Installation instructions for First Eagles 2: ONLY FOR FE 2 USERS (Laton's Fokker E aircrafts 3d LODs using JPGs)
      First make a back-up or rename all your "original Laton's Fokker E 3d LODs". 
      Make a back-up or rename all your COMPASS.BMP, SPANDAU.BMP, VRT.BMP, PARABELA.BMP, SPANDAU_BARREL.BMP and GlASS.TGA files. 
      Then just drop or copy all the Fokker folders from mine Aircraft folder to your Aircraft folder. 
      After this you must to convert all Fokker E "bmp" skin files that you are already have installed before to JPG format, using your favorite image editor.
      That's all. 
      - Julio Junqueira skin textures (JPG & TGA files) for Laton's Fokker Eindeckers.
      - Andre (Laton) Simpson for the Fokker Eindeckers 3D LODs.
      - special thanks to Andre (Laton) Simpson for the excellent Eindeckers models.
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.


         (0 reviews)



    2. Stephen1918 Fokker Eindecker cockpits for FE 2

      Stephen1918 Fokker Eindecker cockpits for FE 2
      Fokkers EI, EIa, EII, EIIa, EIII, EIIIa, EIV & EIVa cockpit pack for First Eagles 2. 
      I did new textures and new painting approach for Stephen1918's Fokker E cockpits 
      The size of the instruments were slightly increased for a better view of them. The cockpit 3D LODs are setted to use jpg files. 
      You will find, a new Spandau machine gun, a new Parabellum machine gun, Vrt, compass.jpg figures & a new Glass.tga textures.
      There is 4 optional (Vrt) at your choice. You will find them on the folder "OPTIONAL PROPELLERS" .
      (2 "Garuda" propellers, one "Integrale" propeller and one "Germania" propeller) To use one of them just rename it as "Vrt".
      I'm including also, here at CombatAce.com in a separated download only for FE 2 users with the Andre (Laton) Simpson's Fokker E 3d LODs, setted to use jpg files. So you will be able to use my new Spandau, Parabellum, Vrt and compass in jpg format figures together with Stephen1918 cockpit using JPGs textures. 
      Inside the pack you will find 3 folders for optional cockpit leather colors (Black & brown) for all these Fokkers above.
      To use one of them just rename one of your choice as: 
      - BROWN LEATHER-FokECockpit.jpg  rename it as FokECockpit.jpg
      - BLACK LEATHER-FokECockpit.jpg  rename it as FokECockpit.jpg
      Installation instructions for First Eagles 2: ONLY FOR FE 2 USERS. (Stephen1918's cockpit 3d LODs USING JPGs)
      First make a back-up or rename your "original cockpit folder". This is just in case you wish return with your former cockpit Textures and 3d LODs later. Then just drop or copy all the Fokker folders from mine Aircraft folder to your Aircraft folder.
      That's all. 
      I slightly modded my MinPitchFront for a little wide cockpit views (see the screenshots).
      If you wish to use my MinPitchFront edition ini, Open your COCKPIT.ini and make these following editions:
      MinPitchFront=-80    <----------------- you must to add this valor.
      This is not mandatory. All cockpit files will work normally without this edition as well
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira skin textures (JPG & TGA files) for Stephen1918's Fokker Eindecker cockpits.
      - Stephen1918 for the Fokker Eindecker Cockpit 3D LODs & ini files.
      - special thanks to Stephen1918 for the excellent Fokker E cockpit models.
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (1 review)



    3. ESCADRILLE 65 NIEUPORT 24bis skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 24bis skins of Escadrille 65 for EmID N24bis First Eagles 2
      This is a skin pack, representing Nieuports 24bis used by Escadrille 65.
      Some serial numbers are historicals, others are not.
      Historical Sources:
      - Albin Denis website: http://albindenis.free.fr/Site_escadrille/page_centaine.htm
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport N24bis skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to Nieuport N24bis used by Escadrille 65.
      - A full squadron (Escadrille 65) with 100 decal serial numbers and squadron markings, including the Nieuport 24bis flown by the French Ace Charles Nungesser. 
      - 3 New optional hangar screens for Nieuport 24bis (N24bis) in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N24bis aircraft main folder, next, edit your N24bis.ini file. and add this line:
      HangarScreen=ESC 65-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg      <------ add this line to use the first option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 65-HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg      <------ add this line to use the second option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 65-HANGARSCREEN 03.jpg      <------ add this line to use the third option.
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24bis" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24bis" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N24bis".ini file.
      Directory=ESC 65
      Name=ESC 65
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N24bis.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for Nieuport 24bis and hangar screens.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 24bis model.
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (1 review)



    4. ESCADRILLE 75 NIEUPORT 24 skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 24 skins of Escadrille 75 for EmID Nieuport N24 First Eagles 2
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport 24 skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to Nieuport 24s used by Escadrille 75.
      - A full squadron (Escadrille 75) with 100 decal serial numbers. 
      - A special skin folder focusing on Slt William Hérisson a french Ace with 11 victories. 
      - 2 New optional hangar screens for Nieuport 24 (N24) in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N24 aircraft main folder, next, edit your N24.ini file and add this line:
      HangarScreen=ESC 75-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg      <------ add this line to use the first option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 75-HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg      <------ add this line to use the second option.
      Historical Sources:
      - Albin Denis website: http://albindenis.free.fr/Site_escadrille/page_centaine.htm
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N24".ini file.
      Directory=ESC 75
      Name=Escadrille 75
      Directory=ESC 75a
      Name=Slt William Hérisson
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N24.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for Nieuport 24 and hangar screens.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 24 model.
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (1 review)



    5. ESCADRILLE 3 NIEUPORT 24 skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 24 skins mID Nieuport N24 First Eagles 2of Escadrille 3 for E
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport 24 skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to Nieuport 24s used by Escadrille 3.
      - A full squadron (Escadrille 3) with 100 decal serial numbers. 
      - 2 New optional hangar screens for Nieuport 24 (N24) in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N24 aircraft main folder, next, edit your N24.ini file and add this line:
      HangarScreen=ESC 3 HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg      <------ add this line to use the first option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 3 HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg      <------ add this line to use the second option.
      Historical Sources:
      - Albin Denis website: http://albindenis.free.fr/Site_escadrille/page_centaine.htm
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N24".ini file.
      Directory=ESC 3
      Name=Escadrille 3
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N24.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for Nieuport 24 and hangar screens.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 24 model.
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (0 reviews)



    6. ESCADRILLE 87 NIEUPORT 24 skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 24 skins of Escadrille 87 for EmID Nieuport N24 First Eagles 2
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport 24 skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to Nieuport 24s used by Escadrille 87 "Les Chats Noir".
      - Two types of paint patterns for the Nieuports used by Escadrille 87, one in silver-dope and other in french pattern camouflage. This enables a mix of different types when you fly single missions.
      - A full squadron (Escadrille 87) with 100 decal serial numbers. 
      - 3 New optional hangar screens for Nieuport 24 (N24) in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N24 aircraft main folder, next, edit your N24.ini file. and add this line:
      HangarScreen=ESC 87-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg      <------ add this line to use the first option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 87-HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg      <------ add this line to use the second option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 87-HANGARSCREEN 03.jpg      <------ add this line to use the third option.
      Historical Sources:
      - Albin Denis website:http://albindenis.free.fr/Site_escadrille/page_escadrilles_1_a_500.htm
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N24".ini file.
      Directory=ESC 87 (Silver Dope)
      Name=Escadrille 87 (Silver Dope)
      Directory=ESC 87
      Name=Escadrille 87
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N24.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for Nieuport 24 and hangar screens.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 24 model.
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (1 review)



    7. ESCADRILLE 87 NIEUPORT 24bis skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 24bis skins of Escadrille 87 for EmID N24bis First Eagles 2
      This is a skin pack, representing Nieuports 24bis used by Escadrille 87 "Les Chats Noir".
      Some serial numbers are historicals, others are not.
      Historical Sources:
      - Albin Denis website: http://albindenis.free.fr/Site_escadrille/page_escadrilles_1_a_500.htm
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport N24bis skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to Nieuport N24bis used by Escadrille 87.
      - A full squadron (Escadrille 87) with 100 decal serial numbers and squadron markings. 
      - 3 New optional hangar screens for Nieuport 24bis (N24bis) in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N24bis aircraft main folder, next, edit your N24bis.ini file. and add this line:
      HangarScreen=ESC 87-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg      <------ add this line to use the first option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 87-HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg      <------ add this line to use the second option.
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24bis" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24bis" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N24bis".ini file.
      Directory=ESC 87 (Silver Dope)
      Name=Escadrille 87
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N24bis.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for Nieuport 24bis and hangar screens.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 24bis model.
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (1 review)



    8. ESCADRILLE 87 NIEUPORT 27 skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 27 skins of Escadrille 87 for EmID N27_FAS First Eagles 2
      This is a skin pack, representing most of the Nieuports 27 used by Escadrille 87 "Les Chats Noir".
      Some serial numbers are historicals, others are not.
      Historical Sources:
      - Albin Denis website: http://albindenis.free.fr/Site_escadrille/page_escadrilles_1_a_500.htm
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport N27_FAS skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to Nieuport N27_FAS used by Escadrille 87.
      - A full squadron (Escadrille 87) with 100 decal serial numbers including the Nieport 27 flown by William Wellman and other by René d'Estainville. 
      - 3 New optional hangar screens for Nieuport 27 (N27_FAS) in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N27_FAS aircraft main folder, next, edit your N27_FAS.ini file. and add this line:
      HangarScreen=ESC 87-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg      <------ add this line to use the first option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 87-HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg      <------ add this line to use the second option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 87-HANGARSCREEN 03.jpg      <------ add this line to use the third option.
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N27_FAS".ini file.
      Directory=ESC 87
      Name=Escadrille 87 (Camo)
      Directory=ESC 87 (Silver Dope)
      Name=ESC 87 (Silver Dope)
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N27_FAS.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for Nieuport 27 and hangar screens.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 27 model.
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (1 review)



    9. ESCADRILLE 561 NIEUPORT 27 skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 27 skins of Escadrille 561 for EmID N27_FAS First Eagles 2
      This is a skin pack, representing most of the Nieuports 27 used by Escadrille 561 on Venice, Italy from 1917 to 1918.
      To be used with the campaign "Armchair Aces Over Italy" by Ojcar. 
      Many Escadrille 561 pilots, kept thier personal markings even as they switched to different types of Nieuports and SPADs.
      When the Nieuport model featured different interpretations of markings, I added it as a new option on the decals. So you will find some repeated pilot names to represent these versions. While all markings are historical, some are unrelated to the Nieuport type. I decided to put them in, for greater diversification and greatest fun. If you don't want to use them, just delete or rename them from the decal folder.
      Many serial numbers are historicals, others are not.
      You will get better profit of these skins with the campaign "Armchair Aces Over Italy" by Ojcar. If you do not have this campaign, you could find it here. https://combatace.com/files/file/17169-armchair-aces-over-italy/
      Historical Notes:
      Escadrille N.561 was a French squadron dedicated to defending Venice, Italy from aerial attack. Stemming from a six plane detachment assigned to Venice's defense on 15 August 1915, after its foundation in June 1916, Escadrille 561 would defend Venice until 1 January 1918. Detached then to support the French X Armee during its sojourn in Italy, the squadron remained on the peninsula after the X Armee had returned to France. By war's end, Escadrille 561 was credited with destroying 12 enemy aircraft and four observation balloons. The Escadrille 561, produced only one Ace, Sergeant André Robert Lévy credited with six aerial victories.
      The squadron flew most of the manufactured Nieuports (10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24 and 27) and a small number of Sopwith 1A2, SPAD VII, SPAD XI & SPAD XIII. 
      Historical Sources:
      - Aéro-Journal n°39, L'Escadrille de Venise, entre guerre et dolce vita, David Méchin.
      - Albin Denis website: http://albindenis.fr
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport N27_FAS skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to Nieuport N27_FAS used by Escadrille 561.
      - A full squadron (Escadrille 561) with 100 decal serial numbers and 22 pilot personal markings. 
      - 6 New optional hangar screens for Nieuport 27 (N27_FAS) in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N27_FAS aircraft main folder, next, edit your N27_FAS.ini file. and add this line:
      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg      <------ add this line to use the first option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg      <------ add this line to use the second option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 03.jpg      <------ add this line to use the third option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 04.jpg      <------ add this line to use the fourth option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 05.jpg      <------ add this line to use the fifth option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 06.jpg      <------ add this line to use the sixth option.
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N27_FAS".ini file.
      Directory=ESC 561
      Name=ESCadrille 561
      Directory=ESC 561b
      Name=ESC 561 (Silver dope)
      Directory=ESC 561c
      Name=ESC 561 (Light camo)
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N27_FAS.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for Nieuport 27 and hangar screens.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 27 model.
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (0 reviews)



    10. ESCADRILLE 561 NIEUPORT 24 skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 24 skins of Escadrille 561 for EmID Nieuport N24 First Eagles 2
      This is a skin pack, representing most of the Nieuports 24 used by Escadrille 561 on Venice, Italy from 1917 to 1918.
      Many Escadrille 561 pilots, kept thier personal markings even as they switched to different types of Nieuports and SPADs.
      When the Nieuport model featured different interpretations of markings, I added it as a new option on the decals. So you will find some repeated pilot names to represent these versions. While all markings are historical, some are unrelated to the Nieuport type. I decided to put them in, for greater diversification and greatest fun. If you don't want to use them, just delete or rename them from the decal folder.
      You will also find two types of paint patterns for the Nieuports used by Escadrille 561, one in silver-dope and other in french pattern camouflage. This enables a mix of different types when you fly single missions.
      Many serial numbers are historical, others are not.
      You will get better profit of these skins with the campaign "Armchair Aces Over Italy" by Ojcar. If you do not have this campaign, you could find it here. https://combatace.com/files/file/17169-armchair-aces-over-italy/
      Historical Notes:
      Escadrille N.561 was a French squadron dedicated to defending Venice, Italy from aerial attack. Stemming from a six plane detachment assigned to Venice's defense on 15 August 1915, after its foundation in June 1916, Escadrille 561 would defend Venice until 1 January 1918. Detached then to support the French X Armee during its sojourn in Italy, the squadron remained on the peninsula after the X Armee had returned to France. By war's end, Escadrille 561 was credited with destroying 12 enemy aircraft and four observation balloons. The Escadrille 561, produced only one Ace, Sergeant André Robert Lévy credited with six aerial victories.
      The squadron flew most of the manufactured Nieuports (10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24 and 27) and a small number of Sopwith 1A2, SPAD VII, SPAD XI & SPAD XIII.
      Historical Sources:
      - Aéro-Journal n°39, L'Escadrille de Venise, entre guerre et dolce vita, David Méchin.
      - Albin Denis website: http://albindenis.fr
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport 24 skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to Nieuport 24s used by Escadrille 561.
      - A full squadron (Escadrille 561) with 100 decal serial numbers and 22 pilot personal markings. 
      - 3 New optional hangar screens for Nieuport 24 (N24) in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N24 aircraft main folder, next, edit your N24.ini file. and add this line:
      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg      <------ add this line to use the first option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg      <------ add this line to use the second option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 03.jpg      <------ add this line to use the third option.
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N24".ini file.
      Directory=ESC 561
      Name=Escadrille 561 (Silver Dope)
      Directory=ESC 561a
      Name=Escadrille 561 (Camo)
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N24.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for Nieuport 24 and hangar screens.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 24 model.
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (0 reviews)



    11. ESCADRILLE 561 NIEUPORT 24bis skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 24bis skins of Escadrille 561 for EmID N24bis First Eagles 2
      This is a skin pack, representing most of the Nieuports 24bis used by Escadrille 561 on Venice, Italy from 1917 to 1918.
      To be used with the campaign "Armchair Aces Over Italy" by Ojcar.
      Many Escadrille 561 pilots, kept thier personal markings even as they switched to different types of Nieuports and SPADs.
      When the Nieuport model featured different interpretations of markings, I added it as a new option on the decals. So you will find some repeated pilot names to represent these versions. While all markings are historical, some are unrelated to the Nieuport type. I decided to put them in, for greater diversification and greatest fun. If you don't want to use them, just delete or rename them from the decal folder.
      Many serial numbers are historicals, others are not.
      You will get better profit of these skins with the campaign "Armchair Aces Over Italy" by Ojcar. If you do not have this campaign, you could find it here. https://combatace.com/files/file/17169-armchair-aces-over-italy/
      Historical Notes:
      Escadrille N.561 was a French squadron dedicated to defending Venice, Italy from aerial attack. Stemming from a six plane detachment assigned to Venice's defense on 15 August 1915, after its foundation in June 1916, Escadrille 561 would defend Venice until 1 January 1918. Detached then to support the French X Armee during its sojourn in Italy, the squadron remained on the peninsula after the X Armee had returned to France. By war's end, Escadrille 561 was credited with destroying 12 enemy aircraft and four observation balloons. The Escadrille 561, produced only one Ace, Sergeant André Robert Lévy credited with six aerial victories.
      The squadron flew most of the manufactured Nieuports (10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24 and 27) and a small number of Sopwith 1A2, SPAD VII, SPAD XI & SPAD XIII.
      Historical Sources:
      - Aéro-Journal n°39, L'Escadrille de Venise, entre guerre et dolce vita, David Méchin.
      - Albin Denis website: http://albindenis.fr
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport N24bis skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to Nieuport N24bis used by Escadrille 561.
      - A full squadron (Escadrille 561) with 100 decal serial numbers and 22 pilot personal markings. 
      - 4 New optional hangar screens for Nieuport 24bis (N24bis) in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N24bis aircraft main folder, next, edit your N24bis.ini file. and add this line:
      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg      <------ add this line to use the first option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg      <------ add this line to use the second option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 03.jpg      <------ add this line to use the third option.

      HangarScreen=ESC 561-HANGARSCREEN 04.jpg      <------ add this line to use the fourth option.
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24bis" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N24bis" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N24bis".ini file.
      Name=Escadrille 561
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N24bis.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for Nieuport 24bis and hangar screens.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 24bis model.
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (0 reviews)



    12. 83a Squadriglia NIEUPORT 27 skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 27 skins of 83a Squadriglia for EmID Nieuport N27_FAS First Eagles 2
      This is a  pack of skins focused on the history of the 83a Squadriglia. 
      Historical notes: The 83a Squadriglia was formed on May 5, 1917 with several separate sections.
      On 28 December 1917 the first Nieuport 27 arrived. In January 1918 Captain Giulio Moroni arrived and took command. In March there are 6 pilots including lieutenants Rino Corso Fougier and Enrico Gadda, 8 Ni 27 and one Ni 17. On March 18 the 83a Squadriglia moves with the 1st section to the San Pietro Airfield. On March 22 Fougier commands the squadron.
       At the end of the war 83a Squadriglia passed under command of the 6th Army with 14 Nieuport 27 having carried out 2,500 combat missions in 1918. In February 1919 the squadron passed to VII Group with 3 Nieuport 27 and 14 Hanriot and on March 25 it was dissolved.
      You will get better profit of these skins with the campaign "Armchair Aces Over Italy" by Ojcar. If you do not have this campaign, you could find it here. https://combatace.com/files/file/17169-armchair-aces-over-italy/
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport 27 skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to  Nieuport 27s used by 83a Squadriglia from December 1917 to November 1918. Some serial numbers to those planes are historicals others not.
      - A full squadron (83a Squadriglia) with 101 historical & fictional serial numbers. Including the Nieuport 27 flown by Rino Corso Fougier and Enrico Gadda.  
      - 5 special skin folders focusing on knowed Nieuports 27 of 83a Squadriglia with historical & fictional serial numbers. 
      - New textures for the N27_FAS cockpit with new italian instruments 
      - 2 New optional hangar screenS for 83a Squadriglia in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N27_FAS aircraft main folder, next, edit your N27_FAS.ini file. and add this line:
      HangarScreen=83HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg       <------ add this line to use the first option.
      HangarScreen=83HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg       <------ add this line to use the second option.
      - I painted new textures for the cockpit, with a new "GLASS.tga" to complement all of them. The gauges & needles were made as close as possible to the real instruments.
      - Releasing two versions: One in 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) and other in 2048x2048(JPG & TGA). 
      - I set the 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) as standard for the planes. 
      *OBS: If you are running a low-end computer I do not recommend the use of 2048x2048 cockpit textures.
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N27_FAS".ini file.
      Directory=83 Squadriglia
      Name=83 Squadriglia
      Directory=83 Squadriglia 2
      Name=83 Squadriglia 2
      Directory=83 Squadriglia 3
      Name=83 Squadriglia 3
      Directory=83 Squadriglia 4
      Name=83 Squadriglia 4
      Directory=83 Squadriglia 5
      Name=83 Squadriglia 5
      Directory=83 Squadriglia 6
      Name=83 Squadriglia 6
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N27_FAS.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for N27_FAS, cockpit and hangar.
      - EmlD for the Cockpit 3D LODs.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 27 model.
      - Thanks to Stephen1918 and Crawford for help with information on the Nieuport's fuel gauge. 
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (0 reviews)



    13. 81a Squadriglia NIEUPORT 27 skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 27 skins of 81a Squadriglia for EmID Nieuport N27_FAS First Eagles 2
      This is a  pack of skins focused on the history of the 81a Squadriglia. 
      Historical notes:  81a Squadriglia of the "Corpo Aeronautico Militare" was founded at the Central Flying School in Arcade, Italy in March 1917. The squadron was displaced at the Battle of Caporetto. 81a Squadriglia joined 6o Gruppo at Istrana. The move would put them in position for the great air battle over their base on 26 December 1917. 
      In February 1918, the squadron began replacing its Nieuport 17s with Hanriot HD.1s. Hanriot supplies being insufficient, some Nieuport 27s were also brought on strength. The squadron served on through Summer 1918. Then, on 26 October 1918, it was included in the Massa da Caccia (Fighter Mass) that supported the victorious final Italian offensive at Vittorio Veneto. When the war in northern Italy ended on 3 November 1918, the 81a Squadriglia had flown 4,118 combat sorties, engaged the enemy 230 times, and were credited with 34 aerial victories. The squadron suffered four dead. It still had 21 Hanriots and a Nieuport 27 in service.
      You will get better profit of these skins with the campaign "Armchair Aces Over Italy" by Ojcar. If you do not have this campaign, you could find it here. https://combatace.com/files/file/17169-armchair-aces-over-italy/
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport 27 skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to Nieuport 27s used by 81a Squadriglia in 1918. 
      Some serial numbers to those planes are historicals others not.
      - A full squadron (81a Squadriglia) with 101 historical & fictional serial numbers.
      - A special skin folder focusing on Sergente Carlo Corti with 2 confirmed victories & his Ni.11339 Aces card.   
      This Nieuport was pictured in Casoni airfield, Italy, early summer of 1918.
      - A special skin folder with one Unidentified Nieuport 27 flown by 81a Squadriglia with a Aces card markings, serial number & pilot unknown.
      - New textures for the N27_FAS cockpit with new italian instruments. 
      - 2 New optional hangar screenS for 81a Squadriglia in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N27_FAS aircraft main folder, next, edit your N27_FAS.ini file. and add this line:
      HangarScreen=81HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg       <------ add this line to use the first option.
      HangarScreen=81HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg       <------ add this line to use the second option.
      - I painted new textures for the cockpit, with a new "GLASS.tga" to complement all of them. The gauges & needles were made as close as possible to the real instruments.
      - Releasing two versions: One in 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) and other in 2048x2048(JPG & TGA). 
      - I set the 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) as standard for the planes. 
      *OBS: If you are running a low-end computer I do not recommend the use of 2048x2048 cockpit textures.
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N27_FAS".ini file.
      Directory=81 Squadriglia
      Name=81 Squadriglia
      Directory=81 Squadriglia (Silver dope)
      Name=81 Squadriglia (Silver dope)
      Directory=Carlo Corti
      Name=Carlo Corti
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N27_FAS.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for N27_FAS, cockpit and hangar.
      - EmlD for the Cockpit 3D LODs.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 27 model.
      - Thanks to Stephen1918 and Crawford for help with information on the Nieuport's fuel gauge. 
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (0 reviews)



    14. 79a Squadriglia NIEUPORT 27 skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 27 skins of 79a Squadriglia for EmID Nieuport N27_FAS First Eagles 2
      This is a  pack of skins focused on the history of the Italian 79a Squadriglia. 
      Historical notes: 
      79a Squadriglia of the "Corpo Aeronautico Militare" was formed in November 1916 at the Central Flying School in Arcade, Italy. 
      On 13 January 1917, it was deployed to Istrana, with its area of operations being the Asiago Plateau near the ongoing Battles of the Isonzo. 
      The new unit flew its first combat mission on 20 January 1917. On 28 March 1917, 3a Sezione was detached for city defense duties. On 10 April 1917, the squadron was attached to 10o Gruppo. A month later, it was transferred to 7o Gruppo. On 2 June 1917, Antonio Reali scored his first aerial victory for the squadron's initial success. On 3 December 1917, the squadron was posted to the 15o Gruppo. In June 1918, it was assigned to the Massia da Caccia (Fighter Mass) before passing to control of the 23o Gruppo. 
      The squadron served through war's end. Its wartime record was 4,411 combat sorties flown, with 47 victories achieved in 227 aerial combats. The squadron had suffered five killed. The squadron produced the WW1 Nieuport 27 "Ace of Aces" Marziale Cerutti with 17 victories with this Nieuport model.
      You will get better profit of these skins with the campaign "Armchair Aces Over Italy" by Ojcar. If you do not have this campaign, you could find it here. https://combatace.com/files/file/17169-armchair-aces-over-italy/
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport 27 skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals markings to Nieuport 27s used by 79a Squadriglia in 1917 / 1918. 
        Some serial numbers to those planes are historicals others not.
      - A full squadron (79a Squadriglia) with 101 historical & fictional serial numbers. 
      - A special skin folder focusing on Sergente Marziale Cerutti the Nieuport 27 Ace of Aces. 
      - A special skin folder focusing on Nieuports of 79a Squadriglia with 101 historical & fictional serial numbers. 
      Representing the 79a Squadriglia in late 1918 when Capitano Arturo Freddi Cavallotti (17 October 1918) become their commander and adopted the "She-wolf of Rome" as squadron insignia.
      - New textures for the N27_FAS cockpit with new italian instruments 
      - 5 New optional hangar screenS for 79a Squadriglia in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N27_FAS aircraft main folder, next, edit your N27_FAS.ini file. and add this line:
      HangarScreen=79HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg      <------ add this line to use the first option.
      HangarScreen=79HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg      <------ add this line to use the second option.
      HangarScreen=79HANGARSCREEN 03.jpg      <------ add this line to use the third option.
      HangarScreen=79HANGARSCREEN 04.jpg      <------ add this line to use the fourth option.
      HangarScreen=79HANGARSCREEN 05.jpg      <------ add this line to use the fifth option.
      - I painted new textures for the cockpit, with a new "GLASS.tga" to complement all of them. The gauges & needles were made as close as possible to the real instruments.
      - Releasing two versions: One in 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) and other in 2048x2048(JPG & TGA). 
      - I set the 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) as standard for the planes. 
      *OBS: If you are running a low-end computer I do not recommend the use of 2048x2048 cockpit textures.
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N27_FAS".ini file.
      Directory=79 Squadriglia
      Name=79 Squadriglia
      Directory=79 Squadriglia(Later)
      Name=79 Squadriglia(Later)
      Directory=Marziale Cerutti
      Name=Marziale Cerutti
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N27_FAS.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for N27_FAS, cockpit and hangar screens.
      - EmlD for the Cockpit 3D LODs.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 27 model.
      - Thanks to Stephen1918 and Crawford for help with information on the Nieuport's fuel gauge. 
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (0 reviews)



    15. AUSTRIAN NIEUPORT 27 skin pack for FE 2

      Nieuport 27 skins (K.u.K LFT) for EmID Nieuport N27_FAS First Eagles 2
      Historical notes:
      Austro-Hungarian K.u.K LFT - Kaiserliche und Königliche Luftfahrtruppen (The Imperial and Royal Aviation troops)
      This is a pack with two Nieuport 27 skins, captured by K.u.K LFT at the Italian Front. These Nieuport 27s were flown before by the Italian 81a Squadriglia in late 1917/early 1918. Both planes were captured intact and posted to fly by K.u.K LFT.
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport 27 skin Pack:
      - A full set of two skins & decals to Nieuport 27s used by K.u.K LFT
      I painted the pilot's personal marking (horse & Horseshoe) as far was possible to see, according to the Nieuport picture.
      - Both skins with diferents fuselage pattern styles, that you will find in the "OPTIONAL FOLDERS". To use, just copy the inside contend to your "N27 Austrian folder" / "N27 Austrian 2 folder" and let the replace.  
      - two (2) optional hangar screens for K.u.K LFT in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folders. for each aircraft. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N27_FAS aircraft main folder or N27_aircraft main folder. 
      Next, edit your N27_FAS.ini file or or N27.ini file, and add this line:

      For N27
      HangarScreen=N27_Austria-HANGARSCREEN.jpg           <------ add this line
      For N27_FAS
      HangarScreen=N27_FAS-Austria-HANGARSCREEN.jpg       <------ add this line
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 

      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N27_FAS".ini file.
      Directory=N27 Austrian
      Name=N27 Austrian
      Directory=N27 Austrian 2
      Name=N27 Austrian 2
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N27_FAS.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed.
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your N27.ini that you find in your Aircraft folder.
      Directory=N27 Austrian 2
      Name=N27 Austrian 2
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N27.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for N27_FAS, N27, cockpit and hangars.
      - EmlD for the Cockpit 3D LODs.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 27 models.
      - Thanks to Stephen1918 and Crawford for help with information on the Nieuport's fuel gauge. 
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (0 reviews)



    16. ITALIAN NIEUPORT 27 Padua ADF for FE2

      Nieuport 27 skins of Padua Air Defense Flight for Nieuport N27_FAS First Eagles 2

      Historical notes: 
      Unidentified italian Nieuport 27, possibly aircraft of Padua Air Defense Flight, with a light silver-dope pattern, darked tail, probably black or red and a winged devil fuselage insignia. Picture possibly taken in Padua. 
      Source: "Nieuport 24/27 at war!" by Paolo Varriale.
      ** What you will find in this Padua Air Defense Flight Nieuport 27 skin pack:
      - A skin & decals to Nieuport 27 used by Padua Air Defense Flight in Italy 1918. Serial number fictional.
      - Two optional folders one with a red tail & other in black. 
      - New textures for the N27_FAS cockpit with new italian instruments. 
      - 2 New optional hangar screenS for Padua Air Defense Flight in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREENS" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N27_FAS aircraft main folder, next, edit your N27_FAS.ini file. and add this line:
      To use the Nieuport with black tail
      HangarScreen=HANGARSCREEN ITALY1.jpg       <------ add this line
      To use the Nieuport with red tail
      HangarScreen=HANGARSCREEN ITALY2.jpg       <------ add this line
      - I painted new textures for the cockpit, with a new "GLASS.tga" to complement all of them. The gauges & needles were made as close as possible to the real instruments.
      - Releasing two versions: One in 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) and other in 2048x2048(JPG & TGA). 
      - I set the 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) as standard for the planes. 
      *OBS: If you are running a low-end computer I do not recommend the use of 2048x2048 cockpit textures.
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N27_FAS".ini file.
      Directory=Padua ADF
      Name=Padua Air Defence Flight
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N27_FAS.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for N27_FAS, cockpit and hangars.
      - EmlD for the Cockpit 3D LODs.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 27 model.
      - Thanks to Stephen1918 and Crawford for help with information on the Nieuport's fuel gauge. 
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (0 reviews)



    17. Photorealistic default skin for Geezer's Martinsyde G100/G102s

      Photorealistic skin for excellent Martinsyde G100/102 (all modifications) by Geezer.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.


         (0 reviews)



    18. Nieuport 27 skins of Escadrille 471-Second Lafayette Escadrille- for First Eagles 2

      Nieuport 27 skins of Escadrille 471 "Second Lafayette Escadrille" for First Eagles 2
      This is a full squadron pack of skins & decals focused on the history of the "Second Lafayette Escadrille" - Escadrille 471.
      Historical notes:
      "On 15 February 1918, three former members of the Lafayette Escadrille – Lieutenants Meredith Dowd, Joseph Gill and George Willard – were transferred and joined the 2nd Escadrille Américaine, which was renumbered Esc.N.471 and became known unofficially as the Second Lafayette Escadrille. According to some historians, the squadron accounted for six enemy planes and one balloon, but little else is known about it. How or why it was given the same number as the original Lafayette Escadrille is not known, but it is thought it may have been initiated by the three pilots – Dowd, Gill and Willard – who were transferred to the squadron. There is one other possible explanation, however; the Camp Retranché de Paris Escadrilles numbered from 461 to 470 and the N.471 was created out of increasing demands to defend Paris. It is an accepted fact that both sides were desperate for pilots as the aircrew loss rate was extremely high. It was because of this that the 2nd Escadrille Américaine was created and fifteen other pilots were assigned to the squadron. The ground crews and support personnel were all French and the squadron was put under the command of Lieutenant Le Comte Sanche de Gramont as part of Groupe de Chasse 21, which was under the command of Colonel LeClerc. The squadron formed up at Le Bourget Field and began the task as ‘Defenders of Paris’, with particular attention being paid to the night raids carried out by German bombers. The aircraft supplied to the squadron were Nieuport 27s, used at the time as flight trainers. The mechanics soon fitted night landing flares on the lower wings, but these proved to be totally useless. Their tireless patrols were barely more than just a ‘flexing of muscles’ and the Germans continued to advance; so much so, in fact, that the squadron had to relocate to Château-Thierry, some 37 miles away. Things were now so desperate that orders went out to the pilots to fly low level along the German trenches and shoot everything that moved. This tactic, of course, was bound to take its toll in casualties, and the first to fall was the commanding officer Lieutenant Comte de Gramont on 3 July 1918. His place was taken by Lieutenant Walter L. Avery, USAS, who soon proved his worth by taking part in one of the fiercest ground-strafing missions that took place appropriately on 14 July, Bastille Day.
       For nearly two months the squadron flew virtually continuous strafing missions against the German ground forces, and by the middle of July the tide had been stemmed. The German advance had been halted and they had begun their retreat. The threat to Paris was over and the squadron was disbanded, the Americans being sent to various fighter squadrons. The 2nd Lafayette Escadrille was no more, but it had proved its worth. The transfer of the American pilots from the Lafayette Escadrille to the various USAS squadrons was held up for a period of more than six weeks. They were regarded as ‘civilian pilots’ no longer in the service of France but not recognized as members of the US Air Service. The formation of the 103rd Pursuit Squadron on 18 February saw the problem resolved".
      ** What you will find in this Nieuport 27 skin Pack:
      - A full set of skins & decals to 32 Nieuport 27s used by Esc 471 from February 1918 to July 1918. Some serial numbers to those planes are historicals others not. Skins using JPG textures but I'm also including the the BMP files.
      - Two optional folders. One in French camo pattern "ESC 471" & other in silver-dope pattern "ESC 471 Silver Dope". All folders with 32 decal serials. 
      - 6 special skin folders focusing some of knowed pilots of the Escadrille 471, like the CO. Lt. Walter Lindsey Avery, (who 1st victory was the german ace, Carl Menckhoff), Lt. Lansing Colton Holden, Jr (Later an Ace with seven victories when flying in 95th Aero Squadron), Lt. Lawrence Eugene Cauffman, Lt. Winthrop Niles Kellogg and one Nieuport 27 skin for an unknown pilot of the ESc 471. 
      - New textures for the N27_FAS cockpit with new instruments. Using JPG textures. I'm including the 3D LODs by EmlD.
      - New optional hangar screen for Escadrille 471 in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. 
      To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N27_FAS aircraft main folder, next, edit your N27_FAS.ini file. and add this line:
      HangarScreen=HANGARSCREEN 471.jpg       <------ add this line
      - I painted new textures for the cockpit, with a new "GLASS.tga" to complement all of them. The gauges & needles were made as close as possible to the real instruments.
      - Releasing two versions: One in 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) and other in 2048x2048(JPG & TGA). 
      - I seted the 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) as standard for the planes.
      - Two optional cockpits. One with ammo box in wood and other with ammo box in metal.
      *OBS: If you are running a low-end computer I do not recommend the use of 2048x2048 cockpit textures.
      - You will need the 3d LODs (N27_FAS.LOD, N27_FAS_2.LOD, N27_FAS_3.LOD, N27_FAS.OUT) edited to use JPG textures instead of the original Bmp textures. If you do not have these 3d LODs, you could find it on my "EmlD Nieuport 27 E (trainer)" file here. https://combatace.com/files/file/17789-emld-nieuport-27-e-trainer-for-first-eagles-2/
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. 
      - Drop or copy the folder "N27_FAS" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. 
      In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N27_FAS".ini file.
      Directory=ESC 471
      Name=Escadrille 471
      Directory=ESC 471 Silver Dope
      Name=ESC 471 Silver Dope
      Directory=ESC 471 LH
      Name=Lt. Lansing Holden
      Directory=ESC 471 LH1
      Name=Lt. Lansing Holden1
      Directory=ESC 471 LEC
      Name=Lt. Lawrence E. Cauffman
      Directory=ESC 471 Chevron
      Name=Lt. Winthrop Kellogg
      Directory=ESC 471 Arrow
      Name=Lt. Walter Avery
      Directory=ESC 471 Unknow Pilot
      Name=ESC 471 Unknow Pilot
      Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N27_FAS.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
      That's all.
      - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for N27_FAS, cockpit and hangars.
      - Cockpit 3D LODs by EmlD.
      - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 27 & cockpit model.
      - Thanks to Stephen1918 and Crawford for help with information on the Nieuport's fuel gauge. 
      - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
      These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. 


         (0 reviews)



    19. Default skin for Sopwith Triplane

      Skin for excellent Sopwith Triplane by Stephen1918
      There are alternative default skin for British Triplane.
      You can use that skin for SopwithTripe2Gun after rename files "Tripe..." files to "2Tripe..." files.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.


         (0 reviews)



    20. Skin for Airco DH-4s

      Skin for excellent Airco DH4s by Stephen1918/
      You can use this skin for AircoDH4_250 and AircoDH4_375 aircraft.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    21. Skinpack for Sopwith Sop1A2 stock aircraft

      Skinpack for excellent Sopwith Sop1A2.
      There are two skins - for British and Russian Empires.
      You can use skins for Sop1B2 after rename "SOP1A2-N" files to "SOP1B2-N" files.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.


         (1 review)



    22. Nieuport 21

      The Nieuport 21 was designed to be a long range escort fighter. It used a Nieuport 17 airframe with the smaller Nieuport 11 engine to reduce fuel consumption and  extend its range. The lighter weight gave the plane a good climb rate, but the lower power engine reduced its speed.
      The Nieuport 21 served along with the Nieuport 17 on the Western Front. It was also licensed to the Dux factory in Russia and large numbers were used on the Eastern Front.
      My version of the Nieuport 21 is armed with a single Lewis gun mounted on the upper wing and has a loadout for eight Le Prieur Rockets for Balloon Busting missions. This package features two skins - one French, one Russian - a set of decals, and a fully functional cockpit. My skinning templates are included with the download.
      This plane uses the Le Prieur Rockets created by P10ppy and a sound file created by Nixou (included with his Realistic Engine Sounds package). Both of these files are available in the Combat Ace Download section. Both of these files are used by other aircraft, so you may already have them. I have included Nixou's sound file with this package in case you don't already have it.

      My thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Nieuport 21.
      My thanks to Nixou for making the sound file for the Le Rhone 80hp engine.

      Installation instructions:
      This aircraft uses P10ppy's Le Prieur rockets available in the CombatAce downloads section. You may already have it. If you don't, you'll have to download it and  install it into your Weapons folder.
      For FE1: 
      Unzip the file and move the folder named "Nieuport21" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. If you don't already have it, copy the file named "LeRhone9c80hp1m4" from my Sounds folder into yours.
      For FE2: 
      Unzip the file and move the folder named "Nieuport21" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in your FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "Nieuport21". Move the folder named "D" from the Airplanes/Nieuport21 folder into the Decals/Nieuport21 folder you just made. If you don't already have it, copy the file named "LeRhone9c80hp1m4" from my Sounds folder into yours.


         (1 review)



    23. Skinpack for stock SPAD VII's

      Default skinpack for stock SPAD VII's.
      There are two skins - for French and Russian aviation.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      I removed wing's cockades and rudder's emblems from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated in my skin.



         (0 reviews)



    24. Default skin for stock Albatros D.Va's

      Default skin for stock Albatros D.Va's.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      I removed wing's and rudder's crosses from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated in my skin.



         (1 review)

      1 comment


    25. Default skin for Albatros D.V

      Default skin for stock Albatros D.Vs.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      I removed wing's and rudder's crosses from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated in my skin.



         (1 review)

      1 comment


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