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First Eagles by Thirdwire

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All FE Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. Cockpit for the SPAD 7

      This cockpit will repace the SPAD 13 cockpit used until now to make the stock SPAD 7 into a flyable plane. I can't find out who first converted the stock SPAD 7 into a flyable plane by using the cockpit from the SPAD 13. It seems to have been done several times over the years. The most recent version I could find was by Sinbad in 2012.
      I have used parts of the cockpits I made for the SPAD 11, SPAD 16, and SPAD A.2 to make a completely new cockpit for the SPAD 7 which fits the fuselage better and has the correct number of guns. The new cockpit features fully functional gauges, throttles, rudder control, and stick. This cockpit should work with all the SPAD 7s (SPAD7_150, SPAD7_180,etc.)
      NOTE - About 10 years ago, Gr.Viper made a SPAD 7 by converting the SPAD 13. MY cockpit will not work for that version since it uses the SPAD 13 plane with a revised FM. (If your SPAD 7 has two guns on the fuselage, then you are using GR.Viper's conversion and this cockpit won't fit.)

      Installation Instructions for both FE1 and FE2
      Do this for each SPAD 7 you want to convert:
      If you have already have a flyable SPAD 7 using the SPAD 13 cockpit, delete the "cockpit" folder if it exists, and delete the SPAD7_COCKPIT.ini file. Then open my "SPAD_7" folder and place all the files - 1 folder and 1 ini file - into your folder.

      If you still have the stock version, Open my "SPAD_7" folder and place all the files - 1 folder and 1 ini file - into your folder. You will also have to add the following line to the plane's ini file.


         (3 reviews)



    2. Wing tip streamer ribbons for FE

      As requested, I have made five streamer ribbons for First Eagles. The streamers are identified as fuel tanks and can be attached to weapons stations through the load out. 
      NOTE - Since these streamers are classed as weapons, they are not animated and do not cast shadows.
      Installation is a three part process - you will need to install the streamers as weapons in First Eagles - you will need to change the data.ini for each plane to create weapons stations for the streamers - you will need to create a load out for each plane to attach the streamers to the plane.
      Full installation instructions for both FE1 and FE2 are included with the download. 


         (2 reviews)



    3. New Loadout for DFW C.V stock airplane

      Hi FE Flyers!
      Here is new loadout for the stock DFW C.V airplane.
       More precisely:
      - 4 x PuW_12.5kg (about 50kg, this is stock bomb armament)
      16 x PuW_12.5kg (about 200kg, new type of armament, made by me)
      --To install this mod, extract "DFWC5_Loadout.ini" and "DFWC5_Data.ini" files from "Loadout" folder to your "DFWC5" folder (Probably, this folder is here: C:/Program Files/ThirdWire/WWI/Objects/Aircraft )

      --To uninstall, just delete the files.
      Happy Flying!
      Jackson M.


         (0 reviews)



    4. Woe-style Hangars for the three non-flyables

      Here are some 1024x768 sized WOE-style hangar screens for the three stock non-flyable aircrafts in First Eagles. Included are instructions for making them flyable. Also there are 5 Loading Screens and 1 Loadout Screen in this pack. Hope you enjoy!
      Thanks to Sopwith Snipe for the inspiration
      See you in 2.0!
      --Jackson M.


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    5. New Cockpit for AEG G.IV

      This cockpit will convert the stock First Eagles AEG G.IV from an AI plane into a flyable plane. The cockpit features fully functional gauges, throttles, rudder control, and stick. 
      About 10 years ago, ravenclaw_007 made the AEG G.IV flyable by making a cockpit using the cockpit from the SE5a. My thanks to him for leading the way.
      Installation Instructions for both FE1 and FE2
      If you have already installed ravenclaw's version, you should delete the two ini files ("AEG_G4.ini" and "AEG_G4_COCKPIT.ini") before installing this version.
      If you still have the stock version, this install will replace the original AEG-G4.ini file. You should make a backup in case you want to revert to the original AI version.
      Open my "AEG_G4" folder and place all the files - 1 folder and 2 ini files - into your "AEG_G4" folder.


         (2 reviews)

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    6. Taube (grenade armed)

      This version of the Taube is armed with a handful of grenades instead of a rifle. many thanks to all the people who worked on the original Taube and a special thanks to Stephen1918 who was kind enough to make time to alter his model to remove the gunner.All work on this is really the efforts of others and my only contribution was to bundle it up. Any issues please direct to me and I'll do my best to fix them as soon as I can.


         (2 reviews)



    7. Taube skins final ver.

      final version of the Taube
      fully textured now
      so instead of just the fabric parts, the whole thing has been done now
      hope U like it , was fun to skin
      c ya l8ter


         (5 reviews)

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    8. gunbus skin

      Hi guys i bought a 2TB HD & have been dumping everything on it from my old HD's that i fear will give up the ghost at any moment
      so anyway i came across some files with no names except 00000000. file
      that i had tried to salvage from a dead hard drive a long time ago it turns out that many are FE skins i was working on before it gave me the click of death !
      so i just downloaded Stephens gunbus to see if i had all the files & yes i do
      so here it is


         (2 reviews)



    9. Taube

      There were many versions of the Taube produced in the years leading up to World War I. When the war began different versions were being used in large numbers, on all fronts for recon missions. This is the Kondor Taube, which I think is representive of the "classic" Taube. It has the typical wing shape, uses wing warping for both the aileron and elevator surfaces, and has a six cylinder 100HP engine.
      I have added a rifle for the observer, which he will aim and fire. I have made significant changes to the wires on the front to give the gunner more room to move.
      Ojcar has created a fake machine gun for the pilot, which causes the AI plane to be more aggressive in pursuing enemy planes. I have installed that gun on this plane. Ojcar's "DummyMachineGun" data is included with this download, in case you don't already have it.
      Some flyers wore simple crash helmets in WWI, especially in the early days. I am using a pilot with a helmet in this plane. The pilot and installation instructions are included in the download, in case you don't already have it.
      The download includes my skinning templates, data for the guns and the German pilot with helmet.
      Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Taube, and for greatly improving the gunner. Ojcar also made the data for the dummy machine gun.
      Thanks to Crawford for identifying a problem with the elevators.
      Installation Instructions
      For FE1 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "Taube" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
      For FE2 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "Taube" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "Taube". Move the folder named "D" from your Aircraft/Taube folder into the Decals/Taube folder you just made.
      You may not need to install the dummy machine gun, it has been used on other planes and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the gun and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.
      You may not need to install the infantry, it has been used on ground units and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the gun and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.
      You may not need to install the pilot with helmet, it has been available for download for some time and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the pilot and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.


         (10 reviews)



    10. RAF BE2c

      Several variations of the BE2 were produced by the Royal Aircraft Factory from 1912 until the end of World War 1. The BE2c was introduced in 1914 and was produced in large numbers. It was designed to be a very stable plane, which was desirable in a reconnaissance plane, but not very effective for a fighter. During its service, the BE2c was used mostly for recon missions, but it sometimes served as a fighter and as a light bomber.
      I have included two skins, a stock linen, and a brown paint. A full set of number decals are included for each skin. My skinning templates are included in the download.
      The gunner in the BE2c sat in front of the pilot and either had multiple guns, or was able to move the gun between multiple mounts. The game engine does not allow this, so I set up the data file to limit the gunner's aim to the upper rear of the plane. However, I provided alternate lines in the FM which will allow you to widen the gunner's aim, but that makes the gun pass through the struts, and sometimes shoot through the wing.
      Instructions for changing the gunner's range of motion are included in the download.
      Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the BE2c and for providing resources for the model.
      Thanks also to 33Lima and Hansa who provided resources for the cockpit and help with details of the model.
      Thanks to Mike Dora for identifying and helping me fix problems with the gunner.
      Thanks to Nicholas Bell for correcting the hit box coordinates for this plane.
      Installation Instructions
      For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "RAFBE2C" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
      For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "RAFBE2C" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "RAFBE2C". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/RAFBE2C folder into the Decals/RAFBE2C folder you just made.


         (4 reviews)

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    11. RAF BE2e

      The BE2e was an improved variant of the BE2c introduced in 1916. It had a longer upper wing and a shorter lower wing with a single set of struts. It also had a slightly smaller horizontal tail. The new configuration improved the plane's maneuverability, but did little to improve its overall performance. I have included a light bomb load, but the plane's rate of climb suffers somewhat when carrying bombs.
      I have included two skins, a green paint (PC10), and a brown paint (PC12). A full set of number decals and my skinning templates are included in the download.
      The gunner in the BE2e sat in front of the pilot and either had multiple guns, or was able to move the gun between multiple mounts. The game engine does not allow this, so I set up the data file to limit the gunner's aim to the upper rear of the plane. However, I provided alternate lines in the FM which will allow you to widen the gunner's aim, but that makes the gun pass through the struts, and sometimes shoot through the wing.
      Instructions for changing the gunner's range of motion are included in the download.
      Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the BE2e and for testing and helping with details of the model.
      Thanks to Mike Dora for identifying and helping me fix problems with the gunner.
      Thanks to Nicholas Bell for correcting the hit box coordinates for this plane.
      Installation Instructions
      For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "RAFBE2E" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
      For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "RAFBE2E" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "RAFBE2E". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/RAFBE2E folder into the Decals/RAFBE2E folder you just made.


         (4 reviews)



    12. Anatra D - "Field Mod"

      The Anatra D was a predecessor to the Anatra DS. The stock plane was powered by a Gnome rotary engine and armed with a single machine gun for the observer.
      I have made a "field mod" version with a fuselage mounted machine gun for the pilot. Anades with additional machine guns are known to have existed, but I haven't found any photos of them. I added the gun for the pilot in what seemed to be a logical position.
      The Anatra D was used mostly for reconnaissance, but also as a fighter and light bomber. After overcoming some initial design problems, it entered service in May, 1916 and was produced in relatively large numbers. Many of them survived the war and were used in the fighting in Eastern Europe after the end of World War I.
      I have included three skins, two linen and a grey paint. A full set of number decals and a loadout for light bombs are included. I have also included my skinning templates for those who wish to make their own skins.

      My thanks to Ojcar for making the original data.ini for this plane. I have modified Ojcar's file to include the additional gun.

      Installation instructions:
      For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "AnatraDMod" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
      For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "AnatraDMod" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "AnatraDMod". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AnatraDMod folder into the Decals/AnatraDMod folder you just made.


         (5 reviews)



    13. Two Armored Cars for the Eastern Front

      Two new armored cars for the Eastern Front. Both cars were produced in relatively low numbers, I'm including them for the sake of variety.
      The Russo-Balt Type C was produced by the Russo-Baltique motor car company. About 15 were built. The armored car was built on a automobile chassis and had four gun ports, each with a Vickers machine gun. It had a crew of 4 or 5, had a top speed of 20 kph with a range of about 100km. The Russo-Balt Type C was used throughout the war and was used in the Civil War.
      The Junovicz P.A.1 was built on a truck chassis. There were different versions based on different trucks, about 5 were built. The armored car had six gun ports with 3 or 4 Schwartzlose machine guns. It had crew of 5, a top speed of 35 kph, and a range of 350km. The Junovicz P.A.1 was used on both the Galician and Italian Fronts.
      In First Eagles, the armored cars take the role of a tank, drop them into your ground object folder and First Eagles will randomly assign them to some of your Army Co-operation missions.
      Installation Instructions
      Unzip the file and open my "GroundObject" folder. Copy the folders named "AustrianArmoredCar" and "RussBaltCar" to your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObject folder. Both armored cars use the same skin for damage as my other armored cars. If you have already installed any of my armored cars, you may already have the file. If not, copy the file named "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" into your GroundObject folder. Note that the "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" file should not be inside any other folder.


         (2 reviews)



    14. Euro Objects

      This pack contains several dozen new, high-res Euro ground objects for upgrading the really outstanding maps produced by FE modders. The intent is to push the envelope and see if FE can approach the immersion of more recent flight sims.
      There is a lot of confusion concerning FE objects. Generally speaking, mainstream objects (mostly buildings) are 63% of actual size. However, combat units and airfield objects are 100% full size - so they don't look strange when close to full size aircraft.
      The screenshots show all of the buildings contained in this pack. They are ALL 63%. Shown, but not included in this pack are airfield objects and WIPs of fortifications and terrain. They will be in a future objects pack and will be full size. Also included in the future pack will be more 63% walls/fences at 5 and 10 degrees for placement on sloping ground, plus more 63% railroad objects.
      Use MUE's excellent LOD viewer to identify each object as I don't feel like making explanatory diagrams.


         (8 reviews)



    15. Fokker DII

      Fokker DII
      A revamp of Stephen 1918's Glorious Fokker D II , I have re done the original 3 skins as I thought the aluminum cowl needed to be lightened up somewhat, and the panels on the cowlings needed a slight tweak. So I have re done the original ones supplied by Stephen, I have also made alternative versions of thos 3 aircraft with painted cowlings, and white bandage markings for the Maltese crosses, I also made one skin in Clear dope, for those of you who like CDL aircraft, it appears that the DII was usually painted , so a doped aircraft was rare, I also did 2 separate aircraft from Kesta 4b one with a black and whirte striped rear fuselage, and the other one was just white, also was not a named aircraft. and lastly I did an aircraft from Kesta 16 with a rather natty eyeball marking and the fuselage over painted with paint smears.
      I have also included the FM by Von S , along with the early spandau, and finally one of Geezers smashing pilots. sounds decals, and hangar screens are all included or at least they should be.

      I hope I have included everyone who I am supposed to give credit to, if I have missed anyone out I heartilly apologise, and thank you whomsoever ye may be.
      You may also notice that I have applied little or no weathering to these skins, that is basically because although these aircraft got very dirty very quickly, I much prefer the model to be shown in "airshow" condition, so if you want weathering, please feel free to add your own to taste, myself, I like 'em looking clean.


         (2 reviews)



    16. Lloyd C.II

      This is a complete revision of the Lloyd C.II with all new LODs, new skins, and improved decals. Ojcar has also improved the FM for this plane. Any skins that were made for the original version will not work with this version.
      The Lloyd C.II was based on a pre-war Austro-Hungarian airplane but with a slightly shorter wingspan and the addition of a machine gun on a circular mount for the observer. The C.II featured a plywood body and swept-back, tapered wings and was used for reconnaissance and light bombing throughout the war.
      The gun ring had limited movement, especially in the vertical direction, which I have tried to reproduce in my model. This will be a challenging plane to fly because you need to move the plane to bring enemy planes into range of the gunner. There is no gun for the pilot.
      There are also two bomb loading options for light and heavy bombing runs. (We don't know if the Lloyd ever carried 50kg bombs, but we included the option anyway.)
      I have included three skinning options, one with standard Austro-Hungarian markings from early in the war, and two from later in the war. I have included my skinning templates for those who want make their own skins.
      I have included a set of serial numbers which will be randomly assigned to each plane. The numbers are fictitious, but in the correct range for the Lloyd C.II.
      Ojcar made a new data.ini for this plane. He added the heavy bomb option to the loadout. The 6.5 Schwarzlose gun he created for the original plane is included, along with his instructions for loading the gun data ("DataReadMe.txt")
      Great thanks to Ojcar, who made the excellent FM and who added some nice features to this plane.
      Installation instructions:
      This is a complete revision of the original Lloyd C.II. If you have the plane already, begin by deleting the Lloyd C.II from the Aircraft Folder, and (if you run FE2) from the Decals folder. Then install the new plane.
      For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "LloydC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
      For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "LloydC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "LloydC2". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/LloydC2 folder into the Decals/LloydC2 folder you just made.
      To install the gun:
      This is the same gun that was included with the original Lloyd C.II. If you had the original plane, you don't need to install the gun. If this is your first install, follow the instructions below.
      For FE1: Follow the instructions in Ojcar's DataReadMe.txt file. You'll have to make changes to the LloydC2_data.ini file.
      For FE2: Follow the instructions in Ojcar's DataReadMe.txt file.


         (8 reviews)



    17. Armed Observers for First Eagles

      When World War I began, airplanes were designed strictly for reconnaissance. They were unarmed and built for stable flight rather than maneuverability. Within a very short time air crews began to carry weapons. Observers with pistols or rifles became common until armed aircraft were produced.
      I have made a set of armed observers for First Eagles. The observer carries a rifle "at the ready." He moves his head, but does not shoot the gun. There is one for each stock pilot color, and one for each of the helmeted pilots I made before. A total of six observers.
      You will need to install the observers into the game, then make a change to the data.ini for each plane to make them appear in the game. The center point matches the center point of the FE Gold and FE2 stock pilot, so they should swap into your plane without any adjustment. If the plane uses the old style FE1 pilot, some minor tweaking may be required.
      Note that this only replaces the stock pilot and will not replace a gunner built into the 3D model.
      My thanks to Whiteknight06604 for suggesting the idea and for beta-testing the observers.

      Installing the observers into the game:
      For FE1 - Open my folder named "FE1" and copy all twelve files into your "Aircraft" folder. Don't put them into any of the other folder. The LOD names are the names of the new "pilot." The numbers match the FE pilot numbers so uniform colors will match.
      For FE2 - Open my folder named "FE2" and copy all six folders into your Objects/Pilots folder. The folder names are the names of the new "pilot." The numbers match the FE pilot numbers so uniform colors will match.

      Putting the observers into a plane:
      For both FE1 and FE2 - Open the plane's data.ini file. Find the section for crew (about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way down). The Observer should be in SeatID=2. Change the PilotModelName to the name of one of the new observer. Save the file and fly. (You might want to comment out the original name and type in a new line, like in my example, in case you want to change back.)

      // Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
      MaxExtentPosition= 0.32,0.36, 0.82
      //PilotModelName=WWIpilotNew2 <--old pilot name
      PilotModelName=WWIObserver2 <--new pilot name
      MaxExtentPosition= 0.32,-0.50, 0.82


         (4 reviews)

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    18. Pilots with Helmets for First Eagles

      Some flyers wore simple crash helmets in WWI, especially recon and bomber crews where they would have to move around during the flight. These helmets were made of heavy leather with cork inserts. They didn't offer much protection by today's standards, but they were better than nothing.
      I have made new pilots with French style and German style helmets. Each style includes a version with a scarf over the lower face, making four new pilots for First Eagles.
      You will need to install the pilots into the game, then make a change to the data.ini for each plane to make them appear in the game. The center point matches the center point of the (new) FE2 stock pilot, so they should swap into your plane without any adjustment. If the plane uses the old style FE1 pilot, some minor tweaking may be required.
      My thanks to Quack74 for suggesting the idea and for beta-testing.
      Installing the pilots into the game:
      For FE1 - Open my folder named "FE1" and copy all six files into your "Aircraft" folder. Don't put them into any of the other folder. The LOD names are the names of the new pilot.
      For FE2 - Open my folder named "FE2" and copy all four folders into your Objects/Pilots folder. The folder names are the names of the new pilot.
      Putting the pilots into a plane:
      For both FE1 and FE2 - Open the plane's data.ini file. Find the section for crew (about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way down). Change the PilotModelName to the name of one of the new pilots. Save the file and fly. (You might want to comment out the original name and type in a new line, like in my example, in case you want to change back.)
      // Crew ---------------------------------------------------------
      //PilotModelName=wwiPilotNew2 <--old pilot name
      PilotModelName=FrHelmetPilot <--new pilot name
      MaxExtentPosition= 0.30,-0.24,0.83


         (4 reviews)



    19. Farman HF.20 unarmed

      The Farman HF.20 was developed in 1913 and was being used by most of the air forces in Europe by the time World War I began. It was designed for reconnaissance and had very stable flight characteristics, but it didn't have a very powerful engine and wasn't suitable for fighter or bomber missions, although some pilots made the attempt. The Farman F.20 was withdrawn from front line service as more nimble aircraft became available.
      This version does not have a machine gun and places the observer behind the pilot.It can carry a small bomb load, with the bombs being released over the side. This install will not replace the original Farman HF.20, so you can fly both of them in First Eagles.
      My skins for Belgian, French, and Russian versions will work for both versions of the HF.20. I have included all three in this download. The Russian version uses the decal.ini posted by Crawford in the forums. Decals and my skinning templates are included in the download.
      Some flyers wore simple crash helmets in WWI, especially in the early days. I am using a pilot with a helmet in this plane. The pilot and installation instructions are included in the download, in case you don't already have it.
      The Farman HF.20 has a wider wingspan than First Eagles expects so you should install my "Airfields for Large Planes" available in the Combat Ace downloads area. Otherwise, when starting on the runway, your wings may be touching the wings of the planes next to you. This will cause an immediate collision and you or other planes in your flight may lose their wingtips as soon as the game starts.
      Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Farman HF.20.
      Thanks also to Crawford who created a more accurate decal.ini for the Russian version and who provided resources for the Farman cockpits.
      Installation Instructions
      For FE1 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "FarmanHF20U" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
      For FE2 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "FarmanHF20U" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "FarmanHF20U". Move the folder named "D" from your Aircraft/FarmanHF20U folder into the Decals/FarmanHF20U folder you just made.
      You may not need to install the pilot with helmet, it has been available for download for some time and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the pilot and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.


         (4 reviews)



    20. Spanish Civil War, Tanks & Armored Cars

      I have made eight tanks and armored cars for the Spanish Civil War. They are equally divided between the factions, with four for each side.
      Several FT-17 tanks were purchased by Spain after WWI. Some of them were still in service when the Civil War started and were used by both sides. I am using the LODs from the FE Objects.ini. I have made new data files using SCW nations and new skins.
      The Schneider tank was used in WWI, and a few were purchased by Spain after the war. Only a few were still in service when the Civil War started, and were used by the Republican (government) forces. I have made a new version for SCW with a new data file and skins.
      The Lancia armored car was also introduced in WWI. Production continued well into the 1920s and it was used by the Italian Army until the beginning of WWII. The Italians provided several to the Nationalist (rebel) forces when the Spanish Civil War began. I have made a new version for SCW with a new data file and skins.
      The Panzer 1 was a small German tank first introduced in 1934. It has a crew of two and was armed with two machine guns in a turret. More than a hundred of them were provided to the Nationalist forces. Most of them were operated by the Condor Legion (German troops fighting for the Nationalists) but many were operated by Spanish units.
      The UNL-35 was a Spanish built armored car armed with two machine guns, one in a turret and one in the body. It was used extensively by Republican forces but with a high center of gravity, it did not perform well off-road. Production began in 1937 and continued throughout the war. After the war the UNL-35 served in the Spanish army until the late 1950s.
      The T-26 was a Soviet tank armed with a 45mm gun. It was probably the best tank used in the Spanish Civil War. A relatively large number were purchased by the Republic during the war. Many of them were captured during the war and used by the Nationalists. I have made a data file and skins for both sides.
      My data file for the T-26 tank uses the 2 pounder Davis gun which is included in First Eagles. I have also included gun data for the 45mm tank gun which was actually used in the tank. You can install and use it if you wish.
      Installation Instructions
      Unzip the file and open my folder named "GroundObject". Copy all the folders to your FirstEagles/Objects/GroundObject folder. All of the tanks and armored cars use the same skin for the destroyed version. Copy the file named "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" into your GroundObject folder. Note that the "DestroyedArmoredCar.bmp" file should not be inside any other folder.


         (5 reviews)



    21. Spanish Civil War Terrain (fake)

      Fake Spanish Terrain
      This is a placeholder until a better Spanish terrain is made. It will show up as "Central Spain" in the game.
      This terrain is based on the Verdun terrain, using the Verdun.cat file, from First Eagles. It is a cosmetic change and is not geographically correct. Everything is the same as the stock Verdun terrain except for the following changes:
      - I have renamed all the locations in the Target.ini and Movement.ini with names from the Guadalajara area of central Spain. I did my best to match town and airfield locations with the terrain coordinates, but I couldn't always find an exact match.
      - I modified the terrain tiles to remove the trench line. I have left a few battlefields for Army Co-operation missions.
      - I have used Jan Tuma's tile set, the Spring tiles are included with this download. I made some minor changes to skins for buildings and trees.
      - I have made extensive changes to the airfields, using hangars, buildings, and vehicles I made for Galicia, as well as hangars, buildings, and vehicles made by Geezer for the 1930's. I have also used Geezer's AA guns. All the necessary objects are included in the download.
      - I created new briefing maps with the new place names.

      I have created two nations for the Spanish Republic forces (the government forces) and for the Spanish National forces (the rebel forces). Note that I am using "SNAF" as the name of the Spanish National forces, and "SRAF" for the Spanish Republican forces. The nation names in the planes and ground objects have to match these names. A text file is included which you can use to modify your Nations.ini file.
      I have also created new icons for the planning maps and in-flight maps to represent the two new nations.

      Jan Tuma made the terrain tiles which I have included in this download.
      Geezer made some of of the hangars, airfield buildings, vehicles, ground crew, and AA guns included in this download.
      Ojcar provided links to some very helpful information about the Spanish Civil War and the vehicles, weapons, and equipment used in it.
      Gerwin made the TFD editor which I used to modify the terrain.
      Installation Instructions
      I highly recommend that you make a separate install for the Spanish Civil War because nations, icons, ground objects, terrain, and planes are completely different from the stock First Eagles. Note, you will need to keep the "Verdun" terrain folder because "FakeSpain" uses the Verdun cat file.
      My folder named "FakeSpain" contains the actual terrain. Put the entire folder into your "Terrain" folder.
      The folder named "Flight" contains a text file which needs to be added to your "Nations.ini" file. If you don't see a Nations.ini in your Flight folder, you will need to extract it from the FlightData.cat file. Open both files, copy everything from my "AddToNationsIni.txt" file and paste it at the end of your "Nations.ini" file. Change the "XXX" to the next numbers in your sequence.
      Note that I am using "SNAF" as the name of the Spanish National forces, and "SRAF" for the Spanish Republican forces. The nation names in the planes and ground objects have to match these names.
      The folder named "Flight" contains icons which show correct insignia for the in-flight map. Copy them into your "Flight" folder. Note that after this, in the in flight map, all "Friendly" airfields will be represented by a Republican roundel and "Enemy" airfields will be represented by a National roundel.
      My folder named "GroundObjects" contains all the ground objects used in the terrain. If you have made a separate install for the Spanish Civil War, you should delete all the WWI ground objects and replace them with the new ones. I have adjusted the data files to reflect correct nations for the Spanish Civil War.
      My folder named "Menu" contains icons for the two new nations which will appear in the planning map. These will simply extend the set currently there. Any planes whose nation is "Germany" or "Italy" will still be represented with WWI German or Italian insignia. But planes whose nation is "SNAF" or SRAF" will be represented by the appropriate new insignia.
      You will need to extend the end date of First Eagles in order to fly planes from the 1930s. In the First Eagles folder, open the Options.ini, under [singleMission] (a little more than halfway down) set the end date to after the war. The Spanish Civil War ended in April 1939. I set my end date to the end of the year: EndDate=12/31/1939


         (4 reviews)



    22. Spanish Civil War, Breguet XIX - 2 pack

      The Breguet XIX was developed in 1924 as a light bomber and reconnaissance plane. It was used by many nations throughout the 20's and early 30's. Several variations were produced, with different engines, gun configurations, and fuselage designs. Spain bought several Breguet XIXs and eventually began producing them in their CASA (Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA) plants. By the early 1930s the Breguet XIX was obsolete and beginning to be replaced. When the Spanish Civil War began, there were almost 100 still in service and they were used by both sides until better planes became available.
      I have made the Breguet XIX B2 bomber variant as produced by CASA. It has a Vickers machine gun mounted in the fuselage, and two Lewis guns mounted on a scarff ring. It has a Lorraine-Dietrich 12 cylinder engine and can carry a small bomb load.
      I have made two versions, one for each side, with appropriate skins, decals, and loadouts. My skinning templates are included.
      The bomb loadouts for the Nationalist version use the German 50kg bomb (Ge50kg) from Geezer's 1930s Bomb Pack, available in the Combat Ace, First Eagles Golden Era Download section.
      Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Breguet XIX, and for supplying me with some valuable reference material.
      Installation Instructions
      For FE1 - Unzip the file. Move the folders named "Breguet19N" and "Breguet19R" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
      If you haven't already done so, you will need to download and install Geezers 1930s Bomb Pack 01 - available in the download area of Combat Ace (First Eagles - Golden Era - Object Mods.)
      For FE2 - Unzip the file. Move the folders named "Breguet19N" and "Breguet19R" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create two new folders named "Breguet19N" and "Breguet19R". Move the folder named "D" from your Aircraft/Breguet folders into the appropriate Decals/Breguet folders you just made.
      If you haven't already done so, you will need to download and install Geezers 1930s Bomb Pack 01 - available in the download area of Combat Ace (First Eagles - Golden Era - Object Mods.)


         (3 reviews)



    23. Vosges

      Vosges Terrain (inkl. 1916 campaign) 1.2
      Re-worked Vosges terrain V2.0
      New: V2.0 - Including winter season
      The Vosges Front is a mountainous area ranging from the Donon in the north and the Grand Ballon in the south. The old border between the German Empire and France from 1871 to 1918, now in Alsace and the Lorraine, was the only area of the Western Front to see mountain fighting during the Great War With transportation infrastructure and technology, impacts on the landscape and strategic challenges related to climate and geographic constraints, the Vosges mountains were the scene of numerous battlefields.
      - This version of the Vosges front is 'based' on the work of Stephen1918 and Gepard. But virtually everything was modified (height-map to a massive degree, towns, front line, rivers, etc.)
      - Existing versions of this map will NOT be overwritten with this version, since the folder is named 'wwiVosges'.
      - You'll find a new map within FE called 'Vosges, France'.
      - I've tried to include as much as possible into the terrain folder. This means certain object were made 'static'.
      - Certain targets are at the very edge of the terrain. This might cause certain issues when flying into the virtual 'wall', e.g. edge of the map.
      - To minimize the repetitive feeling of flying over tiles I've added a lot of green fields (fields without trees).
      - The included campaign is just a small one with the possibility to fly recon and bombing missions (France/Germany).
      - Train lines and trainstations (major cities and minor towns)
      - 'Waterfalls' and shipping locks
      - Small airfields and very large airfields
      - Zeppelin airfield
      - A rather busy frontline (make sure you've the needed objects)
      - Switzerland as neutral country, altough it doesn't work 100% but that's an issue based on the game-engine. Including two Swiss airfields and a border with various gates, flags, bunkers, etc.
      - Vosges terrain/front WW1 (incl. two seasons)
      - Ground objects
      - German/French reconnaissance campaign set in 1916
      Q: Is it based on the already existing 'Vogesen' map?
      A: Yes, but actually only as a basis. Everything was changed/adapted (heightmap, tilemap, targets, etc.).
      Q: Does it include more than one season?
      A: No, currently not.
      Q: Is the frontline correct?
      A: Yes as good as it gets, representing late 1916/early 1917 with certain omissions.
      Q: Are all the named towns and cities correct (placement and naming)?
      A: Yes as good as it gets. French denominations and German denominations.
      1. Make a backup copy of your First Eagles folder (just in case)
      2. Extract the file into a temporary folder (like c:\temp\)
      3. Copy all the relevant folders into the respective First Eagles game folders
      (example: c:\temp\Vosges\Terrain\Vosges into your c:\Program Files\First Eagles\Terrain folder)
      - FE Gold (might work also with FE2, sorry guys don't know), with the latest patch
      - Aircraft for the included campaign:
      As usual I want to say thank you to all guys who helped me to create the Vosges terrain:
      TK, Jan Tuma, Stephen1918 (for the improved Vogesen version from Gepard), Geezer (great ground objects), ojcar, Gepard (for the initial Vogesen version), Heck, geo, quack74, Edward, A-Team (airplanes not included), Guitarclassic55 (for the wonderful menu) and a lot of others. Of course Gerwin's TFD Tool was instrumental in the making of this terrain.
      Sorry if I've forgotten someone. Please contact me if you want to be named at this place.
      Thanks for files, suggestions, testing, bug findings etc.
      The Vosges terrain is freeware.
      You are free to modify and share it, BUT Commercial use is prohibited.
      If you find bugs please post them in First Eagles section of Combatace.com forum.
      Hope you enjoy it.


         (3 reviews)



    24. Farman HF.20

      The Farman HF.20 was developed in 1913 and was being used by most of the air forces in Europe by the time World War I began. It was designed for reconnaissance and had very stable flight characteristics, but it didn't have a very powerful engine and wasn't suitable for fighter or bomber missions, although some pilots made the attempt. The Farman F.20 was withdrawn from front line service as more nimble aircraft became available.
      My plane includes skins for Belgian, French, and Russian versions. Decals and my skinning templates are included in the download.
      Ojcar has created a fake machine gun for the pilot, which causes the AI plane to be more aggressive in pursuing enemy planes. I have installed that gun on this plane. Ojcar's "DummyMachineGun" data is included with this download, in case you don't already have it.
      Some flyers wore simple crash helmets in WWI, especially in the early days. I am using a pilot with a helmet in this plane. The pilot and installation instructions are included in the download, in case you don't already have it.
      The Farman HF.20 has a wider wingspan than First Eagles expects so you should install my "Airfields for Large Planes" available in the Combat Ace downloads area. Otherwise, when starting on the runway, your wings may be touching the wings of the planes next to you. This will cause an immediate collision and you or other planes in your flight may lose their wingtips as soon as the game starts.
      Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Farman HF.20 and for making the data for the dummy machine gun.
      Thanks also to Crawford who provided resources for the Farman cockpits.
      Installation Instructions
      For FE1 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "FarmanHF20" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
      For FE2 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "FarmanHF20" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "FarmanHF20". Move the folder named "D" from your Aircraft/FarmanHF20 folder into the Decals/FarmanHF20 folder you just made.
      You may not need to install the dummy machine gun, it has been used on other planes and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the gun and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.
      You may not need to install the pilot with helmet, it has been available for download for some time and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the pilot and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.


         (6 reviews)



    25. Fokker EIV

      The final collection of Eindeckers, the infamous EIV . apparently there were only ever 50 airframes operational, one assumes that different squadrons were allocated 1 or 2 at a time, and as the aircraft was really not that much of an improvement over the EIII it must have been a rare bird indeed, as the Albatri were starting to come into service around the same time, so few of these aircraft were around, So, the skins are as follows, for the EIVa or 3 gun version, of which there was only ever one, thats the one you get ( you can of course use any of the other skins with this version if you like the idea of 3 Spandaus ) the rest of them are for the production 2 gun EIV , so I have done 2 factory finish skins, one CDL, and one Grey, I have also done Max Immelmans EIV, along with Kurt Students from Fokker Staffel 3, one skin representing a machine from KeK 3 flown by many different pilots, the final skin is of an aircraft called Hannah, now I have seen a few different colours for this particular aircraft, from Kesta 4, there is one pretty clear photo, which shows that it was at some time camouflaged, the colours are speculative, but I think they look about right, I have also seen pictures of the same aircraft in CDL as well, so I did both of them just for good measure.
      As with the other releases, the requisite files are all included, the ~~Numbers for the named aircraft are correct to the best of my knowledge, the other FOK numbers, are again speculative, but not far off the mark hopefully.
      The call outs for the usual suspects is as follows, Von S and his troupe, for all the behind the scenes jiggery pokery, Laton for making the models, and to peter for the FM's, also Gambit and Von Deutchmark for any original skins I have butchered and hacked about ( hopefully for the better !! )
      As always, please please ENJOY !!


         (2 reviews)



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