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All FE Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. Breguet XIX_Hellas

      2 Mira
      Royal Hellenic Air Force
      The Breguet 19A2B2 served in the Royal Hellenic Air Force from 1925 to 1940. Initially they carried the names of Greek cities and island but were later given code numbers.  
      53 aircraft were purchased, including 12 from Yugoslavia in 1935, but only 18 were still airworthy by the start of the Greco-Italian War. By this stage it filled an observation/army cooperation role with 1 Observation Mira, under I Corp Command, based at Perigiali, near Corinth and with 2 Observation Mira under II Corps command, based at Larissa and Kozani.
      On 4 November 1940, a Breguet from 2 Mira located the attacking 3rd Julia Alpine Division in a mountain pass near Metsovo. Three more Breguets sent to bomb the Italian division were in turn attacked by three Fiat CR.42 fighters. A Breguet was shot down, one crash-landed and the third returned to base, though badly shot up.
      I've include both the bmp files and the layered psp files for those of you who want to improve on the skin or make your own.



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    2. SAML S.2

      The SAML S.2 was an improved version of the Aviatik B.I which was built under license by the Societá Anonima Meccanica Lombarda (known as the SAML S.1.) The S.2 was specifically designed to fly in the mountainous terrain of the Italian Front. Improvements mostly involved the wings, which had a slight sweep and were closer together than the Aviatik design. The biggest improvement was the more powerful Fiat A.12 engine capable of delivering 300hp.
      The SAML S.2 was used primarily for reconnaissance and was armed with a fixed Fiat-Revelli machine gun over the wing with a ring mounted machine gun operated by the observer.
      My SAML S.2 includes 2 skins with appropriate decals and a small bomb loadout. I have included my skinning templates with the download.
      Version 2 - More accurate fuselage and gunner station, corrected wing placement and dihedral, corrected gauges in cockpit - all new LODs, revised skins, revised FM, new cockpit LOD and revised cockpit.ini
      My thanks to Ojcar for making the data.ini file for this plane and for providing valuable resources and advice on the details of the SAML S.2.

      Installation instructions:
      For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "SAMLS2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. 
      For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "SAMLS2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "SAMLS2". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SAMLS2 folder into the Decals/SAMLS2 folder you just made. 


         (1 review)



    3. Pomilio PE

      The Pomilio PE was a two seat, Italian general purpose plane that entered service in 1917. It had a 300hp Fiat 6 cylinder engine with a radiator mounted in the nose of the aircraft. A fin under the fuselage, around the tail skid, helped improve the stability of the plane.
      The Pomilio PE was used primarily for reconnaissance and was armed with a fixed Fiat-Revelli machine gun over the wing with a ring mounted machine gun operated by the observer. The Pomilio could carry a light bomb load with 3 bombs mounted on the each side of the plane.
      My Pomilio PE includes 2 skins - a green/yellow speckled camo, and a 3 color camo - each with appropriate decals. I have included a small bomb loadout. I have included my skinning templates with the download.
      Historical Notes:
      - My Pomilio PE uses the later style fuselage with a flatter deck behind the pilot because it allowed me to give greater range to the gunner in the game.
      - I have taken extensive liberties with the speckled camo skin version of the plane. When the camouflage was applied at the factory, it usually covered the metal panels around the engine. The speckled camo scheme was not applied to the top of the lower wing. The national insignia on the top wing did not usually extend into the aileron. The 3 color camo version is much more accurate and is the default skin. 
      My thanks to Ojcar for making the data.ini file for this plane.
      Installation instructions:
      For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PomilioPE" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. 
      For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PomilioPE" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "PomilioPE". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/PomilioPE folder into the Decals/PomilioPE folder you just made. 


         (2 reviews)



    4. Caporetto Terrain

      Caporetto Terrain WW1
      The Italian Front during WW1 refers to a series of battles fought between 1915 and 1918 in northern Italy between the armies of Austria-Hungary and Germany against Italy.
      Italy hoped that by joining the countries of the Triple Entente against the Central Powers it would gain Cisalpine Tyrol (today's provinces of Trentino and South Tyrol), the Austrian Littoral, northern Dalmatia and some areas of western Carniola.
      Italy had hoped to begin the war with a surprise offensive intended to move quickly and capture several Austrian cities.
      Well, the war soon bogged down into trench warfare similar to the Western Front fought in France.
      The included terrain represents the situation around August/September 1917, just before the battle of Caporetto.
      The Battle of Caporetto (also known as the Twelfth Battle of the Isonzo, the Battle of Kobarid or the Battle of Karfreit) was the greatest defeat in Italian military history. The battle was fought between the Entente and the Central Powers and took place from 24 October to 19 November 1917, near the town of Kobarid (now in north-western Slovenia, then part of the Austrian Littoral). The battle was named after the Italian name of the town (also known as Karfreit in German).
      Austro-Hungarian forces, reinforced by German units, were able to break into the Italian front line and rout the Italian forces opposing them. The battle was a demonstration of the effectiveness of the use of stormtroopers and the infiltration tactics developed in part by Oskar von Hutier. The use of poison gas by the Germans also played a key role in the collapse of the Italian Second Army.
      - Italian terrain/front WW1, situaton around summer/late summer 1917 - 539 unique tiles, 10226/574 targets/areas
      - Terrain represents the most important battlegrounds on the Italian front (Monfalcone, Mt. Hermada, Doberdo and Doberdo Lake, Mt. Fajiti Hrib, Gorizia, Mt. Sabotino, Bainsizza plateau, Caporetto, Mt. Krn, Mt. Tre Cime, Mt. Cristallo, Mt. Lagazuoi, Mt. Col di Lana, Mt. Marmolada, Mt. Ortigara, Mt. Pasubio...and many other historical places)    
      - Needed ground objects are also included
      - Important mountains where done via satellite images (the tiles)
      - All historical fortifications are included (mountain bunkers, etc.) and locations/naming correct (as good as it gets)
      Q: Is the scale of the map correct
      A: No
      Q: Are all the named towns and cities correct (placement and naming)
      A: Yes as good as it gets.
      Q: Does it include more than one season?
      A: No
      Q: Is the frontline correct?
      A: Yes representing late 1917
      Q: The river Isonzo seems to cut through the mountains, is that correct?
      A: To a certain degree, but I had to modify massively the heightmap in order to make things look right (e.g. river not flowing up/down the mountains)
      Q: The northern part of the map, e.g. toward Munich, seems without further towns?
      A: Correct. All forests and lakes are there but apart from the major cities (Salzburg & Munich) I've not included smaller towns.
      1. Make a backup copy of your First Eagles folder (just in case)
      2. Extract the file into a temporary folder (like c:\temp\)
      3. Copy all the relevant folders into the respective First Eagles game folders
      (example: c:\temp\First Eagles\Terrain\wwiCaporetto into your c:\Program Files\First Eagles\Terrain folder)
      4. Copy the Objects\GroundObjects folders into your GroundObjects folder. If you've already my Italian WWI terrain, then you probably don't need these objects. In any case if asked to 'owerwrite', click NO.
      - FE Gold (might work also with FE2, sorry guys don't know), with the latest patch
      - Very strong PC and GPU
      As usually I want to say thank you to all guys who helped me to create the Italian terrain, to TK, Jan Tuma, Stephen1918, ojcar, Gepard, Heck, geo, quack74, Edward, and specially Geezer. Sorry guys, can't remember all the names. Please contact me if you want to be named here. Thanks for files, suggestions, bug fixing, etc.
      The Italian terrain is freeware.
      You are free to modify and share it, BUT Commercial use is prohibited.
      If you find bugs please post them in First Eagles section of Combatace.com forum.
      Hope you enjoy it.


         (2 reviews)



    5. nieuport 17

      nieuport 17 model in 3dsmax


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    6. Aviatik-Berg D.I (Early)

      Designed by Julius von Berg for the Aviatik company, the D.I was the first fighter completely built in Austria. The Berg was light and maneuverable, and after structural problems in the early models were overcome, it became a good combat plane.
      Early versions of the plane had the two Schwarzlose machine guns mounted low on each side of the engine. This is the early version of the plane. This download includes a new cockpit as well as a modified fuselage. Ojcar has made a completely new FM to reflect the different flight characteristics of this plane.
      I have included a basic skin and my skinning templates. I highly recommend the skins made by Quack74, available at CombatACE as a separate download. This plane has an extra piece that was not included in Quack's skins, I have included a skin to match Quack's skins which you will need to add to each skin folder.
      My thanks to Ojcar for making the FM. And thanks to Nix for making the engine sound file.
      Installation Instructions
      For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1_Early" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. This file uses the same sound file as the original AviatikD1. If you did not install that plane then you will also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
      For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1_Early" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "AviatikD1_Early". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AviatikD1_Early folder into the Decals/AviatikD1_Early folder you just made. This file uses the same sound file as the original AviatikD1. If you did not install that plane then you will also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


         (3 reviews)



    7. Aviatik-Berg D.I

      Aviatik-Berg D.IDesigned by Julius von Berg for the Aviatik company, the D.I was the first fighter completely built in Austria. The Berg was light and maneuverable, and after structural problems in the early models were overcome, it became a good combat plane.
      Although nimble, reasonably fast, and able to reach higher altitudes than many of the planes it fought, the Aviatik D.I was prone to overheating. Many pilots flew with the engine cover panels removed, so I built this plane without the engine cover.
      Early versions of the plane had the two Schwarzlose machine guns mounted low on each side of the engine. Later versions put the guns higher and within reach of the pilot to make it easier to clear jammed guns. This is a later version with the guns firing through tubes under the manifolds and projecting through the radiator.
      I have included a basic skin along with my skinning templates. I highly recommend the skins made by Quack74, available at CombatACE as a separate download.
      Revision 1 - June 12, 2011It appears that I made the original about 20% too large. I have rescaled the plane to the correct size, this involved making some changes in and around the cockpit. Since I was revising the cockpit, I put the correct guns in this version (Schartzlose instead of Spandau.) I have also included the FM written by ojcar, and the sound for the Austro-Daimler engine made by Nix.This version includes all new LODs, new data file, new cockpit ini, and new decal ini. If you have downloaded the previous version, it would be easiest to just delete the whole folder and replace it with this version.
      Revision 2 - September 20, 2011I have added a complete set of letter decals so you can set a flight letter in the Loadout screen, or the game will randomly assign a different letter to each plane. There will also be a different serial number randomly assigned to each plane as well.
      Revision 3 - June 5, 2012I have made slight changes to the model, especially in the rigging. This revision has all new LODs. Ojcar has made changes to the FM to work with the new model. All the decals are the same as before.
      Installation Instructions - New install
      For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. You also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
      For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "AviatikD1". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AviatikD1 folder into the Decals/AviatikD1 folder you just made.You also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
      Installation Instructions - Update existing install
      For both FE1 and FE2 - Delete the following files and replace them with the new versions: All the LOD files and OUT files - you are deleting three of each and replacing them with four of each. The OUT files are optional and not necessary for the game. AviatikD1.ini - the new one makes use of the extra LOD.AviatikD1_DATA.INI - The new one uses the new rigging and is slightly more compact than the original.Everything else is the same as in the Revision 2 download.


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    8. Anatra C.I

      This version includes a new FM made by ojcar.
      When the Ukrainian city of Odessa was occupied by Austria-Hungary early in 1918, the Anatra factory was found intact and production of the Anatra DS was continued as the "Anatra C.I". Many of the first Austrian versions had the Austrian cross painted over the Russian insignia.
      The Anatra C.I was used mostly for training, but some were used for reconnaissance, as a fighter and light bomber. Many of them survived the war and were used in the fighting in Eastern Europe after the end of World War I.
      In version 2 - I have created a separate version for the Austrian plane, with a Schwarzlose machine gun and German bombs in the loadout. There are two Austrian skins, one with crosses painted over the Russian roundels, and one with standard insignia. (I have also included a postwar Yugoslav skin, because I like the insignia.) I have included my skinning templates for those who want make their own skins.
      In version 3 - Ojcar has made a new FM for the plane. I have refined the wings and added some details. I created a new cockpit with German gauges and machine gun. I made two Austrian skins for the plane and I kept the Yugoslav skin, because I like the insignia. I have included my skinning templates for those who want make their own skins.
      Historical Notes:
      The serial numbers are fictitious. I found several sources which said that Anatras carried a machine gun mounted on the fuselage for the pilot. I couldn't find any details of the mounting, so I guessed where it might be located.
      My thanks to Ojcar once again for making a new data.ini file for this plane.
      Installation instructions:
      This revision replaces previous versions. If you have an older version, please delete it, then install the new version.
      For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "AnatraC1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. 
      For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "AnatraC1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "AnatraC1". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AnatraC1 folder into the Decals/AnatraC1 folder you just made. 


         (1 review)



    9. Anatra DS "Anasal"

      This version includes a new FM made by ojcar.
      The Anatra DS was a two seat Russian plane powered by a Salmson 9 cylinder, water cooled, radial engine. The plane was therefore called the "Anasal", short for "Anatra Salmson". When the Ukrainian city of Odessa was occupied by Austria-Hungary early in 1918, the Anatra factory was found intact and production continued as the "Anatra C.I". Many of the first Austrian versions had the Austrian cross painted over the Russian insignia.
      The Anatra was used mostly for reconnaissance, but also as a fighter and light bomber. Many of them survived the war and were used in the fighting in Eastern Europe after the end of World War I.
      In version 2 - I have included a loadout for a light bomb load and three skinning options - A generic Russian skin, and skins for two Russian squadrons - the 19th and the 4th squadrons with decals for the squadron tail markings. I have included my skinning templates for those who want make their own skins.
      In version 3 - I improved the details around the nose, completely reskinned the plane and cockpit, and corrected several problems with node names in the data file. New templates are included in the version 3 download.
      In version 4 - Ojcar has made a new FM for the plane. I have refined the wings and added some details. Old skins will still work with this revision. I have included the old skinning templates with the download.
      Historical Notes:
      I found several sources which said that Anatras carried a machine gun mounted on the fuselage for the pilot. I couldn't find any details of the mounting, so I guessed where it might be located.
      My thanks to Ojcar once again for making a new data.ini file for this revision of the plane.
      Installation instructions:
      This revision replaces previous versions. If you have an older version, please delete it, then install the new version.
      For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "AnatraDS" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. 
      For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "AnatraDS" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "AnatraDS". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AnatraDS folder into the Decals/AnatraDS folder you just made. 


         (1 review)



    10. Skin pack for Caudron G4

      New skin pack for excellent Caudron G4 by Stephen1918.
      Skinpack included two skins with french and russian paint schemes.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.


         (1 review)



    11. Polish Anatra DS "Anasal"

      The Anatra DS was a two seat Russian plane powered by a Salmson 9 cylinder, water cooled, rotary engine. The plane was therefore called the "Anasal", short for "Anatra Salmson". When the Ukrainian city of Odessa was occupied by Austria-Hungary early in 1918, the Anatra factory was found intact and production continued as the "Anatra C.I". Many of the first Austrian versions had the Austrian cross painted over the Russian insignia.
      The Anatra DS was used mostly for reconnaissance, but also as a fighter and light bomber. Many of them survived the war and were used in the fighting in Eastern Europe after the end of World War I.
      Poland declared its independence in late 1917. The new nation armed itself with whatever was available,  including abandoned Russian, German and Austrian planes, and purchased planes from other nations. Several Anatra DS were purchased from the Anatra factory in Odessa.
      The Polish Anantra DS was identical to the Russian version, except for slight changes to the cowling, the radiator, and the rudder. The skins to my plane are similar, but not identical to my Russian version. As a resullt, I have included new skinning templates for the Polish Anasal.

      Historical Notes:
      I found several sources which said that Anatras carried a machine gun mounted on the fuselage for the pilot. I couldn't find any details of the mounting, so I guessed where it might be located. 
      I don't know how the Poles armed their plane, so I used the guns I used on the Russian version. I also included a small bomb load.

      My thanks to Ojcar once again for making a new data.ini file for this plane.

      Installation instructions:
      For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PolishAnasal" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. 
      For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PolishAnasal" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "PolishAnasal". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/PolishAnasal folder into the Decals/PolishAnasal folder you just made. 


         (3 reviews)



    12. "Wood and Linen" skin for Anatra DS

      New "Wood and Linen" skin for excellent AnatraDS_"Anasal" by Stephen1918.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.


         (1 review)



    13. Early Camo for Halberstadt D5

      New skin for excellent Halberstadt D5 by Geezer.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      Don't forget to add to Halberstadt D5 "ini" file:


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    14. Austro Hungarian Taube ( Galacia)

      This is a re do of Stephen 1918's Kondor Taube, specifically in Austrian Markings for the Eastern Front, and as Stephen has just released his updated Galacia Map, I thought it fitting to re skin one of his Aircraft. 
      The First one is actually a skin seen on and Etrich built Taube, and NOT a Kondor, however as we only have the one model, I applied a little artistic licence. I have also added serial numbers, not historically correct for this aircraft, however they look the part, so a little suspension of belief will go a long way !!! also I am unsure if this scheme was a one off on a single airframe, or whether it was done on others, but anyway it looks very Austrian, and a gaggle of them flying together ( when you can actually get any altitude) look very smart and efficient, so all good !! The Second skin is just Stephens original one with new markings . I have also made new hangar and loading screens specific to this Aeroplane.
      I used a combination of Stephens and Gambits skins , so most of the hard work must go to those worthy souls !! I have also included Von S' Data.ini which makes the aircraft a brute to fly, but that was what they were like, underpowered and SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW !!! I was going to apply weathering to the skins , but most pictures I have seen of Taubes portray pretty clean aircraft all things considered. I have re done the Engine sound as I wasn't happy with the stock proploop. I have also amalgamated the Armed ( rifle) and grenade armed machines, as I feel that they would have carried both, and no one or the other exclusively  . and have therefore put a loadout.ini file in with the aeroplane. everything else is in there sounds, guns pilots etc so it should be plug and play......if I have left anything out please accept my apologies, and blame the weather or the cat, anything but me !! 
      So again thanks and huge shout outs to Stephen, Gambit, and Von S who gave us the original I hope you enjoy this very attractive Aeroplane, even if its hard work to get the best out of it .


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    15. Cockpit for the DFW C.V

      This cockpit will replace Fokker D7 cockpit used until now to make the stock DFW C.V into a flyable plane. I can't find out who first converted the stock DFW into a flyable plane by using the cockpit from the Fokker D7. It seems to have been done several times over the years. I found a mod to convert the DFW C.V into a C.I uploaded by Christian59 in 2007 which used the Fokker cockpit, and it seems to have already been done before. The most recent version I could find was by JacksonM in 2017 and was included with his Hangar Screen pack.
      I have used parts of the cockpits I made for other German planes to make a completely new cockpit for the DFW C.V which fits the fuselage better and has the correct placement for the gun. The new cockpit features fully functional gauges, throttle, rudder control, and stick. This cockpit should work with the DFW in both FE1 and FE2.
      NOTE - There is a typo in the stock FM for DFW C.V which causes the Fuselage to disappear in the cockpit view. I have included instructions to correct the typo. If you are using one of the modded FMs, you may need to correct the typo there too, check to be sure. Instructions to fix the Data.ini are included in the download in a separate text file.

      Installation Instructions for both FE1 and FE2
      If you have already have a flyable DFW C.V using the FokkerD7 cockpit, delete the "cockpit" folder if it exists, and delete the DFWC5_cockpit.ini file. Then open my "DFWC5" folder and place all the files - 1 folder and 1 ini file - into your DFWC5 folder. You will also need to change one word in the DFWC5_data.ini. See the file named "ChangeForDFWC5DataIni"
      If you still have the stock version, Open my "DFWC5" folder and place all the files - 1 folder and 1 ini file - into your DFWC5 folder. 
      You will also have to add the following line to the plane's ini file.
      You will also need to change one word in the DFWC5_data.ini. See the file named "ChangeForDFWC5DataIni"
      NOTE - If the DFWC5_data.ini is not in the folder, you may need to extract it from the ObjectData.cat file using one of the utilities found here at CombatAce.


         (2 reviews)



    16. AnatraDS Russian skin

      New skin for excellent AnatraDS_"Anasal" by Stephen1918.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      Don't forget to add to AnatraDS "ini" files:


         (0 reviews)



    17. Galicia2

      This is a completely new version of the Galicia terrain. The new terrain includes new tiles and TODs, adjustments to the height map, many new targets and objects, winter and summer tiles. All necessary ground objects are included in the download. 
      Galicia was the name of a territory in north-eastern Hungary and was the scene of major fighting during the First World War. It was invaded by the Russians early in the war, was recaptured by the Austro-Hungarians later, and invaded by the Russians again even later.
      This download includes all the ground objects necessary for the Eastern Front. A more complete ReadMe file is included in the download. I have included instructions for updating an existing install or for making a completely new install. Instructions for both FE1 and FE2 are included.
      New in Version 3
      I have made all new farm and city tiles with new TODs. I have made many adjustments to the height map and changed the amount of tree and rough areas. Both summer and winter terrains are included.
      I have added a lot of detail to the battle fields, including machine gun placements, Austrian infantry units, debris in the battle fields, and more detail in the artillery batteries.
      I have added a lot of buildings to make the cities more crowded. I repainted the existing building skins and made some new buildings.
      I have added static aircraft to all the airfields and made many changes to the buildings, objects and other details to increase diversity.
      I have added about a dozen new airfields, field hospitals, and cavalry camps.
      I revised many of the ground objects and skins, and made some new ones for this terrain. All necessary ground objects are included in the download.
      Gerwin's TFD editor was most helpful in making this terrain. I would not have been able to do it without this outstanding utility.
      I have included many of Geezer's maintenance figures, airfield objects, and AA machine guns in this download. Geezer also made some artillery for this project.


         (4 reviews)



    18. Roland D.VIa "Jasta 59" skin

      New skin for excellent Roland D.VIa by 101tfs - "Jasta59".
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      Paint scheme was taken from Wingnutwings Roland D.VIb model kit.
      Don't forget to add to Roland D.VIa "ini" files:


         (0 reviews)



    19. Roland D.VIa skin

      New skin for excellent Roland D.VIa by 101tfs.
      I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
      Places for 4- and 5-color lozengs was taken from Wingnutwings Roland D.VI model kit.
      Don't forget to add to Roland D.VIa "ini" files:


         (1 review)



    20. Albatros DII early skin

      My first experimental skin for beautiful Albatros DII early by stephen1918 (also can use for others Albatros DI/DIIs).
      I tried to add some new "photorealistic" textures from me and othes places.
      Don't forget to add to Albatros DII "ini" files:


         (2 reviews)



    21. Sikorsky S-16 Flatdeck

      Several versions of the S-16 were produced with slight variations in the fuselage and wing configurations. This version has a flat deck behind the pilot and ailerons on both wings. It is based on my earlier versions of the Sikorsky S-16, but is a completely new plane.
      The download includes 4 skins - 3 linen and one green - with appropriate decals. This plane has a fully functional cockpit. I have included my skinning templates so others can make new skins if they want.

      My thanks to ojcar, who made the FM for the Sikorsky S-16.
      My thanks also to Nixou, who recorded the sound for the Gnome 80hp engine.

      Version 2 Notes 
      I have made slight changes to model, especially to the way the plane is rigged, and Ojcar has made a new FM for this plane. I have also improved the skins and made new skins for some different Russian squadrons.
      Version 3 Notes
      This is a completely new plane with new LODs, skins, and cockpit. This version has higher detail and a lower poly count than the previous version. This model also includes better detail for battle damage to the wings.

      Installation instructions
      This is a completely new plane, if you have already installed the Sikorsky S-16 flatdeck, delete it, including the decals, and replace it with this version. The sound file remains the same.

      For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SikorskyS16_var" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. If you have the previous version, then you already have the sound file installed, otherwise you will need to move the sound file "gnome80m4.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.

      For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SikorskyS16_var" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "SikorskyS16_var".  Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SikorskyS16_var folder into the Decals/SikorskyS16_var folder you just made.
      If you have the previous version of the Sikorsky, then you already have the sound file installed, otherwise you will need to move the sound file "gnome80m4.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


         (2 reviews)



    22. Siemens-Schuckert D.I

      The German Siemens-Schuckert D.I was a direct copy of captured Nieuport 17s. The most important difference was in the engine. The Siemens Schuckert Werke (SSW) D.I used a geared Siemens-Halske Sh.I engine which produced 1800rpm. The spinner nose and open bottom cowling were necessary to help cool the engine. A bigger prop required a taller landing gear.
      Problems with engine production delayed the release of the SSW D.I. The Albatros D.III was already available by the time the SSW reached the front. The Albatros was a much superior plane, and was less likely to be mistaken for a French plane. The SSW D.I only served for a short time on the Western Front, they served longer on the Eastern front.
      My Siemens-Schuckert D.I includes a three color camo skin, a full set of number decals, a fully functional cockpit, and damage nodes for the wings. My skinning templates and a sound file for the engine are included in the download.

      Historical Notes:
      I do not have a sound file for the Siemens-Halske Sh.I engine, I am using Nixou's sound for the Le Rhône 110 hp engine instead.

      My thanks to Ojcar once again for making the excellent data.ini file for this plane.
      My thanks to Nixou for making the sound file for the Le Rhône 110 hp engine.

      Installation instructions:
      For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "SiemensSchuckertD1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. If you don't already have it, move the file named "Lerhone110m1" from my Sounds folder into your Sounds folder.
      For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "SiemensSchuckertD1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "SiemensSchuckertD1". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SiemensSchuckertD1 folder into the Decals/SiemensSchuckertD1 folder you just made. If you don't already have it, move the file named "Lerhone110m1" from my Sounds folder into your Sounds folder.


         (5 reviews)



    23. Sikorsky S-16

      The S-16 was designed by Igor Sikorsky as fighter escort for bombers and was the first Russian-built aircraft with a synchronized machine gun. The plane was small and highly maneuverable, but had a smaller engine than intended and was outclassed by German aircraft of the time.
      The dual axle landing gear was designed for landings on rough ground. Several versions of the S-16 were produced with variations in engines and wing configurations. Relatively few S-16s were produced, but were used throughout the war and in the Russian Civil War.
      This plane carries the markings of the Eskadra Vozdushnykh Korablei (Squadron of Air Ships), the world's first strategic bomber group.
      I have included four skins, several plain linen, and one gray-green. I have included my skinning templates so others can make new skins if they want. 
      And my thanks to ojcar, who created the FM to reproduce the nimble characteristics of the plane.
      My thanks to Nix, who provided the sound for the Gnome 80hp engine (and revised it until I was happy.)

      Historical Notes
      The Russian Banner with the yellow square and two-headed eagle was the imperial banner and was not used on aircraft, but the replica in Connecticut uses it, so I used it on mine. The gray-green version uses a more accurate fuselage marking. If historical accuracy is important to you, change the decals.ini for texture set 1 to use "EVKBanner" instead of "ImperialBanner".
      Wings Palette shows the gray-green plane with a red triangle on the fuselage. I believe this was a Bolshevik plane in which red was painted over the standard Russian markings. I used the standard markings on mine.

      Version 2 Notes 
      I have made slight changes to model, especially to the way the plane is rigged, and Ojcar has made a new FM for this plane. I have also improved the skins and made new skins for some different Russian squadrons.

      Version 3 Notes 
      I have made all new LODs, with higher detail and lower poly count, and with all new skins. Ojcar has made a new FM for this plane. 

      Installation instructions
      This is a completely new plane, if you have already installed the Sikorsky S-16, delete it and replace it with this version, including the decals. The sound file remains the same.
      For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SikorskyS16" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. If you don't already have it, move the sound file "gnome80m4.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
      For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SikorskyS16" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "SikorskyS16".  Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SikorskyS16 folder into the Decals/SikorskyS16 folder you just made. If you don't already have it, move the sound file "gnome80m4.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


         (4 reviews)



    24. Lebed 7

      The Lebed 7 was a Russian copy of the British Sopwith Tabloid. It was produced in 1915 and was intended to be used as a fighter. But with an 80hp Gnome engine and wing warping controls, it was quickly outclassed and was used primarily for recon and later for training.
      The Lebed 7 was shipped from the factory unarmed. The British plane had a machine gun mounted on the upper wing, so it isn't unreasonable to think that a Russian pilot might have tried mounting a gun on his plane. I have made a (possibly fictitious) version of the plane with a Lewis gun mounted on the top wing. 
      My Lebed 7 has a fully functional cockpit, three skins - a grey paint and two clear doped linen, and a full set of number decals. My skinning templates are included.
      The plane comes with a helmeted Russian pilot; instructions for installing the pilot are included. Or you can change the data.ini to use one of the stock FE pilots.
      Many years ago Nixou recorded a a large number of sounds for First Eagles. I have included the sound file for the 80 hp Gnome Monosoupape engine, but you may already have it.

      Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Lebed 7.
      Thanks to Nixou for making the sound file for the Gnome 80 hp engine.

      Installation Instructions
      For FE1 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "Lebed7" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. 
      For FE2 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "Lebed7" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "Lebed7". Move the folder named "D" from your Aircraft/Lebed7 folder into the Decals/Lebed7 folder you just made. 

      In case you don't already have it, I have included the sound file for the 80 hp Gnome engine. Move the file named "gnome80m4.wav" from my Sounds folder into your Sounds folder.
      You may not need to install the pilot with helmet, it has been available for download for some time and has been included with other planes. In case you don't already have it, I have included the pilot and instructions for installing it in a separate folder included in this download.


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    25. Hansa Brandenburg D.I skins

      Three different skins for the HB D.I (stock, dark and stock with red nose). Included are decals. Not historically 100% correct.
      Extract the file into the Aircraft\Hansa_BrandenburgDI directory (you'll get folders 'Dark', 'Stock' and 'RedNose')
      Add this to your Hansa_BrandenburgDI.ini file


         (1 review)



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