- US Origin
- French Origin
- Soviet Origin
- UK Origin
- German Origin
- Japanese Origin
- Italian Origin
- Other Origin
New skins WW2 ETO in 4K for F-51D/K from FastCargo
By Lacsap
YOU MUST HAVE THE F-51D/K from FastCargo !
-Textures in 4K with Normal map and specular map
- 3 Fighters Squadron WW2 ETO with invasion strips : 487thFS (x11 nose arts), 343rdFS (x5 nose arts), 375thFS (one nose art! if you know of any websites where I could find nose art for the 375thFS, I'd be interested! ;) )
- Simply extract the contents of the file into the mod folder
SF2 skin 2K Korean War for F4U-4B from Mirage Factory
By Lacsap
YOU MUST HAVE the F4U-4B from Mirage Factory
-New skins korean War ( F4U-4B VMA 312 "Checkerboards") in 2K jpg
-New texture damages
Some Bu numbers are hypothetical, Sorry but the Checkerboards is not perfect...
Simply extract file contents in your StrikeFighters2 folder mod and play
Enjoy ;)
- f4u-4 mirage factory
- f4u
- (and 2 more)
New skins Korean War in 4K for F-51D/K from FastCargo
By Lacsap
YOU MUST HAVE the F-51 D/K from FastCargo
-New skins korean War (12thFBS and 67thFBS of 18thFBG) in 4K jpeg
-New Normal Map in 4K dds
-New texture damages
-Full decals
Simply extract file contents in your StrikeFighters2 folder mod and play
Enjoy ;)
Ezer Weizman Black Spitfire "57"
By toot
Ezer weizman's personal spitfire used for airshows in israel.
By RustyKurnass
= Tested in Full-5 Merged installation
This project started as a personal customization to have the Israeli skins for Veltro 2K B-17F/G.
In 1948 the IDF/AF found four B-17G in a dump in Florida and bought them.The planes were in very poor conditions, stripped of the turrets and instruments.Three were made airworty and flew via Azores to Czechoslovakia, there received additional and better instruments ( some war-time Luftwaffe gunsights,ecc...) and loaded with bomb.On their way to Israel, one bombed Cairo and the other two Egyptian positions in Sinai.
The fate of the fourth bomber was less succesful, because the raids of the first three on Egypt prompted a FBI investigation and , cut a long story short, the plane was seized by authority in the Azores, as the crew involved choose to rest after the trip instead of refuel the bird and take off as soon possible.
The bombers were assigned to the 69 Squadron The Hammers at Hatzor and given serial number 1601,1602 and 1603, and by the end of the War of Indepenence the B-17s had flown over 200 missions.
At the time of the Suez crisis the Fortresses were out of service but two were brought back in action with changed two-digit serial numbers and incomplete camouflage ( only brown instead of the standard brown-blue over silk grey).
During their operational use the planes were painted in different way, comprised NMF and with various artwork applied, but this wasn't my focus.
To Install:
As always raccomended,all in the relative folders in your game(s)
Veltro 2K for the models
Me for the decals and the skins
Know issue:
This modest pack contain both the F and G model despite Israel bought only G model. My choice was dictated by the fact that during the War of Independence the planes were armed only woth the waist and tail guns in a indigenous modification, the rear bulkhead of the tail position conmpletely removed and equipped with twin .03 inch machineguns. For these reason I opted for the B-17F in my mod
By the time of the Suez action ( in reality even before) the complete armament was restored, here my choice for the B-17G.
In 1956 the s/N 23 had the chin turret replaced by a search radar for maritime patrol, but I'm absolutely unable to modify the models as I'm not a modder, so you will be fly with the gun turret in his place.
I choose to add the fourth plane ,just to have one more, despite never arrived in Israel.
Schiffer Military Book, "Hammers, Israel's Long-range Heavy Bomber Arm: The Story of 69 Squadron", Shlomo Aloni & Zvi Avidror
SAM Publication, Camouflage & Markings No.3 The Israeli Air Force Part One 1948 to 1967, Ray Ball
Isradecal decals sheet
The net
Legal note:
This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware addition.
Gianni "RustyKurnass" Coniglio
Potez 631 skin pack
By LloydNB
These are a repaint of the original files to represent four of the squadrons operating the P631 in France 1940 - two night fighters and from the French Navy.
I have tried to match the underwing codes with the aircraft numbers. New Hangar and loading screens, user list and data file included.
This is not a full install. Please download and install the original version first. You'll get to keep Charles' excellent original textures.
Heinkel He 51
By Trotski
Heinkel He 51
Birth of the Luftwaffe
I present you with my latest collection of skins, this time for the Heinkel He 51, one of the first Luftwaffe aircraft to see active service, in a air war, the first time for Germany since the end of WWI. The He 51 was a biplane fighter, which was to see service in the Spanish Civil War. It however was found to be very un suited for use as a fighter, as , to be honest, there wasn't much really ground breaking, and there were certainly far better biplane types in service around the world, than the Heinkel turned out to be. Where it was found to shine however, was in the light ground attack role, in which it was quite successful. Several future Luftwaffe aces cut their teeth flying this aircraft, before transitioning across to the BF 109 , which swiftly replaced the biplane in the Jagd role.
It was however, an attractive aircraft, and was as I mentioned before, quite a successful recon and ground attack aircraft. I was used by the Luftwaffe, probably as a squadron hack, until the middle of the war. It was only exported to 2 countries, those being Bulgaria, and Spain, The Spanish had these old girls still in service until the mid 50's. It appears the Bulgarians used them until around 1942 -43.
So, on with the blurb. I have included 3 skins for aircraft of JG 88 Condor Legion, from different JagdGruppe ( 2, 3, 4 ) Also I have 4 colourful examples from around 1936 or so, in Luftwaffe colours of the time, with their colourful markings. next there are 2 variations on the Bulgarian machines, pre Communist, and post Communist, the final real skin is a Spanish post 1939 scheme. The last 2 I have thrown in for fun. The first is a Parani one because I KNOW some of you lot do play Paran Dhimar. and finally, An Imperial Elbonian Air Service skin, just because, SO THERE !!
This aircraft is a model made by Stephen 1918. I have completely redone the skin , panels, rivets etc. etc. All the files you need are included in this upload EXCEPT for the LOD's. For those, please be kind enough to download Stephens original model FIRST Before attempting to fly the beastie !! I have however included all the .INI files, that are pertinent to these skins, so please, after you have downloaded the aircraft from the FE 2 Golden age download section, you ensure that the files I have included , replace the ones you will get with Stephens original aircraft. There are reasons for this, such as gunsights, sounds, weapons, pilots etc. etc. So please rename stephens .INI files just in case you want to use those instead of mine. I cannot see that you shall want or need to though.
I have included everything else all in their respective folders, so you should be able to drop it into your save file, wherever that may be. So Sounds, guns, bombs and tank, sounds, and pilots, and of course Decals are all here for you. Just please follow the directions I have stated here. and you will be good to go. As a side note, I have found that a good terrain to utilise for this aircraft is the Finland one, seems to work well. However if you are wanting this aircraft to use in FE2 then wait as I shall be doing a separate upload for First Eagles Spanish Civil War, these skins in this format WILL NOT WORK IN FE !!
Anyhow, that about wraps it up. Thanks to Stephen, who is very kind to me, and allows me to bugger up his lovely aeroplanes. So major kudos to him for making the model in the first place. Any glitches, problems, gripes, whinges, or moans, please contact my P.A. Mrs Ramsbottom. She will occupy you and deflect ALL your woes, with her rather nice Victoria sponge cake and a nice cup of Tea ........failing that, message me and I shall see about correcting any bugger ups
Finally, as ever, ENJOY (I have enjoyed flying around in this rather attractive aircraft, I even got 2 kills in her )
SF2 KAW F4U-4 Corsair VF-44 Skin Pack
By Wrench
SF2 KAW F4U-4 Corsair VF-44 Skin Pack 9/29/2020
-For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
"Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
This package contains a new skin for the TMF/MM F4U-4 Corsair. This represents VF-44 "Hornets" based aboard USS LAKE CHAMPLAIN (CVA-39) on their tour in Korean waters from April, 1953 thru December, 1953 as part of CVG 4.
This skin is designed to be used on the KAW F4U-4/4B pack available at the following url:
This skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. 24 modex and BuNums have been supplied.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
Ludwig Froba 109E3.7z
By russouk2004
Skin of BF109E-3 W.Nr0820 of 4./JG77 Uffz.Ludwig Froba Oct.1940 Norway
drop folders into your BF109E-3 folder in your WW2 mod or appropriate mod of your choice main folder,allow to overwrite,or backup first if you want to change back later.
I wont be responsible for anything you may lose.
all items required supplied in rar for decals.prop effects(3blade tga)
F-51D FAU Fuerza Aerea Uruguaya
By snowburn
This is a re-skin of the stock p-51D for the Fuerza Aerea Uruguaya (local name: F-51D)
Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 Israel is required
this is my first reskin, i hope you like it and score a lot of kills :)
Model: Original TW P-51D
Pilot: Pil_kawb (Sorry, i dont know who made this, if somebody knows i will add thank and credit him/her immediately)
FakePilot - Football Baloon: Walter
Textures and Decals by me: snowburn (except base texture)
Thanks to http://www.pilotoviejo.com/ for the reference photos.
A huge thanks to the SF2 Español community for their help and tutorials.
SF2 Vichy French Air Force, Tiger Moth Skin UPgrade
By Wrench
SF2 Vichy French Air Force, Tiger Moth Skin UPgrade 2/25/2020
-- Something for Fun --
= For SF2 Any and All=
A small upgrade for LloydNB's Vichy French Tigermoth, as used in Indochina in the early 1940s. It is, obviously, for use on RussoUK's DH Tigermoth. The aircraft itself is available at the following URL:
This is a very simple mod; just a quickie repaint to remove the original painted on fuselage number, and the addition of 18 "plane-in-squad" numbers. No historical accuracy is claimed, as I've only found one image of the aircraft, and it had the number 5 on it.
As said above, something just for fun!
Kevin Stein
-with thanks to LloydNB for the original skin!!-
Mercenary Sand Skin for Spitfire 22 (fictional)
By gerwin
Mercenary Sand Skin for Spitfire 22 (fictional)
by Gerwin 24-04-2019
Made for the 'DLC' Spitfire 22 model. For use by the nation of Paran.
This skin is part of a Skin set, all in the same style, by the same author.
This work is based on existing skins.
Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains
the Spitfire 22 files, for example:
My Documents\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 Israel\Objects\Aircraft\Spitfire22
When in the game select the skin in the loadout screen.
Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games,
SF2 P-47D-40 Thunderbolt Upgrade/Update Pack
By Wrench
SF2 P-47D-40 Thunderbolt Upgrade/Update Pack 2/5/2020
-For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 Merged Reccomended)
This is a small update for the P-47D-40 Thunderbolts used in the last year of WW2, and into the Post-War Era. It is designed for use on the -40 Jug that Cocas and I built. You can find the full aircraft at the following URL:
The package is built to just "drop in" over the existing inis (overwrite), and included updated data, loadout and user lists to futher reflect the P-47Ds use in the Post-War world. Loadout changes add "date switched" CAS/AR loads from WW2s 'Triple Bazooka' to HVAR rockets. All weapons are included. It has been tested in both the WW2 and Post-War environments.
Several new or updated skins are also included:
525th FBS ~1947/49 as part of the Occupation Forces in Germany
1º Grupo de Caca, Brazilian AF, in their post-war (1946-57) scheme
GC II/20 "Ouarsenis" Armée de l'Air as seen/used in Algeria in the late 1950s
All aircraft are in NMF and With the exception of painted on special squadron or national markings, all others are decals. Decal Randomization is TRUE. The Serials on the FAB Jug are 100% historically correct. The AdA skin can be used as a basis for other units that served in Algeria (or France) during the post-war timeframe. All 3 new skins have their own Hangar Screens.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. The "Notes" section has more information on proper usage of these Post-War skins. Please =READ= them!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
No. 418 "City of Edmonton" RCAF B-25
By 1977Frenchie
This is to represent the Post War RCAF B-25 scheme used from 1951 to 1958.
To be used on the B-25 that can be found here :
Serials and plane numbers are accurate BUT not squadron specific.
I do know the RCAF Post War were not armed in real life, so this part is not accurate :)
Just copy and paste to the right folders and go fly!
Thanks to :
- Thirdwire Game
- Wrench B-25
- Myself This skin
Mario C.
RCAF Lancaster 1962 scheme
By 1977Frenchie
In this little package you will find :
- Redraw of the panel lines and rivets.
- New RCAF skin to depict the RCAF Lancaster used (but no model modification so bird is still armed :))
- Same RAF CAMO, but ''like new'' paint
Just copy/paste and overwrite when prompted.
Original Credits :
3D Model (Veltro2k)
Textures and FM (Charles)
Cockpit (Kesselbrut)
Best Sim : Thirdwire
Me : New RCAF Skin
Happy flights!
RCAF POST WAR P-51 Skin Pack
By 1977Frenchie
ou must have the P-51D from the Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 for these skins to work.
You will get the following RCAF P-51D Post War Auxiliary Squadrons skins in this package that were used from 1947 to 1960 :
402 "City of Winnipeg" Early Skin
402 "City of Winnipeg" Late Skin
403 "City of Calgary" Late Skin
420 "City of London" Early Skin
424 "City of Hamilton" Early Skin 1
424 "City of Hamilton" Early Skin 2
442 "City of Vancouver" Early Skin
443 "City of New Westminster" Late Skin 1
443 "City of New Westminster" Late Skin 2
Copy the current pack objects/aircraft folders in your game P-51D aircraft folder.
Copy the current pack objects/decals folder in your game P-51D decals folder.
Copy the content of the P-51.ini to the game P-51D aircraft folder and change TextureSet number in consequence.
RCAF serials and plane numbers are real one's within their respective squadron's. Exception is when lettering is used it's far from relevant :).
Thirdwire for creating the Strike Fighters series
Leading Edge website for decals placement references
Me for the paint work + new skins :)
Happy flights!
Mario C.
SF2 P-47N Thunderbolt Post WW2 USAAF/USAF & Air National Guard Skins Pack
By Wrench
SF2 P-47N Thunderbolt Post WW2 USAAF/USAF & Air National Guard Skins Pack 6/20/2019
-For SF2, (Full 5 Merged Reccomended)-
This is a package for post-WW2 and Air National Guard squadrons that flew the P/F-47N Thunderbolt in the years from 1946-1954. These are for V.2 of Russ's N-Jug. All skins are in jpg format.
You can find Version 2.0 of Russ' P-47N at the following URL:
The skins included herein for Regular USAAF/USAF units are:
37th/48th/49th FS, 14th FG
99th/100th/301st FS, 477th CG/332nd FG
The other skins included here are for the Air National Guards of the following states:
Hawaii (Territory of)
Puerto Rico (Territory of)
The USAAF/USAF had divided the country at the Mississippi River, and had P-51 Mustang ANG units in the west, and P-47D/N units in the east. This is why this set only has Thunderbolts, and all are Eastern States.
They are displayed on the Squadron Selection Drop-down window on the Loading Screen, as below:
37th/48th/49th FS 14FG (1946-48)
99th/100th/301st FSs 332nd FG (1945-48)
118th FS, 103rd FG (CT ANG 1946-52)
142nd FS (DE ANG 1946-54)
128th FS (GA ANG 1947-51)
199th FS (HI ANG 1946-54)
101st FS (MA ANG 1947-51)
146th FS, 112th FG (PA ANG 1947-51)
198th FS (PR ANG 1947-55)
Operational dates are rounded to the closest full year. The SF2 'date switch' is =NOT= used on any of these skins, as they overlap each other. End users (tm) will have to make any changes manually on the Loadout Screen for their flightmates.
A new data ini, with vastly improved FM and engine parameters (Now! With WEP!) is included. Some minor adjustments in hit boxes, armor, fuel tanks, etc have been performed. The operational years remain the same, so WW2 PTO users need not worry. Just drop it in. A backup copy of the original data ini is included, as a safety measure. It should be noted, Stary's superb Late WW2 cockpit -HIGHLY reccomended for this bird- is NOT included. If there is enough interest, I can add it to this, and upload an update. Or update the basic WW2 aircraft package.
Other than special squadron markings (color bands and the like) all markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Each squadron has 26 serial and 'Buzz number' decals. On the individual aircraft select drop down, for all skins, any marked with a star (*) are been 100% positively identified as having served in that unit. Any not marked should be considered generic in nature as they don't actually represent aircraft from any particular unit, but are late production block P-47Ns. Please see the "Notes" section for information regarding the 332nd & 14th FGs. They are treated as special cases. A reminder -- this package =ONLY= contains American users (USAF & ANG). None of the export customers are included. Nor are any weapons or pilot figures included. You should have them already.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. As there exists an eariler version of these skins/decals, you will want to delete them or back them up to a different location entirely =BEFORE= installing these. Also, PLEASE read the "Notes" for further explainitory words on hows and whys.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 P/F-61B Black Widow, 319th F(AW)S Skins Pack Post-WW2
By Wrench
SF2 P/F-61B Black Widow, 319th F(AW)S Skins Pack 7/2/2019
-For SF2, (Full 5 Merged Reccomended)-
This is a new skin & decal set for Veltro2K's P-61 Black Widow Night/All Weather interceptor.
This skin represents the 318th Fighter (All Weather) Squadron from 1946-1948. They were (originally) based at Mitchell Field (AFB) Long Island, NY, as part of the newly formed Air Defence Command. They and several other night/all weather and day fighter squadrons were responsible for the defence of the northeastern United States. In 1948, they moved to McChord AFB, Washington, transistioned to F-82 Twin Mustangs, and took on Northwest Air Defense duties.
The skin is in jpg format. All markings are decals. 26 new P-61B serial and Buzz numbers were created for this mod. The serials ARE for late production block 61Bs, but should be considered generic in nature as they represent no particular aircraft from any specific unit. Decal randomization is TRUE. Included is a hangar screen for this skin, too! The SF2 'date switch' is used to turn on this skin in 1946.
Also included is a new data and avionics inis. A new more compliant FM has been built, and many engine parameters have been adjusted (NOW! With WEP!!). The avionics ini, given game limitations, should be more in line with the actual workings of the SCR-720 air intercept radar. A backup copy of the data ini is included, for safety's sake. (always back up!!). See "Notes" below for a complete listing, and explainitions.
You must have the original P-61B from either you WW2 installs or a new download from the following URL to apply this skin set to:
Remember, this is a POST-war skin. The data ini has operational dates adjusted (corrected) accordingly.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Might want to give the "Notes & Other Nonsense" section a once over, as well! :)
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
D-Day Spitfires
By amariani
Here's a set of skins for Thirdwire's Spitfires LF Mk. IX's for D-Day campaigns. National markings and D-Day ID bands are painted-on.
You'll need Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 for the Spitfires.
Just drop in the aircraft folders and fly!
Thanks to Thirdwire for the 3D models.
A. Mariani
Fw-190A-4 MTO skins
By amariani
Hi all!
This is a set of skins for Torno's Fw-190A-4 available at
This set includes 3 generic MTO skins (Southern Europe/North Africa):
To install just drop in your mod folder (you should know how by now!).
Thanks to Torno for the 3-D model.
Happy hunting!
FW190A4 generic skins
By amariani
Hi all!
This is a set of skins for Torno's Fw-190A-4.
This set includes 4 generic 3-tone grey skins:
LuftCamo1 No Insignias
LuftCamo2 With Insignias
LuftCamo3 Yellow Mrks No Insignias
LuftCamo4 Yellow Mrks With Insignias
To install just drop in your mod folder (you should know how by now!) and add to your squadronlist.ini the following entries:
Thanks to Torno for the 3-D model.
Happy hunting!
SF2 WW2 PTO RAAF B-24J No.21 Squadron Skins/Decals Pak
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 PTO RAAF B-24J No.21 Squadron Skins/Decals Pak 7/20/2018
-- Something for the SWP PTO players --
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
A new set skins for the B-24J Liberator by Veltro2K. It represents No.21 Squadron, RAAF as used in the Southwest Pacific Theatre of Operation from 1944 through the war's end.
The aircraft is in "natural metal" finish, and all markings are decals. On the individiual aircraft (plane-in-squadron) letter lising, those marked with a star (*) have their serial numbers matched to their aircraft letters. All other aircraft serials, while having served in 21 Squadron, could not be matched to their individual lettered aircraft. Decal randomization is TRUE
Also inclued are a new data ini, with adjusted hitboxes and various upgrades. The original, renamed for a back-up in included as well.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a glance
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
Bf-109G-10 (S-99) from Thirdwire
By amariani
Hi all!
This is a set of skins for Thirdwire's S-99 (DLC28 AI Plane Pack I available at https://store.thirdwire.com/store_dlc.htm).
It is intended to be use with Wrench's Mod Pak, available here: https://combatace.com/files/file/14663-sf2-ww2-dlc-28-s-99-bf-109g-mod-pak/.
This set includes 3 skins:
LuftCamo1 Green/Grey
LuftCamo2 Grey/Grey
LuftCamo3 Green/Brown
To install just drop in your mod folder (you should know how by now!) and add to your squadronlist.ini the following entries:
DisplayName=JG 1
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 2
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 3
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 4
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 5
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 6
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 7
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 11
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 26
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 27
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 51
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 52
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 53
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 54
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 77
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 300
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=JG 301
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=KG(J) 6
Nation=Nazi Germany
DisplayName=KG(J) 54
Nation=Nazi Germany
If you need to adjust the number sequence to match your Squadronlist.ini, then remember to do same with the fuselage band decals
found in the "FuseBands" folder so that the proper markings show up when you select a unit from the drop-down menu.
Thanks to Wrench for the templates.
Happy hunting!
RHAF SF2 WW2 Fieseler Fi 156 'Storch
By acesfakia
SF2 WW2 Fi-156 Storch RHAF
Royal Hellenic Air Force ( Greece)
For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred)
This is a skin for the Fi-156 Storch for sf 2
The skin is for the Fi-156 Storch in the end of the wwii in Royal Hellenic Air Force ( Greece).
One airplane was delivered by the British in 1946, probably captured during the retreat of the Germans
from Greece.
It brought the name “?a?da??? (Daedalus)» on the engine cover.
Limited data exist on its use by the Hellenic Air Force.
Only 1 plane from 1946-.......until ...???
Skin grey with num NK986 AND A NAME DAIDALUS ???????S.
I reccomend, unzip the "sf2_fi156_pak.zip" to a temp folder or your desktop
or somewhere else that's easy to find
Then, simply, copy/paste the Objects folder supplied directly =OVER= your existing /Objects folder.
Copy/Paste the supplied Sounds folder directly OVER your existing /Sounds folder
You'll probably be asked "OVERWRITE?", just say Yes.
I've already seperated out the various folders (Aircraft, Decals, etc), so they'll drop right where
they're supposed to be.
They will go a an extra skin folder in the WW2 Fi-156 Storch if you have it.
Also i include a file with A Pilot in Blue ....RHAF.....
Raven for the aircraft
Legal BS:
This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other
pieces of the package remain intact.
The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in
any new readmes.
This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
- rhaf wwii
- fieseler fi 156 storch rhaf
- (and 1 more)
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