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ThirdWire Update

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Well, I'm impressed, and a little depressed...I've done most of them birds already!! Gotta admit, that MiG-15 looks most impressive (insert Vader voice)...and the Mustang!!!


Meteor, in all its Mid-East variants!!!! Very nice!!!


Wonder if they'll come with cockpits????



kevin stein

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so, is this going to be a new game or an expansion to woi?

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i think that will be an add on for woi...


btw a Avia S.199 would be nice... :lol:

Edited by Soulfreak

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Interesting - C3 skytrain, De Hav Vampire, - and what looks that a French F-84F? - so thatll be a WOI add on then!

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everything is impressive as usual,I just wish there was at least one pic of somthing thats not already available.don't get me wrong I'm gonna get it I just hope that some new ground and air targets will come along with it.

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everything is impressive as usual,I just wish there was at least one pic of somthing thats not already available.don't get me wrong I'm gonna get it I just hope that some new ground and air targets will come along with it.


Well, as far as I am concerned there are nothing but new planes /air targets in these pics. After all, I do believe that there are plenty of WoX customers who have never ventured into the realm of 3rd party addons.

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Hmm, looks like i found a destination for the remainder of my bonus check! :)

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This is total speculation on my part with no info from TW to back it up, but IMO this expansion almost guarantees that Korea will be the setting of the next full game. TK will only need the F-80, F-84 and F-86 plus any Navy aircraft he decides to do, and he already has an unreleased Skyraider.

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This is total speculation on my part with no info from TW to back it up, but IMO this expansion almost guarantees that Korea will be the setting of the next full game. TK will only need the F-80, F-84 and F-86 plus any Navy aircraft he decides to do, and he already has an unreleased Skyraider.


the one that appears on the little picture on frontpage of the site?

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Interesting - C3 skytrain, De Hav Vampire, - and what looks that a French F-84F? - so thatll be a WOI add on then!


The French F-84F is a Dassault Mystére IV, it was the main Armée de l'Air-fighter before the Mirage and used in quite large numbers, although mainly in France, which is why it's quite unkwon today outside France, Israel and India (the operators back in the days).


The Israeli Mystére's and Ouragans (an earlier straight wing French fighter) did get a few kills in -56, and shone in the AG-role in -67 when they wrecked havoc over the retreating Egyptian army. So far I haven't seen them in any sims, so it would be nice to see them in a sim.

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The French flew the F-84F.


the one that appears on the little picture on frontpage of the site?


Yes. TK showed some larger pics of it a couple of years ago.

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The French F-84F is a Dassault Mystére IV, it was the main Armée de l'Air-fighter before the Mirage and used in quite large numbers, although mainly in France, which is why it's quite unkwon today outside France, Israel and India (the operators back in the days).


The Israeli Mystére's and Ouragans (an earlier straight wing French fighter) did get a few kills in -56, and shone in the AG-role in -67 when they wrecked havoc over the retreating Egyptian army. So far I haven't seen them in any sims, so it would be nice to see them in a sim.


Already looked up the Dassault Mysteres (IV) but they do not match the picture, I can only make it an F-84.

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Already looked up the Dassault Mysteres (IV) but they do not match the picture, I can only make it an F-84.


It is an F-84F. And it is accurate--the French flew them and they were deployed during the Suez Crisis.

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It is an F-84F. And it is accurate--the French flew them and they were deployed during the Suez Crisis.


To quantify what C5 said IT IS an F-84F.

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This is total speculation on my part with no info from TW to back it up, but IMO this expansion almost guarantees that Korea will be the setting of the next full game. TK will only need the F-80, F-84 and F-86 plus any Navy aircraft he decides to do, and he already has an unreleased Skyraider.


Plus the Mustang, Meteor & C-47 open the possibility of a WW2 sim in the future...

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Plus the Mustang, Meteor & C-47 open the possibility of a WW2 sim in the future...

Nope. The Sims already have that all sewn up.

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Since TK went all HUD on us, I've been afraid he was going to drop the ball. But it looks like he's still bouncing it.

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WOI has the Mirage III, Nesher, Kfir, Ahit and Kurnass, none of which have a HUD. In fact the only planes TK has modeled with a HUD are the F-15, F-16, A-10 and Harriers. That's 4 (6 if you count all Harrier variants) out of about 38 total flyables if you count all sims released to date plus the Suez planes. Just to put it in perspective.


I prefer the 1960s and 70s era, but I'm glad we're getting this 1950s plane set as it helps fill in a lot of gaps.

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