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Guest pfunkmusik

Question for Our Noobs

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Guest pfunkmusik

What do you guys want most out of the ThirdWire sims series?



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Im not sure of my noobness, but, campaigns that dont require a new install or retriving lots of aircraft would be soooo greatly appreciated! and multiplayer would be even better!

Edited by Viper6

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Sonic Booms, Big Booms caused by bombs, Rockets, Deadly missiles, gun spray, Killing Commies, supersonic under 100ft agl, Blow up commie tanks, overthrow the commies, and not get shot down :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

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back when I was a lowly 10 year old with everything set on "easy", i never bothered with the campaigns. All I did were single missions, and I was unstoppable with my F-4 full of missiles that could hit anything.

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  Rambler 1-1 said:
back when I was a lowly 10 year old with everything set on "easy", i never bothered with the campaigns. All I did were single missions, and I was unstoppable with my F-4 full of missiles that could hit anything.



I still only do single missions...too much hassle to make a campaign and I can choose whatever a/c I want at any time. As for the question, I couldnt ask for much more all I wanted was better graphics, then I realized, theyre downloadable, its just my PC sucks :biggrin:

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Not getting my @ss handed to me all the time by the new AI would be a nice start...

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tho i know it's not technologically posibble (i read TK's explanation somewhere), the only thing i'd really like would be the ability to see aircraft at say 5nm, which was quite possible for the timeframe especially for those silvery shinning birds. what i mean is not for them to be 1pixel big until we're at 200ft apart. so that i could finally turn that option for HUD display off and get rid of all ugly boxes and cones on my screen.

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more carrier ops......(maybe a little more modern???)

Edited by Caveman

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Single mission carrier ops.


Carrier landings that are a little more realistic (you don't have to worry about bouncing off the deck even when you make a good pass).


A little better ability to see over the nose. In most jets, you have to fly approach speeds much higher than normal in order to see the landing area. If you want to fly on-speed, most of the time you have to blindly aim for the deck.

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This is my 1st post. (Shh... He said n00bs!)


I would like to see other aircraft selectable while in campaign.

Like is available in the single missions.


Like you're flying a mud-mover, and you want to bring along some Allied aircraft as built in SEAD/Escort.


I haven't been flying long enough to know any other cool things, but this would be nice.


(Shhh... I'm a n00b!)

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I would like the AI to be able to use laser guided bombs. And if i could have anything i wanted it would be a LOMAC style mission builder.

AN I WAnna Now HOW U USD BIG@SS Crezzy MIssLE?????!!!!!!!!I CAnOT FENd OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PPLZZ Tel MEEeeEE!!!!!!!!!111

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  WarlordATF said:
Im not asking for much, I just want this...






OK, forget the beer, I want that too

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The third wire series has become my favorite flight sim, it was not originally. I thank TK and all of the modders here and at a couple of other sites for all of their hard work, you guys have taken what started as the "Lite sim" strike fighters to a whole new level. The new patch has solved many of my pet peeves only a couple remain. If I had my way I would ask TK open a survey thread on his site for modders who are the life blood of the success of his series. TK has done great work, and so have the modders, it seems to be to his benefit to know what you modders are looking for within the game engine. If I were in his shoes and I had a bunch of skilled people working in their spare time at no cost to me, making my product more attractive to the buyer; I would seek their input as to what features they would like to see in the game.


If tk were to ask my opinion of what I would like to see in the next new wings over (whatever) game, I would tell him not to worry about designing any new aircraft. I would suggest most of the cost of development be put into the issues that you see his loyal customers and modders talking about on forums like this one. you know those dead horse issues that keep getting beaten in thread after thread.

After playing the new patch it is clear to me that he is listening to his customers constructive criticism, the patch is huge improvement .


So here are just a couple of dead horse issues I would like to see TK tackle on the next version of this series. :deadhorse:


Address the issue of inconsistent AI ground attack behavior:

I have done a lot of research into the AI flight smart weapon issues and have had some great results using CAS and Armed recon. My AI flights kill everything they are sent after and often go after secondary targets on their own. The problem is when you select Strike or anti ship, then the AI flights fly around like retards who cant find the target. This should be an easy fix for TK. Even with conventional dumb bombs in a strike / anti ship the AI performance is often erratic, many times they just fly to a way point and drop the ordnance... making no attempt to actually hit a target.


Add the ability for CAS and armed recon flights to attack terrain targets - as of now they can only target objects from your Ground objects folder.

How about making helicopter flight models compatible with this sim :good: . that would be A huge plus for this series.


More ground objects: lots of destroyable buildings that work like standard ground objects, more ships and better control of the ones that exist- Ie: more than one missile launcher per ship... how about ground objects/ ships that actually fire surface to surface/ cruise missiles. cruise missiles that fly/behave like cruise missiles .... cruise missiles that can be shot down. the ability to give a missile loiter capability- Tacit rainbow or ALARM.


the Ability to "communicate" with the AI flights in a mission the same way you can give commands to your Squadron: meaning to actually be able to call in some fighter support or call a strike in on a target

would be a huge improvement in the realism and enjoyability of this sim. It only makes sense right , here you are getting your ass handed to you totally out numbered yet there is a flight of f-15s putzing around a 50 miles away with out a care in the world. Or perhaps you are on a strike mission in a target rich environment, there is another strike flight 100 miles away who already hit their target yet they still have a lot of unexpended weaponry.... call em in and designate a target like you would for your wingman.


I have a long list of this kind of stuff but these issues are at the top



Edited by Icarus999

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I am just 13 years old.


My AI settings are Hard

Fuel settings are Normal

Weapons are Hard

Radar settings are Hard

And everything else are Easy. :biggrin:

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For the Modders to keep on modding.

And for the eternal patience needed when people like me keep asking dumbass questions!!

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  jayo said:
For the Modders to keep on modding.

And for the eternal patience needed when people like me keep asking dumbass questions!!


FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin:

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Like to see some Helicopter traffic in TK sims,now I got my "big" computer from IKE.(Trust me IKE took it!)Especially,sub hunters or SAR stand bys,when doing carrier take offs is just eye candy and realistic.Need SAR campaigns to add to the feel of WOV for the historical value.If you don't like copters..fine!Alot of "us" do and copters are working better in series due to knowledge base and discussion.Really!

I for one,love the challenge of the new AI and do well against it,just can't keep a dedicated wingman.But,there times wingman gotten flight out of a pickle a time or 2.So,I'll take what I can get.

Need random real observation aircraft to update battlefield.Not just fly but to really do BDA,SAR help and FAC.Snoopy is alright but,never marks the targets.And I know the flight engine cannot handle this for now but,it can be in the future.

Take a number on approach...wouldn't you like to see the "wounded" aircraft in 1st?Besides,it would be like holy cow!What hornets nest did they stir up?Or your landing status has changed to closest base due to condition of flight or me :blush2: because of a bonehead move like turning burning on a Su-27SM when your driving a Weasel.Don't ask!

Stock inflight refueling from various countries.And stock AWACS....need!

This just for starters and enjoy the dream!

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I echo the comments above about better communication with other squadrons etc, but also, just more immersion: Buzzing airbases with more than one squadron based there, taxying aircraft and generally more detailed bases would be awesome.


Single mission carrier ops would also be quite cool... and not that i've mentioned it before or anything, but more RAF stuff!!


Seriously though, I am more than happy with the sim as is, TK and the modders (each one) should be proud!


- Alex

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Not a noob but I still have some wishes :)


- better single mission menu

a) ability to select opposing aircraft and their loadout

b) ability to change skins and loadouts for entire flight at once, not one by one like now which can be quite tedious


- in-game features

a) as noobish as it may sound but I want icons(or something like that) like in LockOn(I'm quite aware of the red square and use it, but it only marks selected target), isn't this suppose to be a "lite sim"?

b) selectable AI FM, via *.ini edits, AI flying at normal can sometimes be a bit...un-immersive


- never gonna' happen features

a) better terrain building tool and possibilities

Edited by Brain32

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  Stormtrooper said:
If you download the many varities out there then F6 out you'll see them in the air on missions or with the latest patch sitting on the tarmac.

Yeah I know but,just like to see Helio's hovering on standby in case of ditching on carrier take-offs.You know what mean?SH-3 hoving next to carriers for Rescue.

Snoopy just flies around in circles and doesn't mark targets.Snoopy just there for the appeal of realism.

Edited by WDH

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  Brain32 said:

a) as noobish as it may sound but I want icons(or something like that) like in LockOn(I'm quite aware of the red square and use it, but it only marks selected target), isn't this suppose to be a "lite sim"?



I like this idea. This kind of goes along with the other request to have aircraft visible at 5nm instead of 2. Having icons and/or something making aircraft more visible would mean you would still have to track your target on your own (and you could see more than one at once), but no big red box and arrow saying "Here's the one you want!!!".

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