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Wingmate on Dawn patrol in our N17's. Winter Cambrai, France 1917. Cold mornings like these, you need a bottle to nip on...

Many thanks to the 3rd party community, and of course TK!


Most likely I would need more then a nip any season to go to war in that stringbag.

It is a handsome airplane tho.

:ph34r: CL

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Nice one Silverbolt...

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What's LOMAC :biggrin:




Default environmentsystem.ini with Cellinsky clouds from Widesky and ENBseries dll

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Captain's gonna have a nasty wake-up call... :biggrin:

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anyone else notice that we are halfway thru a new month and this thread is still going on?

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Yup, they removed the name of the month from the thread title as well. It's just going to be a continuous thread if I remember correctly from an earlier post

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MiG-19S Farmer F.1 of No.5 squadron British Peoples' Republic Air Force.


Kukulino's lovely Czech' S-105 (early) masquerading as a 'Communist Britain' fighter.

Edited by Spinners

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Kukulino's lovely Czech' S-105 (early) masquerading as a 'Communist Britain' fighter.



Nice work but I must admit the thought of "communist Britain" makes me feel unclean. :fie:


I'm off for a bath after that. Cheers Alfie.

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MiG-19S Farmer F.1 of No.5 squadron British Peoples' Republic Air Force.


Kukulino's lovely Czech' S-105 (early) masquerading as a 'Communist Britain' fighter.



I think I fouled myself! I am laughing so hard, I love it! Will it be for download? I wonder if Kinnok had won '92, would the RAF look like that?


edit: reposting images, should know better

Edited by Mab Glyndwr

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I think I fouled myself! I am laughing so hard, I love it! Will it be for download? I wonder if Kinnok had won '92, would the RAF look like that?


edit: reposting images, should know better


maybe if Marx had sucefully implemented an Communist revolution back in IX probably RAF had this markings

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Razbam A-6A, against the backdrop of an "experiment" :wink:



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Dang, between those water textures, the terrain work and all these superb planes, the TW series is looking damn good! Who needs LOMAC?

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Silverbolt, too bad we don't rate photos, that Super Grach pic is one of the best :good:

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KLu Hunters over P.N.G.

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KLu Hunters over P.N.G.


Hey Iwan,

Moooooiiiiiii !! They obtained a single seat Hunter (N-295) at Leeuwarden for the airshow circuit alongside the Mk7. Something for you ??





Derk :yes:

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OADF Pantera. Another Osean fantasy... :cool:

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Hey Iwan,

Moooooiiiiiii !! They obtained a single seat Hunter (N-295) at Leeuwarden for the airshow circuit alongside the Mk7. Something for you ??





Derk :yes:





It certainly is!

As long as it is painted with the Papua New Guinea flag on the tail I'm fine with it!

I mean, there are too few hunters with decent "art" on it!


Cheers mate!

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Was being a little too creative with FastCargo's old ACTIVE canards...

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