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SF2 Expansion Pack 1 released

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Half way through downloading the installer again, a thought struck me.. what if the installer was trying to locate SFI in Program Files, where it has never been in the first place, doh.gif Once again, my stupidity surpasses all expectations! So if anyone else is so excited they miss a step, take a breath, relax and try again.

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*cough* DAT Spitfire *cough*


You mean Kesselbruts Spitfire pit. :bye::good: That is what I am using. In fact a few of us have permission to upload any of Kess's stuff so I will upload them here.


I love Meteor. Stable, but roll rate is abysmal, I can spin Thud twice as fast (especially since the latest patches made planes much more quirky). Makes you work for a kill. :grin:



Yeah it does, but I got 3 Mig-15's with it by sliding the tail around alot. Did it really have a poor roll rate IRL?

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Well I don't know for later Meteors but first ones had pretty awfull roll rate(and an awfull turning ability), it's ailerons got really stiff and heavy, however I'm talking about MeteorIII here, although if later versions didn't get boosted ailerons I would expect the same.


P.S: Did Kess make SpitMkIX pit or only MkV?

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Wondering how the new prop planes fly on the expansion, sure they look cool, cool enough to make me purchase both the game and the expansion. BTW, how much will cost to add the French and RN carriers together with SeaHawks, Wyverns, french Corsairs.... MMMMH sounds good!!

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I think Kess's is a pretty basic MK.1 pit ... but used for all the Spits.(although I DID add the Mk.III 'Ace Maker' gunsight to the IDF Spit mod that's on my site). Maybe the Tiffy or Tempest pit be closer?? :dntknw:


I know the 5/9/and later was slightly different, but I'd have to check my Modeler's Datafile books (Merlin and Griffon versions)


man, can't wait to try this!!



kevin stein

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Well visually(for a rough look I mean lol) MkI,II,III,IV, and V are pretty similar. The MkVIII and later do have very different cockpit framing and that stucks an eye first, but I guess MkV is a very good stand-in.

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Has anyone managed to take off using stock AI Spit on Hard FM?

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Well visually(for a rough look I mean lol) MkI,II,III,IV, and V are pretty similar. The MkVIII and later do have very different cockpit framing and that stucks an eye first, but I guess MkV is a very good stand-in.


Well, the IX is basically an up-engined Mk V (which was actually just an up-engined Mk II) anyway... :tongue:


Sure, the Spit cockpit got reworked over the years, but as far as I am concerned Kesselbrut made a nice pit back then that still works fine with the TW Spits. Everything else is just splitting hairs.


Also, good thing that most foreign users after the war kept the RAF paint schemes. Still couldn't hurt to cough up some extra decals, though. :grin:

Edited by Gocad

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I'm no FM expert, but something tells me the Spit FM could use some attention....

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Stratos, Musketeer would be a logical next step, but we have about 2/3 of the material as 3rd party available (unfortunately most don't measure up to the new standard set but are still pretty good).


On another note, am I the only one CTDing at mission's end ?

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maybe merging both topics related to the expansion?

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On another note, am I the only one CTDing at mission's end ?


No, makes two of us :drinks:


but for me it's in some cases, sometimes it happens, sometimes not :blink:

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You mean Kesselbruts Spitfire pit. :bye::good: That is what I am using.




Yeah it does, but I got 3 Mig-15's with it by sliding the tail around alot. Did it really have a poor roll rate IRL?


Um. Where can I find this pit? Sorry, you guys lost me.

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Check your PM.

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Just added this.

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Got the CTD after hitting ESC. Also I seem not hearing my 50's firing. Although maybe the merlin engine is drowning the gun sound out?



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Do me favor please everyone. Lets not post about it lacking MP as its been beat to death over and over and over again. The SF2 series does not have MP and its well known. Trolling around pisses everyone off and we don't want it hear. If you want to complain that it doesn't have MP, go to TK's site and complain to him. Leave the rest of us to enjoy ourselves with this. Thank you.

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Although maybe the merlin engine is drowning the gun sound out?

If you switch off the engine you won't hear them. The sound is missing.

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I noticed that it updates to May 2010.

The subtitle bug is fixed.


I did bit of editing...

I made the Spits and Vamps flyable by pointing to P-51 and Meteor.

It also has the Mig-15bis. Have to delete the lods of my 3rd party Mig-15... conflict with TW skins.

Oh the Mystere cockpit is also nice. I deleted the 3rd party one.


CTD happens to me even since March 2010 patch...

But it does not happen all the time. Is it hardware related?

So far no CTD experienced with May 2010.

Restarting the computer helps.

Edited by jomni

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I've had no CTDs so far. The P-51 seems underpowered to me, I had trouble hitting 250mph and was regularly flying under 200mph at full throttle!

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CTD seems to be correlated to memory occupation (as in, the more memory used, the more chances of a CTD).


Since I'm used to having Paint.net, Inkscape and a few Chrome sessions opened while playing, it's not surprising I CTD when using "unlimited" details.

However, when playing "clean" or with lower settings I hardly ever encountered a CTD yet.

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If you switch off the engine you won't hear them. The sound is missing.


What about air brakes and flaps sound in all airplanes? I don't hear them.

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