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Strike Fighters 2: Windows 10 Edition up for pre-order

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On 2/13/2020 at 2:11 PM, Wrench said:

well, I'm glad a bought the full pack then! I'm going to have to be shopping for new comp soon ... 


Wrench, I thought you replaced your system last year? Maybe  I misread your post when you had trouble.  

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On 2/13/2020 at 2:46 PM, streakeagle said:

SF2 was coded for Windows Vista, which inadvertently made it compatible with Windows 7. Windows 10 and the hardware drivers supporting it are a moving target. Don't expect any noticeable code changes if SF2 already runs well on your Win10 pc. What is coming will eliminate some problems under the hood and allow TK to market SF2 as a proper Win10 compatible game. Bringing the game up to Windows 10 coding standards also paves the way for future development, should TK believe it may be profitable again. I can't think of a single sim that stepped into the niche that SF2 filled: the Jane's Fighters Anthology lite survey sim. But his timing may be a little late as ED is going to release a dumbed down version of DCS World with all the main fighters in one package, which will inherently feature the things SF2 was always missing: multiplayer, recording missions, ejection sequences, and maybe air-to-air refueling.

But the beauty of SF2 is that presumably most if not all of the previous SF2 mods will still be compatible, maintaining SF2's huge advantage: comprehensive libraries of aircraft, vehicles, ships, and maps from all eras of aviation from WWI to the recent past. If TK could afford to shoe-horn in a newer graphics engine and provide the plugins and tools needed to update existing models and create new, massively updated terrains, he would have a winner.

But ED won't have flyable jets like the...

  • F-15J
  • F-2A
  • F-35

That's just for starters....... nor the ability to make additional terrains.  Sorry not sorry I prefer SF2, what Jane's Fighter Anthology should have been.

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2 hours ago, JosefK said:

But ED won't have flyable jets like the...

  • F-15J
  • F-2A
  • F-35

That's just for starters....... nor the ability to make additional terrains.  Sorry not sorry I prefer SF2, what Jane's Fighter Anthology should have been.

I understand Trotski point of view, but I have poured thousands of hours in SF series, both playing and modding, and If we have a small chance of getting some update I'm more than happy, now a TOD editor would be the cherry at the top, cause it will allow us to improve the terrains we have and add 10 more years of life to the series.

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23 hours ago, trotski00 said:

I'm sorry, but this should be an automatic update for SF 2 , not a  "new" package a cash grab in my eyes........especially as a lot of folk have no issues running SF 2 in Win 10 already.

well thankfully we are in western countries, not the CCCP. no gulag if you dont get it:lol:

i too will likely not buy it as it works fine on all my win10 systems. but it does concern me as now we modders will also have to hear "does it work on SF2 Win10?" as well as "does it work in Gen1?"

hopefully the answer is "duh....."

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It is basically SF3 guys....just no where near as good as you dreamed........but feel free to prove me wrong TK.

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Ah yes, now if was a totally revamped done over improved MkIII version of the game I think no one would have an issue, however, I have a sneaking suspicion that this will just be a tweaked version of what we already have, I cant see TK being arsed to do anything exceptional, because if he was interested in doing so, he would already have done as such. I would love to see my cynical outlook disproved, if that were indeed the case, then take my damn money !! also if it was done so it merged the First Eagles AND the SF engines into one, that would be outstanding also , by that I mean update the FE engine as well to make it fully compatible with the SF one, not to release it all as one amalgamated package, at the end of the day, TK has to make his money back. So, please prove me wrong, I shall be the first in line to chuck my money at the sim, especially if a MKIII FE is involved as well . Until that time, I shall remain skeptical and cynical.

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Well, afaik TK is doing exactly what he said he would do...making SF2 to official support Win10...no other extras or fixes...

So I don't know what you guys expect? It will probably be the SF2 as we know it, that official supports Win10...:dntknw:

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1 hour ago, Nyghtfall said:

Well, afaik TK is doing exactly what he said he would do...making SF2 to official support Win10...no other extras or fixes...

So I don't know what you guys expect? It will probably be the SF2 as we know it, that official supports Win10...:dntknw:

Therin lies the core of my argument/concern, and I reiterate, why would anyone want to pay full price for a sim they already own, and in 99% of cases works just fine thank you very much ..........I'l shut up now as I am just repeating my self.

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On 2/15/2020 at 2:48 PM, trotski00 said:

I'l shut up now as I am just repeating my self.

thats why we have this :deadhorse:

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Well I donated only 10 dollars to the Appeal and got the update for free so I dont really care....lesson to learn maybe?   lol

though I did donate a further amount....later but im still ahead as I got the comp pack,for donating.and now have everything ,where as I didnt before.....so I come out of this way ahead in £££££ value.

Edited by russouk2004

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Donated to which appeal, am I missing something here ?


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I must have missed that then...oh well



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On 2/13/2020 at 6:12 PM, MigBuster said:

Owners of Strike Fighters 2 Complete Edition will receive the Win10 Edition and its DLCs for FREE as they become available.

That is really good news for owners of the complete edition and for those how donated.:good:

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So I assume that when it is released we shall receive an email , informing us of its availability ( yes, I bit the bullet, swallowed my pride, and purchased the complete version ) 

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Any news or update on this? I see the pre-order is still available. I missed out on the SF2 complete pack. Was that a newly packaged game with all the DLCs in one or just access to all the current packs for a fee? If all the current packs and DLC were combined into one package, I may have purchased the complete edition. Can you still purchase the complete version? Is there any reason to? Reason I ask is that I have the original Win10 games, but no clue how I bought them in the first place. I downloaded the DLCs over the years for $$ with my current e-mail...but was not elligible for the complete version. 

About the Win10 version...

1) Is that a complete package of SF2 content upgraded to Win10?

2) Will we have to buy all the current packages updated to Win10 separately?

3) Will our mods work on the new SF2 Win10?

4) How will the new Win10 version work with the Win7 version? I mean, how does it merge, if it does...or are starting all over again with the Win10 version?

Hey, this game has given me hours and hours of fun and new friends - so not complaining, just wondering...what to expect in the Win10 version. I will support TK all  the way with a huge THANK YOU!

Sorry is this was addressed in the previous comments...just getting old and lazy...or maybe just lazy!


Edited by viper63a

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From what I gather its win10 compatability and upgrading DirectX support so latest drivers dont screw things up....I thinkk TKsid it would be DX10\11 compat....

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14 hours ago, viper63a said:

Any news or update on this? I see the pre-order is still available. I missed out on the SF2 complete pack. Was that a newly packaged game with all the DLCs in one or just access to all the current packs for a fee? If all the current packs and DLC were combined into one package, I may have purchased the complete edition. Can you still purchase the complete version? Is there any reason to? Reason I ask is that I have the original Win10 games, but no clue how I bought them in the first place. I downloaded the DLCs over the years for $$ with my current e-mail...but was not elligible for the complete version. 

The Complete Edition is no longer available. You had to buy all of the missing products, if you wanted to be eligible for it. Owners of the Complete Edition will obtain SF2 Windows 10 free of charge.

14 hours ago, viper63a said:

About the Win10 version...

1) Is that a complete package of SF2 content upgraded to Win10?

2) Will we have to buy all the current packages updated to Win10 separately?

3) Will our mods work on the new SF2 Win10?

4) How will the new Win10 version work with the Win7 version? I mean, how does it merge, if it does...or are starting all over again with the Win10 version?

1) It's SF2 upgraded to work on Windows 10 with DirectX 12. Maybe, just maybe, TK took the chance to tweak something else etc., but who knows. But the main purpose is to make the game work natively on Win10 with latest DirectX libraries and video drivers.

2) If you do not have the Complete Edition, it seems so. All Win10 packages will be sold separately like their Win7 counterparts.

3) Of course. The game will use updated libraries, so the graphics will look better maybe, and some high-poly models might perform better. Other than that, it won't be much of a change I think.

4) Won't merge. they are two differect products. From what little we know, TK says additional DLCs for the SF2 Win10 Edition will appear as in-app purchases. So, it will most likely work as a Windows 10 app, not as an usual executable. In the end, it does not really matter. I expect the SF2 Win10 Edition to have its own mod folder, so it won't overwrite the one of SF2 Win7, so to speak. But to port mods over one other is a simple copy-and-paste job.

Edited by Menrva
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7 hours ago, Menrva said:

The Complete Edition is no longer available. You had to buy all of the missing products, if you wanted to be eligible for it. Owners of the Complete Edition will obtain SF2 Windows 10 free of charge.

1) It's SF2 upgraded to work on Windows 10 with DirectX 12. Maybe, just maybe, TK took the chance to tweak something else etc., but who knows. But the main purpose is to make the game work natively on Win10 with latest DirectX libraries and video drivers.

2) If you do not have the Complete Edition, it seems so. All Win10 packages will be sold separately like their Win7 counterparts.

3) Of course. The game will use updated libraries, so the graphics will look better maybe, and some high-poly models might perform better. Other than that, it won't be much of a change I think.

4) Won't merge. they are two differect products. From what little we know, TK says additional DLCs for the SF2 Win10 Edition will appear as in-app purchases. So, it will most likely work as a Windows 10 app, not as an usual executable. In the end, it does not really matter. I expect the SF2 Win10 Edition to have its own mod folder, so it won't overwrite the one of SF2 Win7, so to speak. But to port mods over one other is a simple copy-and-paste job.

I will most likely buy the Win10 set, I as did the XP > 7 set...LOL...Thanks for the info...now the question is do I pre-order or not...


Edited by viper63a

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35 minutes ago, viper63a said:

now the question is do I pre-order or not...

If you're sure to buy it, with the pre-order you'll save some bucks, as the store page shows, $39.99 instead of $49.99.

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12 hours ago, Menrva said:

If you're sure to buy it, with the pre-order you'll save some bucks, as the store page shows, $39.99 instead of $49.99.

Yeah, spent alot of time enjoying SF2 and if there is a newer version...well...it's worth supporting. I pulled the trigger and pre-ordered...

@ Menrva :) By the way, I finally got my fighter stick fixed (had a bad potentiometer) and lately have some time...I look forward to checking out your mods! I downloaded them all and have them in a folder named "Menrva" waiting to be installed - LOL. Thanks!


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No news in May about... the SF2 : W10 ? :grandpa:


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Nothing so far:dntknw:

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Hmm... I'm on the fence to be sure... Love the series but haven't played since getting new rig. NONE of the SF2 stuff works on my rig... right from the git-go...

Edited by viperBAT32

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