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Showing most liked content on 08/21/2021 in Files

  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    The La-5FN is the last of the La-5 modifications before improved La-7 and was one of the best prop planes. Designed to be contemporary to the universally feared German Bf-109, it maintains excellent energy retention, adequate speed, brutal acceleration, and an amazing turn rate. Consider this pit as is, therefore consider it as beta. As issued, the cockpit position in the cockpit ini is for the Dev-A Team's La-5. If used on any other, the position will require some positioning adjustments.
  2. 1 point

    Version 0.2.1


    In this package you find the current versions of my programs. Since all programs are using the same Qt and Microsoft Visual Studio libraries I thought it is convenient to put them all together. This package contains currently: LOD Viewer V0.5.2 Target Area Editor V0.2.2 (Updated) CAT Extractor V0.1.0 (NEW!) For usage instructions of the programs please read the readme files located in the Readme folder.
  3. 1 point



    This pack contains flight crew figures designed to fit Veltro's WIP FW189, but they can be used for most any other German WW2 aircraft. There are two different pilot figures - a fighter pilot and a bomber pilot. There are also two gunner figures that - with some repositioning - 3D model guys can fit into aircraft they are working on.
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.5


    SARCASM sky/clouds mod version 1.5 what's new? -new experimental sky lightning (HighAlt sky pushed down from 5 to 3.5 kilometers, try 2 km if you want things go odd!) -modified, more fluffy clouds (finally!) -smaller clouds texture (no need for 2048 ones really), and now only one -small changes to clouds distribution pattern for scattered and broken unpack to your Flight folder, overwrite when asked (previous installment of SARCASM mod not required) have fun


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