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Showing most liked content on 05/16/2022 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Sorry for delay. My plan to release a Beta version of the terrain was prevented by real life. So progress was slower than anticipated. I started to make the first ukrainian airfields from scratch. Starting from east to west. Here: Mariupol, Berdjansk and Melitopol.
  2. 6 points
    SAAF Mirage IIIRZ modified to use AS-30
  3. 5 points
    Next photoshop to make the textures.
  4. 2 points
    View File SF2NA A-4C_65 Pack SF2NA A-4C_65 Pack = Tested in SF2NA, Full-5 Merged This project started as a personal customization to improve historically the skins for the CVW-1 A-4C_65's Squadrons aboard JFK in her maiden cruise. So,I realize them basically to be used in the Northern Sabre 69 present in the SF2NA Expansion Pack. The skins are based on the superb Nyghtfall's templates,so much of the credit will be deserved by him. All the decals was done by me. All the Bu.Nos are historically correct for all three Squadrons. ========== To Install: As always raccomended,all in the relative folders in your game(s) ----------------------------- Credits: 3W for the A-4C_65 model. Nyghtfall for his beautiful template Me for the decals and the small improvements ------------ Know issue: The only issue is common to all three skins: I collected all the Bu.Nos. assigned to all three Squadron, but was unable to associate the specific Modexes to some of them, so I'll be a bit licensing about this aspect -------------------------------------------- Legal note: This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware addition. ------------------------------------------- Gianni "RustyKurnass" Coniglio ========== Submitter RustyKurnass Submitted 05/14/2022 Category A-4  
  5. 2 points
    Just out for a nice day in the countryside.......
  6. 1 point
    Hurricane 2Cs on a Rhubarb mission to strafe an enemy airfield in France... @GepardThis is your Battle of Britain 2 terrain. It's a lovely terrain and the detail is amazing, especially in England and around London. However, there don't seem to be any flak guns defending the Luftwaffe airfields. Is that correct?
  7. 1 point
    View File A4-AR Fightinghawk Skin Grupo 5 de Caza Español: Esta es una skin para el A4-AR Fightinghawk basado en la pintura real del mismo. El A-4AR Fightinghawk es actualmente usado por el Grupo 5 de Caza (G5C) con base en Villa Reynolds, provincia de San Luis. Esta skin esta hecha desde cero hasta inclusive las calcas, que debido a que no encontré en alta definición las hice a mano. Si hay algún dato que le de mas precisión a la skin siéntanse libres de hacérmelo saber para tener en cuenta en una futura actualización. Créditos para Nyghtfall por las plantillas que utilicé a la hora de crear la skin, y para The Banidos Team por la aeronave (mod necesario para el funcionamiento de la skin). Siéntanse libres de modificar la skin con la única condición de que me den el crédito necesario, ya que este trabajo me costo horas de trabajo. Sin nada mas que agregar, suerte y éxitos. English: This is a skin for the A4-AR Fightinghawk based on the actual painting of it. The A-4AR Fightinghawk is currently used by Grupo 5 de Caza (G5C) based in Villa Reynolds, San Luis province. This skin is made from scratch, including the decals, which because I couldn't find them in high definition, I made them by hand. If there is any information that gives the skin more precision, feel free to let me know so I can take it into account in a future update. Credits to Nyghtfall for the templates I used to create the skin, and to The Banidos Team for the aircraft (mod needed for the skin to work). Feel free to modify the skin with the only condition that you give me the necessary credit, since this work cost me hours of work. With nothing more to add, good luck and success. Submitter MSim12 Submitted 05/16/2022 Category A-4  
  8. 1 point
    I knew what you meant, I was making a joke 😄 I used to watch these show when I was in the US (New Hampshire) and afterwards. These videos bring a lot of good memories.
  9. 1 point
    its cool i wasnt talking completion date certain pic made me think of these
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    SitRep: Some airfields are now on the map. Some more will come later. All airfields are still sceletons. Only the runway, nothing more. Edit: I had to rework the airfield locations. The target editor tool deleted all remarks i had made and so some airfields were gone. I have included them now again and added some more. It are now 13 blue and 13 red bases. I think 3 more red bases still must come, Taganrog, Rostow and Morski, all are located at the eastern banks of the Azovian Sea.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    If the Luftwaffe would have used the MiG-21, the plane would have been looked so:


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