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Showing most liked content on 09/03/2022 in Files

  1. 6 points

    Version 1.0.0


    the Zentraedi fighter pod General is the only airplane style enemy that I remember from the robotech series, I did not create a cockpit or associate any so it IS NOT FLYABLE, I hope you enjoy it.
  2. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Hello and thank you for downloading my work. https://gkabs.net What's included: M113 with ZPU4 AAA-Ground gun with 14 textures All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.old) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2) Installation: Copy files to their proper folder //Please add to Soundlist under Flight directory and change the XXX with the correct number [SoundList] SoundFileXXX=TankEngine SoundFileXXX=TankTrack [TankEngine] Priority=LOW 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 MaxDist=250.000000 MinDist=10.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 [TankTrack] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=4 MaxDist=500.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 If you need any further help please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ 1.0.0 LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included for personal non-profit use for Strike fighters 1 and 2. You need to contact me for permission to use outside of this scope. gkabs@gkabs.net Credit goes to the following: Third Wire for making this outstanding game. Yakarov79 for making the ZUP4 model and the gunner as well as the texture for them as well as testing. thank you again, my friend Credit goes to https://www.textures.com as I use many of their photos to create the skins. Google for some photos and information. And finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game. Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net
  3. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    This package represents an vf1 Valkyrie from the macross / robotech series contains the plane with 6 skins, the pilot, weapons and some sounds I did not homologate the simulator's common weapons, only the specific weapons that I created for the model were tested we have the missiles: AMM-1-ARROW air air all aspect RMS-1 nuclear warhead air to destroy zentraedi cruisers RMS-2 ground air with nuclear warhead the GU-11-55 cannon has a caliber of 55mm (if you read correctly) It has a great range but it also has a great kick the plane is a plane, it is not a robot it cannot be transformed into a guardian el piloto es el modelo de la pelicula macroos recuerdas el amor. I had planned to create the characters of the series but unfortunately every day it becomes more difficult for me to finish projects to be able to share them with you, it would be a great help if you followed me on my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8BqDDMdd -Xv4nvCnU2rXyw So I could justify the time invested to my wife hahahaha. excuse my bad english the text is translated by google translator
  4. 1 point

    Version 0.0.40


    Donbass Beta 0.40 ***************************************************** Southern Ukraine and Crimean Peninsula Terrain THIS IS STILL A BETA VERSION!!!! ============================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This terrain is written for SF2E. It works well with SF2NA. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I. Short description: The south and the east of the Ukraine are battlegrounds in mid 2022. At the moment nobody knows how the war will end. This terrain covers the most parts of the Ukraine and some parts of the Russian Federation. But only the southern war theater and the crimean peninsula are included in this terrain so far. Airfields and some other target areas are placed on the map. Further improvements will come. I made the airfields in their shape as realistic as possible. Only 3 airfields are more or less freestyle. At the moment the terrain is made for scenarios around the Crimean peninsula. Offensive operations are more focused for the ukrainian side. In ukrainian strike missions you can fly against airfields, factories, depots, Sewastopol harbour and support facilities and a dense SAM network. For the russian side you can only fly against enemy airfields. At the moment possible mission types are: Sweep, CAP, Escort, Intercept, Recon, Strike and SEAD missions. The terrain is set as NavalMap=FALSE, but it is prepared for NavalMap=TRUE. If you use SF2NA as basic game you may change the setting, so that carrier vs carrier operations will be possible. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ II. INSTALLATION: To run this terrain you need SF2NorthAtlantic or SF2 Israel or SF2 Europe. Unzip all files into your saved game folder ...ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2XXXX Thats it. If you have SF2Europe installed you must do nothing more. If you miss SF2E and have SF2Israel you must open file Donbass.ini with Notepad editor and look for the lines: //CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat change the entry into: CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat //CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat save the file ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ III. Credits. Tileset is basing on Jan Tumas tiles for First Eagles Shelter1 circular aircraft shelter taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue EWalls 500,100 and 50 m taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue SunShelter170m taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue D_Bunker taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue ControlTower.LOD made by RussoUK SA-6L i added Ukraine in the Userlist.ini StraightFlush i added Ukraine in the Userlist.ini SA-5 + SquarePair made by FastCargo, taken from SF2_SAMs_Pack, radar modded by me GK-P-14 Tall King Radar, made by GKABS GK-D-30Russia D-30 howitzer made by GKABS ShelterZuRoad made by AmokFloo Base_C.lod round parking area taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue Base_H.lod small parking area taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue ZIL-157 Sam Trailer made by ???, taken from SF2_SAMs_Pack, Factories made by Geezer T-72A i added tactical numbers and gave it a Fla-MG BTR-80A taken from eburgers PanzerPack for SF2 Plattenbau_4_Geschosse Made by Wingwiner as BlokW704P, i converted it from bmp to jpg Plattenbau_11_Geschosse Made by Wingwiner as BlokW7010p, i converted it from bmp to jpg Nitka_Ramp Made by Yakarow NitkaRezystorKompleks Made by Yakarow I hope i have not forgotten someone. . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IV. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed. And i say it again for the YAP, YankeeAirPirates file thiefs, the usage of this terrain and/or parts of the terrain for commercial use is not allowed!!!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ V. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM. Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany 29. Oktober 2022
  5. 1 point



    Korea Terrain (V3) for SF2 == For SF2, Full 5 Merged, @ July 2012 Patch Level, -ONLY- == * Note: while this terrain references the GermanyCE.cat for terrain objects, it =MUST= be used in the SF2NA (or Full-5 Merged) environment. Use in any other type of install is at the End Users risk, as carrier operations have some 'oddities withou the necessary SF2NA coding. No support is/will be available for those End Users withOUT SF2NA. It it also supremly reccomended (read: required!) that you have SF2I's Expansion Pak 1, as several of the aircraft (soon to be) supplied WILL be needed for historik 1950s usage. SF2V is also required for it's Skyraider. If you do NOT meet these requirements, you download this at your own risk. It is also probable, that without heavy editing, this terrain MAY NOT WORK in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. * This is a higly detailed terrain, with many new custom tiles and TODs. Due to the large number of terrain and ground objects used, you may experience exceptionaly long loading times. It has been fully tested in a Full-5 merged SF2 install, at the July, 2012 patch level (meaning: both a stand-alone KAW-centric game install, and with the terrain in SF2NA). This is the terrain you've all been waiting for -- This is the KAW "Korea" terrain. It replaces any and ALL other versions of this part of the world you may have; this is likely the most accurate terrain EVER released for the Third Wire series. While designed with the Korean War in particular mind, like all my other terrain mods, it has a full 100 Year Operations Span ™, allowing for use well into Modern Times. This is a Full 4-Season terrain, with all the various tiles and terrain objects requred. However, it IS HIGHLY suggested you create a seperate KAW mods folder built from the SF2NA exe, as this terrain makes use of NA specific coding for carrier operations via the water bmp. There are 2 "CV Zones" on the map, in their semi-historic locations; Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan. This terrain also makes use of the LimitedNations=TRUE statement, locking in regional participants. And yes, as expected, there ARE Easter Eggs. When building you KAW Mods Folder, you are advised to leave all the stock items intact, due to the Year Spread, and when the other 1950s KAW Parts are released, simply add them. It is vitally important to use ONLY the era-specific ground objects I'll be supplying!! Of course, adding SAMs the NK's have and their associated radars, and HAWK units is also important! So, feel free to add those AD or Ground units that fit this particular region. GroundObjects included in this pak are very limited; in fact, some you may have already. The full KAW GO, Weapons, Pilots and other items will be released as soon as possible. With the exception of some aircraft; they'll be along as soon as they're done. In the meantime, there ARE plenty era-specific aircraft downloads at CA to keep you happy for a short while Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features, including target areas, will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, with no strategic or tactical values. Just someplace to fly over. Also, the targeting in Japan is exceptionally minimal -- this was done purposfully to reduce the chance of Enemy Aircraft ™ showing up far beyond their operational ranges over the Home Islands. If necessary for 'later year' useage, this can be expanded as needed (what with all those superdetailed F-104J and F-4EJs available, to say nothing of JASDF Sabres in the download section). As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, but BEFORE installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. It's also VERY IMPORTANT to read the Legal Statement at the bottom, as it reflects changes in policy to ALL my terrain works. Happy Landings, and Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein -for the KAW Team


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