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  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Lockheed F-104H Starfighter for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the stock F-104G to create a fictional F-104H in service with Air/Aerospace Defense Command in the 1966-1986 timeline. Markings are provided for the following squadrons; 111st Fighter Interceptor Squadron (Texas Air National Guard) 178th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (North Dakota Air National Guard) 186th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (Montana Air National Guard) 318th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (a regular USAF unit attached to the 25th Air Division) BACKSTORY On March 15th 1963, two Soviet bombers overflew Alaska and despite a desperate chase the F-102A's of Alaskan Air Command were unable to intercept them. The immediate response to this embarrassing intrusion was to deploy ten F-106A's drawn from various Air Defense Command Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons to Alaska and to recall the remaining F-104A's that had previously been transferred to the Air National Guard back in 1960. Despite the excellence of the F-106A it did come with a pretty hefty price tag (and was actually out of production) and Air Defense Command realised that in order to replace the earlier F-101's and F-102's a cheaper alternative was required. With Lockheed's multi-role F-104G Starfighter in a high-rate of production the relatively low unit cost attracted the attention of the US Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara who authorised production of the F-104H a dedicated interceptor version based on the F-104G and an initial order for 200 was made. The F-104H was powered by the uprated General Electric J79-GE-10 engine rated at 11,905 lbf dry thrust and 17,844 lbf thrust with afterburner although initial deliveries were powered by the earlier J79-GE-8B. The F-104H incorporated the advanced Litton LN-3 inertial navigation system and also featured the Autonetics NASARR F-15J-50 radar and fire control system optimised for the air-to-air mode with all ground-mapping, contour-mapping and terrain-avoidance modes deleted. After some debate, the M61 20mm cannon was retained but the main armament for the F-104H was the AIM-7 Sparrow semi-active homing missile, the AIM-9 Sidewinder infra-red heat-seeking missile and the AIR-2 Genie unguided air-to-air rocket with a 1.5 kt nuclear warhead. Entering service in April 1965 the F-104H eventually served with nine squadrons. Whilst the USAF's F-104A's and F-104C's had suffered the highest accident rate of any of the USAF Century Series fighters (25.2 aircraft destroyed per 100,000 flight hours) the F-104H's fared much better and were second only to the Spanish Air Force who actually achieved the perfect safety record of losing none of 21 F-104's over a total of 17,500 flight hours. The F-104H was gradually withdrawn from Aerospace Defense Command service from the late 1970's onwards although two Air National Guard units soldiered on until 1986 when the type was finally retired. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-104H folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-104H folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Thanks to bobrock for the excellent F-104G template. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - December 30th, 2023
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.1


    F-CK-1 Ching-kuo (IDF) Multirole Fighter Jet by UllyB November the 21th 2023/ver 1.0.1 **************************************** The Taiwanese Ching-Kuo Fighter is developed and manufactured by the Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation based in Taichung. The aircraft is also referred to as the Indigenous Defence Fighter (IDF). The Ching-Kuo is an all-weather, multi-role fighter and is built in one-seater and two-seater configurations. Ching-Kuo fighter programme The programme to develop the aircraft, known as the An Hsiang or Safe Flight programme, started in 1982 with identification of the requirements for an air-superiority fighter. The rollout ceremony of the first prototype took place in December 1988, when the aircraft was named after the late President Chiang Ching-Kuo. The Ching-Kuo made its first flight in May 1989. Ching-Kuo air superiority fighters are operational in the RoC Air Force of Taiwan (Republic of China) since January 2000 and the last of a total of 130 entered service in July 2000. AIDC has developed an upgrade package which includes a digital cockpit, upgraded radar and countermeasures. BAE Systems supplied the new 32-bit digital flight control computer. Two F-CK-1 prototypes were upgraded to F-CK-1 C/D in 2006. The upgraded C/D aircraft made its first flight in October 2006. It was renamed as F-CK-1 C/D Hsiung Ying (Brave Hawk) in 2007. Other improvements in the upgrade package included increased internal fuel capacity, improved avionics, renovated electronic warfare capabilities and strengthened landing gear. Production of the C/D version began in 2009 as part of the $588m Mid Life Upgrade (MLU) programme. AIDC will upgrade the initial 71 of 130 IDFs under the MLU programme. The first batch of six upgraded F-CK-1 C/D IDFs were delivered to the ROCAF in June 2011. The remaining 65 were delivered at the end of 2012. *********************************************** FCK-1 also known by you, by now, as COMMUNITY MOST WANTED is the first project here that was decided after a democratic vote of community members. I decided to let community vote what type of plane would wish to be built as a sign of appreciation and respect for it. This project had a bumpy start. We lost the 3D Max guy after two weeks.Things went so bad that I saw no other way out than to close the shop. Then GKABS offered to help and bought a 3D model from the market. He and his team offered to take over the project but they had to postponed it before because of their current projects at that time. Then I had a long talk with my old friend and veteran Logan4 who, miraculously offered to help and he gave me a reason to resurrect the project and put it back on tracks. We built a small team and we proceeded forward. As one said it, I owe him one for that. Logan4 had an utmost contribution to this very project.Truth is that Logan4 and his exceptional character and altruism saved the project and I thank him for that deeply. Aircraft general features: - slick 3D design for A/C and B/D versions - canopy animation - aircraft workable slimmers (SHIFT+9) - custom weapons - slick fuel tank design - custom fueltank colors to match the aircraft skins paintjob. - bump maps (normal maps) - regular aircraft night lights. - original decals built - original paintjobs, some inspired from real models. - engine smoke/vapors realistic effect - custom made engine intake decals - hangar pictures for every model included ******************************************* Install instructions: - Copy DECALS, WEAPONS, PILOTS folders into StrikeFighter2XXX\Objects folder - Copy F-CK-1A,F-CK-1B,F-CK-1C,F-CK-1D folder into StrikeFighter2XXX\Objects\aircraft folder - Copy F-CK-1_destroyed.bmp and F-ck-1_destroyed.LOD files into StrikeFighter2XXX\Objects\aircraft folder - Copy Effects folder into StrikeFighters2XXX\Effects folder ******************************************* CREDITS: - Project manager - UllyB - Design, 3D modelling, decals, effects, aircraft textures, bump maps (normal maps), slimmers & aircraft animations, plane's ini files, plane's main files and other 3D Max heavy liftings - Logan4 - Weapons - Logan4 (3D model and current texture of Wan Chien, HF-2 and TC-2 variants) - Aim-9P-4 missile - Ravenclaws weapons pack - original ini files from AngelP's weapon pack - weapons ini files adjustment & numerous tweaks - Logan4 - Additional weapons listed in loadout.ini are either stock or from Ravenclaws weaponspack2 - Fuel tank design and model - Logan4 - Custom fuel tank paintjob to match each plane's skin - UllyB - Pilots model (GKABS) - Custom pilot equipment recoloring - UllyB & GKABS - Mk 10 pilot seat - AleDucat - FM work - Cliff7600 - hangar pictures - UllyB via Google Images - Aircraft information, testing, ideas - Ace888 - Project correction and supervising - Logan4 - Additional project correction - UllyB & GKABS - Testers (Bazillius, Logan4, Compufat, GKABS, UllyB, COMBATACE community for the "B" model) - Project special advisors Ace888, Bazillius, Logan4, GKABS - Special thanks to the COMBATACE community, a wonderful bunch. - Also special thanks to TK & Thirdwire, who made this wonderful military flight sim we all today enjoy. ******************************************** COPYRIGHT Mumbo-Jumbo THIS MODEL IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE . You can use this product or parts of it in your future projects only with my consent if more than 30% of the original release is affected by your work . Also you must give proper credits to the ones who contributed in making it, in case I will allow it to be used by third parties as such. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware addition. Under no circumstances may these files be sold or uploaded to a payware site or any kind of illegal warez site. Final log entry Whoever wants to make skins, from scratch, for FCK-1, I can give them access to the texture templates. Just PM me. Also please let us know, in the comment section below, your impressions about the plane. We encourage you to do that, we love to read what you think about out work. Thank you.
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.4


    Nations & Medals Expansion April 13th, 2019 (1st Release) by Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2 games This mod is an extension of the stock ThirdWire _nations.ini file. It adds new nations and respective national decals, missing from the stock game, and it adds numerous medals (made by Capitaine Vengeur and Charles) for the stock countries. Here below a summary of the changes: -Added a number of new service markings decals, for the added nations. -Remade decals for the fictive countries of SF2 to match the default 256x256 resolution of other national decals. -The Mercenary decal no longer shows Dhimari colours; now it's generic and adapt for various scenarios involving mercenaries. -The Soviet Air Force becomes the Russian Air Force since 1992, with proper new decals showing up since 2010. -The Soviet Naval Aviation (Russian Naval Aviation since 1992) has been added as a separate service. -The (Free) Libyan Air Force has been added and becomes active in 2012, in place of the Libyan Arab Republic Air Force. -Biafra and Katanga have been added and are active for a short number of years, as historically accurate. -The Rwandan Air Force has been added, active since 1962, with later finflash showing up since 2002. -The Niger Air Force has been added, active since 1961, with alternative insignia in use since 1980. -The Djibouti Air Force has been added, active since 1977, as historically accurate. -The missing post-Yugoslavia nations, namely Montenegro and Republika Srpska, have been added. -The missing ex-Soviet Union nations of Belarus, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have been added. -The Irish Air Corps has been added, with alternative decals in use since 1955. -The People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force has been added as a separate service, active since 1953. -The Somali Air Force is known as the Somali Aeronautical Corps before 1960, as historically correct. -The Burkina Faso Air Force is no longer active since 1964, now it's active since 1985; it shows up as the Upper Volta Air Force before 1985. -The Bahrain Amiri Air Force becomes the Royal Bahraini Air Force in 2002, as historically accurate. -Created and added low-vis insignia and finflash textures for the Pakistan Air Force. -Fixed a stock bug in SF2 with the Sultan of Oman's Air Force not being selectable since 1959, as it should be. -Fixed a stock bug in SF2 with the Republic of China (Taiwan) Air Force not using the old roundel as it should be before 1992. -Activated unused low-vis finflash included in stock SF2 for the Canadian Armed Forces. -Other very small changes here and there to other stock nations. -Added new medals for the following nations and respective services: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, East Germany, West Germany, France, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Korea, South Korea, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Soviet Union, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States. Modders and users are advised to tweak their _userlist.ini files and _data.ini files for aircraft and ships, to make use of the new naval aviation services added by this mod. >Credits (in no particular order): -Capitaine Vengeur, for his Modern Russian Federation Medals and Modern Ukrainian Medals packs. -Charles, for his Medals Pack v2.0 addon for SF1, which I have improved and updated to SF2 standards. -mue, for sharing info about the functionality of the alias.lst file. -paulopanz, for creating decals for Rwanda and Niger, which I have further tweaked. -eburger68, for few decals I borrowed from his huge campaign mods. I included the original readme files from the mentioned mods, where available, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not. >Disclaimer: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages. This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.2


    Speech Enhancement & Expansion February 13th, 2019 (1st Release) by Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2 games This package is my personal enhancement meant to improve the consistency and quality of the in-game English speech. I tweaked the SpeechSystem.ini file to include the additional SF2NA voices ("call the ball" and "Vampire") separately from those of the TACC; the additional SF2NA voices are now meant to be those of a Navy Controller. By chance, I have found and fixed a stock bug in the original SF2 SpeechSystem.ini file. With some .wav editing, I created a generic Hawkeye TACC using the original, female Red Crown voice. Additional .wav files have been created so that in-game flights and Departure mention Hawkeye instead of Red Crown. I hex-edited the .str file so that subtitles properly display Hawkeye instead of Red Crown. Other little fixes were also made; for instance, you'll no longer see "Call the ball" (capital letter after a comma), now it correctly is "call the ball". You get Hawkeye as TACC when flying for naval aviation services, otherwise you get Red Crown. This enhancement is a mixture of Polak's beautiful speech pack for SF1 games, and of SkateZilla's and Rends' improved Hawkeye voices; my thanks for their work! As a bonus, correct and complete or mostly complete speech files have been added for other languages: Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Persian. These languages have been added to the proper aviation services of countries where these languages are official: -Arabic is used for Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Somalia, Chad, Yemen, Oman, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Libya, Djibouti. -Spanish is used for Spain, Argentina, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic. -Persian is used for Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan. -Vietnamese is used for North Vietnam only. -Italian is used for Italy only. It's highly suggested to install this mod on top of my Nations & Medals Expansion package; the included NATIONS.ini file is entirely based on the one from that mod (hence that mod is required), but with additional edits for enabling different speech packs and callsigns where proper. Mentioned countries feature correct callsigns as heard by the respective audio files (except for Persian, not possible for me to rework them without a transcription). The in-game subtitles have been fully reworked to feature such different callsigns. >Credits (in no particular order): -Polak, for his SF1 mod which enhances all of the original SFP1 speech sound files. -Rends and SkateZilla, for the improved SF2NA Hawkeye voices, which I have tweaked a bit. -GKABS, for producing the (still in progress) Arabic speech pack started for the development of ODS 30AE. -Nguyen Dang Hat and Rhugouvi, for creating the amazing Vietnamese speech pack. -FX Interactive, for producing the Italian and Spanish speech packs for their release of Strike Fighters: Project 1. -Gerwin, for his tips on properly hex-editing the header of .STR files. I included the original readme files from the mentioned mods, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not. >Disclaimer: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages. This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


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