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Showing most liked content on 08/12/2024 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    Raven's Sea Hurricane Mk.Ib with new textures.
  2. 5 points
  3. 4 points
    IFR; I Follow Rivers (that not what that means) fine, VFR; visually follow rivers
  4. 4 points
    well, damn. and Im just stuck in Lincoln MAP.......
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    You can have a purely air-to-air campaign (just take a look at the stock Linebacker I-II campaigns). The campaign ends if: You get killed. Your squadron runs out of aircraft. The number of missions flown reaches the value defined by the ‘MaxMissions’ entry. The only outcome is a stall in this case (meaning the campaign cannot be lost or won).
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    For your future use, Midway was forward deployed in Japan at the time. Nimitz, Carl Vinson, and Constellation all made deployments to the North Pacific during 1989.
  12. 1 point
    that i recall, you gotta have some ground stuff. they can be small and totally ineffectual, but there has to be a ground (or naval) campaign for the air war to influence.
  13. 1 point
    I was the SEAD. That site wasn't the primary target but I at least wanted to hit the radar after they shot down my wingman. 1994 Black Sea Crisis campaign. Weasel Flankers are still 28 years away. Off to snap some pictures in the PRC. (Yes Formosa Freedom Enhancement is still ongoing just at a slower pace so I don't lose interest)
  14. 1 point
    Bridge-busting with mk.84s, and POL strikes with mk.82s. The first picture confuses me. I'm flying with the 555th TFS at Udorn RTAFB in Rolling Thunder, and some time in 1966 we received an upgrade to F-4D (first pic), but without the TID under the nose? Then in '67 (just a few missions later), the F-4D with the vector RHAW with the TID returned. I couldn't find any reference to a model with a deleted TID except the later Navy models or the RAF export models. What am I missing?
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Seems we only have one F-111 airplane. Felt it lacked detail. So reworked it to add a little more pazzaz...Pappy
  17. 1 point
    MiG-21 first and second generation MiG-21 first, second and third generation MiG-21 all 4 generations
  18. 1 point
    Pits for the early Fitters "17" made by Logan
  19. 0 points
    Reached my reaction limit, so thanks!


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