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Showing most liked content on 10/07/2024 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    An oldie but a goodie, AD's F-105G (With DA's updates) defending Europe during Red Lightning '79.
  2. 5 points
  3. 3 points
    This, and the owners of the original payware YAP site died years ago. I understand Gepard is hurt by the fact they monetized upon his free work, I'd also be furious about it in his place, but they're no longer with us, so it's pointless to beat a dead horse now. IIRC the old site is still up just for history, the store shouldn't be working anymore, the RW team should have removed links to the store. The RW team is comprised of end users who had bought YAP products in the past and now are updating them to SF2 for free. So when YAP monetized upon stuff that shouldn't have been monetized in the first place, the end-users also got screwed for paying for contents coming from freeware sources. I keep repeating myself, I think I explained several times that RW is unrelated to whatever wrongdoing YAP did in the past. I think it's time to move on. If people refer to the old SF1 version of YAP, Gepard has all the reasons to be angry at what they did. If it's about RW, Gepard can ask them to remove his works if he doesn't want them to be reshared outside of CombatACE. I see RW is pretty cautious about crediting like @daddyairplanes explained.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    @paulopanz, I think @Sundowner took it that way because you described aircraft with painted serial numbers as a real waste. His latest releases are exactly aircraft with painted serial numbers. Probably you weren't aware of this, I haven't seen you around in a while. @Sundowner I understand you probably got hurt by such post, but please give the benefit of doubt before throwing rude accusations, and rather ask explanations to statements you don't agree with. I hope this was just a misunderstanding, you both have contributed to the community in different ways, we don't need another conflict. The package was approved by another moderator and I don't see anything wrong with it, all authors are fully credited. The statement by paulopanz about other aircraft mods could be removed as it is not pertinent, or be worded differently if it was explaining that the Strikemaster skins were made by Pete with painted serials and that he gave permission to paulopanz to rework them with decals.
  6. 2 points
    "Well, well! The Michelin Guide was right! Asutrias Airport DOES have ample covered parking!!!!"
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
    I wish someone would remake Crimson Skies in the WOFF/Falcon BMS style where you play as a pilot in some fanciful-but-realistically-based alternate history planes where you fight in the sky over control of various areas of the globe, having a career with plausible missions randomly generated and interspersed with some "plot" missions...kind of like UBOAT, I guess. You would be able to create and modify planes based on some modular plane system that would track how effective they would be. Pretty unlikely that will happen, although I guess there is a chance that there will be an AI program that I can explain that to and it will make the game for me, possibly even before a development team could do it... Now to just stay alive that long...
  9. 1 point
    gotcha but i dont think they could make that fit on a Vipers tail and be readable other than a few feet away. plus it is a Canadian company providing DACT services to the USAF. so not a crowd thats really that is reading it vs seeing it looks cool, and has the rough message rather than being a PMC version of a Chinese letter tatoo that say "Lunch Special #9"...
  10. 1 point
    a belated thank you sir some company promo materials i found after your answer has the mantra "Experience Matters", so thats probably what they intended
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    The phinal chapter is awaiting approval there one more story to tell for the Photo Phantom, but it is part of a whole wings tale, not just the Phantom. Huge, huge thanks to @Sundowner, i merely asked if teh old aircraft had been updated from Gen 1 to 2 a few months back. instead he let me run wild with a wholly revamped model and many more features than a simple ini edit of the Gen 1 birds would entail.
  13. 1 point
    as has been mentioned elsewheres, the current crew of YAP_RW isnt charging, tries hard to give credit where due and will remove stuff if you should ask them to do so the current YAP site (not RW) does mention several prominent modders from here (including you Gepard) and also has a cute little blurb on the bottom about "many files form the internet" and "credit to those that made it, apologies if we missed you". But the RW team works hard to play by the civilized rules of the modding game, despite their original material
  14. 1 point
    i think you're confusing the original YAP with YAP-RW. The original YAP is for WOV and is still payware from YANKEE AIR PIRATE YAP-RW is for the SF2 series and still free from YAP-RW – Yankee Air Pirate – Revamp Works (yap-revamp-works.com)
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    https://www.stripes.com/branches/air_force/2024-09-29/last-air-force-kc-10-extender-15344161.html#:~:text=The last U.S. Air Force KC-10
  17. 1 point
    You could switch the RP-22 to send out a continuous beam, so that you could use it as rangefinder to a ground target. But ground mapping was not possible. The RP-22 had more in common with RP-23 of MiG-23, than with RP-21. It was able to guide the R-3R missile, but not the RS-2US (AA-1 Alkali).
  18. 1 point
    A-6C coming soon big thanks to yakarov79 for helping with the model and texturing (TRIMM_pod) and other things. also to Snapper21 for providing the model for this project.
  19. 1 point
    Hello, everyone. I thought I would give an update as I have not been around much. It was partly me getting buried in following the Russo-Ukrainian War. However I had a hard drive failure on the drive I had all of my SF2 Mod folders on. I lost just about all of my personal tweaks and adjustments to SF2 that I have made since joining CombatAce. I do have a backup from 2012 and a mishmash of various stuff from scattered time throughout the intervening years but not my fully organized folders I used for play and testing. On top of that I nearly recovered everything I lost and then accidently reformatted over the recovered data when setting up the new hard drive I bought, scroll list jumped under the mouse arrow while I was glancing away. This loss basically knocked the wind out of my sails as it comes to SF2 and hence why I pretty much disappeared. However I have decided it was time to shake the dust off and picked myself back up. If anyone needs help on a project with ground object data files please let me know.
  20. 1 point
    So, with the valuable input from Mue, the updated instructions on rudder related fixes in data.ini (preserve the original file though). Each problem now has two solutions for your choosing Rudder roll Pick up the aircraft of your choosing. Give right rudder. Aircraft should gently roll to the right. If this doesn't happen: Easy way Find rudder in control surfaces section (two of them for twin tail aircraft). Find Cldc coefficient and put it to negative (add minus sign before the value) Example: before Cldc=0.0008, after Cldc=-0.0008 More correct way Find Clb coefficient in wing sections (left wing, right wing, left outer wing, etc). It should be in negative. Increase the absolute value in each of them until aircraft behaves correctly. The increase should be the same for left/right sections, I.E. if you increase the left for 0.05, the right should get the same increase. If this doesn't help or causes weird behavior, decrease Cldc in rudder. Example: before Clb=-0.0182, after Clb=-0.0232 for both [RightWing] and [LeftWing] Slip Pick up the aircraft of your choosing. Give right rudder and left stick to keep the wings level. Aircraft should slowly change the heading clockwise. If this doesn't happen: Easy way Find rudder in control surfaces section (two of them for twin tail aircraft). Find Cydc coefficient and put it to negative (add minus sign before the value) Example: before Cydc=0.1130, after Cydc=-0.1130 More correct way Find Cyb coefficient in fuselage and tail related sections. It should be in negative. Increase the absolute value in each of them until aircraft behaves correctly. If this doesn't help or causes weird behavior, decrease Cydc in rudder. Example: before Cyb=-0.5053, after Cyb=-0.5553 for [VertTail] Excessive swaying on yaw axis Pick up the aircraft of your choosing. Start giving full right and left rudder in quick succession. If aircraft wiggles like mad: Easy way Find EmptyInertia= line. Set the third value to 1-2 times the EmptyMass of the aircraft. Example: before EmptyInertia=68970.9,20295.1,65332.2, after EmptyInertia=68970.9,20295.1,8000.0 More correct way Find EmptyInertia= line. Gradually decrease the third value until the behavior becomes acceptable After all changes Test the aircraft before and after changes. Set up a simple 1vs1 cannon only dogfight mission, then a simple but cannon only interception mission vs level bombers (Il-28, Canberra, etc), and, finally, do some aerobatics (knife edge, hammerhead, barrel roll with rudder, etc)


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