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Showing most liked content on 03/11/2025 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Hello everyone, It have been awhile since I posted and I have tons to share today! After working on F-4C / D / E, I also did a lot of experiments with the color hue / filts for TV for CRT / DSVT / DSGC while research and ask questions about the radar scope types. I owe big thanks to Ravenclaw_007 and Lex2Limit for the information and allowing me to use the files for this projects. I especially thank you everyonein the community for the suports too! What I realized is that the early CRT and DSVT have greenish gray or greeen display. DSGC, in other hand, show up as grayscale as shown with later MFDs. But first, I awnt to sharemthe texture I did for both RWR and radar for F-4D and F-4E. I always learn new things everyday, and the feedback always help. If you see anything that is inaccurate or needs fixing, pleaset post here. I will be more than happy to discuss withh you and fix what needs fixing. This is F-4D with DSVT type radar scope: New gunsighht for early F-4D (I still do not know which year F-4D get upgraded to use AN/ASG-22 LCOSS. So for now, F-4D (1966) will use this optical sight until 1967. If anyone have the information on thhis, pleaseshare them with me.) This sight also was used by F-105s. NOTE: For now, the sight is not completed yet, but will go ahead in this stage. When I find more information, will update this sight. Based on the information provided by Lex2Limit (Thank you!) and the images from the researches: It comes in thhree colors, just like various LCOSS. here is screenshot with one of the color: Now next, let's talk about F-4E; It comes with two radar types; From the beginning of F-4E service year to 1974, they used DSVT like F-4D do. However, from 1974 onward, they get upgraded to use DSGC. By the way, the new RWR texture is bsaed on the excellent work of Ravenclaw_007 and the researches. Here is screenshot of F-4E before 1974: Notice the optical RWR in TW style too: Nnext is 1974 onward version: Finally, here is screenshots of improved TV for CRT / DSVT / DSGC. (A-4 Skyhawk's TV will be updated too) NOTE: From research and information I have learned, this is the theory I have: CRT always have fuzzy, not clear TV while DSVT, which is more advanced version of CRT, would be more clear and solves the issues that CRT have. DSGC, in other hand, the most advanced of all, have grayscale like you would see in MFD for TV mode. Unfortunately, I am u nable tom make it look exactly the way I want, so I did my best with the limitatino of SF2 avionics modding. CRT type TV DSVT type TV DSGC type TV Eagle114th (
  2. 3 points
    Dear All, Today we proudly announce the release of a new, re-edited and upgraded version of the Yankee Air Pirate project known as: "YAP RW Phase One - Enhanced Edition (2025)". We have spent more than a year and a half doing our best to correct all the issues, errors and mistakes contained in the original release. This includes removing assets used without proper permission or those that came from unauthorized sources. We apologize for the past. We were unaware of many of these aspects and concerns, and therefore we did not respect other's work as we should have done. First, we would like to thank those who contributed to the project and gave us help, support, ideas or made their assets available. We all know that without the brilliant creations of this site, YAP RW could not even exist. So for that, I extend my sincere thanks to CombatACE for being such a great source of top quality works and talented modders. For this release, we have paid special attention to the Credit List, doing our best to cite authors and ensure proper credit has been given. We realize that with all the complexities and edits that have been done, it’s very possible we may have forgotten to include credits for certain works or there may be inaccuracies with our source citations. If that is the case, please let us know and we will immediately correct it. That being said, people should fully respect that all of the models/assets in our project cannot be used anywhere else without our direct permission, they remain exclusive to this project like John would have wanted but also allows us to better manage artist permissions so we hopefully don’t have any future concerns. Please keep in mind that the YAP RW project is made by fans for fans. None of us were part of the original development team, and we never made a single cent out of the old payware products (plus we have no control over the old homepage and purchase options). We do not have debts with anybody for the old assets bought by John Shelton during the YAP1/2/3 Era and are only looking forward at this point. We legally bought all the 10 asset packs, installed them while still running WOV and then decided to challenge ourselves by trying a conversion to the SF2 engine. We knew we were going to lose many unique features including aerial refueling, low clouds, carrier catapult positioning and more. But we thought it was still worth the effort. We worked a lot before releasing this version, but we know it is not perfect. We tried to correct all the errors, but there are bound to be mistakes and oversights and for now we feel satisfied with the current state. If anyone has suggestions to make it better, well we are open to proposed fixes and improve what we can. We have a group on Facebook, and because it is already well established we plan to continue to use this as a primary collaboration forum. It's a private group, since we had to defend ourselves from hackers and so on, but the group is free and open to anyone who wants to join in. You are all welcome, just show us you want to support and appreciate the project and there will be no issues. Of course, we do not like denigrators, haters, detractors, generic trouble makers just like they are not welcomed here. That's all. The new YAP RW version is free and is available for download on our new, independent homepage: www.yap-revamp-works.com, along with all the other chapters we revamped so far. This version there are 102 missions (92 combat plus 10 training), all revamped in chronological order and in logical sequence: we decided to go back to the original idea of reconstructing the Vietnam Air War per year and therefore will cover the early period from 1954 to 1966. We will be honored to hear your comments, suggestions or any screenshots or videos you might make. And maybe you would be willing to contribute even more to the project. Thank you for your collaboration and have a nice day in the skies. The YAP RW Team Website and download pages: https://www.yap-revamp-works.com/
  3. 3 points
    ones up, one needing approval big thanks to Sundowner and ravenclaw_007 for letting me use their Weasels tune in tomorrow for the next installment
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. 1 point
    ... and a major intrusion into Tovarishch Tupolev's territory. I bet he would not be too happy with that, just as he was not with the Sukhoi T-4 An attempt at an upgraded IAF Kfir TC7...
  7. 1 point
    It think it's better now.
  8. 1 point
    View File Sundowner's EF-4C Phantom II, Wild Weasel IV Sundowner's EF-4C Phantom II, Wild Weasel IV this mod represents the F-4Cs that were modified to perform the Wild Weasel mission in the very early 1970s as they flew over Vietnam, then after Vietnam and into the beginning of the 1980s with the Indiana Air National Guard Included Three complete aircraft highlighting the Vietnam, post Nam and Indiana Air Guard era's of this aircrafts career Credits Sundowner 2 new EF-4C model with all relevant parts built in, new F-4_MER rack daddyairplanes research, new skins and decals. ini edits unknown author who did the original 67th TFS decals. i used roughly half of them, but neither Sundowner nor Wrench can recall who's they originally were cSomers611, nightshadeP/R test team a special thanks to Nyghtfall: my original request was for a new fakepilot model similar to the original mod Nyghtfall came through in spades with a beautiful fake pilot model. The same day he sent that to me however, Sundowner sent a full up model with all parts including the permanent strike cam in the Sparrow bay. While I went with Sundowners approach instead, i still highly appreciate Nyghtfall taking the time to assist my original request. Instructions unzip, unload contents of "2 Mod folder" into mod folder of your choice. **********************NOTE******************************************* This is Sundowner's model, and as such it is not part of the CA Freeware Agreement. You may not use this model for anything other than your personal use without express permission from Sundowner ********************************************************************* i hope you enjoy this mod as much as i enjoyed creating it Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes 10 Mar 2025 ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Submitter daddyairplanes Submitted 03/10/2025 Category F-4  
  9. 1 point
    having given them small time help with it, i agree. they are working hard to bring the old upto the new standard, add to what was, and give credit where due (and remove when they need to)
  10. 1 point
    I know naught about old troubles so I can only say I'm excited to play 100 missions in the Vietnam theatre! Cheers guys!
  11. 1 point
    Stolen From Facebook: They Walk Among Us! I was at the checkout at Walmart, minding my own business, when the cashier rang up my total: $46.64. I handed her a crisp $50 bill. She looked me dead in the eye, gave me back $46.64, and continued scanning items like a professional. Me: "Uh… I think there’s a mistake." Her: huffing dramatically "Sir, I am educated. I know what I’m doing." She pushed the money back at me like I was trying to scam her. So, I did what any reasonable person would do—I gave it back. She, once again, pushed it right back at me with extra attitude. I shrugged, picked up my bags, and walked out with $46.64 in my pocket. They Walk Among Us… I walked into Starbucks with a "Buy-One-Get-One-Free" coupon for a Grande Latte. The barista studied it like it was the Declaration of Independence, then turned to a chalkboard that read "Buy One, Get One Free." Her eyes lit up. "Oh! So that means… they’re both free!" She happily handed me two free lattes. I didn't argue. I just walked out, sipping my victory. They Walk Among Us… One day, I was strolling along the beach with some friends when one of them gasped dramatically, pointed ahead, and yelled: "Look! A dead bird!" Another friend immediately looked up at the sky and asked, "Where?" I just… I had no words. They Walk Among Us… My brother was house hunting and asked the real estate agent which direction was north. He explained that he didn’t want the sun waking him up every morning. The agent furrowed her brow. "Wait… does the sun rise in the north?" My brother, thinking she was joking, laughed. She was not joking. He gently explained that the sun rises in the east… and, you know, has been doing that for quite a while now. She shook her head and said, "Oh, I don’t keep up with all that stuff." I... I had to walk away. They Walk Among Us… Back when I worked in a 24/7 call center, a guy called and asked: "What hours are you open?" Me: "Sir, we’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." Him: "Okay, but is that Eastern or Pacific time?" I stared at my screen for a solid 10 seconds before replying: "Uh… Pacific." He thanked me and hung up, probably feeling proud of himself. They Walk Among Us… My sister has one of those emergency seat belt cutters in her car—designed to save her life if she ever gets trapped. She keeps it in the trunk. They Walk Among Us… My friends and I went to buy beer for a party. The store had a 10% discount on cases. Since we were professionals, we grabbed two cases. The cashier did some quick mental math. "Oh, two cases? That’s 10% + 10%… so you get 20% off!" We all nodded and quietly accepted our new financial advisor. They Walk Among Us… At the airport, I couldn’t find my luggage, so I went to the lost baggage counter. Me: "My bags never showed up." The lady smiled reassuringly. "Don’t worry, sir! I’m a trained professional. Now… has your plane landed yet?" I blinked. Me: "Nope, we’re still circling the airport. The pilot told us we’re third in line to land." Her: "Oh! Okay, well, come back after you land." …Sure thing, genius. They Walk Among Us… While working at a pizza place, I watched a man order a small pizza to-go. Cook: "Would you like that cut into four or six slices?" The man thought long and hard before replying: "Better make it four. I don’t think I’m hungry enough to eat six." Bless their hearts. They Walk Among Us…
  12. 1 point
    My opinion: as someone who was to join the project, way back when, and declined ... I think these new guys are starting to get it right. Good on you all!!
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Typhoons & Taiwan kinda go together...
  16. 1 point
    a Genie training mission , AIR-2A Genie with WP Smoke warhead
  17. 1 point
    Hello everyone! It have been quite hectic month with the real life and endless researches on F-4 series (USNS / USMC and USAF), and creating multi radar textures for different F-4s, along with new RWR textures. I want to give big tahnks to Ravenclaw_007 and Lex2Limit for the advice, supports, and great informatiion on the F-4s for this big projects. The radar texture for USAF F-4C / D / E are now completed, as well the new RWR. However, the TV for guided ordinancesa re still WIP. For now, the F-4C (1967) is completed. I would like to share what I have been working on: F-4C's new CRT radar scop eand RWR texture: Optical TW style for radar and RWR New TV texture and effects (WIP) The F-4D and E screenshot will be posted as soon the TV is completed. I am still researching on what DVST and DSGC TV looks like, especaily the colors. Eagle114th
  18. 1 point


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