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Showing most liked content since 06/27/2024 in File Comments

  1. 1 point
    You da man, GKABS............................ This is very good work. Thank you!
  2. 1 point
    My thanks to you for this post! Our intention has always been to provide as much accuracy as possible into the order of battle of both Coalition and Iraqi forces. In my view it would have been disrespectful to represent only one side of the conflict; I like to think that also the Iraqi people can remember the history of their pilots and soldiers with this mod. The Arabic speech pack is the work of fellow @GKABS; some voice files are still missing for airports and ground units. I hope we can get some recordings in the future in order to complete it fully. Cheers!
  3. 1 point
    I Have To Say as an Iraq Native Arabic Speaker the Mod Arabic Voices Are Pretty Accurate Even The Military Terms Are Accurate For The Time Period Great Job Keep Up The Good Work Hell even My Ex Saddam military Relatives That I Showed The Mod To Sayed Wow Its Scary How accurate This Is شكرا جزيلا على هذا المود Thank You For This Mod Cheers
  4. 1 point
    I'm just downloading this now for the second time as I lost the first one somewhere. I think this is a marvellous campaign with very immersive briefings. Is there any chance of an updated version with the new malta maps? I'm running UP3.0 (RC 4) at the moment. Anyhow thanks for this Charlie.


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