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charlielima last won the day on October 23 2015

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About charlielima

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    Being on the pointy end of the spear and able to go home to an adult beverage afterword.


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  1. Perhaps SEAC should think about acquiring A-1 skyraiders before the Jugs get too worn out ? CL
  2. You are amazing. Incredibly Amazing. CL
  3. I would like see skins for a couple squadrons of them in US SEA camo with SEAC roundels. CL
  4. On the blue side we could use a GPU-2A and a skin for our MK-4 for OV-10s. CL
  5. TY. I have been sniveling for these since WOV. CL
  6. Go into a bar and ..?
  7. And of course this won't answer anybodies questions. But hey. This what I do. CL
  8. Good Snivel. Another challenge tho is I believe the RN Sea Kings flying the Royal Marines about did not have the sponsons. CL
  9. Pictures of Green Sea Kings during the Falklands are rare. Lots of pics of RN birds in South West Asia with their big sand filters. Oh here is another one from my collection. CL
  10. Off topic but on this side of the pond.
  11. I'll Just Post This Silliness Here.

    On a more serious note. CL
  12. Any plans For SEAC roundels on SEA skin ? CL
  13. Humpday Heavies

    In what time zone is it Saturday allready ? CL

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