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Status Updates posted by Dave

  1. Your ass, your face, whats the difference?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. daddyairplanes


      again..... eat a snickers.

    3. whiteknight06604


      I think this was ment for the alternative lifestyle forum ;)

    4. Fubar512


      Please keep in mind that this is Dave; He has been told all his life that in his case, there's absolutely no difference, and he's simply trying to decide which one to shave. :)

  2. Do PT or the terrorists and the Democrats win.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brain32


      Oh that...well funny thing is I'm all into that nearly every day, leg day today...

    3. whiteknight06604


      I will be lazy and let the terrorists win but you had to add the damn dems didn't you? now I have to start working out again....


    4. Brain32


      Don't worry, as you know it only sucks until you start liking the muscle soreness lol

  3. Well now, isn't that special?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. daddyairplanes


      i see a little shade of red in your grin there. you know who else grins red?


    3. Dave
    4. Viggen
  4. Death by powerpoint for A+ class. Only 2 days left.

  5. F-14's are out. Enjoy.

  6. I have pneumonia again.

    1. Stary


      take care

    2. Muesli


      damn, crap. Be careful mate

    3. JediMaster


      Again? What are you, 80??

  7. Watching Charlie Brown Christmas with my twins.

    1. DoctorQuest


      BEST CHRISTMAS SHOW EVER! (Although the "Prep and Landing" episodes have been pretty good.)

    2. Eagle114th


      Yes! Classic Christmas movies, especially Home Alone 1 and 2 are the BEST Christmas movies!

    3. pcpilot


      Im 55 and I still enjoy watching Charlie Brown. Sure brings back some good memories as a kid.

  8. It's been a long week and my father in law goes into surgery for his brain tumor in about 45 mins. If Sheila hadn't brought him to Dayton back in June to get better health care we might of never of found the tumor. So may God watch over him and the doctor during his procedure.

    1. MigBuster


      Best wishes Dave - hope all goes well

    2. usafphantom2


      Good Luck!God Bless.

    3. Caesar


      All the best to your family, Dave. Good luck.

  9. Regular TV sacking ass..... So I'm watching season two of Miami Vice.

    1. JediMaster


      The people responsible for the ass sacking have been sacked.

    2. daddyairplanes


      so will he now be watching Ralph the Wonder Llama?

    3. dsawan


      rat patrol season 1 and 2 followd by combat!


  10. Here we go again, same ole shit again.

    1. Stary


      don't forget to bring your towel!

    2. daddyairplanes


      Marchin down the avenue, two more weeks and we'll be thru

    3. Viggen


      I won't have to look at you

  11. You keep on knocking but you can't come in......

    1. Stary


      your erotic pursuits are nothing of our concern sir!

    2. Stary


      hehehehe sorry Dave, had to vent my grim somewhere ;)

    3. Dave


      That's funny.

  12. I feel the need, the need for speed....

    1. Dave


      Watching Top Gun

    2. whiteknight06604


      oh I thought you were in need of some pharma help...

  13. Went fishing, got banned from SimHq. Today is a good day.

    1. Viggen


      Sounds like fun

    2. Dave


      Well just remember, you can't be nice there either.

  14. 45 mins from Broadway.........

    1. Fubar512


      If I find out that you really are just 45 minutes from Broadway....and did not have the courtesy to stop by, I will arrange for you to be skinned alive.

    2. DWCAce


      Seriously! And why not make an extra 5-6hr drive up here! :)

  15. Facepooping, the act of being on Facebook while taking a crap.

    1. Erik


      Worse is when someone tags it.

    2. Stary


      worst when taking mirror selfie while doing that

  16. What in the hell..... The Pepto Bismal commercial with the lady on the plane. A squirrel opens the back of the seat wearing a neck pillow, talking to her, giving her some Pepto, and confiscating her peanuts. I guess I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue..

    1. daddyairplanes


      Surely you cant be serious



    2. usafphantom2


      Don't call me Shirley!

  17. Global warming my ass.

    1. 33LIMA


      The solution to man-made global warming is actually very simple. Publicly flog any scientist who supports it, instead of giving them research grants and flying them off to conventions. Set them to working out how best we cope with the natural variability in our climate, which is what's really going on.

    2. Brain32


      News here said Minnesota and North Dakota expect up to -45C(-49F) is that true or are they pulling the news from you know where?

  18. Quick trip

    1. daddyairplanes


      well that is what Gilligan told the Skipper it would be....

    2. JediMaster


      Yet the Howells brought a LOT of luggage for it...

  19. Why are anti-gun people so violent?

    1. whiteknight06604


      and so ignorant. ;)

    2. FalconC45


      cuz if they don't get their way, they act like 2 year olds.

  20. The worst sore troat ever......

    1. Fubar512


      Wow....It must be...'cause it's even having an effect on your typing!

  21. I believe.....I need a vacation.....

    1. Major Lee

      Major Lee

      Well, I'll tell you al about mine later next week after we get back :)

  22. Another week is upon us. I of all people understand how life throws you curve balls and doesn't always go along with your plans. Just remember, things do get better and when you have your family and friends to support you, life is very tolerable. Treat people the way you want to be treated, and try to do some random act of kindness for someone each day. You won't regret it.

  23. Looks like Obamacare is forcing another company to change its health care for its employees. Walgreens is going give a fixed amount of money to its employees to avoid rising health care costs. Thus getting around Obamacare requirements. This is the largest company to do something like this.

    1. MAKO69


      Trader Joe's will be doing the same.


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