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Files posted by Viper63a

  1. SF2 F-111A Jets for Vietnam: The 428th, 429th and 430th TFS from Tahkli RTAFB

    SF2 F-111A Jets for Vietnam: The 428th, 429th and 430th TFS from Tahkli RTAFB!
    v2.0 20241207
    This mod includes upgraded version of...
    * F-111A Combat Lancer jets for Vietnam 1968: The 428th, 429th and 430th TFS from Tahkli RTAFB!
    Installation: Important!
    * Backup\Delete\Move the "F-111A" folder out of your installation "\Aircraft\" & "\Decals\" folders...
    * Unzip and copy the contents of the the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder and overwrite if required. 
    Add F111 SoundList
    Lastly, Read the "Add F111 SoundList.txt" readme file on updating your your "Flight\SoundList.ini" file with the custiom F-111 sound files included in this pack. 
    Credits: Updated by Viper63a, dtmdragon, Lel and Fanatic Modder!
    * FastCargo's Super Vark package 2.4 (SF2)
    * Slick Cowboy's F-111_improvedskinpack 2.0 (SF2) 
    * Dave's EF-111A Version 2.0 (SF1)
    * LeL's F-111 TAC Pack (SF1)
    * Spinners [Fictional] General Dynamics F-111A 'Early TAC' Version 1
    * Hi Ho Silver - The Afterburner Mod v.1 (SF1/SF2) 
    * Florian - "AmokFloo" - Western Style Pilot Models (SF1/SF2)


       (6 reviews)



  2. F-15CD USAF Templates (Viper63a Modded)

    F-15CD USAF Templates (Viper63a Modded)
    This is a folder dump of my F-15 C & D USAF Skin Templates...
    This is merely my addition to the already existing and excellent skins in CombatAce...
    Thank you, 
    The Mudhen Maintenance Team 2016
    Viper63a - Upgraded Skins, Decals, Cockpit and Menu Screens.
    Spudknocker - Upgraded Flight Model and Weapons Loadout.
    Fanatic Modder - Upgraded Flight Model and Engine Emitters.
    Crusader - Upgraded and added 2012 FM and Cockpits to pack!
    RavenClaw_007 - Freaking insane Weapons and Ejection Seats! 
    JAT81500 - For the excellent Florian Pilot upgrades!
    Hi Ho Silvers - AfterBurner Mod.
    Nengajyou Aki -JASDF Serial Decals.
    Stick - Beta testing and assistance with FM - THANK YOU!
    April 2016
    Salute to the 2010 F-15 Super Pack Team for the original
    F-15 Super Pack!
    TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
    The Mirage Factory - For the nice F-15D MSIP aircraft...in particular Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, and Dave for making the F-15 MAX files available for me to play with.
    Kei Nagase - For the awesome skins for the F-15 ACTIVE.
    AleDucat - For the nice ACES II ejection seat models.
    Deuces - For the F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.
    Diego - For the Modern USAF Pilot skins.
    Fubar512 - For the FM work.
    JimmyBib - For the F-15C cockpit flight control textures.
    MoonJumper - Avionics work.
    Sundowner - Textures.
    USAFMTL/Dave - Decals.
    Wpnssgt - Models, Textures.
    Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit.
    Kout - Loading and Hanger Screens.
    Kct - Textures and decals for the F-15SG.
    Brain32 - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.
    Mago - F-15E Cockpit.
    331KillerBee - SF2 Weapons Pack (basis for some of the weapons included).
    Lexx Luthor - Siberian Sky Experimental 3-D Rocket Exhaust
    JAT81500 - F-15E Cockpit avionics and HUD work.
    To my fellows at Combatace for helping me beta test and work out bugs.
    Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
    FastCargo - 12 Jan 10
    Thank you, 


       (0 reviews)



  3. ODS Warbirds: E\F-111A\E\F Aardvark & Raven ODS30 Squadrons

    SF2 E\F-111A\E\F Aardvark & Raven ODS30 Squadrons
    This pack contains the stand-alone version of the E\F-111A\E\F Aardvark & Raven aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like this mod and want (much much) more! Please check out the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" mod here...
    !! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater!
    * Source: 
    * Included Jets: 
    EF-111A Raven
    F-111E Aardvark
    F-111F Aardvark
    1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required.
    2) Update your "...\Flight\SOUNDLIST.INI" with the contents of the "Add F111 SoundList.txt". Please don't forget to maintain the number sequence in the sound list.
    3) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. 
    * Please note that some squadrons may have multiple CO planes, this is not a mistake. Rather than just picking one CO, I am respresenting all the COs for that squardon during the period. So both COs could pop up in given scenario. I rather have them than cut them so...it's only a game...
    * Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team!
    * Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva
    * Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79.
    * Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu.
    * Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a
    * Added JosefK's "0.9 OPEN BETA FOR F-111 CCIP" Mod to F-111E & F.
    Thanks and Enjoy!
    Previous versions....This mod is a ODS specific subset of these other mods...
    * Updated Mod Pack: SF2 USAF E\F-111\E\F Pack by Viper63a, Dtmdragon, Lel and Fanatic Modder!
    * FastCargo's Super Vark package 2.4 (SF2)
    * Slick Cowboy's F-111_improvedskinpack 2.0 (SF2) 
    * Dave's EF-111A Version 2.0 (SF1)
    * LeL's F-111 TAC Pack (SF1)
    * Spinners [Fictional] General Dynamics F-111A 'Early TAC' Version 1
    * Hi Ho Silver - The Afterburner Mod v.1 (SF1/SF2) 
    * Florian - "AmokFloo" - Western Style Pilot Models (SF1/SF2)

    * JosefK's "0.9 OPEN BETA FOR F-111 CCIP" Mod to F-111E & F.
    F-111D Additions! Ravenclaw for the weapon models. dtmdragon the avionics, cockpit repaint, loadout.ini, what if AIM-7G, data.ini overhaul and repackaging with the updated skins. FANATIC MODDER and LeL helped with the data/loadout.ini information and testing.
    Thank you all for your contributions!!
    * Please see the "~Original Readme" folder for original credits and previous contributors. All credit goes to those who came before me. Without them, this pack would not be possible. 


       (0 reviews)



  4. [FICTIONAL] F-16CD B60 (What-If) Ukraine Reforger

    F-16CD B60 (What-If) Ukraine Reforger by Viper63a 2022
    This pack asks the question..."What if" the US was to reforge Ukrain with F-16C\D Block 60 "Bear Hunter\Killers". See the "Credits" sections for a list of all the wonderful modders who deserves ALL the "THANKS" for their original packs. Without them, this pack would not exist. 
    What's included in this mod pack?
    This pack is intended as a stand-alone pack, you should not need any other mod packs. The USAF F-16C\D Block 60 (Viper Team) aircafts were modified for use in the Ukrainian theater: F-16C\D B60 with correct decals, skins, pilots, data, weapons & a bunch of extras. 
    * Included Jets: Please note the serial numbers are randomized. 
    !! First and always - Make a BACKUP copies of your Mod folders...Objects\Aircraft, Decals & Weapons folders...
    1) Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
    2) Refer to the "Add F16 SoundList.txt" file on configuring the your "Flight\SoundList.ini" file to use the custom F-16 sounds included in this pack.
    3) Refer to the "Add F16 Squdraons.txt" file on configuring the your "PilotData\SQUADRONLIST.INI" file to use the Ukrainian Squadrons in a campaigne.
    Thats it - Enjoy!
    If you didn't sign your Readme.txt - Shame on you (LOL).
    Let me know if I missed anyone and will be more than happy to recognize!
    F-16 DATA & LOADOUT update v2.0 - Fanatic Modder
    Effects/Sounds/LODS/Skins - Dave/The Viper Team
    F110 effects only - Fast Cargo < The new, proper F110 effects possibly again by Fast Cargo. If not, please verify.
    The egyptian skin - mohand777
    The F110 engine sound, I was not able to trace. Pls PM for any feedback to give proper credit.
    SF2 F-16C/D Block 60 Fictional USAF Squadrons - Viper63a
    The Viper Team for their EXCELLENT F-16s!
    Ravenclaw_007 for his new weapon packs.
    Spudknocker's work that inspired me to make this pack.
    Dtmdragon's original work that made this pack possible.
    If I missed anyone...Please excuse and let me know, so I can give credit where it is due...


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  5. ODS Warbirds: F-117A NightHawk ODS30 Squadrons

    SF2 F-117A NightHawk ODS30 Squadrons
    This pack contains the stand-alone version of the F-117A NightHawk aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like what you see and want (much much) more! You can download "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" here...
    !! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater!
    * Sources:
    * Included Jet: 
    F-117A NightHawk
    1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required.
    2) Update your "...\Flight\SOUNDLIST.INI" with the contents of the "Add F117 SoundList.txt". Please don't forget to maintain the number sequence in the sound list.
    3) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. 
    * Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team!
    * Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva
    * Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79.
    * Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu.
    * Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a
    Thanks and Enjoy!
    * Please see the "~Original Readme" folder for original credits and previous contributors. All credit goes to those who came before me. Without them, this pack would not be possible. 
                  LOCKHEED F-117A NIGHTHAWK Ver 1.1
                      By Dels
                      Dated 3rd September 2013
    This is a third party add on of the F-117A using a model
    and cockpit created by me.
    The original flight model was made by Fubar512 but modified
    by me.
    It is designed for and works in the SF2 series of games.
    This package is as close as I could get to representing the
    F-117A in service with the USAF at the time of Operation
    Desert Storm.
    There are some parts which I have compromised the detail
    on or removed all together in order to achieve an acceptable
    level of detail without reducing game performance or increasing
    development time.
    An example of this is the arrestor hook. The real F-117A has a door
    that jettisons when the hook is deployed. I have modelled the
    door to open and close so consequently, the hook is retractable.
    Animation Key #1 to open/close the refuel door.
    Animation Key #2 to extend/retract the COMM and NAV antennas.
    Animation Key #10 to open/close the canopy.
    Weapon bay doors are automatic on weapon release.
    Brake chute will only deploy while on the ground, below 100kts and
    with the airbrake extended.
    The ejection seat included in this package comes from ravenclaw's
    ACES II Ejection Seat for A-10 vers. 1.0 so all the credit goes
    to him.
    The original package is available for download from:
    Very simple, extract the files from the archive to your
    C:\Users\*NAME*\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 folder.
    You will need to add the following to your Squadronlist.ini
    file which should be in your Flight AND Pilot Data folders.
    This is so the Unit Names show up. (*NOTE* This is not
    essential). Make sure the XXX is replaced with the next
    number in sequence in your file:
    DisplayName=415th TFS Nightstalkers
    The 416th TFS should already be in your Squadronlist.ini, but
    if not, add the following:
    DisplayName=416th TFS Silver Knights
    *NOTE* If you do not have a Squadronlist.ini file in your Flight 
    folder you will need to extract it from the MissionData001.CAT
    file in your Flight folder using the CatPack utility.
    That's it.
    You will need Diego's MODUSAF pilot skin for the pilot,
    or you can use whatever skin you like by editing the
    F-117A_Data.ini file.
    Reverse the above steps.
    Aircraft, Cockpit, Skins, Decals and .ini work - Me
    FM - Fubar512 (with some modifications by me)
    ACESII Ejection seat - ravenclaw
    Pilot skin - Old Diego
    Testing - The ODS team
    A MASSIVE thanks to Crusader for all his very useful
    reference material and support without which this package
    could not exist!
    Thanks to all on the forum for their continuing and always
    useful support.
    Hope you enjoy it as much as I have had making it.


       (1 review)



  6. ODS Warbirds: O\A-10A Thunderbolt II ODS30 Squadrons (Spectre Edition)

    SF2 O\A-10A Thunderbolt II ODS30 Squadrons (Spectre Edition)
    This pack contains the stand-alone version of the O\A-10A Thunderbolt II aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like this mod and want (much much) more! Please check out the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" mod here...
    !! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater!
    * Source: 
    * Included Jets: 
    A-10A Thunderbolt II 
    OA-10A Thunderbolt II 
    1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required.
    2) Update your "...\Flight\SOUNDLIST.INI" with the contents of the "Add A-10 SoundList.txt". Please don't forget to maintain the number sequence in the sound list.
    3) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. 
    * Please note that some squadrons may have multiple CO planes, this is not a mistake. Rather than just picking one CO, I am respresenting all the COs for that squardon during the period. So both COs could pop up in given scenario. I rather have them than cut them so...it's only a game...
    * Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team!
    * Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva
    * Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79.
    * Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu.
    * Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a
    Thanks and Enjoy!
    Previous versions....This mod is a ODS specific subset of these other mods...
    Version 1.5 Full Update Package A-10A and C Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Pack...
    Wpnssgt - Original model and post v3.0 3D Modifications.
    Spectre8750 - 3D Modifications
    Russouk2004 - 3D Modifications
    Sundowner - Skin Template, Skins.
    Spectre8750 - Skins, Decals.
    A-10 Aces II Seat - Ravenclaw_007.
    Diego - USAF Pilot
    Ejection Seat system - Stary.
    Tracer Smoke Emitter - Stary.
    30mm GAU-8\A Effect - Deuces.
    * Please see the "~Original Readme" folder for original credits and previous contributors. All credit goes to those who came before me. Without them, this pack would not be possible. 


       (0 reviews)



  7. ODS Warbirds: F-15C\D\E Eagle ODS30 Squadrons

    SF2 F-15C\D\E Eagle ODS30 Squadrons
    This pack contains the stand-alone version of the F-15C\D\E Eagle aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like this mod and want (much much) more! Please check out the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" mod here...
    !! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater!
    * Source: 
    * Included Jets: 
    F-15C Eagle
    F-15D Eagle
    F-15E Strike Eagle
    1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required.
    2) Update your "...\Flight\SOUNDLIST.INI" with the contents of the "Add F15 SoundList.txt". Please don't forget to maintain the number sequence in the sound list.
    3) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. 
    * Please note that some squadrons may have multiple CO planes, this is not a mistake. Rather than just picking one CO, I am representing all the COs for that squardon during the period. So both COs could pop up in given scenario. I rather have them than cut them so...it's only a game...
    * Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team!
    * Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva
    * Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79.
    * Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu.
    * Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a
    Thanks and Enjoy!
    Previous versions....This mod is a ODS specific subset of these other mods...
    Updated Mod Pack: SF2 F-15 Eagle Super Pack Redux 2020 & F-15 Strike Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018 - The Mudhen Team (Viper63a, Spudknocker, Fanatic Modder, RavenClaw_007, JAT81500, Hi Ho Silvers)
    Original Mod Packs: FastCargo's Eagle Pack...
    Thanks to the following folks:
    TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
    The Mirage Factory - For the nice F-15D MSIP aircraft...in particular Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, and Dave for making the F-15 MAX files available for me to play with.
    Kei Nagase - For the awesome skins for the F-15 ACTIVE.
    AleDucat - For the nice ACES II ejection seat models.
    Deuces - For the F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.
    Diego - For the Modern USAF Pilot skins.
    Fubar512 - For the FM work.
    JimmyBib - For the F-15C cockpit flight control textures.
    MoonJumper - Avionics work.
    Sundowner - Textures.
    USAFMTL/Dave - Decals.
    Wpnssgt - Models, Textures.
    Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit.
    Kout - Loading and Hanger Screens.
    Kct - Textures and decals for the F-15SG.
    Brain32 - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.
    Mago - F-15E Cockpit.
    331KillerBee - SF2 Weapons Pack (basis for some of the weapons included).
    Lexx Luthor - Siberian Sky Experimental 3-D Rocket Exhaust
    JAT81500 - F-15E Cockpit avionics and HUD work and new Sniper Pod skin.
    To my fellows at Combatace for helping me beta test and work out bugs.
    Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
    * Please see the "~Original Readme" folder for original credits and previous contributors. All credit goes to those who came before me. Without them, this pack would not be possible. 


       (1 review)



  8. ODS Warbirds: F-16 Fighting Falcon ODS30 Squadrons

    SF2 F-16 Fighting Falcon ODS30 Squadrons
    This pack contains the stand-alone version of the F-16 Fighting Falcon aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like this mod and want (much much) more! Please check out the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" mod here....
    !! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater!
    * Sources: 
    * Included Jets: 
    F-16A Falcon Block 10
    F-16C Falcon Block 25
    F-16C Falcon Block 30
    F-16C Falcon Block 40
    1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required.
    2) Update your "...\Flight\SOUNDLIST.INI" with the contents of the "Add F16 SoundList.txt". Please don't forget to maintain the number sequence in the sound list.
    3) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. 
    * Please note that some squadrons may have multiple CO planes, this is not a mistake. Rather than just picking one CO, I am respresenting all the COs for that squardon during the period. So both COs could pop up in given scenario. I rather have them than cut them so...it's only a game...
    * Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team!
    * Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva
    * Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79\Viper63a.
    * Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu.
    * Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a\Coupi
    Thanks and Enjoy!
    Previous versions....This mod is a ODS specific subset of these other mods...
    Original Mod Packs...
    * F-16C Blk25/30 By the Viper Team.
    Pit by ravenclaw. (A master piece and you haven't seen nuttin' yet.)
    Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw. (You guys are one hell of a team)
    Skins templates by Migbuster (Went back and made even higher res skins...because he could)
    MFD panel glass by Stary (Did you know he does terrains and clouds too?)
    Units skins by Dave and Jat (I think Jat did like 4 and I did the other 70 or so) lol
    Weapons by ravenclaw and GrinchWSLG (Masters of disaster)
    Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
    Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
    * F-16C Blk40/42 Series By the Viper Team.
    Pack Includes:
    F-16C Block 40/42
    Turkish Blk 40's
    Block 40/42 Cupid mods
    Pit by ravenclaw. (Somebody stop him!)
    Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw. (You guys are one hell of a team)
    Skins templates by Migbuster (Went back and made even higher res skins...because he could)
    Skins: use of JanHas's F4 skins
    Turkish skins by Pureblue
    Greek pattern by EricJ
    Pilots: Base from Florian mod by JAT
    Loading Screens by ST0RM
    MFD panel glass by Stary (Did you know he does terrains and clouds too?)
    Units skins by Jat, Pureblue, Dave and EricJ  
    Weapons by ravenclaw and GrinchWSLG (Masters of disaster)
    Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
    Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
    Brain32, for FM, Avionics work. (He found that Mach 1 is FAST.)
    Crash test Dummy, Dave (Thank god he doesn't have a usable brain)
    CrazyhorseB34, ini work (and the other dummy)
    * Please see the "~Original Readme" folder for original credits and previous contributors. All credit goes to those who came before me. Without them, this pack would not be possible. 


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  9. ODS Warbirds: Tornado Fmk.3 ODS30 Squadrons

    SF2 Tornado Fmk.3 ODS30 Squadrons
    This pack contains the stand-alone version of the Tornado Fmk.3 aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like what you see and want (much much) more! You can download "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" here...
    !! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater!
    * Sources: 
    * Included Jets: 
    Tornado ADV
    Tornado F3
    1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required.
    2) Update your "...\Flight\SOUNDLIST.INI" with the contents of the "Add TornadoF3 SoundList.txt". Please don't forget to maintain the number sequence in the sound list.
    3) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. 
    * Please note that some squadrons may have multiple CO planes, this is not a mistake. Rather than just picking one CO, I am representing all the COs for that squardon during the period. So both COs could pop up in given scenario. I rather have them than cut them so...it's only a game...
    * Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team!
    * Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva
    * Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79.
    * Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu.
    * Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a\Coupi
    Thanks and Enjoy!
    * Please see the "~Original Readme" folder for original credits and previous contributors. All credit goes to those who came before me. Without them, this pack would not be possible. 
    Tornado F3 For SF2 by The Tornado Team
    Main 3d modelling and programming: bobrock
    FM and avionics advisors: Crusader, starfighter2
    Sounds: Spillone104
    Pilots: Aleks, Canadair, Erikgen, NGHENGO, Silverbolt, Spillone104, triplethr3at
    Loading screen photo: David Cenciotti
    TornadoIDS_Destroyed LOD from NF4+
    G-55EUR Pilot Skin by X-RAY
    Weapon Models: HiRes AIM-9L skin by ChrisBV
    SkyFlash by Mirage Factory
    SkyFlash6000 Data by Syrinx
    43 Squadron 90th Anniversary Skin by Syrinx
    43 Squadron Special Colors Skin by Syrinx
    Afterburner TGA by dfang
    SF2 Updates and Loading Screens by NeverEnough


       (1 review)



  10. ODS Warbirds: F-5E Tiger II ODS30 Squadrons

    SF2 F-5E Tiger II ODS30 Squadrons
    This pack contains the stand-alone version of the Bahraini & Saudi F-5E aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like what you see and want (much much) more! You can download "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" here...
    !! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater!
    * Sources: 
    * Included Jets: 
    1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required.
    2) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. 
    * Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team!
    * Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva
    * Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79.
    * Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu.
    * Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a\Coupi
    Thanks and Enjoy!
    Credits: F-5E For Strike Fighters 2
    Bpao and Mirage Factory crew: Orginal F-5E model and templates
    FastCargo for original F-5F model
    EricJ and pappychecksix for original F-5F templates and textures
    Sophocles for his superb cockpit work. Every switch is a work of art.
    Crusader for his ini file magic, really makes the cockpit and plane come alive.
    Paulo for his mammoth decaling work which he allowed me to use. and even helped me by reworking some of it.
    Me for cobbling all this together (=texturing and modeling work)
    The rest of the Combat Ace community. Without you guys I would never have bothered to make it this far. Mats "Centurion" Liljeroos


       (1 review)



  11. ODS Warbirds: A-10A Thunderbolt II (TW Version)

    SF2 A-10A (TW Stock Version) with Authentic ODS Livery and Serials
    By Viper63a
    This pack contains all A-10As serving in Operation Desert Storm with authentic serial numbers. Nose art and other details are my best effort, so it may be off - but it's damn close.
    When we started the ODS 30 project, we wanted to use the stock A-10A Thunderbolts. As I finished the stock A-10A, we decided to switch to Spectre's A-10As...So, the stock A-10A mod was scrapped. Alot of work into this stock version, so I decided to release it as is...
    Source: https://www.dstorm.eu/pages/en/usa/a-10.html
    1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required.
    2) Update your "...\Flight\SOUNDLIST.INI" with the contents of the "Add A-10 SoundList.txt". Please don't forget to maintain the number sequence in the sound list.
    3) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. 
    * Please note that some squadrons have multiple CO planes, this is not a mistake. Rather than just picking one CO, I am representing all the COs for that squadron during the period. I may be off on this, so let me know if I have to correct something. 
    Thanks and Enjoy!
    Edit: Fixed some typos in the details and this pop back up to the top...Sorry about that...nothing new...just a typo fix..LOL...


       (1 review)



  12. SF2 SU-30SM Flanker Pack Redux 2016

    SF2 SU-30SM Flanker Pack Redux 2016
    by Viper63a
    What's included in this mod pack?
    1) All new skins based on Jetfreak-7's HAWX skin!
    2) Two variation of Blue Camo Su-30SM Flankers!
    3) Snailman's Excellent Red Side Weapons!
    I upgraded Orsin's 2009 Su-27SK Flight Model pack as best as I could. I am not familiar with this jet, so I need some help on perfecting this jet. Please send me any tips, hints and fixes....It would be appreciated.
    !! First and always - BACKUP!
    ** Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
    Go Fly!
    Original credits are pretty sparse, so I am gonna do my best here...I think all these people had a hand in the Su-2x\3x projects, so here goes...
    Thanks to...
    :) TK!
    Snailman's Excellent Red Weapons!
    ...for all their work!


       (13 reviews)



  13. SF2 F-15 Strike Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018

    This is a full stand-alone pack, no other mod packs are required. This pack is a REPLACEMENT and NOT an upgrade for FastCargo's F-15 Super Pack. You cannot simply install and over-write Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack with this pack. Nor, can you over-write this pack with Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack. This pack contains higher resolution jpeg skin files, so if you over-write Fastcargo's pack with this one, you will never see the new skins. If you over-write this pack with Fastcargo's pack, you will lose all the latest data files for flight model, weapons loadout and etc. If you just want the upgraded skins, those skins are available separately in the Skins section of this site. A later versions of those skins are already in this pack, so please don't upgrade this pack with earlier version of Viper63a's skins. Please refer to the "Installation" section in the Readme file, it will explain how you can install this of both packs   - The Mudhen Team! This pack contains all F-15E Strike Eagle variants and above. If you want the F-15A thru D Eagle variants (including Js), you can find them here. 
    What's included in this mod pack?
    -------------------------------------------------------------   1) All NEW 4096x Skins in JPG format and tons of new decals (also includes optional 2048x skins).
    2) Repainted Cockpits by Viper63a and RWR list by Spudknocker.
    3) All NEW updated Data and Loadout files from Spudknocker and Fanatic Modder.
    4) All NEW 1920x1080 *Hangar.jpg, *Loading.jpg and *Loadout.tga (also includes optional 1024x768 screens).
    5) Excellent new weapons and ejection seats from Ravenclaw_007!
    6) Excellent Florian Pilot upgrades by JAT81500!   Included planes: F-15E, F-15I, F-15K, F-15S, F-15SA, F-15SE, F-15SG and fictional F-15G, F-15H and F-15ISE Eagles...   Included squadrons: USAF: 16WS (OT), 90FS (AK), 333FS (SJ), 334FS (SJ), 335FS (SJ), 336FS (SJ), 389FS (MO), 391SF (MO), 492FS (LN), 493FS (LN) and 494FS (LN) Squadrons for F-15E, F-15E (00), F-15E (04), F-15E (14) and F-14SE.
    HAF: Fictional 336th (Olympus) Squadron for F-15H.
    IAF: Two variations of the Israeli 69th (Hammers & Sixty Niners) Squadrons for F-15I and F-15ISE.
    RoKAF: 102nd (Blue Dragons) and 122nd (Jaguars) Squadrons for F-15K and F-15K (10).
    SAF: 92nd Squadron for F-15S, F-15S (15) and F-15SA.
    RoSAF: 149th Squadron for F-15SG.
    GAF: Fictional Jg71N90J, Jg72N90J, Jg73N90J and Jg74N90J Squadrons.   Included are many Easter eggs! Squadron decals, personal nose arts and many thers! Some are in your face and some you may never see until you cycle through all the planes. There are hundreds(?) of plane combinations and variations. So have fun!!! LOL...   ** Optional Package: (You're on your own here...for advanced players...) Please refer to the Readme in the "Optional" folder to...
    1) Install Additional/Alternate 1024x768 and 1920x1080 Hangar and Loading screens.
    2) Install 1024x768 Hangar and Loading screens. This pack has 1920x1080 screens by default.
    3) Downgrade the default 4096x to 2048x skins if you have performance issues with the larger skins.   -------------------------------------------------------------
    ------------------------------------------------------------- >> WARNING! Read Carefully if you have or plan to install Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack...   !! First and always - BACKUP! Make of copy of the F-15* folders in your Mod folders...Objects\Aircraft and Decals folders...   ** Option 1) If you already have Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack installed...    a) Backup and delete the following folders (if you have them) in <Your mod folder locations>\Objects\Aircraft\...   !! DO NOT DELETE the stock TW "F-15A" and "F-15A_Baz" folders! This pack DOES NOT REPLACE stock TW F-15s!   F-15E
    F-15SG      b) Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.   ** Option 2) If you installed this mod and want to install Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack...      a) Install Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack and overwrite...
       b) Go back to install option 1)...   ** Option 3) If you don't have Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack already install...      a) Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.   -------------------------------------------------------------
    Add F15 SoundList
    -------------------------------------------------------------   Lastly, this is highly recommended. Read the "Add F15 SoundList.txt" readme file on adding the F-15 sound files included in this pack to your "Flight\SoundList.ini" file.   -------------------------------------------------------------   Thats it - Enjoy!   ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
    The Mudhen Maintenance Team 2016
    Viper63a - Upgraded Skins, Decals, Cockpit and Menu Screens.
    Spudknocker - Upgraded Flight Model and Weapons Loadout.
    Fanatic Modder - Upgraded Flight Model and Engine Emitters.
    RavenClaw_007 - Freaking insane Weapons and Ejection Seats!
    JAT81500 - For the excellent Florian Pilot upgrades!
    Hi Ho Silvers - AfterBurner Mod. April 2016   -------------------------------------------------------------
    Salute to the 2010 F-15 Super Pack Team for the original
    F-15 Super Pack!
    TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
    The Mirage Factory - For the nice F-15D MSIP aircraft...in particular Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, and Dave for making the F-15 MAX files available for me to play with.
    Kei Nagase - For the awesome skins for the F-15 ACTIVE.
    AleDucat - For the nice ACES II ejection seat models.
    Deuces - For the F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.
    Diego - For the Modern USAF Pilot skins.
    Fubar512 - For the FM work.
    JimmyBib - For the F-15C cockpit flight control textures.
    MoonJumper - Avionics work.
    Sundowner - Textures.
    USAFMTL/Dave - Decals.
    Wpnssgt - Models, Textures.
    Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit.
    Kout - Loading and Hanger Screens.
    Kct - Textures and decals for the F-15SG.
    Brain32 - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.
    Mago - F-15E Cockpit.
    331KillerBee - SF2 Weapons Pack (basis for some of the weapons included).
    Lexx Luthor - Siberian Sky Experimental 3-D Rocket Exhaust
    JAT81500 - F-15E Cockpit avionics and HUD work.
    To my fellows at Combatace for helping me beta test and work out bugs.
    Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine. FastCargo
    12 Jan 10


       (10 reviews)



  14. StrikeFighters2 Replacement Hi-Res Spash Screens

    StrikeFighters2 Hi-Res Replacement Spash Screens 
    By Viper
    Replacement spash (Initializing, Please Wait) screen for SF2. Uncompress the zip file and copy the *.bmp files into "<Your Install location>\Strike Fighters 2\Menu\" folder...where-ever you installed SF2.
    Simple install: Backup your "INITSCREEN.BMP" and  rename one of the new BMP you like to "INITSCREEN.BMP" and all your SF2 starts will show the new splash screen. 
    Complex Install: If you want each of your games to have a different splash screen...Back up and edit the <game>.ini file for the <game>.exe you want to change the splash screen for in the "<Your Install location>\Strike Fighters 2\" folder. Update the "LoadingScreen=" parm with the name of splash screen you want to display on start up: ex. "LoadingScreen=Menu\INITSCREEN (1).BMP".
    Note: If you copied the <game>.exe file to some other name, you have to copy the <game>.ini file to the same name as a the <game>.exe file. Also, the splash screen has to be a BMP file...PSD included so you can make your own. 
    Thanks to "Squid" for the idea and some elements from his screens!


       (1 review)



  15. SF2 Jane's USAF Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!

    SF2 Jane's USAF Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
    By Viper
    The Janes' Combat Flight Simulation Series! Every flight Sim'mer worth their wings remembers those! My favorite was the USAF! This package pays tribute to that old beautiful bird. It took me awhile to create this, so feedbacks and ratings would be highly appreciated...Enjoy!
    This mod includes custom "Jane's USAF" themed menu screens, pilots and music. This mod uses customized INI files to drive the sights and sounds of the Strike Fighter 2 interface to look like Jane's USAF.
    Unzip the package and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better (More on this later).
    If you choose to install this package, I recommend that you back up (copy) your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this package into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
    * To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder. I designed this package for SF2 Europe, but it should work for all SF2 series games.
    My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe\
    * To remove, simply delete the active FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders and replace with the back up copies you made prior to the install.
    * Extras and additional info...
    In the MENU folder, you will find three (3) other folders...
    1) Alternates Folder - Contains "Alternate" Campaign, Options, Pilot, and Single Mission screens. If you like one of these better, just copy them to the main "MENU" folder and rename them to the correct names...
    ...for whichever files you are changing...
    2) Music-Jets Folder - Contains alternate sound package. If the default music is too much for you, just copy the contents of this file into the default "MENU" folder. Most of the music will be replaced with jet sounds.
    3) Music-On Folder - Contains the default INI files that will turn on all the music again.


       (1 review)



  16. StrikeFighters2 Vietnam Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

    SF2 Vietnam Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music v5
    By Viper 05/17/2020
    Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
    This mod includes custom "vietnam Era" themed menu screens, pilots and (w/ 60s) music. You should unzip this package and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
    1) Backup (copy) your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folder. I "highly" recommend that you (if you can) "RENAME" your Menu folder and let this mod create a new Menu folder for you. If you had installed any other menu mods, that may conflict with this Menu mod. 
    2) To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder. Don't forget to back up before loading any mods!
    My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Vietnam\
    3) To uninstall, delete the folders updated by this mod and copy (rename) your backed up folder to FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA.


       (4 reviews)



  17. SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1920X1080 Menu Screens and Music!

    SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.2) Hi-Res 1920X1080 Menu Screens and Music v7
    By Viper 04/26/2020
    Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
    I made these upgraded alternate "Korean Air War" themed Menu screens to go with Do335's "SF2 Wings Over Korea" package!
    Pleae unzip the compressed file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are some alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
    If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT and MENU folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
    To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT and MENU folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
    My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Strikefighter2 Korea\


       (2 reviews)



  18. SF2 NorthAtlantic "Top Gun" Themed Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

    SF2 NorthAtlantic "Top Gun" Themed Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music v7
    By Viper 05/17/2020
    Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
    I've seen some very nice screens in 1920x1080 mode, so I thought I'd give it try. So here is my "Top Gun" contribution! Special thanks to Homefies and Spectre8750 for their contributions that led me here...
    This mod includes custom "Top Gun" themed menu screens, pilots and music. I used the MENU INI files to reuse the music files for different menus. This reduces the size of the package as I don't have duplicates of the same music files for different menus. You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
    If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
    To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
    My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 NorthAtlantic\


       (1 review)



  19. StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens!

    StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens v5
    By Viper 05/17/2020
    Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
    This mod includes custom 1920x1080 "StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm" themed menu, pilots and Campaign screens. You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are some alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
    I recommend that you back up your CAMPAIGNS, FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
    To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed CAMPAIGNS, FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm mod folder.
    My StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2 Desert Storm\


       (2 reviews)



  20. Strikefighters2 NATO Fighters 5 Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

    SF2 NATO Fighters 5 Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music v5
    By Viper 05/17/2020
    Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
    This mod includes custom "NATO" themed menu screens, pilots and music (AC5, thanks to tonipm99). This mod will over write the MainScreen INI delivered in the NF5 package with the stock INI file. I did this so I can go back to using JPEG images rather than the BITMAP menus that came with the original NF5 packages. 
    Unzip the package and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better. If you choose to install this package, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this package into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
    * To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
    My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe\
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 NF5\


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  21. Strikefighters2 Israel Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

    SF2 Israel Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music! v5
    By Viper 05/17/2020
    Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
    Special thanks to Homefies and Spectre8750 for their contributions that led me here...
    This mod includes custom "Israeli" themed menu screens, pilots and music. I used the MENU INI files to reuse the music files for different menus. This reduces the size of the package as I don't have duplicates of the same music files for different menus. You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
    If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
    To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
    My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Israel\


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  22. Strikefighters2 Europe Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

    SF2 Europe Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music v5
    By Viper 05/17/2020
    Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
    Unzip the package and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing to see what you're getting. If you choose to install this package, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT, MENU, CAMPAIGNS and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this package into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
    * To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed CAMPAIGNS, FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
    My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe\
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe2\


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  23. Strikefighters2 HQ Menu Music and Sound files...

    Strikefighters2 HQ Menu Music and Sound files...
    From Viper 05/14/2020
    So, I found some of the stock music and sounds alittle flat...so I resampled some higher quailty ones...
    * To install...
    1) Back up your Menu folder
    2) Copy and paste the files from the Menu folder into yours and overwrite.
    ~ Part 1
    Nazi Germany.wav  
    ~ Part2 
    WWII Italy.wav
    * For the files in the Hangar Sounds folder...Listen to them and if you like one...
    1) Rename the file to HANGARSCREEN.WAV
    2) Copy and paste the file from the Hangar Sounds folder into your Menu folder and overwrite.
    3) These are good for LOADOUT and LOADING sounds as well...
    ~ Hangars
    HANGARSCREEN Vietnam.wav


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  24. SF2 E\F-111\A\D\E\F USAF Combat Lancers\Aardvarks\Ravens Redux 2016

    SF2 E\F-111\A\D\E\F USAF Combat Lancers\Aardvarks\Ravens Redux 2016
    by Viper63a, dtmdragon, Lel and Fanatic Modder!
    This mod was intended as an update to FastCargo's Super Vark Package (See link below), but it can be a standalone mod if you just want the USAF F-111s included in this pack. If you want to install both packs, FastCargo's pack must be installed first as that is the older pack.
    You can get FastCargo's pack here...
    What's included in this mod pack?
    This mod includes the updated individual E/F-111A/D/E/F mod packs + other excellent contributions! I had some requests to put them all into one pack for it would be easier to download. So here they are. All the F-111s in this packs are also available for individual downloads in the following links...if you just want a certain model. The F-111D updates from dtmdragon, Lel and Fanatic Modder are only available in this mod pack.
    * F-111A Jets for Vietnam: The 428th, 429th and 430th TFS from Tahkli RTAFB!
    http://combatace.com/files/file/15542-sf2-updated-f-111a-jets-for-vietnam-the-428th-429th-and-430th-tfs-from-tahkli-rtafb/ * F-111D Aardvarks from Cannon AFB: The 481st, 522nd, 523rd and 524th TFS from the 27th TFW. Contribution by dtmdragon with support from Lel Fanatic Modder (FM).  * F-111E Aardvarks from USAF/E RAF Upper Heyford 20th TFW. The 55th, 77th and 79th TFS!
    http://combatace.com/files/file/15514-sf2-updated-f-111e-aardvarks-usafe-raf-upper-heyford-20th-tfw-the-55th-77th-and-79th-tfs/ * F-111F Aardvarks from USAF/E 48th Liberty Wing. The 492nd, 493rd, 494th and 495th TFS!
    http://combatace.com/files/file/15510-sf2-updated-f-111f-aardvarks-from-usafe-48th-liberty-wing-the-492nd-493rd-494th-and-495th-tfs/ * EF-111A Ravens From 42nd (UH), 429th (CC), and 390th (MO) Electronic Countermeasure Squadrons!
    http://combatace.com/files/file/15520-sf2-updated-ef-111a-ravens-from-42nd-uh-429th-cc-and-390th-mo-electronic-countermeasure-squadrons/ -------------------------------------------------------------
    I recommend that you back up your mod folder (or just the Effects, \Objects\Aircraft\F-111* folders). I just make a copy the mod folder, try the mod, if I like it, I delete the backup. If I don't, I delete the new/updated mod folder and rename the old backup/copy back to the original names to reset to my original setup.
    * To install, simply unzip and copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder (the uncompressed "Effects and Objects" folders only) to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder and Overwrite.
    My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
    C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe\
    Note: You should be able to install this mod into any SF2 series, it doesn't have to be StrikeFighter2 Europe.
    * To remove, simply delete the active "Effects and Objects" folders and replace with the back up copies you made prior to the install.
    Add F111 SoundList
    Lastly, Read the "Add F111 SoundList.txt" readme file on updating your your "Flight\SoundList.ini" file with the custiom F-111 sound files included in this pack.
    Thats it - Enjoy!
    Please report any bugs or issues via the "Support Topic" link...
    If you're interested in some of the mods I referenced/used in my mod (can't say it's mine really, my contribution?)...here they are! Excellent mods all!
    * FastCargo's Super Vark package 2.4 (SF2)
    * Slick Cowboy's F-111_improvedskinpack 2.0 (SF2)
    * Dave's EF-111A Version 2.0 (SF1)
    * LeL's F-111 TAC Pack (SF1)
    * Spinners [Fictional] General Dynamics F-111A 'Early TAC' Version 1
    * Hi Ho Silver - The Afterburner Mod v.1 (SF1/SF2)
    * Florian - "AmokFloo" - Western Style Pilot Models (SF1/SF2)
    F-111D Additions! Ravenclaw for the weapon models. dtmdragon the avionics, cockpit repaint, loadout.ini, what if AIM-7G, data.ini overhaul and repackaging with the updated skins. FANATIC MODDER and LeL helped with the data/loadout.ini information and testing.
    Thank you all for your contributions!!


       (11 reviews)



  25. C-5A Galaxy USAF Grey Redux 2019 (Veltro2k Wrench 2018)

    From Veltro2K's Cargo Planes...   All FM ini files are mostly the same...
    All credits to the original creators in the original readme (below)...I just polished it...   v.1.0
    New\Updated 4096x skins, Actual Decals & B52 Cockpit...
    Added 1920x Hangar, Loading & Loadout Screens...
    Actual Serial Numbers, Randomized...
    New sounds...   v.1.1
    Converted Command Wing emblems to lo-viz as pointed out by daddyairplanes - Thanks!
    Original skins with color emblems are optional in the "Extra" Folder...
    Fixed the wingtip NAV light positions...
    Reduced the size of the US AIR FORCE markings
    Moved the side door and emblems...
    Fixed loadout - has Jeeps and Pallets in the cargo hold...
    Used one tail decal from daddyairplanes Euro C-5A Galaxy (for his ecellent work see below)...     * Please note - The INI files may be different, so you will get the INI files from the last pack you install.   v.1.2
    Added White over Gray MAC C-5A...
    Converted some skin markings to decals... -------------------------------------------------------------
    -------------------------------------------------------------   >>> Please backup and delete in your mod folders: "C-5A" in \Objects\Aircraft and \Objects\Decals folders...or don't know what will happen...
    Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts...   Enjoy!
    Viper 01/18/2019   ------------------------------------------------------------- Original Readmes:
    -------------------------------------------------------------   SF2 USAF/NATO/Western Cargo Planes by Veltro2K     3/20/2013 -For SF2, Any and All- This is a re-release of these aircraft, as some have stated a desire to have them again.
    This pak includes all my reskins, decals, ini tweeks from the various "upgrade paks" I'd released before the aircraft were disappeared.
    This pak contains =ONLY= those aircraft used by the USAF, our Allies and other NATO powers. The Soviet/Warsaw Pact transports are someplace else.... Included in this pack are: C-141A Starlifer
    C-141B Starlifter
    C-5A Galaxy
    C-17 Globemaster III
    G-222 Spartan (called such in USAF service) Some may be more complete than others, with regards to decals and such. Some are fairly 'untouched', and will need further decaling, etc. Some hangar and loading screens are NOT in SF2 format, and will need redoing (meaning: I never got around to them!).
    All the original readmes from the Upgrade Paks (I could find!) are included within this main folder. I'd reccomend reading them, just for fun! Skin and some decal templates (again, when I could find them!) are included. The decal template is for the "ttag" decal, that is for USAF AMC usage.
    This pak is quite large, as the skins remain in their bmp format. You can convert to jpg at you convience. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations. Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to this aircraft.
    For those that still have the original releases, you may not need to reapply this package. But, to be safe, PLEASE check over your aircraft to be sure. Thank You :). **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. There are/may be some issues with the LOD that may not/cannot be resolved. Period. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created. For now.** ------------------------------------------------ =TO INSTALL: As I always reccomend, unzip the "sf2_veltro2k_cargoplanes_pak.zip" to a temp folder or your desktop or somewhere else that's easy to find Then, simply, copy/paste the Objects folder supplied directly =OVER= your existing /Objects folder.
    Copy/Paste the supplied Sounds folder directly OVER your existing /Sounds folder
    You'll probably be asked "OVERWRITE?", just say Yes. I've already seperated out the various folders (Aircraft, Decals, etc), so they'll drop right where they're supposed to be. ----------------------------
    Notes: Again, as these are considered "heavies", they are best left under AI control, even though they all have cockpits. What can be done with them, I've not too many clues...however, with the SF2 mission builder, they can be inserted into campaigns, single missions and a host of other opportunities that present themselves. Use you imagination. If there is a HUGE hugh and cry, perhaps I can be moved to locate all the Soviet transports Veltro did....if I can find where I put them!
    Veltro2K for the aircraft
    me for varioius and sundry other stuff
    StephanP for the C-17 chaff/flare tweek
    Dels, iirc, for the c130 engine sound
    see the enclosed original readmes
    seriously ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    If you have any problems, questions, comments, I can be reached in the usual places; CombatAce, SimHQ, or via the email addy below. Happy Hunting!
    Kevin Stein kjstein@ca.rr.com --------------------------------------------
    Legal BS:
    This is freeware, with limited/controled re-release; it CANNOT be redistrubuted, or posted on other sites even if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
    The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
    This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    Bribes are accepted; ask for the day's going rates... ------------------------------------------- SF2 Upgrade Pack For Western Transports, Airliners and AWACs by Veltro2K 6/1/2018 = For SF2, Any/All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) = This is a remod pack for Veltro2k's Western/NATO Transport, Airliner and AWAC aircraft. This package =ONLY= contains the data inis for the aircraft listed below. You will still need to locate the original aircraft. It is highly suggested (read: REQUIRED) that you have SF2NA as part of your merged installs, as several of these reference the stock 3W Tu-95 Bear destroyed model. Some reference the stock 3W An-12, Tu-16 or B-52D (SF2V) destroyed models as well. Flight Models remain "as issued"; they've not been touched by me. All New Data Inis Included in this pack are for: C-5A Galaxy
    C-17 Globemaster II
    C-141A Starlifter
    C-141B Starlifter
    G-222/C-27 Spartan
    KC-767 (KC-46)
    Nimrod MR.1 (RAF ASW/Martime Patrol)
    Br.1150 Atlantique  (ASW/Martime Patrol)
    PB-1W Navy Fortress (USN 1940s/50s AEW - B-17) DC-8 *
    B-747  Pan Am"Jumbo Jet" *The DC-8 mods are for the package by Daddyairplanes*
    All aircraft have had their data inis reworked to correct, add, move, remove or generally "fix" all the hit boxes, relocate components (ie: fuel tanks, as best as possible inside the airframe) and in general clean up many things that simply escaped notice. The exception here is the Pan Am 747, which gets a partly repainted skin, with all new 100% accurate civil registration number decals (18) AND their matching "Clipper" names. Decal Randomization is "TRUE". The 747 and DC-8s also get an avionics upgrade (GM radar). Some sounds are included; you may have them alread, or not; but I like "to be sure". Please note, some of these aircraft may NOT be in the SF2 downloads section; one will need to Search the SF1/Wo* (1stGen) downloads. Equally important, is to HAVE the aircraft installed =BEFORE= installing this Upgrade Pack. Kinda makes sense, right? <gr> As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    To Install: Another reminder: ****HAVE THE AIRCRAFT INSTALLED TO YOUR SF2 MODS FOLDER OF CHOICE =BEFORE= INTALLING THE UPDATE/UPGRADE PACKAGE.**** As always reccomended, unzip the "sf2_v2k_western_heavies_upgrade_pak" to a temp folder or your desktop or somewhere that's easy to find. Copy/Paste the /Objects folder DIRECTLY into the SF2 game install of choice's /Objects folder. It's already divided into the /Aircraft and /Decals sub-folders. You'll asked to "Overwrite?" , just say yes. It'll change nothing. Copy/Paste the included /Sounds folder DIRECTLY over you existing Sounds folder. Allow the "Overwrite". I've included sounds you may already have, but wanted to be sure that (nearly) everything was available to the End User (tm). That should cover it, go fly! -----------------------------
    Veltro2k for the aircraft themselves
    MUE for the Lod viewer
    Me, for taking on the job.
    TMF for the destroyed 707, used with the DC-8s Sources:
    see original readmes ------------
    Other Notes and Nonsense: Included are the original Data inis, already backed up, in case you End Users (tm) don't appriciate all the hard work that goes into creating, giving, and keeping up the Mods we do. Remember, these mostly exist for "Eye Candy" and Targets (tm), but I felt it was well worth the effort to try and correct the hit boxes. Also, remember they're really not to be Player Usable, even with cockpit, as the Game Engine has no coding for their proper usage. But, have fun anyway! A note about the destroyed model usage: While not 100%, we work with what we have, after all, it's just a burning, dead wreck on the ground. If a 3d Modeler (tm) wants to build crashed birds; go for it, I says! I know the "Clipper **" name decals are in the wrong font, but after spending an hour and half trying to FIND the correct one, just chose to use one of my script fonts. Deal with it <g>. At present, there are NO plans whatsoever to update the individual aircraft packages. End Users are on their own to locate the aircraft in the CombatAce downloads sections and apply this fix-it pack. --------------------------- If you have any problems, questions, comments, I can be reached in the usual places; CombatAce, SimHQ, or p0rn sites. Happy Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    Legal BS:
    All the aicraft herein remain the intellectual property of their respective Manufactures, Design Bureaus and Veltro2k
    This is freeware, it =CAN= be redistrubuted, or but =NOT= posted on other sites even if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
    The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
    This package may =NOT= in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    Bribes are accepted; ask for the day's going rates...
    -------------------------------------------   ==========  


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