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    1. A-7A VA-37 Skin

      This is a Skin for SF2V A-7A VA-37.
      Thank you COMBAT+ACE.


         (2 reviews)



    2. A-7A VA-153 Skin

      This is a Skin for SF2V A-7A VA-153.
      Thank you CA.


         (4 reviews)



    3. A-7B_71 VA-56 Skin

      A-7B_71 VA-56 Skin for SF2V.
      I made a skin for the VA-56 CVW5.
      Thank you CA.


         (2 reviews)



    4. A-7E VA-25 Skin

      This is a Skin for SF2V A-7E VA-25.
      Thank you COMBAT+ACE.


         (5 reviews)



    5. SF2 DLC28 MirageSDE Egypt Late Camo

      This is, as the name says, EAF Mirage from late eighties, represents the latest camouflage scheme.
      Anyone who does not understand, there is no need to download.
      It is all of the additional information, thank you for your understanding, cheers.
      I thank on this occasion to ludo.m54 for wonderfully templates http://combatace.com/files/file/13121-mirage-5-templates/
      Basically, the original skin is from TW EAF camo 2!
      Camouflage scheme, select the colors and complete inspiration, my ideas and my work, thank you denissoliveira for reminding me,
      I thank you also for, excellent extra pylons an pod's, I added them to this variant, shown in the photos.
      Requires DLC 28 pack!
      I hope you enjoy, good hunting!




    6. SF2 DLC28 MirageE2 Egypt Late Camo

      This is, as the name says, EAF Mirage from late eighties, represents the latest camouflage scheme.
      Anyone who does not understand, there is no need to download.
      It is all of the additional information, thank you for your understanding, cheers.
      I thank on this occasion to ludo.m54 for wonderfully templates http://combatace.com/files/file/13121-mirage-5-templates/
      Basically, the original skin is from TW EAF camo 2!
      Camouflage scheme, select the colors and complete inspiration, my ideas and my work, thank you denissoliveira for reminding me,
      I thank you also for, excellent extra pylons an pod's, I added them to this variant, shown in the photos.
      Requires DLC 28 pack!
      I hope you enjoy, good hunting!




    7. MiG-21 DAFAAR

      MiG-21 PF/PFM/MF/R/BIS of Cuban Air Force
      Templates by Paulopanz, made on the basis http://combatace.com/files/file/13597-mig-21f13/




    8. Mi-8 DAAFAR

      Mil Mi-8 Defensa Aérea Revolucionaria (Cuban Air Force)
      3D Model by Marcfighter
      Skin Templates, unknown, sorry on this occasion, thank you for your understanding.


         (1 review)



    9. F-86 Ethiopia

      This is my attempt to make EtAF skin, far from perfection, if someone needed for Ogaden campaign ... this is the opportunity.


         (4 reviews)



    10. SFP2 Mil Mi-24/35 GEO Camo

      Mi-24P public beta proudly present to by YEYEYE.
      Skin/Templates by me David Bregadze WINGSOVERISRAEL
      Georgian Air Force Mil Mi-35 Camo
      download and enjy.


         (3 reviews)



    11. P-3F Orion IrIAF

      This is a skin for Iranian P-3F Orion
      the original file can be found at the following link


         (3 reviews)



    12. MiG-21 MF_ LibyaAF_skin

      Libya Air Force skin for MiG-21MF..




    13. AT-6G Mosquito Fictional SEA Skin

      Fictional AT-6G Mosquito skin for SF1 & SF2.
      This is a What If SEA skin for Wrench's AT-6G Mosquito mod found here: http://combatace.com/files/file/9082-at-6g-texan-mosquito-fac/
      It is Wrench's mod to Bunyap's T-6 Texan. You will need this file for the plane, weapons and decal numbers.

      Bunyap's T-6 Texan is a bit old and has a few malfunctions such as a shadow line and no texture mapping for the tires, etc. But it looks good in the air.
      If you would like my .psd layer mods to Wrench's template, PM me.
      Thanks to Bunyap for the plane and Wrench for the Mosquito mod and templates.
      Any questions, please ask.


         (1 review)



    14. Su-37 Yellow Squadron skinpack

      Skinpack including 4 skins from Ace Combat 04; Yellow 13, Yellow 4, Jean-Louis, and Gene.
      The skin itself is edited from Jetfreak-7's Yellow 13 skin for HAWX, you can find it here --> http://jetfreak-7.deviantart.com/art/Su-37-Yellow-Squadron-331659969
      A little info about the pilots:
      -Yellow 13 and 4 were part of the 156th Tactical Fighter Wing, also known as Aquila, however, due to the yellow bellies of their Su-37s, the squadron was commonly known as the Yellow Squadron. The nicknames of their pilots came from the number of their aircraft, for example, Yellow 13 isn't the thirteenth pilot of the squadron, he pilots the 013 aircraft. Four was killed during the Stonehenge assault after deciding to depart with her damaged Su-37, after a bomb exploded on their makeshift runway. Thirteen was shot down and probably killed during the Siege of Farbanti. Both pilots were shot down by Mobius One.
      -Jean-Louis and Gene are part of the Megalith Defense Squadron, a squadron hastily formed by a group of officers after the Second Usean Continental War to defend Megalith. They weren't part of the 156th TFW, but they had painted their Su-37s in their colors. They were both killed during the Megalith assault, first Jean-Louis, making Gene first-in-command, and later himself.
      Note: The Su-37 model found in CombatACE and ported from HAWX has a mapping issue, where both wings use the same part of the texture. This means that the left wing is always mirrored from the right wing. Sorry, I can't do anything about it :(
      Thanks for downloading, and good hunting!


         (3 reviews)



    15. C-130J-30 Shimshon Israeli Air Force Skin

      Israel established 103 squadron in May 1948 to serve primarily as a transport unit. The squadron was initially composed of several DC-3 and DC-5 aircraft, and added three former US Navy Catalina aircraft in 1951. The Israeli Air Force merged 103 and 69 squadrons in 1954, at which time B-17 aircraft were part of the 103 squadron.
      During the Sinai Campaign of October 1956, France loaned Israel ten C-47 aircraft, and Israel also acquired three N-2501IS Noratlas aircraft in 1955. Over the next ten years, 103 squadron added additional aircraft, some of which were subsequently transferred to other squadrons. The Six Day War of 1967 provided 103 squadron with another opportunity to act in its air support role, although one Noratlas aircraft was lost.
      The squadron continued its air support operations during the Yom Kippur War, and it had received eight Hercules C-130H aircraft by 1976.
      The first C-130J-30 entered service in the IAF on the 9th of April, 2014 and received the nickname Shimshon, Hebrew for Samson, in recognition of it's load carrying capacity and also as a counterpart to the English nickname Hercules.
      From flightglobal.com:
      As of 2016, Israel is said to be close to starting negotiations linked to a planned deal to boost its fleet of Lockheed Martin C-130J tactical transports, sources in the nation have indicated.
      Three of the airlifters – named "Samson" in Israeli service – are already in operational use at Nevatim air base. Another two will arrive this year under with a further example to follow later. The air force previously outlined a requirement to introduce additional examples on top of those six.
      Meanwhile, the operational experience gained by the service in operating the new-generation Hercules since April 2014 will lead to an increase in the number of Israeli-developed systems integrated with its fleet. Most of the enhancements – designed to support the needs of the Israeli Defence Forces' depth command – are incorporated at Lockheed's Marietta final assembly site in Georgia, while other equipment is added in Israel.

      Israeli Air Force 103 'Elephants' Squadron skin for Dels C-130J-30
      Repaint of Dark Grey RAAF skin that came with the C-130J-30 mod

      Just drop the contents of the file(Objects folder) to your mod folder and let it overwrite existing files.

      With grateful thanks to:
      Dels: C-130J-30 model and skin
      Yakarov79: 103 Sqdn badge decals
      Wrench: Serial number decals
      TK: A great game
      CA: A great website, community and home to SF2

      Allen "allenjb42" Burton


         (1 review)



    16. Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 3./JG 52(Battle of Britain)

      Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 3./JG 52(Battle of Britain)
      Texture for Strike Fighters 2.
      Luftwaffe Gruppe I of JG 52 began operations at the Battle of Britain on Aug 2, 1940.
      The Gruppe(Staffeln 1, 2 and 3)was based at Coquelles until Oct 31, 1940, then, the unit leave the front Channel and return to Germany.
      Following the disastrous deployment of Gruppe III(eight pilots lost in two days, including Gruppenkommandeur and three Staffeln Kapitän. Unit retired of operations after only ten days of operations), and Gruppe II(six pilots lost in six days and unit retired after only 12 days of operations. However, Gruppe II returned to combat from Sep 25, 1940 at Peuplingues), Gruppe I was better prepared for the task, and claimed some 72 victories lossing in the process 24 Bf 109s with seven pilots KIA and 16 POW.


      Follow readme instructions


      PilotData included photos of the main aces of the RAF and Luftwaffe by the Battle of Britain.

      Squadron list

      Optional. List included main units of Battle of Britain(Luftwaffe and RAF)

      Russouk2004 and Wrench for the original model.
      Happy flights!


         (1 review)



    17. Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4B 3./Erpr.Gr.210(Battle of Britain)

      Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4B 3./Erpr.Gr.210(Battle of Britain)
      Texture for Strike Fighters 2.
      Luftwaffe 3./ Erpr.Gr.210(Erprobungsgruppe 210)was the third staffel of the Gruppe and the only one equipped with Bf 109Es.
      The others two squadrons operated with Bf 110C-4B, D-0, D-1 and other new and last versions of the Zerstörer.
      3./Erpr.Gr.210 take on charge a batch of new Bf 109E-4B by July 1940 and began an intensive programme of training.
      A red line was painted in the left canopy side to serve as reference at the dive(45 ° from 3000m).
      On Jul 13, 1940 by 07.00 hours Erpr.Gr.210 move forward from its base at Denain to St Omer for start operations in convoy attacks. The group flew his first mission at 12.15 hours, targeting a convoy off Harwich .
      Erpr.Gr.210 was a precision attack unit and after targeting convoy traffic, switch in the next phase of the Battle of Britain, to attack radar stations and airfields.
      On Aug 15, 1940 Erpr.Gr.210 suffer heavy losses. After two succesfull sorties, the Gruppe depart by the 17.00 hrs to attack Kenley.
      With the low setting sun, Erpr.Gr.210 dont find the escorting JG 52 and continued always a low altitude to London area.
      The Gruppe made a long approach by the north and began the attack, but they mistook Croydon with Kenley. The long approach give to the RAF, enough time to intercept and
      two Hurricanes squadrons(No.32 and No.111 Sqn)were converging to the Kenley area.
      The attack cause moderate damage to Kenley and then Gruppenkommandeur, Hptm Rubensdorffer, ordered the retreat. But that was too late.
      The Hurricanes went to chase the Bf 110s and the eight Bf 109E-4B led by Ltn.Horst Marx were no enough to content the attack.
      The full Stab flight was destroyed(Rubendorsffer and his radio were KIA)and 2./Erpr.Gr.210 loss three others Bf 110s. Ltn.Marx try to save and protect Rubendorsffer but he was also hit and shot down.
      Marx´s Bf 109 was one of the only two Bf 109s lost in combat by Erpr.Gr.210 by the Battle of Britain.

      Follow readme instructions
      PilotData included photos of the main aces of the RAF and Luftwaffe by the Battle of Britain.
      Squadron list
      Optional. List included main units of Battle of Britain(Luftwaffe and RAF)

      Russouk2004 and Wrench for the original model.

      Happy flights!


         (1 review)



    18. Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 8./JG 3(Battle of Britain)

      Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 8./JG 3(Battle of Britain)
      Texture for Strike Fighters 2.

      Luftwaffe Gruppe III of JG 3 began operations at the Battle of Britain on Jul 2, 1940.
      The Gruppe(Staffeln 7, 8 and 9)was based at Guines until Jul 20, 1940, then was trasnfered to Desvres and remain there until Feb 16, 1941.
      Of the three Staffeln, only 9./JG 3 had a individual badge.
      Following orders as the others units, the 7./JG 3 was selected and equipped by October as fighter-bomber unit.
      III Gruppe claims were for 67 kills and loss 33 Bf 109s with nine pilots KIA and 8 POW.


      Follow readme instructions


      PilotData included photos of the main aces of the RAF and Luftwaffe by the Battle of Britain.

      Squadron list

      Optional. List included complete JG 3 structure.

      Russouk2004 and Wrench for the original model.
      Happy flights!


         (0 reviews)



    19. F4U-4_Skin_Pack_SF2

      This skin pack is intended for use with the F4U-4 included in the F4U pack by Wrench.
      They are mostly late 40's to early 50's squadrons and they're not 100% accurate (more like 85% or so).
      Squadrons included are:
      VF-5B (VF-61)
      I've also included 4 new napalm tanks of different sizes in zinc-chromate yellow (just for fun!).
      Have fun!


         (2 reviews)



    20. F4U-1D, VMF-112 Skin Pak

      VMF-112, F4U-1D Corsair, USS Bennington 1945 Skin Pak
      == For WW2 PTO SF2, Any and All ==
      *Note: can be used in any PTO centric install, and probably will work in 1stGens as well*
      A new skin for Wolf257's Corsair; to be used with my F4U-1D mod available here at CA at the following URL:
      This represents F4U-1D Corsairs as flown frum USS Bennington in the later months of the war.
      Decal randomization is set to TRUE (which won't work if used in 1stGen installs, but what the hey, right?)
      Also included is a 90%-ish SF2 compliant FM in/on/part of the enclosed data ini*, a new 'main ini' (F4U-1D.ini), and an SF2 Userlist.ini (as USMC is considered a 'Seperate Nation' for Export Purposes ™). It's advised other USN/USMC Corsairs have the necessary lines added, year adjusted and use this new userlist.
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
      Happy Hunting!
      kevin stein
      *said data ini has been posted in the SF2 PropHeads Forum for some time


         (1 review)



    21. Gloster Gladiator Mk.II RAF No.247 Sqn(Battle of Britain)

      Gloster Gladiator Mk.II RAF No.247 Sqn(Battle of Britain)
      Texture for Strike Fighters 2.
      RAF No.247 Squadron was the only Gladiator unit of the fighter command by the Battle of Britain.
      No.247 Sqn operated from Roborough Fleet Air Arm Station(Plymouth)with detachments at Exeter.
      Formed from the Shetland Fighter Flight No. 247 Squadron was reformed at Roborough FAA Station on Aug 1, 1940.
      By Aug 13, 1940 only one flight was recorded as operative. Same by Sep 7, 1940.
      Tasked with the defence of the south west of England including the ports of Plymouth and Falmouth, the squadron's first action came on 25 September 1940, when a force of 24 Dornier Do 17s escorted by 12 Messerschmitt Bf 110s flew over the English Channel from France and crossed the coast at Start Point, heading towards Plymouth.
      Then Gladiators were used a night fighters, vectored by ground control radar.
      At 19:15 on 6 November 1940, the last engagement by a home-based Gladiator was fought when P/O R. C. Winter of 247 Sq. intercepted a He 111 off Falmouth and claimed to have damaged it.
      The squadron flew Gladiator Mk.II from Jan 1940 to Feb 1941 and start conversion in Hawker Hurricane Mk.I from Dec 24, 1940.

      Aircrafts included:
      No.247 Sqn operated with Gladiator Mk.IIs, only exception K8049, a old Mk.I(not included in the present set).
      All 13 serial numbers are after real No.247 Sqn Gladiators:
      Follow readme instructions
      PilotData included photos of the main aces of the RAF and Luftwaffe by the Battle of Britain.
      Pilot number are sequencial after set "StrikeFighter2 Great Britain RAF WWII" by Viper.

      Included all RAF and Luftwaffe units of the Battle of Britain(Spitfire, Hurricane, Defiant, Blenheim
      Gladiator and Luftwaffe Bf 109, Bf 110, Ju 87, Ju 88, He 111, Do 17 and units from Seenodienst-Küstenfliegergruppen).
      Luftwaffe units organized after Gruppen, included Stab(no individual Staffeln numbers).
      Wrench and Cocas for the original model.
      Happy Flights!!!


         (1 review)



    22. Iraqi Air Force No.9 Sqn MiG-21PFM(1973)

      Iraqi Air Force No.9 Squadron MiG-21PFM
      Texture for Strike Fighters 2 Israel

      IrAF No.9 Squadron was the first unit to be deployed in Syria at the October 1973 War(Ramadan War).
      On Oct 6, 1973 at 16.00 the Squadron was put in alert and ordered to transfer from H-3/al-Wallid to Syria.
      The transfer was complete on Oct 7, 1973 by 16.40 hours with 10 MiG-21PFMs, pilots and ground personnel at
      Dmeyr and Tsaykal ABs. CO was Maj Namik Saadallah.
      The MiG-21PFMs arrived in Syria uncamouflaged and were painted with standard SyAAF colours during the night from 7 to 8 October 1973.
      IrAF MiG-21PFMs(serie numbers 702 to 705, 710 to 737)were from 1968 wired to use GP-9 gunpod. By the October 1973 War the missiles remained the standard R-3S.
      The first batch of the much improved R-13M1(Atoll AA-2D)arrived in Iraq in 1974.
      Follow readme doc for install

      Arab MiGs Volume 5 by T.Cooper, D.Nicolle, H.Müller, L.Nordeen and M.Smisek
      Iraqi Fighters 1953-2003 by Brig.Gen.Ahmad Sadik and T.Cooper
      Happy flights




    23. EAF Supermarine Spitfire F Mk 22 White DLC 29

      Twenty reconditioned F.22's were sold to Egypt in 1950 and 10 to Syria.
      This white skin is a remake of previous Wrench's one. Decals are old ones.
      I made this only because I liked so much the original I can't wait to use the new model in DLC 29.
      All the credits to Kevin.
      @ paulopanz


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    24. Angolan Mig-21bis Camo

      This is not a new Angolan Mig-21bis Camo but a repaint of Paulopanz's
      See Read me file for installation instructions.




    25. Colourful Korea - A skin and decals pack for Wings over Korea


      Some assembly required.

      WTF is this ?
      This is a mod of a mod, it's intended to be used as a "patch" for Do335 Wings over Korea mod, itself a mod of the semi-avorted Korean Air War mod.
      Its intent is to add more units, more skins and, above all, more named planes to the Korean War.
      It's meant to be a patch, to keep the footprint low, making it useless by itself.
      It's also a backport from my own Korean War install meaning that some things might not be as originally intended (for instance, in my own install the SAAF 2nd Squadron uses slatted wings F-86F-10's, which is - mostly - historically correct, however a standard WoK install gives hard-wing F-86F-30 - of which they only ever had 1 - to 2nd Squadron).
      My focus on these releases is maintaining compatibility with the WoK campaign at the cost of "authenticity" (which would require something much more grandiose with at least 3 campaigns, which is a work in progress but not aimed for release - too much unclearable content being used).

      Why such a miscellaneous and crippled package ?
      Because I'm slightly burning out on the Korean War, that Real Life is coming back and that rather than having "finished" work rot away on a hard drive, I'd rather release what can be so others can enjoy or build upon it.
      Also because I'm too lazy to walk the minefield of varying licences involved in packaging someone else's content.
      And yes, someday I'll finish the Thunderflashes, if Paulo doesn't beat me to it.

      What are the pre-requisites ?
      - Some knowledge of Strike Fighters 2 mod installation procedures.
      - A properly installed Wings over Korea 1.0 by Do335 installation ( http://combatace.com/files/file/13415-sf2-korea-terrain-v3/ , http://combatace.com/files/file/15221-wings-over-korea-1-of-2/ , http://combatace.com/files/file/15220-wings-over-korea-2-of-2/ ).

      What are the pre-requisites for the optionnal Razbam Banshee skins ?
      - A properly installed Razbam F2H-2 Banshee ( http://www.razbamsims.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=1_4&products_id=45 ).
      - Wrench's Korean Air War Tweak Pak for Razbam's Banshees ( http://combatace.com/files/file/14889-sf2-kaw-f2h-2-banshee-tweeks-pak-for-razbam-banshees/ ).
      - Do335 optional files for Razbam's Banshee (overwrite Wrench's tweaks).

      What is included ?
      - 4 new skins for Razbam's F2H-2 Banshee covering VF-172, VF-11, VF-22 and VF-62 for the Korean War (VF-22 used in campaign).
      - 2 reworked skins for South African 2nd Squadron F-86F Sabre, including 29 historical named planes (almost all of them) (one skin used in campaign).
      - 5 additionnal named Australian Meteor F.8, plus one modified decal for an existing one (used in campaign).
      - 1 partially modified skin for RF-51D Mustang (adding polka dots to the propeller nosecone), including an historical named plane (used in campaign).
      - 1 template for Razbam's F2H-2 Banshee.

      What is not included ?
      - Anything already present in the pre-requisites.
      - Razbam's skin parts that I haven't redone.

      What's the required assembly ?
      - South African F-86F : None, overwrite when asked
      - Australian Meteor F.8 : None, overwrite when asked
      - USAF RF-51D Mustang : None, overwrite when asked
      - USN F2H-2 Banshee : Copy the following files (some may not be needed but in doubt do it) from an existing skin into the VF-11 and VF-62 skin folders (VF172 and VF-22 are ok)
      ejection seat.bmp
      landing gear_t.bmp

      Probable questions
      - Hey, why are you using an inefficient ZIP format when RAR5 and 7Z offer much better compression rates ?
      Because RAR5 breaks backward compatibility while using the same extension, leading to many confused people believing their download to be corrupted, leading to re-downloads, increased bandwidth consumption for CombatAce and overall a greater cost than a slightly larger archive and more headache for the player.
      Because 7Z requires to install a dedicated software while Windows does manage ZIP files natively, making it much easier for players.

      - Hey, why are your skin in a funky PDN format instead of a standard Photoshop PSD file ?
      Because, even with Creative Cloud, Photoshop can be too much money for some modders and I don't condone piracy.
      Because Paint.NET ( http://www.getpaint.net/ ), the software using PDN files, covers 95% of skinner needs, especially when using the PSD plugin ( https://psdplugin.codeplex.com/ ) to open PSD files (DO NOT use RLE compression when saving in PSD format though) and the Alpha Mask plugin ( http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/1854-alpha-mask-import-plugin-20/ ).
      Because Photoshop makes me jump through more hoops than Paint.NET to obtain some layer interactions.

      - Hey, there shouldn't be rivets here / Hey, that colour is slightly off / Hey, 202 actually didn't have his code painted on the wing / Hey, the decal seems to be bleeding etc...
      Yes, I'm probably already aware of all that, some of it can't be changed by anyone so you'll have to live with it, some of it is ignored to keep things simple and tidy, and finally many are ignored because I've reached the point where, at the moment, I'm not willing or able to do better.
      Feel free to add your own corrections and changes and either submit them to me for another release (you'd be credited of course), or release your own mod of a mod of a mod.
      - How do I contact you ?
      Well, PM me on CombatAce, when Real Life is involved it might be some month before I answer though, or you can mail me, but unless it's important, it's highly probable I'll just ignore it, sorry.

      - TK, even though he has forsaken us, he gave us a nice little engine to play with.
      - CombatAce, for being such a nice place full of nice, if at time weird, people doing their best to keep TK's little engine fun to play with.
      - The Korean Air War team, without whom none of this would exist in the first place, even though their grand scheme never happened, their years of work didn't go to waste.
      - Wrench, The, whose Banshee Tweak Pak gave me the weird idea that some people actually cared about a payware of an obscure, little used plane.
      - Jolley Roger, over at the unofficial SAAF forum, for starting and curating a thread that became a great refence for the SAAF sabres ( http://www.saairforce.co.za/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7069 ).
      - Mue, whose LOD Viewer ( http://combatace.com/topic/85079-lod-viewer/ ) is an invaluable tool to Strike Fighters modders.

      Everything is either derived from Thirdwire's assets, those included in Do335 Wings over Korea mod - refer to the Readme of this pack for full details - or so trivial I can't be credited for them, with the exception of :
      F2H-2 Template ans Skins : Gunrunner (except the Bits and pieces layer, which is based on Razbam's skins).
      F-86F Template : Ravenclaw (90%), Wrench, The (9%), Gunrunner (1%), I mostly added a few details, a noise layer, reworked invasion bands, tail and nose decorations.
      VF-11 Squadron Badge, 2nd Squadron Badge, "Elyana" and "Bowl'Em Over !" nose arts for Australian Meteors : from my "decal vault", if it's yours, drop me a line and I'll credit you or remove/replace it.
      14 February 2015


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment



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