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    1. [Fictional] Lockheed Martin F-35E "Lobo"

      [Fictional] F-35E Lobo (Wolf)
      This is a mod of FastCargos F-35B to make it look like a plane from the spanish navy air arm.
      After having taken the F-14B "Lion" out of active service, the 8th and 9th escuadrilla from the Armada received the AV-8S and the TAV-8S. The arrival of the new spanish aircraft carrier "Principe de Asturias" made it necessary to have planes with jumpjet capabilities, which the "Lion" did not have.
      With a unique offer from Lockheed Martin for the F-35 Lightning II, the Armada decided to replace the Matadors from the 8th escuadrilla with the F-35B, which had VSTOL-Capabilities.
      Although the plane was called Lobo, which is a land-based predator, this name refers to the Seawolf. But seawolf would be lobo marino in spanish and aircraft do not have two part names.
      Simply drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mods Folder.
      Thanks to FastCargo and all other people involved in the creation of this plane.


         (2 reviews)



    2. Tu-22M3 Backfire-C for SF2

      Tu-22M3 Backfire-C for SF2
      This mod package contains the Tu-22M3 from HoneyFox/Insky Group, updated and converted to SF2 standards. Included are all the effects, weapons, sounds, pilots, and seats that you will need to install and use the aircraft in this package.
      This aircraft can be used in SF2, SF2E, SF2V, or SF2I. To install and use it, you should ensure that your SF2 installation is patched to at least the Dec2009 patch level. See below for installation instructions.
      To install, simply drag the \Effects, \Flight, \Objects, and \Sounds folders to your SF2 Mods Folder (NOT the folder that the game installs to). By default your Mod Folder should be located here:
      Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[Game]\
      Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
      Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
      ...where [username] is the account you log into within Windows and [Game] is the name of the particular game mod folder that you're moving the files to. If the aircraft is not showing up in your Single Mission Aircraft menu, then you didn't install all the bits correctly.
      Notes About This Mod
      In addition to doing the basic work to convert the aircraft for use in SF2, I also made a number of other fixes and additions.
      1. Fixed non-working tailgun
      2. Fixed incorrect Afterburner.tga reference
      3. Added referenced B-1B sounds from B-1B Redux package
      4. Added correct version of Kh-22
      5. Added damage texture
      6. Added B-1B_86 cockpit (replaces C-130J cockpit in the original)
      7. Adjusted attachment positions for several weapon stations
      8. Changed Armor.Thickness and StructuralFactor values to more reasonable numbers
      9. Added new dirty exhaust effect
      10. Added new Hangar, Loading, & Loadout images
      11. Added tail numbers to vertical tail
      12. Other minor fixes/corrections
      Credits & Acknowledgements
      This package largely consists of work done by others and released previously in other packages. All I did was assemble the package, update the bits to SF2 standards, and make a number of fixes, adjustments, and additions (discussed above).
      jv447 .......................................... Tu-22M3 model
      HoneyFox/Insky Group ........................... Tu-22M3 mod for SFP1
      Dels ........................................... B-1B_86 cockpit
      Spillone104 .................................... Sounds
      If I have neglected to credit anyone, please let me know -- it will be fixed ASAP. A copy of the original ReadMe for the Tu-22M3 for SFP1 from HoneyFox/Insky Group is included in \_OriginalDocs (along with several other original items). Any errors in this package are mine alone, so please do report bugs and inaccuracies to the CombatAce.com forum.
      Eric Howes
      26 July 2011


         (6 reviews)



    3. Mikoyan MiG-21PFM 'Fishbed-F' Mongolia

      MiG-21PFM 'Mongolian People's Republic' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a very simple mod of the stock MiG-21PFM to give a 'Fishbed-F' in service with the Air Force of the Mongolian People's Republic. I've added an extra 'M' to the designation to keep it separate from the true MiG-21PFM but by all means just add the skin and decals to your standard MiG-21PFM.
      I was inspired to do this by the outstanding photographs at the following;
      Please check it out!
      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MiG-21PFMM folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MiG-21PFMM folder into your Decals folder.
      As always, thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
      Thanks to Paladrian for the MiG-21 pit.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 24/08/13
      Version 1 - 02/09/11


         (1 review)



    4. [Fictional] Eurofighter EFJ Typhoon

      This is a mod of the EF-2000 Typhoon from Bongodriver to make it look like fighterplane from the japanese air self defense force.
      In March 2007, the JASDF opened a competition for the next generation plane. Among the competitors are the Super Hornet, the F-35 and the Typhoon. The Rafale was not part of the competition because of the fear, that american planes could be favourized. Nevertheless, Eurofighter threw the Typhoon into competition. There will be no decision until November 2011(Janes Information Group).
      The EFJ Typhoon represents a possible version of the japanese Typhoon in the case it should become the winner of the competition. The plane will enter service in 2013 becoming part of the 3rd and the 6th Hikotai, replacing the single-seater F-2. While the 3rd Hikotai wears the standard grey camo, the 6th Hikotai wears the standard two-tone blue camo also worn by the F-2.
      Simply drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mods Folder.
      Thanks to Brain32 for adapting the plane to SF2-Standards and to Bongodriver for creating this bird!
      A BIG BIG thanks to
      USAFMTL (and various partners in crime) for his help and guidance and support.
      Jimmybib and Sundowner for initial consultation on skinning and all credit to Sundowner for producing the final skins which are superb.
      Moonjumper for his advice on some avionics matters
      All of you for you encouragement and kind words through it's development
      My Producers....etc...etc :) Oh god I'm going to cry..
      Anyway I decided to release slightly early because I'd like some of you to enjoy tweaking this thing, theres alot of talent out there who can make this thing great.
      Absolutely no part of this is to be used in payware but moddify the model any way you wish and re distribute in your own freeware mods as you wish with no permission required from me, just give me the relevant credit.


         (0 reviews)



    5. [Fictional] SAAB/Mitsubishi JAS39EJ Gripen

      This is a mod of the JAS-39C from the Gripen Team to make it look like fighterplane from the japanese air self defense force.
      After having had good experiences during the first joint venture between SAAB and Mitsubishi and the high grade of acception of the japanese Draken by the JASDF-Pilots, the ministry of defense initiated a new joint venture. The swedish Gripen was now to be "nipponized". Pilots of the JASDF went to Sweden to fly the Gripen and push her to the limit, testing her capabilities. The Pilots were amazed how easy it was to fly the Gripen.
      Back in Japan, the Pilots reported their experiences to their superiors what led to an order of 120 planes, mainly single-seater. The first planes arrived during the first months of 2006, were they had to undergo changes in electronics, adapting them to japanese JASDF-Standards. The 8th Hikotai and the 305th Hikotai were the first squadrons receiving the Gripen. This plane was the first wearing the new JAMPAT-Camo in service.
      Simply drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mods Folder.
      Thanks to Brain32 for adapting the plane to SF2-Standards!
      Model, Weps and Skins by Gux
      FM by Column5
      Avionics by Moonjumper and Jat
      Testing by USAFMTL


         (0 reviews)



    6. Joint Force Harrier GR9

      An upgraded version of Bobrock and Dave's Harrier GR7 for SF2, to commemorate Joint Force Harrier and the fleet of GR9 aircraft, sadly withdrawn from UK service and sold to the US for spare parts.
      It includes an ugraded weapons capability, upgraded avionic systems and re-painted aircraft and cockpit to resemble (as close as possible) the real Harrier GR9 and the Joint Force Harrier Squadrons and paint schemes (Hi-res skin templates are also in the folder).
      Installation Instructions:
      Download and install Bobrocks Harrier GR7; this adds all the necessary components for the GR9 to work.
      Unzip and copy and paste the folders in the 'Joint Force Harrier GR9' folder into your mods folder overwriting where necessary.
      Add the Squadrons listed in the 'Add To SQUADRONLIST.txt' file to the squadronlist.ini in your 'pilotdata folder'.
      You also need to have following weapons installed:
      Brimstone (& Brimstone3pack)
      Tiald included with Bobrocks Harrier GR7
      RAF Weapons Pack/Modern RAF Smart bombs.
      Feel free to modify the HarrierGr9_Loadout.ini and the 'StationGroupID' in the HarrierGr9_DATA.ini to change the selectable weapon stations in the loadout screen and default weapon types.
      Thanks go to:
      Bobrock & Dave for the original Harrier GR7
      AleDucat for the ejection seat (Martin-Baker Mk.12 for the Harrier GR9 is a repaint of his Martin-Baker Mk.10L).
      All those who posted in the Combatace forum where I learned so much.
      This is my first uploaded project; tested and works in my merged SF2 install, the Hi-res skins work best with graphics detail option set to 'unlimited'.


         (3 reviews)



    7. EF-2000 typhoon beta for SF 2 series

      Typhoon beta for SF2 series....
      These folders go into the relevant directories in the C:/users/xxx/saved
      This is very very beta at the moment so bare that in mind before asking
      too many questions or complaining :)
      I have released this for some community evaluation and to get some
      general help with tweaking, give it a go and see what you think.
      it has a 'what if' 74 squadron tigers skin for now and is using my
      original pit from the first typhoon, also the HUD symbology has 2 shades
      of green...this is from some testing I did and I havent bothered to
      revert to just 1 shade so it's not a bug, the HUD is formatted to the WIP
      pit so it will overlap the current one.
      still WIP is a brand new pit which will use the new eye candy like bump
      and specular.....


         (8 reviews)



    8. CF-18

      CF-18 is Canada's current multirole single seat fighter aircraft based on the FA-18, they were first put into service in 1982 and featured many upgrades from the FA-18A which they were based on.


         (0 reviews)



    9. Mirage_3M (Swiss)

      SF2 "What If" Mirage_3M (Wiss)
      Must have SF2I or SF2 Merged for this to work on your game.
      Copy the content from each of the folders to your respective folder on your game.
      Contain the following aircraft:
      NOTE 1: (Fuel Tanks)
      The aircraft uses DLC Mirage5BA_80.LOD; which has built-in (1700-ltr fuel tank/ 500-ltr supersonic tank mesh).
      Due to my asymmetrical loadout it was necessary to make a separate (1300-ltr fuel tank and 500-ltr supersonic tank).
      The reason for the separate fuel tank is because of the following:
      1. The aircraft does not use 1300-ltr fuel tank as part of its .LOD (I wanted to have this aircraft to be able to use the 1300-ltr tank).
      2. I added a 'centersupersonictank' station for this aircraft, which cannot use the built-in mesh of the 500-ltr tank.
      Note 2: (Fuel Tanks)
      You can only pair one weapon type with the 1700-ltr tank as an asymmetrical loadout.
      The reason is as follows:
      1. Asymmetrical loadout with 'one' weapon type on the inner left or right station can only pair with the 1700-ltr tank if that is your selection.
      2. Because I needed to have the 500-ltr supersonic tank as a pair loadout to be part of the special paint scheme of aircraft J-2308... I couldn't allow the weapon station to be asymmetrical.
      3. You can still select any asymmetrical loadout with different weapon type on the inner left or right station. You just 'CAN NOT' pair it with a 500-ltr or a 1300-ltr tank.
      4. You will always have a pair of 500-ltr tank or 1300-ltr tank as a set loadout on the inner wing station.
      5. Center station can select a 500-ltr tank or 1300-ltr tank.
      I want to thank my good friend "Alejandro" for sharing his excellent mode using the "fake pilot method"
      Additional Credits:
      TK/Third Wire
      X Ray
      If I missed anyone it is not intentional and you have the full credit for your work.
      24 January 2012


         (0 reviews)



    10. MiG-21UM Mongol by AmokFloo

      MiG-21Um "Mongol" by AmokFloo
      = For SF2, Any and All* =
      *Reccomended for Full-4 merged, as it references some decals from SF2:E and SF2:I*
      Fairly Complete SF2 package of the MiG-21UM "Mongol", with a collection of skins (well, those that I had ... feel free to add others!). 10 skins/decal sets are included in this package. Looking through the 1stGen downloads shows several more skins that can be easily added.
      You have these skins in this package:
      4 Indian AF (24 Sq, 101 Sq, HAL, IAF Gray)
      2 Czech
      1 East German
      2 Soviet (NM & Camo)
      1 "Generic" overall Desert (tagged for EAF)
      A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!). Minor tweeks to data, loadout and avionics inis. The avionics ini now as a gun-rangine radar and an audio-only RWR. A new Hangar screen is also included. All lighting has been adjusted to fit the aircraft, however, a landing light was NOT added. It also references the 'MiGEngine.wav' from TMFs MiGs (not included)
      Decal randomization is set to true, for the most part. With a little luck, I got them all dialed in correctly!!! Feel free to make any/all adjustments and correction.
      Weapons, with the exception of the MG pod are NOT included, as they use all stock in-game items.
      The KV-1 seat is also included in the /Pilots folder.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (4 reviews)



    11. Douglas EB-66C Destroyer (Ver 2)

      Douglas EB-66C Destroyer Update Pak  (Ver.2)                          8/16/2019
      = For SF2, Any & All =
      This is an update/upgrade/Remod of my 2013 pack. This is considered to be "version 2.0" of the EB-66C Destroyer ELINT/Escort Jammer aircraft. It it designed to replace, in total the earlier package from August 2013. If you have the original pack, you are instructed to delete it completly (aircraft, decals, and all), as this one has some major imporvements.
      This remod pack contains 2 skins:
      41st TEWS, 355th TFW, PACAF, Takhli RTAFB, mid-60s thru 1974-ish (RC tail code)
      39th TEWS, 36th TFW, USAFE, Spangdahelm AB 1969-73 (JN tail code)
      Both are new, and are (hopefully!) in the correct SEA 3-tone camoflague colors. 
      All NEW replacement serial number decals were created. Both skins use a pool of 36 100% historical serial numbers. As only 36 of these aircraft were built (in one block of 30 and a second of 6) it was a easy job. While totaly accurate in nature, the 36 numbers are not representative of individual aircraft of any unit or squadrons that used the EB-66C (other than by random happenstance). Decal randomization is TRUE.
      As with the other B-66 mods, a heavily edited cockpit designed to 'fit' within the existing canopy framing is included. Avionics have been upgraded with new jammers, chaff dispensers, and so forth. This aircraft carries =NO= offensive weapons, or defensive guns. FLY ACCORDINGLY!!! A small modification to the data ini also allows for carrying external jammer pods & chaff dispensers in place of the drop tanks.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! See "Change Log" in the Notes section for a full-ish list of what's been, well, changed!
      Happy SAM Dodging!!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    12. Updated F-16A Block 10

      Updated default F-16 for SF2 combined install. You must have SF2:Israel to use this mod. Updated Wrench's mod. Fixed decal tail problem with the first number not showing up.
      To install, drop into your mod folder and fly.
      Switched to Migbuster USAF skins
      Added ACES II and adjusted data.ini accordingly
      Added Modusaf pilot
      Used new random decal format
      Updated Number.lst
      Added AIM-9L/9
      Added ALQ-119v16
      Added new hanger and loading screens
      Added 89th TFS "Rhinos" out of WPAFB
      Credits for the items I used:


         (6 reviews)



    13. Yak-38MP Forger-D (Interceptor)

      Yak-38MP Forger-D
      This mod is made for SF2NA.
      The Yak-38MP was a project to fit the Yak-38 with a modern radar system. It was intended to arm this plane with R-24 (AA-7C and D) and R-60M (AA-8B) missiles.
      The Yak-38MP based on the Yak-38M.
      The project was canceled because the Yak-41 Freestyle was expected to enter the service in late 80th.
      The same fate had had the Yak-39 project, which was a Yak-38MP with larger wings and afterburner engines which should reach supersonic speeds.
      While making the Yak-38MP i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
      The LOD file is made:
      by TK
      The skin is made:
      by TK
      The flight model is made :
      by TK
      and modded
      by me
      The Cockpit is made
      by Mago (Paladrian)
      The HUD is made by me.
      The GP-9 is made by .... e'm i forgot the name, sorry.
      -Unzip the Yak-38MP folder into your objects/aircraft folder.
      - Unzip the Kiev folder in your objects/groundobjects folder
      - Unzip folder GP-9into your objects/weapons folder
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany


         (2 reviews)



    14. EA-6B Superpack

      This mod has been tested with Strike Fighters 2 Full 5+2 merged install; it should work with individual installations of SF2NA. The A-6 Superpack 1.51 or later is required in order to use the EA-6B Superpack.
      Since the EA-6B Prowler is a modification to the A-6 Intruder airframe, the ThirdWire (3W) EA-6B model uses many of the same textures as the A-6. Therefore, creating an EA-6B Prowler add-on to the A-6 Superpack was a logical progression. I look forward to sharing the increased system fidelity and high resolution skins in this Superpack to enhance your SF2 experience.
      What the Superpack Does
      This package is designed to enhance the default 3W EA-6B model and skins, expanding the prowler to multiple variants over time and providing additional skins and squadrons for each. Among the things added are:

      High resolution (2048x2048) skins for both classic gull grey and tactical grey schemes
      Additional variants of the existing skins, including differently colored radomes, tails, and low visibility details
      Six different EA-6B variants (standard EA-6B, EXCAP, ICAP I, ICAP II Blk 82, ICAP II Blk 86/89, and ICAP III) with varying skins and systems.
      Enhanced aircraft profiles for the loadout screens.
      Additional decals, to include custom designed VAQ/VMAQ squadron tail logos and historically accurate BuNos on the tails.
      Entries, logos, and markings for all USN and USMC EA-6B Prowler squadrons (including reserve squadrons) as part of the A-6 Superpack (required)
      Enhanced hangar screens and loadscreens for each A-6 variant
      Custom canopy markings and wing tanks for some squadrons
      Added landing lights, pylon lights, and ventral anti-collision lights to models and skins
      Further LOD enhancement, to include proper relative placement of Pilot/ECMOs, upgraded ejection seats, and the use of USN pilot LODs.
      Enhancement of Avionics and Data files for each variant, with particular emphasis on AN/ALQ-99 Jammer frequencies and Defensive ECM (DECM) capability.

      Because this mod uses and supersedes the 3W default EA-6B, the 3W EA-6B has been renamed EA-6B Prowler ICAP I. It is actually the third EA-6B of six variants included in the package, and has had its jamming capability and frequency coverage reduced to a more realistic level.
      What the Superpack Doesn't Do
      This mod enhances default aircraft. If you don't have the default EA-6B LOD (available in SF2NA), or if you prefer to use a different set of EA-6B LODs, then this mod is of limited value to you.
      Don't expect specific organizational insignia or logo placement. I tried to be historically accurate, but since these are skins designed to be compatible with all A-6 squadrons, organizationally specific markings cannot be supported. Likewise, squadron insignia change over time, and the limitation of using the default decals prevents this evolution. Variation between organizations is best represented by subtle differences between skins assigned to the same A-6 variant (e.g. the EA-6B with the white nose/tail may look slightly different than the one with the tan nose/white tail).
      Additionally, the Superpack is unfortunately not flyable without further modification. You will need to provide your own cockpit in order to enable player use of the A-6. Two notable options are extracting the A-6 cockpit from Wings over Vietnam, or by purchasing RAZBAM's excellent EA-6 pack for Strike Fighters (recommended). Likewise, plenty of existing SF1 A-6 mods have cockpits that are compatible with this pack. Regardless of which selection you prefer, any cockpit you use for the A-6 Superpack will be compatible with the EA-6B Superpack as well.
      Finally, the Superpack does not in any way change what missions are flyable by the game engine. There is no specific SAM Suppression mission in SF2, and the Prowler is unsuitable for cluster bomb delivery that is often part of SF2 SEAD missions (ICAP I and later variants don’t even have bombsights!). Hence, the only primary mission available to the Prowler is the role of Escort Jammer, which is not a player-flyable mission at the time of this writing. This means that while you may be able to fly the Prowler, you will be limited to Reconnaissance missions.
      Manual Installation
      Simply copy the contents of this folder to your SF2 “mod” folder.
      The EA-6B Superpack requires that the A-6 Superpack already be installed, and SF2NA must be present in order to use the 3W EA-6B model.
      The EA-6B Variants
      EA-6B Standard
      This is the original EA-6B that flew near the end of the Vietnam War. The Standard EA-6B/ALQ-99 could cover frequency bands 1/2, 4, and part of 7.
      EA-6B EXCAP
      This is the first upgrade of the EA-6B that provided coverage for additional frequency bands. Frequency bands covered by the ALQ-99A through ALQ-99C are 1/2, 4, 5/6,7(partial), and 8/9.
      EA-6B ICAP I
      This is the EA-6B variant on which the 3W model is based. As such, this variant has retained the EA-6B folder name, even though it is not the first variant in the series.
      The ICAP was the first major upgrade to the EA-6B line, and was also the first model used by the U.S. Marine Corps (all previous versions were exclusive to the U.S. Navy).
      The ICAP-I and the corresponding ALQ-99D introduced digital receivers and integrated computer controlled jamming systems, and reapportioned the Electronic Countermeasure Officer (ECMO) workload so that ECMOs 2 and 3 (the "kids in back") were responsible for tactical jamming. The work-leveling and digital integration prompted the increase in Jamming Strength to 90. The ALQ-99D covers bands 1/2, 4, 5/6, 7 (partial), 8, and 9/10.
      EA-6B ICAP II Block 82
      The ICAP II series of upgrades was a major update for the EA-6B line, incorporating expanded frequency coverage as well as improved avionics and ALQ-99 processing ability. The biggest jump in capability for the ICAP II was the universal exciter which covered bands 1-9, thereby obsolescing the dedication of individual pods to bands. Additionally, band 7 was now completely covered. The increase in Jammer Strength is justified by the further reduction of ECMO workload by the TEAMS system, which significantly improves response time against known/planned threats. The ICAP II is also notable as being the first Prowler to carry an offensive weapon, as it is capable of carrying the AGM-88 HARM.
      EA-6B ICAP II Block 86/89
      The ICAP-II Block 86/89 ALQ-99F covers the 3 band, now providing coverage over the entire threat spectrum. This version of the ALQ-99F also provides 1kW per GHz, and most closely models the frequency coverage and jamming strength that was provided in the original 3W EA-6B.
      EA-6B ICAP III
      Added mostly for completeness, the major upgrades in the ICAP III were more avionics oriented and less about the ALQ-99. However, the ALQ-99 exciter was upgraded to allow faster response in jamming a particular threat frequency.
      Big thanks go out to Wrench for use of his A-6 and EA-6B templates, as well as to Fubar512 and MigBuster for help with the jammers along the way.
      Additional Credits:

      Ventral and Pylon Lights were created by RussoUK2004.
      VAQ-134 decals are by Dave from his VAQ-134 EA-6B.
      Wingtip formation lights in the skins were modified from the skins in the the SF2V Air & Ground Expansion Pack by malibu43 and eburger68.
      VAQ-133 decal templates provided by Dave.
      NAVYNM2 and MODUSN2 Pilot LODs and the F-14 Seat were taken from The Mirage Factory (TMF) F-14 Superpack.
      TireTouch.wav was taken from FastCargo's F-15 Super Pack.
      FansongTrack and FansongLock WAV files (EA-6B_71, EA-6B_73 RWR sounds) by Fubar512.
      USN Wind, Stall, and engine overspeed sounds taken from the TMF F-14 Superpack.
      Classic EA-6B skin patterns are based on the default 3W A-6 skins by DanW.
      Some squadron tail art and aircraft markings were taken from Mark Styling’s aircraft art website in accordance with the FAIR USE Act.
      EA-6B Walk Around by Joe Michaels, EA-6B Prowler in Detail & Scale by Bert Kinzey, and Grumman EA-6A Intruder & EA-6B Prowler by Dennis R. Jenkins were used extensively for research on proper markings, systems, and AN/ALQ-99 performance specifications.

      Thank you all for your contributions.
      This Superpack is released in accordance with the Combat Ace Freeware Licensing Agreement. Please feel free to use the contents of this pack with any other mod, so long as appropriate credit is provided.
      For support, please post in the File Announcement thread for this mod at Combat Ace.


         (5 reviews)



    15. Sea Harrier FRS.2

      Sea Harrier FRS.2 for SF2 V1.1
      This update by Wrench, DTMDragon and myself brings the SF1 Sea Harrier FRS.2 upto SF2 standards. This has been designed to work on everything from any of the Stock Games (May '12 patched) including SF2:NA to a fully Modded install with NATO Fighters IV etc. The new weapons are standalone and will not affect other weapons packs, however you may see other weapons from your pack are available. Please use the ones labelled "Royal Navy (WEAPONS NAME)" (they're all grouped together for ease of use) as these have all been designed and/or modified for this Sea Harrier release specifically, even though the Weapons may seem to be identical to ones you already have.
      Unzip then copy and paste these folders into your Mod folder (usually C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 or whatever yours is called).
      Aircraft Specific Info -
      Sea Harrier FRS.2 (1993-2006) - Used by the Royal Navy primarily for Fleet defence although it does have a useful, if limited, Strike/Anti-Ship capability. With it's immense power to weight ratio it accelerates/decelerates like a sports car and is 9G capable with a sustained 7G turn possible. Sadly the lack of money meant that the weapons loadout was fairly limited yet, for it's primary task, the Blue Vixen radar mated to the AMRAAM system proved to be world class.
      Loadout Screen -
      If you want to add the 2 Belly AMRAAM's (Group 5) in place of the gun pods (Group 4) then you also have to add the Belly Pylons which are also in Group 4 and they will replace the Gun Pods.
      Issues & Optional Files -
      Refuel Probe - Sadly this was never skinned in the original model and with the new high resolution skins we now have it looked truly terrible and just didn't work so we've removed it until such time as a new one can be made and added via Fake-Pilot.
      Optional Files - 2 different Hanger/Loading Screens, just copy/paste them into the aircraft folder.
      *******If you find any issues or find that I've got something wrong please contact me on CombatAce - http://combatace.com/user/64030-ianh755/ *******************
      Change Log
      V1.0 - Initial Release
      V1.1 - Data.ini edited to allow Carrier Take Offs
      This update was a collaboration between the following and my thanks for all their hard work and efforts go to them entirely -
      "GUEST" - Original SF1 release with Automatic Nozzles.
      DTMDragon - Various Ini Edits, Gun Pods/Belly Pylons & Manual Nozzles.
      Wrench - Various Ini Edits & Hangar/Loading Screens.
      ChrisBV - SKin and Decals.
      AmokFloo & AleDucat - Pilot and Seat.
      Monty CZ, Kesselbrut & VolksJager - Original FRS.1 Cockpit.
      Ravenclaw007 - Once again for his fantastic weapons.
      IanH (me!) - Weapons Pack, Loadouts & Various Ini Edits.
      Have fun and thanks for Downloading.............................................IanH


         (6 reviews)



    16. CF-110M Phantom - Royal Canadian Air Force

      CF-110M Phantom II for the Royal Canadian Air Force
      This is a reskinning and ini edit of TK's F-4M Phantom II from SF2: Europe.
      Two skins are provided, a South East Asia skin for hypothetical Canadian participation in the Vietnam War, and an Aerospace Defence Command Grey skin for NORAD service.
      ======Back Story========
      The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Air Force in 1969 (in this timeline, there was no unification in the Canadian Armed Forces)
      The RCAF originally did not want the Phantom, being content to stick with the Thunderchief and the Voodoo until the TFX (CF-111C) and FX (CF-15) were ready during the 1970s.
      Canadian participation in the Vietnam War changed that. Canada committed Voodoos to defend the social democratic North Vietnam from Nazi German forces operating from the South and from Burma. The CF-101's inability to dogfight, and unreliability in the harsh tropical conditions of North Vietnam made early replacement necessary. The only aircraft available was the CF-4K, being introduced to the RCN as its strike fighter. McDonnell and Avro Canada devised a land-based version with minimal changes. This entered service in 1969 and quickly went to Vietnam. After the war ended in 1975, the Phantom replaced the Voodoo entirely in the RCAF.
      The wikia article for the aircraft itself is found here:
      Copy the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder.
      Add the following to squadronlist.ini:
      DisplayName=No. 409 Squadron
      DisplayName=No. 410 Squadron
      DisplayName=No. 416 Squadron
      DisplayName=425e Escadron
      Change "xxx" to the numbers following the last entry in your squadronlist.ini
      In the Decals/F-4M_RCAF folder, you will find four files named "SQN402.tga", "SQN403.tga", "SQN404.tga", and "SQN405.tga". You will need to change the numbers in these names to correspond to the numbers in your squadronlist.ini
      TK for the SEA skin, and the F-4M from the SF2: Europe.
      Sundowner for his F-4B templates.


         (0 reviews)



    17. Shenyang J-6 Pack

      Shenyang J-6/J-6A/J-6B/J-6C/J-6III
      What's in:
      J-6 Basic MiG-19S copy
      J-6A MiG-19P copy
      J-6A (74) J-6A with PL-2A IRM
      J-6B MiG-19PM with PL-1 SAHR
      J-6B (75) J-6B with guns
      J-6C J-6 with parabrake.
      J-6C (73) later Camo version
      J-6III Special Mig-19 derivate.
      J-6III (83) later Camo version
      - PLAAF, AMRP, NKAF, EAF, IrAF, SudAF colors.
      - working canopy on ground closing at take off key=0
      - Restore file for after patch making flyable
      All in main mod folder.
      - Spillone104 3D megaworks & Sounds LTD
      - Paulopanz Skin Paintings GMBH
      @ paulopanz


         (5 reviews)



    18. SF2 Chengdu J-7 Fishbed Series Pak by Mod Mafia/TMF (v.2)

      SF2 Chengdu J-7 Fishbed Series Pak by Mod Mafia/TMF (v.2)        11/12/2023
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      An upgrade pack for the 3 J-7 Fishbeds built by The Mod Mafia/Mirage Factory. This is the full set as issued in 2012. This is EVERYTHING, all the aircraft, weapons, pilots etc. These aircraft have had their FM revised to something more SF2-ish, with all hit boxes and collision points also revised. It is designed to REPLACE, in total, all previous versions. Yes, you may just drop these over your originals. Backup copies of the data inis are all supplied as a "just in case CYA".
      Some of several "newer models" that were never quite completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia.
      This pack contains 3 of the J-7 Fishbed series, as built and operated by the PLAAF (People's Repbulic of China), and exported to some other folks. They are:
      Chengdu J-7I
      Chengdu J-7II
      Chengdu J-7IIA
      The J-7I and II have only PLAAF skins. The J-7IIA (exported as F-7B) has skins for
      Iraqi Air Force (folder called "Camo2")
      Islamic Republic of Iran AF (folder called "Camo1")
      All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE.  Damage textures are the older tga versions.
      All markings are decals,(excepting National Markings, which on some skins are painted on), and reference stock 3W items. The PLAAF Bort numbers may be incorrect; skinner/decal makers are !ENCOURAGED!! to create more correct ones.
      A user list is included for all, even for the I & II, which were NOT exported
      All sounds, pilot figure(s), seats, are included. Weapons, for the most part, reference those already "stock" in-game items. However, in the usual "CYA" effort, Chinese A-A missiles are included. These come from the GunnyPak.
      The Canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0. The RWR.lst for the J-7IIA references many items from dtmdragon's Updated Threat Library; the url/download link I cannot find! So, I've just went ahead and included all the various RWR tgas that I had (in the /Flight folder included in this zip)
      When 'in game', you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown Menu, for each one...
      Chengdu J-7I (TMF)
      Chengdu J-7II (TMF)
      Chengdu J-7IIA (TMF)
      This will differentiate all these aircraft from any others you may have, either stock, user-made, imported from China, or whathaveyou.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explainations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
      A full listing of credits, as always, is below the Install Instructions.
      Good Hunting!
       Kevin Stein
      -for The Mod Mafia-
      For Oli
      updated FM (3W based)
      revised hitboxes
      changed pilot for J-7I
      gunsight tgas 'brightened'
      minor 'hardening' of components
      -for The Mod Mafia-


         (12 reviews)



    19. MiG-21F13

      One of the most famous cold war warriors returns in a complete superpackage. An immortal classic.
      WHAT's IN:
      - Flyable plane, with dedicated cockpit, pilot & sounds.
      - A whole collection made through years of old, revamped, new, stock, edited, silver, camo, green skins all with a dedicated decalset.
      - VVS (2 Silver+ 1 green) - no more "00" plane numbered
      - BVVS (2 Silver+ 1 camo)
      - AURI (2 Silver)
      - SyAF (1 Silver+ 1 camo) - stock camo + Finflash fixed
      - Cuba (3 Silver+ 1 camo)
      - CVL (2 Silver+ 1 camo) *
      - EAF (2 Silver+ 3 Camo) - new silver- fixed camo - 26th Sq.
      - FAR (1 Silver)
      - ML (1 Silver)
      - Afgh (1 Silver)
      - NKPAF (2 Silver)
      - VPAF (2 Silver) - my early mod updated
      - Yugo (1 Silver)
      - Qjj (1 Silver) - decals added
      - PWL (1 Silver) - my early mod updated
      - IRAQ (1 Silver)
      - IAF (1 Silver)
      - IDF (1 Silver) - the remake of a Carlo's Classic.
      - SI (3 Silver) - my early mod tweaked numbers
      - LSK (1 Silver+ 2 camo) - my early mods updated
      (*) The Czech built S-106/MiG-21F had non window on the pilot back. The decalsets were made for TMF correct plane, but here is to use with stock model. The TMF one will be updated?
      - Openable cockpit (Key=0) closing during take-off
      - SF-2 Screens and loadout.
      - cockpit Ataribaby
      - pilot The Trooper
      - sounds Spillone104
      - references Sandesh, Svetlin, Gaunt, ....Y.Gordon
      - all in main mod folder


         (9 reviews)



    20. MiG-21PF/PFL/PFS "Fishbed-D"

      Here You gain 4 planes all coded "Fishbed-D" by NATO
      - MiG-21PF - flyable with dedicated cockpit and a plenty of stock, old, revamped & new silver and camo skins with dedicated decalsets:
      BVVS (2 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      FAR (1 Silver)
      CVL (3 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      EAF (1 Silver+ 2 Camo)
      FARS (1 Silver)
      IAF (1 Silver)
      IrAF (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      LSK (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      ML (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      NKPAF (1 Silver)
      PWL (3 Silver + 1 Grey)
      VVS (3 Silver)
      SyAF (1 Silver+ 1 Camo)
      - MiG-21PFL - correct name (Y.Gordon rules) for stock MiG-21PFV, flyable with dedicated cockpit and historical numbers
      - MiG-21PFS I serie - a PF with parabrake (by Spillone104) - basic VVS skin - GP-9
      - MiG-21PFS II serie - an FL for VVS and later for BVVS - GP-9
      Canopy open (key=10)
      Dedicated Sounds
      - cockpit Ataribaby
      - sounds, GP-9 and PFS I parabrake Spillone104
      - pilot The trooper
      - references Svetlin, Gaunt & .... Y.Gordon
      - All in main mod folder
      @ paulopanz


         (9 reviews)



    21. Polish Air Force F-16C/D by The Viper Team

      Polish Air Force F-16C Series By the Viper Team.
      Pack Includes:
      F-16C/D 52+ mods.
      Pit by ravenclaw. (Somebody stop him!)
      Models by bpao, modified highly by Jat and ravenclaw. (You guys are one hell of a team)
      Skins templates by Migbuster (Went back and made even higher res skins...because he could)
      MFD panel glass by Stary (Did you know he does terrains and clouds too?)
      Units skins by Jat and Dave
      Skins by DoctorWho
      Pilots: Base from Florian mod by JAT
      Weapons by ravenclaw and GrinchWSLG (Masters of disaster)
      Technical adviser, Sony Tuckson (If we got it wrong he cracked the whip!)
      Avionics by Jat and Crusader (You cant get anything past Crusader, the best MK1 eyeball in SF)
      Brain32, for FM, Avionics work. (He found that Mach 1 is FAST.)
      Crash test Dummy, Dave (Thank god he doesn't have a usable brain)
      CrazyhorseB34, ini work (and the other dummy)
      To install:
      Drop into your C:\Users\xxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters XXXXX
      This project started with a little mod here and there to make the Vipers more modern. FastCargo started the PM thread on 28 Jul 2011 and here we are 10 months later we have this.
      This mod is dedicated to Oli (bpao) he started us on this journey and I hope, I really hope, we lived up to his expectations.



         (9 reviews)



    22. SF2 A-26C Invader Pak (Revamped) by Bobrock, Gerwin & Wrench

      SF2 A-26C Invader Pak (Revamped) by Bobrock, Gerwin & Wrench        3/5/2023
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccommended/Preferred) =
      *Note: This a semi=major overhaul of the original A-26C released in 2013. Gerwin has reworked many aspects of the model, and THIS MOD WILL REPLACE ALL OTHER EARLIER VERSIONS!!!  You are advised to move, remove, or delete any other versions of this you have in any/all mod folders. This new packaging covers the WW2 and post-war time frame. *
      *Note: (again!) In 1947, the "A" for "Attack" designation was removed from use, and the A-26 Invader renamed to B-26 Invader (for Light Bomber Squadrons). Also, with the retirement of the Martin B-26 Marauder after WW2, the number was "open for reuse". However, the displayed name on the Single Mission screen will read "A-26C Invader"; as that's what it be. BTW, this is the GLASS NOSED bomber version, with working Norden bombsight. Instructional PDF included.
      The revamp is supplied with 3 skins:
      552nd BS, 386th BG, 9th AF ETO (1944 start date)
      13th BS, 3rd BG (<1950) Korean War Era
      Generic NMF for any time period (10/47 start date)
      All skins are "natural metal", some with painted on national or squadron markings. The Generic NMF marking are ALL decals, and carries post-1947 USAF markings. The serial/Buzz numbers =ARE= correct for this aircraft, but represent no particular unit. This is true for the WW2 skins serials as well. The SF2 "Date Switch" is active, and will change from the WW2 to the post-war skin in October 1947.
      Weapons are =NOT= included; all stock items are used.The engine sound are included, it's been switched to the AvHistory R2600 x2 wav. Each skin has its own Hangar Screen.
      This aircraft is also equipped with a fully functional bombsight/bombadiar position. Included is Kesselbruts pdf on "How To Use the Bombsight". I'd suggest reading it however many times it takes, and to practice, Practice, PRACTICE!!! using it on the Bombing Range Terrain.
      The canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0.
      When 'in game', you'll see
      A-26C Invader (BRG)
      on the Aircraft Selection Drop down menu. This, also, will help to differentiate the aircraft from any other Invader you may (or may not) have. It stands for "Bobrock/Gerwin" as they did the real heavy lifting.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      from the KAW Team, circa 2013


         (6 reviews)



    23. [Fictional] BAC Lightning F.1C 'Black Magic'

      BAC Lightning F.1C for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 EP2
      This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire Lightning F.2A to give a fictional Lightning F.1C in an all black scheme.
      Please note that this mod requires you to have the excellent Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2.

      Along with the upgrade of the Lightning F.2's of RAF Germany the earlier Lightning F.1A's and F.1B's were upgraded to a similar standard emerging as the Lightning F.1C. Entering service with No.56 Squadron in 1968 the final squadron to operate the type was No.111 whose aircraft wore this black retirement scheme during 1977.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Lightning1C folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Lightning1C folder into your Decals folder.

      As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 24/02/16


         (0 reviews)



    24. SF2 WW2 ETO B-26B/G Marauder Pak

      SF2 WW2 ETO B-26B/G Marauder Pak
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
      = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      **Note: Having SF2I Expansion Pak 1 is HIGHLY reccomended, as the destroyed model referenced reach over to the stock destroyed C-47A. If you do =NOT= have Exp1, you will NOT have the burning wreck on the ground. You will have to locate some other destroyed model for use. Also, due to modifications to various inis, this mod will probably -NOT- work in 06 level 1stGen game installs. 08 Level 1stGens may have some issues, but this has not/cannot be tested by me.**
      This is a reissue of Veltro2K's B-26 Marauder Medium Bomber. It has been reskinned/redecaled and had some tweeking done. This mod ONLY represents Marauders used in the ETO. As they are (almost) identical aircraft, your in-game displayed name will read "B-26B/G Marauder"
      This units represented herein are...
      449th BS, 322nd BG, circa 1942 upon initial arrival in the ETO (star/circle) in OD/Grey
      449th BS, 322nd BG, cir3a 1943 til wars end, with 'star-and-bar' insignia, also in OD/Grey
      494th BS, 344th BG, circa 1944 til wars end, in "Natual Metal" (withOUT OD uppers)
      All skins are in jpg format, and have been remade from a new Home Grown ™ 'partial template'. All new Squadron Codes, plane-in-group and serial number decals were created. The 449th serials ARE historically accurate (90-95%), matched when possible to call letter. The 494th serials are 'generic' in nature, but are actual B-26G serials. All markings are decals, making in easier for skinners to recrate other ETO (or even MTO) units. There are only 2 nose art decals, both on the 449th skins, one for the 1942 and one for the 1943. None of these skins carry D-Day Invasion Stripes.
      It should be noted, do =NOT= use this mod in a PTO-centric mods folder; the Pacific Marauders are different, and will covered in another, theatre-specific upload.
      Engine sounds, pilot figures, BRAND new Hangar and Loading screens (in SF2 jpg format) are include. Bombs and guns are not; you should have them already. A user list is included. Operational service dates are rounded to 'whole months'.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for the change list, and other important notations. Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to this aircraft.
      For those that still have the original releases, it's advised you delete the aircraft and decals folders for them; this pak is desinged to replace them in total..
      **These aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. The source files have been lost, and there can and WILL be no modifications to the physical model. It 'is they is' and you must accept them with this caveat in mind. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**
      Good Hunting!!
      Kevin "Wrench" Stein
      Updated 8/29/2017: see readme for details


         (2 reviews)



    25. C-130E/H USAF pack (originally by Dels)

      This pack will add skins and some ini edits to Dels original C-130
      Hercules, in both the E and H models. This pack includes:
      AIRCRAFT: C-130E (with loading screens, ini edits and skins)
      The Skins: South East Asia camo and European 1 (Lizard) camo for the earlier
      models, Equipment Excellence Gray for both _94 models
      DECALS: includes decals for ANG logo and title, AFRES, and MAC,
      as well as 30 historical serial numbers for both the E and H.
      PILOTS: Dome and dome2 for the SKE dome. Also a FAKE_PILOT to make them
      WEAPONS: Parachute crate, Jeep, Paratroopers, wing tanks
      Sounds: C-130engine.wav
      TK: the overall game
      Dels: the original model and his many excellent templates for skinning
      Florian: for the para crate object, originally his fallifrachte from his
      C-160 Transall mod
      Killerbee331: the Jeep from his weapons pack
      Wrench and ravenclaw_007: techniques that i used to eliminate some meshes
      and get the droptanks to show in the loadout.
      mppd: the physical model for the SKE dome
      Slartibartfast, Dels and the unknown 3rd person: taking a peek at the beta for any
      glaring errors (sorry about no sound guys!)
      unzip and add to the appropriately named folders. allow overwrite where needed
      (should only be sounds and the fake pilot). enjoy.
      *********************** NOTES TO MODDERS ***************************************************
      This mod was created with you guys in mind. it has several decals and more importantly the placement in the
      decal ini's to assist you with doing many units and nations for the Herc. Feel free to add or improve this so
      we can see more C-130s in time appropriate skins on the airfields.
      Thank you for downloading this mod and i hope you enjoy it.
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      1 Mar 2013


         (7 reviews)




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