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    1. F-4A Phantom II

      This pack includes:
      F-4A Phantom II (block 1)
      - J79-GE-2 engine (66,7 kN)
      - AN/ALQ-50 radar
      F-4A Phantom II (block 3)
      - J79-GE-2A (71,6 kN)
      - AN/APQ-72
      - AAA-4 IR sensor
      - Multiple bomb racks
      I am not a 3D modeller, so I had to use stock F-4B model, with some removed nodes and some textures repainted to mask the most visible differences between F-4A and F-4B, so please consider this mod more as a stand-in, than a fully realistic model of the aircraft.
      Third Wire - stock F-4B model
      Julhelm - AN/APQ radar (from F4D Skyray)


         (3 reviews)



    2. Kfir C.2 Austrian Air Force (semi-fictional)

      (Semi)fictional Austrian Kfir C.2
      In the early 70s the Austrian government decided to buy modern fighter aircraft for its Air Force, to succeed subsonic J-29.Initially, the favorite was the Israeli Kfir, but finally Swedish J-35 was chosen.
      This simple mod presents probable Kfir version for Austria, with removed outer wing pylons, missile rails and other equipment for A-A misiles, the use of which was prohibited by Austrian law.
      This pack includes 2 skins: standard gray and the second with UN markings, which looks more realistic over desert or the Middle East (both are based on stock Kfir C.2 gray).
      To use this plane, SF2:I with Kfir model is required.
      Third Wire - stock Kfir C.2.


         (1 review)



    3. McDonnell Douglas Eagle F.1 - RAF ('what if')

      McDonnell Douglas Eagle F.1 - RAF ('what if')
      With delays in the Tornado ADV program the RAF desperately needs to replace its aging and out classed air defense Phantom and Lightning squadrons. As a stop gap measure the RAF lease squadrons of F-15A Eagles from the USAF. They are modified to fire Skyflash missiles and given the name 'Eagle F.1' in RAF service.
      Mod uses stock TW RAF F-4M decals for squadron markings so you can select other squadrons.


      Wrench & Spinners for inspiration.
      Crusader for the Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E) F-15A avionics enhancement v1a.
      Gunsight texture by wpnssgt.


         (0 reviews)



    4. [Fictional] Dassault Mirage FG.5

      Dassault Mirage FG.5 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      (Requires the Third Wire Mirage 5SDE)
      This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire Mirage 5SDE to give a fictional Mirage FG.5 serving with No.45 and No.58 squadrons of RAF Strike Command.

      N.B. released 'as is' as a request.
      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MirageFG5 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MirageFG5 folder into your Decals folder.

      As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 27/03/16


         (0 reviews)



    5. Blackburn Shark F.1

      SF2 "What If" Blackburn Shark F.1 3/9/2016
      *= For SF2 -ONLY-!! Full-5 Merged Reccomended =*
      **NOTE! you MUST have the stock 3rdWire Meteor F8 as part of your merged install; this aircraft references this stock cockpit***
      This package contains a NEW "What If..." aircraft for Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm usage in the post-war (1948-1955) time frame. Everything is included, excpeting the cockpit, as noted above
      Skins included are for the following FAA units:
      No.763 NAS (HMS Victorious)
      No.803 NAS (HMS Ark Royal)
      No.893 NAS (HMS Centaur)
      Markings are (pretty much) correct for the late-post WW2 time frame.
      All 3 skins use a 'pool' of plane-in-squadron and serial numbers. There are 24 of each. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. In the decals folder are several other "CV tail codes", and a blank create more, if one wished to do so.
      The aircraft is fully carrier certified. All weapons used are stock 3W items - hence the need for Full-5 merged.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, as usual, give the "Notes and Comments" section a read, too.
      model by Cocas
      skins by Cocas Wrench Spinners
      INI work Cocas and Wrench


         (3 reviews)




      After seeing the effectiveness of the F-86F Sabres in the hands of the USAF over Korea, the Dhimaris made overtures to the Americans to buy F-86's, however as the Dhimaris had close ties with the UK, they eventually settled on buying the licence built Mk-4 which was in use at the time by the Canadian and British Air forces, they eventually purchased MK-4 airframes for the Ground attack/interdiction role, and later on the MK-6 for a pure fighter /interceptor . They foung the engine and avionics fits , were more suitable for Dhimari needs, and used these aircraft until the early 60's with great success.


         (0 reviews)



    7. SF2 Dassault Epervier Upgrade Pack

      SF2 Dassault Epervier Upgrade Pack 4/5/2016
      = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) =
      *You =MUST= have the Mystere IVA avaiable in your merged installs, as the aircraft now references THIS cockpit. SF2:E is also required, at minimum, as the BLW aircraft now reference the stock 3W decals (F-104G), as does the French AdA skins.*
      Some modifications and capability upgrades for Cocas's fun little "What If.." Dassault Epervier (Sparrowhawk). If you do not have the aircraft, it's available at the following URL:
      Obviously, you'll the need the aircraft to add the mod pack too!
      2 new skins have been added:
      Natural Metal
      2-tone Brown Desert
      Both the new skins carry French Air Force makings, and ALL skins make use of stock 3W decals.
      All markings are decals, making it easy for other nations/users to be created. It should be noted, the userlist ini included ONLY has France and WGermany. Others will have to be added by the End Users ™.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. The "Notes" section contains the full change log.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (2 reviews)



    8. Phonix DIIA (P)

      PHONIX DIIa (P)
      Whilst the Great War was raging in Europe, the Balkans, and Mesopotamia, Countries not involved in the conflict, started breaking away from the powers that had previously held dominion over their countries, One of these countries was part of the joint occupation by Britain and France since the days of Napoleon, the area of Sharnak in the Middle East. in 1917 , whilst the French and British were other wise occupied, the populace rose up, and wrested power from the foreign administration, in a bloodless coup, as the French and British were heavily occupied with more pressing concerns, this was mostly ignored.
      A government was duly and hastily formed, drawing members from the 2 main tribes of Sharnak. unfortunately, these 2 tribes of mainly nomadic people, were usually more interested in murdering each other, than actually getting along and running the new Nation state, in late 1918, a skirmish brewed up, over the rights to a sand dune mine in central Sharnak ( Sand being the main industry of the country, and as the war was going on sand for sandbags was in great demand, and Sharnak sand was the best sand bag sand in the world) The unrest turned into full scale and very bloody civil war, with the East of the country seceding and claiming sovereignty for the Eastern half of the country. The new country, named themselves Paran, and was ruled by a single and powerful clan of fierce Bedouin. the west of the country then named themselves Dhimar, and was a kingdom as the Shah was in that side and was loved by his people.
      The civil war continued sparodically for 18 months, during which time, both sides had managed to procure aircraft form various sources, There was a core of seasoned pilots, who had learned to fly whilst flying for the British, French, Russians and the Turks..
      When the Parani Air services were formed, there was a lot of infighting between different tribes, all wanting their own little air force, this of course was not a practical solution, so 3 air arms were formed, the Airforce ( I.P.A.F.) the Army ( I.P.A.F.A.) and finally the Navy ( I.P.N.M.A. ) each of these 3 services were self governing, ( although ultimately answerable to the Sheikh) and procured their own equipment independently of the Paran Ministry of Defence ( which merely laid out guidelines for procurement ) the head of the Parani Navy had flown as a mercenary in the Austro Hungarian theatre, and had recently been trained on Avaitik Berg and Phonix aircraft, and he recommended the latter to his Cousin who just happened to be the head of the Army, so representations were made through the Polish and Czech military advisors, and a number of Phonix aircraft were acquired.as the aircraft was of sturdy and robust design, it was ideally suited for the Army and their need for ground support aircraft. Not the easiest aircraft to fly and maintain, but they remained in service until 1930, when newer and more efficient aircraft were needed.

      all files are included in the download, decals, guns weapons are all there, also the updated Nations.ini, and SquadronList.ini to allow the aircraft to show up, this aircraft has been converted from First Eagles , so the guns are new, and will not be in any SF2 weapons packs , so make sure you do install these guns, or else you wont be able to shoot anything !! I have also included a sound file for the Shwarzlozes, as that needs to be installed to give the guns the correct sounds, all other sounds are also included for engines etc. I strongly advise you update your soundlist.ini with new entries ( if you are unsure how to do this, take a quick look at the forums, and there are detailed instructions for this there ) Other than that, just reat this aircraft as you would any other upload to SF2 .
      The aircraft flies as it should do, there is a very small bomb load ( NOT HISTORICALLY ACCURATE !! ) but be aware, your wingman and or flight mates may use these at very random intervals, if they use them at all, so I would recommend only using them on your own aircraft. The AI does seem to sometimes have a wobbler, and do its own thing, just ignore it, and get on with flying, and rack up some kills,
      Phonix D.IIa model by Stephen1918.
      Flight Models by Ojcar.
      original skins and decals by Quack74.(although these aren't in use on this model, but credits due where they are due !! )
      everything else by little old me.


      ENJOY !!!


         (0 reviews)



    9. AEG CIV (P)

      AEG CIV (P)
      Whilst the Great War was raging in Europe, the Balkans, and Mesopotamia, Countries not involved in the conflict, started breaking away from the powers that had previously held dominion over their countries, One of these countries was part of the joint occupation by Britain and France since the days of Napoleon, the area of Sharnak in the Middle East. in 1917 , whilst the French and British were other wise occupied, the populace rose up, and wrested power from the foreign administration, in a bloodless coup, as the French and British were heavily occupied with more pressing concerns, this was mostly ignored.
      A government was duly and hastily formed, drawing members from the 2 main tribes of Sharnak. unfortunately, these 2 tribes of mainly nomadic people, were usually more interested in murdering each other, than actually getting along and running the new Nation state, in late 1918, a skirmish brewed up, over the rights to a sand dune mine in central Sharnak ( Sand being the main industry of the country, and as the war was going on sand for sandbags was in great demand, and Sharnak sand was the best sand bag sand in the world) The unrest turned into full scale and very bloody civil war, with the East of the country seceding and claiming sovereignty for the Eastern half of the country. The new country, named themselves Paran, and was ruled by a single and powerful clan of fierce Bedouin. the west of the country then named themselves Dhimar, and was a kingdom as the Shah was in that side and was loved by his people. and a kingdom was kept as the political rulers of the country.
      The civil war continued sparodically for 18 months, during which time, both sides had managed to procure aircraft form various sources, There was a core of seasoned pilots, who had learned to fly whilst flying for the British, French, Russians and the Turks..
      The I.P.A.F.A. had recently purchased Phonix DIIa's for the forward aviation units, but it was felt that a dedicated ground attack medium attack aircraft was also desirable, after casting around, a batch of unassembled AEG CIV aircraft was discovered, and duly acquired ( by foul means !! ) assembled, and pressed into sevice. the Aircraft had a reasonable bomb load, and with adequate air cover from the Forward Aviation Phonix's was most suitable for the task at hand, though not an outstanding aircraft by any stretch of the imagination, it was serviceable ( and very cheap as they had been nicked ) and soldiered on until the late 20's when it was withdrawn from front line service, and was used as a bomber and gunner training aircraft, it could be found as a squadron hack well into the 1930's.....not bad for an aircraft gained by dubious means !!
      all files are included in the download, decals, guns weapons are all there, also the updated Nations.ini, and SquadronList.ini to allow the aircraft to show up, this aircraft has been converted from First Eagles , so the guns are new, and will not be in any SF2 weapons packs , so make sure you do install these guns, or else you wont be able to shoot anything !! I have also included a sound file for the Spandau and Parabellum, as that needs to be installed to give the guns the correct sounds, all other sounds are also included for engines etc. I strongly advise you update your soundlist.ini with new entries ( if you are unsure how to do this, take a quick look at the forums, and there are detailed instructions for this there ) Other than that, just reat this aircraft as you would any other upload to SF2 .
      The aircraft flies as it should do, there is a reasonable bomb load but be aware, your wingman and or flight mates may use these at very random intervals, if they use them at all !! BE WARNED !! The AI does seem to sometimes have a wobbler, and do its own thing, just ignore it, and get on with flying, and rack up some kills. The aircraft is what it is, it is a barge, slow, not very manoeuvrable, and unless you like flying into certain death, best left to the AI Squadrons to fly !! stick with the fighters !!
      Original Aircraft by Stephen 1918
      FM by Ojcar
      everything else by me

      ENJOY !!!


         (0 reviews)




      Whilst the Great War was raging in Europe, the Balkans, and Mesopotamia, Countries not involved in the conflict, started breaking away from the powers that had previously held dominion over their countries, One of these countries was part of the joint occupation by Britain and France since the days of Napoleon, the area of Sharnak in the Middle East. in 1917 , whilst the French and British were other wise occupied, the populace rose up, and wrested power from the foreign administration, in a bloodless coup, as the French and British were heavily occupied with more pressing concerns, this was mostly ignored.
      A government was duly and hastily formed, drawing members from the 2 main tribes of Sharnak. unfortunately, these 2 tribes of mainly nomadic people, were usually more interested in murdering each other, than actually getting along and running the new Nation state, in late 1918, a skirmish brewed up, over the rights to a sand dune mine in central Sharnak ( Sand being the main industry of the country, and as the war was going on sand for sandbags was in great demand, and Sharnak sand was the best sand bag sand in the world) The unrest turned into full scale and very bloody civil war, with the East of the country seceding and claiming sovereignty for the Eastern half of the country. The new country, named themselves Paran, and was ruled by a single and powerful clan of fierce Bedouin. the west of the country then named themselves Dhimar, and was a kingdom as the Shah was in that side and was loved by his people. and a kingdom was kept as the political rulers of the country.
      The civil war continued sparodically for 18 months, during which time, both sides had managed to procure aircraft form various sources, There was a core of seasoned pilots, who had learned to fly whilst flying for the British, French, Russians and the Turks..
      As previously mentioned, the head of the Parani Navy, was an accomplished flyer, who had flown for Austro Hungary during the Great War, his last operational type had been the Aviatik Berg DI , so not unsurprisingly he felt that the I.P.N.M.A. would be well suited by this aircraft type. fast, well armed and reliable, a squadron was soon formed, and commenced operations against Dhimar in mid 1919. it continued in service up until 1925 when it was withdrawn to training units as an air to air gunnery training aircraft, and was used into the 30's a such.
      all files are included in the download, decals, guns weapons are all there, also the updated Nations.ini, and SquadronList.ini to allow the aircraft to show up, this aircraft has been converted from First Eagles , so the guns are new, and will not be in any SF2 weapons packs , so make sure you do install these guns, or else you wont be able to shoot anything !! I have also included a sound file for the Schwarzloze, as that needs to be installed to give the guns the correct sounds, all other sounds are also included for engines etc. I strongly advise you update your soundlist.ini with new entries ( if you are unsure how to do this, take a quick look at the forums, and there are detailed instructions for this there ) Other than that, just reat this aircraft as you would any other upload to SF2 .
      The aircraft has a small ( if not historically correct ) bomb load ,but be aware, your wingman and or flight mates may use these at very random intervals, if they use them at all !! So maybe best only to issue them to your self. The AI does seem to sometimes have a wobbler, and do its own thing, just ignore it, and get on with flying, and rack up some kills.

      Original Aircraft by Stephen 1918
      FM by Ojcar
      everything else by me
      ENJOY !!!


         (0 reviews)



    11. HANRIOT HD1 (D)

      HANRIOT HD1 (D)
      Whilst the Great War was raging in Europe, the Balkans, and Mesopotamia, Countries not involved in the conflict, started breaking away from the powers that had previously held dominion over their countries, One of these countries was part of the joint occupation by Britain and France since the days of Napoleon, the area of Sharnak in the Middle East. in 1917 , whilst the French and British were other wise occupied, the populace rose up, and wrested power from the foreign administration, in a bloodless coup, as the French and British were heavily occupied with more pressing concerns, this was mostly ignored.
      A government was duly and hastily formed, drawing members from the 2 main tribes of Sharnak. unfortunately, these 2 tribes of mainly nomadic people, were usually more interested in murdering each other, than actually getting along and running the new Nation state, in late 1918, a skirmish brewed up, over the rights to a sand dune mine in central Sharnak ( Sand being the main industry of the country, and as the war was going on sand for sandbags was in great demand, and Sharnak sand was the best sand bag sand in the world) The unrest turned into full scale and very bloody civil war, with the East of the country seceding and claiming sovereignty for the Eastern half of the country. The new country, named themselves Paran, and was ruled by a single and powerful clan of fierce Bedouin. the west of the country then named themselves Dhimar, and was a kingdom as the Shah was in that side and was loved by his people. and a kingdom was kept as the political rulers of the country.
      The civil war continued sparodically for 18 months, during which time, both sides had managed to procure aircraft form various sources, There was a core of seasoned pilots, who had learned to fly whilst flying for the British, French, Russians and the Turks..
      Initially the R.D.A.F. purchased this aircraft as an advanced trainer, but due to operational needs it was pressed into front line service in no 2 Squadron R.D.A.F. ( RAVENS ) and although not a very fast aeroplane, it was a joy to fly, and soon became a firm favourite of Dhimari pilots. very nimble, and manouverable, with a good punch from the twin Vickers, many a Dhimari ace was born , flying this delightful little aircraft. powered by the uprated Clerget 9bf rotary it gave many years of sterling and trouble free service. when the venerable aircraft was retired from service in 1930, one was even retained by the Shah of Dihmar for his own personal aircraft.
      all files are included in the download, decals, guns weapons are all there, also the updated Nations.ini, and SquadronList.ini to allow the aircraft to show up, this aircraft has been converted from First Eagles , so the guns are new, and will not be in any SF2 weapons packs , so make sure you do install these guns, or else you wont be able to shoot anything !! I have also included a sound file for the Vickers, as that needs to be installed to give the guns the correct sounds, all other sounds are also included for engines etc. I strongly advise you update your soundlist.ini with new entries ( if you are unsure how to do this, take a quick look at the forums, and there are detailed instructions for this there ) Other than that, just treat this aircraft as you would any other upload to SF2 .
      The aircraft has a small ( if not historically correct ) bomb load ,but be aware, your wingman and or flight mates may use these at very random intervals, if they use them at all !! So maybe best only to issue them to your self. The AI does seem to sometimes have a wobbler, and do its own thing, just ignore it, and get on with flying, and rack up some kills.
      Hanriot HD1 CAM by EmlD
      FM by Peter01 December 2007
      everything else by me
      ENJOY !!!


         (0 reviews)



    12. NIEUPORT 27 (D)

      NIEUPORT 27 (D)
      Whilst the Great War was raging in Europe, the Balkans, and Mesopotamia, Countries not involved in the conflict, started breaking away from the powers that had previously held dominion over their countries, One of these countries was part of the joint occupation by Britain and France since the days of Napoleon, the area of Sharnak in the Middle East. in 1917 , whilst the French and British were other wise occupied, the populace rose up, and wrested power from the foreign administration, in a bloodless coup, as the French and British were heavily occupied with more pressing concerns, this was mostly ignored.
      A government was duly and hastily formed, drawing members from the 2 main tribes of Sharnak. unfortunately, these 2 tribes of mainly nomadic people, were usually more interested in murdering each other, than actually getting along and running the new Nation state, in late 1918, a skirmish brewed up, over the rights to a sand dune mine in central Sharnak ( Sand being the main industry of the country, and as the war was going on sand for sandbags was in great demand, and Sharnak sand was the best sand bag sand in the world) The unrest turned into full scale and very bloody civil war, with the East of the country seceding and claiming sovereignty for the Eastern half of the country. The new country, named themselves Paran, and was ruled by a single and powerful clan of fierce Bedouin. the west of the country then named themselves Dhimar, and was a kingdom as the Shah was in that side and was loved by his people. and a kingdom was kept as the political rulers of the country.
      The civil war continued sparodically for 18 months, during which time, both sides had managed to procure aircraft form various sources, There was a core of seasoned pilots, who had learned to fly whilst flying for the British, French, Russians and the Turks..
      Originally the R.D.N.A.S. was looking into the purchase of the Hanriot HD2 as a naval fighter, but the Head of the Marine Aviation division was a firm Francophile, and vetoed the purchase of Hanriots, instead, purchasing a number of N27's from the French , Why this was allowed is not clear, as the N27 wasn't by any means an outstanding aircraft, however it was light and nimble, and with the Vickers/Lewis gun armament, quite effective as an interceptor, however in combad against the Parani DVII's it fared rather badly, but it also gave out punishment , particularly against the AEG's of Parani Forward Aviation.
      all files are included in the download, decals, guns weapons are all there, also the updated Nations.ini, and SquadronList.ini to allow the aircraft to show up, this aircraft has been converted from First Eagles , so the guns are new, and will not be in any SF2 weapons packs , so make sure you do install these guns, or else you wont be able to shoot anything !! I have also included a sound file for the Vickers,and Lewis gun as that needs to be installed to give the guns the correct sounds, all other sounds are also included for engines etc. I strongly advise you update your soundlist.ini with new entries ( if you are unsure how to do this, take a quick look at the forums, and there are detailed instructions for this there ) Other than that, just treat this aircraft as you would any other upload to SF2 .
      The aircraft has a small ( if not historically correct ) bomb load ,but be aware, your wingman and or flight mates may use these at very random intervals, if they use them at all !! So maybe best only to issue them to your self. The AI does seem to sometimes have a wobbler, and do its own thing, just ignore it, and get on with flying, and rack up some kills.
      Model by EmlD
      FM by Peter01
      Alligator Devil for cockpit
      Everyting else myself.
      ENJOY !!!


         (0 reviews)



    13. SF2 DH Osprey B.1 Pack (What If...)

      SF2 DH Osprey B.1 Pack (What If...) 4/15/2016
      = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) =
      *Note: you =MUST= have, as stated above have, at minimum, a Full-4 merged install, as this mod makes use of many items, most importantly, a (heavily) modified version of the stock F-4B cockpit. Therefore, it's vitally important that your game version has access to this cockpit.*
      The is the release of a new "What If..." bomber by Cocas, the DH Osprey B.1 for RAF usage. This is 4 jet engined medium bomber for use in the strike, interdiction and recon roles.
      The aircraft comes with 2 skins:
      RAF Euro
      RAF Desert
      All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Weapons used are all stock 3W items. Skins are in jpg format, and damage textures are DDS. All other parts (pilots, seats) are supplied.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. One can find more fun reading all the Notes section as well!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      -- for Cocas Aircraft Factory --


         (2 reviews)



    14. Strike Fighters 2 SeaStorm FAS.1

      SeaStorm FAS.1
      this his based on my the Hawker Siddeley Hs.1202-9 fighter uploaded some years ago
      back story
      in the late in 1970´s the Royal airforce started studis to replace the aging Fleet of Phantoms in 1977 the HS-1202-9 proposal was declared winner
      1980 frist operational Squadron was in service and UK under the name Storm FGR.1
      at the same the Royal Navy also want to replace its old Phantoms fleet it to reduce pilot work load the navy ask for two seat version the SeaStorm FAS1 wend operational in late 1981

      Model and skin Cocas
      FM based on stock F-16 netz
      cockpit pilot and seats by Ravenclaw_007 many thanks Volker
      decals by Sinners and Wrench and serials are stock
      all needed weapons are on gunnys pack
      install instruciones
      unrar to your desktop after just drop in to your mod folder check KB at CA for details
      templets included.


         (1 review)



    15. Hunter F.6 (60)

      This is DLC 1 "Hunter F.6 (60) Royal Netherlands Air Force" upgrade,
      to match new Hunter F.6 standard.
      You need Hunter F.6 pack to use. http://combatace.com/files/file/16192-hunter-f6/
      Same credits, same operations, same install procedure ....
      .... same plane with IRM rails!




         (2 reviews)



    16. Mirage 5 Pack Chile Air Force

      Mirage 5 Pack Chile Air Force.
      MIRAGE 5MA "ELKAN" (Early)
      Install - Need DLC7 Mirage5BA.
      Mirage 50C [Pantera prototype]
      Mirage 50C
      Mirage 50CN Pantera
      Mirage 50DCN Pantera
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Mirage 50FC
      Mirage 50FC (Early)
      Install - For Strike fighters 2 Full Merge 4 or 5 (minimum SF2Israel or SF2Europe ).
      The Elkan (name of the FACH for Mirage 5 Mirsip) were purchased secondhand from Belgium in 1994 for a total of $ 108 million. Replaced the Hawker Hunter Aviation Group No. 8 based in Antofagasta. During his service with the air force flew more than 14,000 hours over 12 years. The FACH at the time acquired 15 Mirage 5BA MIRSIP (called M-5MA Elkan by FACH), 5 Mirage 5BD MIRSIP (M-5BD Elkan) and 1 and 5 BD Mirage 5 Mirage 5BR reconnaissance without modifying the standard MIRSIP. Aircraft registrations received 701 to 725. At his low eight aircraft were operational, nine out of service and two rugged.
      Mirage 50C and 50FC aircraft upgraded by ENAER with help from the Israeli company IAI for Chile with canards, revised, Kfir style nose and new avionics; 13 50C and FC upgraded plus two 50DC trainers.
      Later converted mirage50CN Pantera.
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Ludo, Denis Oliveira
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Coupi, PauloPanz
      I thank the friends PauloPanz and Coupi.


         (6 reviews)



    17. AH-1E/F Cobra On Sale Ver 1.0 SF2

      BELL AH-1F COBRA ON SALE Ver 1.0 for SF2
      June 2016.
      This is a third party add on of the AH-1F Cobra using models and cockpits created by me.
      The original flight model is standard as on many free to download helicopters.
      I have just modified it a bit.
      It is designed for and works only in the SF2 series.
      WeaponPACK for this model is also included.
      This is freeware-donationware; it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
      Bribes and donations are accepted;
      Jarek Hereda
      This addon works only with included WeaponPACK. All of weapon stations are made as specific station code and will work only with this weapon pack.
      Standard commands for activating Cobra features:
      AIRBRAKES - sun filter/shader on off - just for fun no airbrakes so empty animation slot for use.
      ARRESTING HOOK - jump from pilot station to gunner station.
      LANDING GEAR - skid search light on/off at any speed. Dont forget to retract it because you wil be not able to shoot.

      ANIMATION 8 - ammo bay dooors
      ANIMATION 9 - gunner door (ext and cockpit view)
      ANIMATION 10 - pilot door (ext and cockpit view)
      ANIMATION 1 - NVG (It is not nvg but some greent filter) If you don't like it disable it in cockpitini file.

      This pack includes foreign users of F and E model Cobra.
      Royal Bahraini Air Force
      Jordanian Air Force
      Republic of Korea Army Aviation
      Thai Army
      All serial numbers are historicaly correct. As far as I know.
      If someone got some corrections to serials let me know.
      AH-1F was Step 3 upgrade program of Army Cobra. This variant was originally known as the AH-1S(MC) – Modified Cobra. In this model Army Cobra featured the three -barell 20mm M197 automatic cannon mounted in XM97 universal turret. The AH-1F also featured an improved rocekt management system for 2.75 inch rockets, an improved sighting system, and a more powerful electrical generator to support all new systems. It was later upgraded with engine inlet deflectors to allow using WFAR rockets with Mk66 motor.
      For take off: Around 75% of throttle vector - and then increase power to 70-85% (or more for quick lift) and pull controll stick little and snake will take off. Then reduce throttle vector as needed and reduce power to 69%. It should fly around 110kts now. 69% is about cruising speed.
      When on the ground you can see rotating blades for pitch and roll. Just additional and unnecesary thing (not visible so much when flying) but it is possible so it is there. Not working like i want but better then nothing.
      There are two different pylons on inboard stations one for rocketpods one for gunpods. Just to have a proper angle of fire with GP. It is not proper for real model but in my opinion best what can be done for SF engine. Rocket pods are ok with correct angle on inboard stations.
      Unfortunately there is no NVG in this game.
      I just added green "filter" to cockpit and you can activate it by default Animation 1 key.
      In external view ther will be little change in cockpit- unfortunately not moving with pilot/guner head.
      In copit view there is green glow and filter It is definitely not helping during night flight but this is beta version. Maybe one day real nvg will be possible here. If you dont like it disable it in cockpit.ini file. This feature apears only in National Guard 85 model and bonus,

      Most of the weapon are same as in previous packs and are common to G/Q/S/P/E model.
      Including XM158 and M200/M260/M261 launchers and for smoe late models M260 and M261 with Mk66 motor rockets.
      TOWs BGM-71A/B/C/D
      There is additional optional Suppressed Exhaust loaded via weaponstation.
      Also here there is new M197 automatic cannon loaded via weaponstation.
      One more thing. I am using mostly standard weapon effects.
      Make sure to edit it your way if you decide to use this weapons.
      I am using helopilots by OldDiego.
      Some pilots models might be too big for this helo.
      Report Bugs.
      Edit your way.

      For updates visit on:
      Techincal Manual Operators Manual for AH-1F TM-1-1520-236-10
      TM 9-1425-473-20 Technical Manual TOW Guided Missile M65
      TM 11-1520-221-34P Electronic Equipment Configurations
      Technical Manual.Armament subsystems,Helicopter;20mm automatic gun XM97E1. TM 9-1090-206-12
      Cobra! The Attack Helicopter: Fifty Years of Sharks Teeth and Fangs Mike Verier
      WALK AROUND AH-1G Cobra - Squadron Signal
      Combat Aircraft Series 09 - AH-1 Huey Cobra (1987)
      Osprey Colour Series Cobra Tank Killer Supreme
      Aerofax Datagraph 4 - Bell AH-1 Cobra Variants
      Squadron Signal - Bell AH-1 Cobra In Action
      Osprey - New Vanguard 125 - Huey Cobra Gunships
      XM-118 Organizational DS GS and Depot Maintenance XM118
      Concord 3002 US Marine Corps Helicopters


         (8 reviews)



    18. AH-1 E/F Tzefa Over Israel. Part 2. SF2.

      Tzefa Over Israel part 2. Ver 1.0 for SF2
      June 2016.
      This is a third party add on of the AH-1E and F Cobra using models and cockpits created by me.
      The original flight model is standard as on many free to download helicopters.
      I have just modified it a bit.
      It is designed for and works only in the SF2 series.
      WeaponPACK for this model is also included.
      This is freeware-donationware; it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
      Bribes and donations are accepted;
      Jarek Hereda
      This addon works only with included WeaponPACK. All of weapon stations are made as specific station code and will work only with this weapon pack.
      Standard commands for activating Cobra features:
      ARRESTING HOOK - jump from pilot station to gunner station.
      LANDING GEAR - skid search light on/off at any speed. Dont forget to retract it because you wil be not able to shoot.

      ANIMATION 8 - ammo bay dooors
      ANIMATION 9 - gunner door (ext and cockpit view)
      ANIMATION 10 - pilot door (ext and cockpit view)
      ANIMATION 1 - NVG (It is not nvg but some greent filter) If you don't like it disable it in cockpitini file.
      This is second part of my Tzefa over Israel pack.
      In early eighties Israel received E and F model Cobra. Later all E models were upgraded to F standard.
      All Tzefa were divided into 160 and 161 squadrons.
      For take off: Around 75% of throttle vector - and then increase power to 70-85% (or more for quick lift) and pull controll stick little and snake will take off. Then reduce throttle vector as needed and reduce power to 69%. It should fly around 110kts now. 69% is about cruising speed.
      When on the ground you can see rotating blades for pitch and roll. Just additional and unnecesary thing (not visible so much when flying) but it is possible so it is there. Not working like i want but better then nothing.
      There are two different pylons on inboard stations one for rocketpods one for gunpods. Just to have a proper angle of fire with GP. It is not proper for real model but in my opinion best what can be done for SF engine. Rocket pods are ok with correct angle on inboard stations.
      Unfortunately there is no NVG in this game.
      I just added green "filter" to cockpit and you can activate it by default Animation 1 key.
      In external view ther will be little change in cockpit- unfortunately not moving with pilot/guner head.
      In copit view there is green glow and filter It is definitely not helping during night flight but this is beta version. Maybe one day real nvg will be possible here. If you dont like it disable it in cockpit.ini file. This feature apears only in National Guard 85 model and bonus,

      Most of the weapon are same as in previous packs and are common to G/Q/S/P/E model.
      Including XM158 and M200/M260/M261 launchers and for smoe late models M260 and M261 with Mk66 motor rockets.
      TOWs BGM-71A/B/C/D
      There is additional optional Suppressed Exhaust loaded via weaponstation.
      Also here there is new M197 automatic cannon loaded via weaponstation.
      One more thing. I am using mostly standard weapon effects.
      Make sure to edit it your way if you decide to use this weapons.
      I am using helopilots by OldDiego.
      Some pilots models might be too big for this helo.
      Report Bugs.
      Edit your way.

      For updates visit on:
      Techincal Manual Operators Manual for AH-1F TM-1-1520-236-10
      TM 9-1425-473-20 Technical Manual TOW Guided Missile M65
      TM 11-1520-221-34P Electronic Equipment Configurations
      Technical Manual.Armament subsystems,Helicopter;20mm automatic gun XM97E1. TM 9-1090-206-12
      Cobra! The Attack Helicopter: Fifty Years of Sharks Teeth and Fangs Mike Verier
      WALK AROUND AH-1G Cobra - Squadron Signal
      Combat Aircraft Series 09 - AH-1 Huey Cobra (1987)
      Osprey Colour Series Cobra Tank Killer Supreme
      Aerofax Datagraph 4 - Bell AH-1 Cobra Variants
      Squadron Signal - Bell AH-1 Cobra In Action
      Osprey - New Vanguard 125 - Huey Cobra Gunships
      XM-118 Organizational DS GS and Depot Maintenance XM118
      Concord 3002 US Marine Corps Helicopters


         (4 reviews)



    19. USAF A-37B FM and Sounds tweek

      FM and Sound Tweak to A-37B
      this is and update to the FM and sounds by Eole, as well as a F80 sound which was referenced by a former Tweet driver as accurate. 3 sounds to chose from, just open the data.ini, uncomment ( delete //) the sound you want but be sure the two you dont want are commented.
      **************** This is only for the first 300 users of the original mod. Every one downloading after 5 July 2016 will have this already with the original aircraft**************
      unzip, copy to mods folder, allow overwrite
      Big thanks to
      Eole and Baffmeister for the FM tweaking. that is a black art i
      do not currently understand!
      Eole for J85 sounds
      bubu for suggested change to sounds (F80)
      as per F-80 mod, unknown credit to the F80Engine sound
      kevin unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      4 Jul 2016


         (1 review)



    20. Mirage 5 Peruvian Air Force

      Mirage 5 Package
      Need DLC Mirage 5BA.
      The Dassault Mirage III is a family of single-seat, single-engine, fighter aircraft produced by Dassault Aviation for the French Air Force and widely exported. Prominent operators included Australia, Argentina, South Africa and Israel, as well as a number of nonaligned nations. Though an older design, the second generation fighter is still a fairly maneuverable aircraft and an effective opponent in close range dogfighting. In French service it was armed with air-to-ground ordnance or R.550 Magic air-to-air missiles.
      The versatility of the design enabled production of trainer, reconnaissance and ground-attack versions as well as the Dassault Mirage 5, Dassault Mirage IIIV and Atlas Cheetah variants. A Mirage III was the first European combat aircraft to exceed a speed of Mach 2 in horizontal flight.

      Mirage 5DP-4
      Mirage 5P-4
      exture Temp by Ludo.m54
      Texture: Tk,Denis Oliveira, PauloPanz
      Decals: Coupi
      Data.ini: Coupi
      3D mod: Denis Oliveira
      UserList and Decals: paulopanz


         (4 reviews)



    21. IAI Nesher T

      IAI Nesher T
      The Israel Aircraft Industries Nesher (Hebrew: ?, "Vulture" - often mistranslated as "Eagle") is the Israeli version of the Dassault Mirage 5 multi-role fighter aircraft. Most were later sold to the Argentine Air Force as Daggers, and later upgraded as Fingers.
      -Design and development
      Israel had to replace more than 60 aircraft lost during the Six Day War and the War of Attrition which followed. Before the war, Israel began co-development with Dassault to build the Mirage 5 and it was eventually built by Israel and named Raam in Hebrew (thunder).
      Dassault Aviation had developed the Mirage 5 at the request of the Israelis, who were the main foreign customers of the Mirage III. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) wanted the next version to have less all-weather capability in exchange for improved ordnance carrying capacity and range as the weather in the Middle East is mostly clear.
      In January 1969, the French government arms embargo on Israel (in response to the 1968 Israeli raid on Lebanon) prevented the first 30 Mirage 5 aircraft (which were already paid for by Israel) plus optional 20 from being delivered and cut off support for the existing Mirage IIICJ fleet.
      This was a setback for the Israeli Air Force, who needed the new Mirage to compensate for the losses of the Six Day War and was still using the Mirage IIIC. Israel then decided to produce the (Raam A and B project) airframes as it had the necessary plans, although Israel did not officially obtain a manufacturing license.
      Officially, Israel built the aircraft after obtaining a complete set of drawings. However, some sources claim Israel received 50 Mirage 5s in crates from French Air Force (AdA), while the AdA took over the 50 aircraft originally intended for Israel.
      Production began in 1969 with the first empty airframes with no weapons, electronics, seat, or engine included delivered directly from Dassault Aviation. The first Raam A was delivered in May, 1971. In November, 1971 the plane was renamed Nesher.
      The Neshers' airframe was identical to the Mirage 5, but there was an extensive refitting of Israeli avionics, a Martin-Baker zero-zero ejection seat, and improved provisions for a wider range of AAMs (Air-to-Air Missiles), including the Israeli Shafrir heat-seeking missile. Fifty-one Nesher fighters (Nesher S) and ten Nesher two-seat trainers (Nesher T) were built in all.
      The Nesher had simpler avionics than the Mirage IIIC but was slightly less maneuverable. However, it had longer range and bigger payload. The reduced maneuverability did not prevent the Nesher from performing well in air combat during the Yom Kippur war.
      Nesher production was phased out from 1978 to make way for an improved Mirage derivative that had been planned in parallel, in which the Atar engine was replaced by an Israeli-built General Electric J79 engine, the engine used on the American Lockheed F-104 Starfighter and McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II fighters. The result was the IAI Kfir.
      Israeli Nesher over the Golan Heights during the Yom Kippur War
      The first Nesher prototype flew in September 1969, with production deliveries to the IAF beginning in May 1971, ending in February 1974. These aircraft performed well during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, claiming over a hundred kills.
      Install: Strike Fighters Israel or Strike Fighters merge.
      Texture: TK, Denis Oliveira
      Decals: Coupi
      Data.ini: Coupi
      3D mod: Denis Oliveira


         (6 reviews)



    22. IAI PACK Argentine Air Force

      IAI FINGER A Argentine Air Force (2.0)
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      IAI Finger is a jet fighter and bomber Mach 2.2 used by the Air Force Argentina .
      Finger is the name of a modernization program carried out at the
      planes made ??in Israel IAI Dagger possessed the Argentina Republic .
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      Template Texture - Ludo.m54
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Denis Oliveira
      Modified TW Nesher Cockpit tiles and Avioncs ini - Coupi
      Dagger B
      The remaining Israeli Nesher aircrafts were refurbished and exported to the Argentine Air Force in two batches, 26 in 1978 and 13 in 1980, under the name Dagger, comprising 35 Dagger A single-seat fighters and 4 Dagger B two-seat trainers.
      They formed a new unit, 6th Air Group, and were immediately enlisted with the help of the 8th Air Group (Mirage IIIEA) and the Peruvian Air Force, already a user of the Mirage 5, due to the escalating crisis with Chile of that year.
      During the 1982 Falklands War, they were deployed to the southern naval airbase of Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego, and an airfield in Puerto San Julián and despite the distance to their targets and lack of aerial refueling capability, managed to make 153 sorties against both ground and naval targets on the 45 days of operations. In the last role, they damaged HMS Antrim, Brilliant, Broadsword, Ardent, Arrow and Plymouth. Eleven Daggers were lost in combat (nine by AIM-9L Sidewinders fired from Sea Harriers and two by surface to air missiles).
      In the 1979 contract with IAI, the Argentine Air Force stipulated that the Daggers would be equipped with new avionics and HUD systems to take them to the Kfir C.2 (and beyond in some subsystems) standard. The program, named Finger, was underway in 1982 when the Falklands War broke out. With the war over, as some of these systems were made by the British Marconi Electronic Systems, they needed to be replaced after an arms embargo was imposed by the UK. The replacement of such systems took the planes to the final Finger IIIB standard mainly by replacing the British equipment with French-built Thomson-CSF.
      Texture Temp by Ludo.m54
      Texture: PauloPanz
      Decals: PauloPanz
      Data.ini: Coupi
      3D mod: Denis Oliveira


         (5 reviews)



    23. Nort American Harvard Mk.II

      The North American Aviation T-6 Texan is a single-engined advanced trainer aircraft used
      to train pilots of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), United States Navy, Royal
      Air Force and other air forces of the British Commonwealth during World War II and into
      the 1970s. Designed by North American Aviation, the T-6 is known by a variety of designations
      depending on the model and operating air force.
      The United States Army Air Corps (USAAC) and USAAF designated it as the AT-6,
      the United States Navy the SNJ, and British Commonwealth air forces, the Harvard,
      the name it is best known by outside of the US

      WHAT'S IN

      - Old Bunyap post WWII Harvard revamped
      - a plenty of new/restored skins & decals
      Aeronavale, BAF (2), EAF (3), FAL (1), FAP (1), Arme de l'Air (2), HAF (2),
      IAF (1), IDF (3), JVL (1), KLU (2), PAF (2), RAF 86), RCAF (1), RDAF (1),
      RJAF (1), RNAF (2), RNZAF (5), RRhAF (2), SAAF (9), SyAF (2), TuAF (1), Yemen (1)
      - pilots
      - weapons
      - sounds
      - screens


      - Shadows disabled, but pilots and weapons set not to cast shadows too


      - SAAF camo Harvards had not markings when on war theatre. So you will be free to remore decals.ini


      - Bunyap: model
      - Wrench: a lot of previous precious work included and upgraded here. Great Kev!
      - Some other people I don't remember (I'm Very sorry), but I'll add if you pm me
      - paulopanz (me): skins/decals/screens/editing/tweakings/packing/Fish/Chips/etc.


      - as usual put all in your mod folder
      This little bird will fit with almost ALL our existing and future cold war scenarios.
      A real classic.



         (5 reviews)



    24. SF2 WW2 BT2D "Skyraider" (AD-1)

      SF2 WW2 BT2D "Skyraider" (AD-1) 7/21/2016
      "A Somewhat What If aircraft for WW2 PTO '46"
      **Note: consider this 'version 3.0', replacing the SF/Wo* version based on MontyCZ Skyraider I'd done many years ago. THIS version replaces that one completely. Delete it if you still have it.**
      *Note you =MUST= have SF2:V as part of your merged install, as the mod references the stock A-1H lod for the aircraft.*
      The is a semi-what if aircraft, as the BT2D did exist (and was renamed the AD-1 in 1947). This mod assumes that the aircraft WAS deployed to the Western Pacific in WW2, in the event that the development and/or usage of the A-Bombs was curtailed for some reason.
      The aircraft comes with three skin/decal sets (although only one actual skin residing in the main folder; the "Brain32 trick".)
      VB-14 (USS WASP)
      VT-88 (USS YORKTOWN)
      VB-19 (USS CORAL SEA)
      The skin remains in bmp format. All markings are decals and decal randomization is TRUE. All Aircraft carry the new style (post-July 1945) "letter code" ship identification tags. These ARE correct for the time from 7/45 - 12/46(ish). VT88 & VB19 also make use the "hundreds" series modex numbers, which also started usage 7/45. VB14 remains with is double digit modex numbers. Several other ship ID code decal are provided, for those wishing to replace other SB2C & TBM units with the BT2D. Other units can be easily made if one knows their code letters (I do!) Other units may require new, different sequenced modex number decals.
      All weapons, sounds and a pilot figure are included. The canopy opens with the standard keystroke, Shift/0 (zero). Wingfold is active, by using it's standard keystroke, Shift/9, but it's not reccomended to fold the wings when loaded, as due to some sort of game limitation, the weapons will NOT move with the wing (no matter how much I've tried to fix that).
      The aircraft has been given a "start date' of of June, 1945.
      The aircraft is equipped with radar, (AN/APS-4) in an external pod, and is speced to carry and deploy just about all USN weapons of the period, including "Bat" glide bombs, and torpedos.
      As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    25. SF2 WW2 F8F-1 Bearcat (PTO)

      SF2 WW2 F8F-1 Bearcat 7/22/2016
      "A Somewhat What If aircraft for WW2 PTO '46"
      ***Note: Due to massive changes in the skins, decals, and inis, if you have created a WW2 Version of the Bearcat, you ARE advised to move, remove, rename or otherwise hide it from the Game Engine. THIS mod will cause conflicts, due to aforementioned changes, with many of the original parts.***
      This full aircraft package includes mods to Geo's F8F Bearcat, (re)creating the original 600-odd F8F-1 versions as deployed from August, 1945, just as the War ended. I've made the assumption, for PTO '46 users, that the A-Bombs, for whatever reason, were not used and the aircraft entered full squadron service for Operations Olympic and Coronet.
      See the 'Changes' section in the "Notes" below.
      The package includes 2 skin & decal sets:
      VF-19 (USS Langley, CVL-27) as seen in 8/45, enroute to the War Zone, as the war ended)
      VF-3 (USS Coral Sea, if the CVB class carriers had entered the war in the later parts of 1945)
      With the exception of the nation marking, which remain painted on, all other markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Many are by Geo from the original release. Other (modex) are by me. The ship code letters ARE correct for the late 45 thru late 46 time frame. The skins have been partly repained to remove the incorrect "G" system marking used on the orignal VF-19 skin. Skins remain in bmp format. As they carry no markings, this will allow other skinners the freedom to create other carrier air group codes, although new modex numbers will probably be required as well.
      The hangar screen is an SF2 version of my 1st Gen "Box Art" one.
      All weapons (drop tanks), sounds and a pilot figure are included. Other weapons used (rocket, bombs, etc) use those you should already have in the WW2 Weapons Pack.
      The canopy opens with the standard keystroke, Shift/0 (zero). Wingfold is =NOT= active, as it never was when originally released in 2006. The aircraft is NOT exported, having only the single user, the US Navy.
      The aircraft has been given a Service Start Date of of July, 1945. The data ini contains a new (if somewhat experimental FM, but MUCH closer to stated performances). It may require further fine tuning by experts; to that end I've included the USN BuAer's "Standard Performance" chart PDF within the main aircraft folder. This is for those remaining FM gurus to use, if they wish, to further refine the FM.
      As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. PLEASE read it before installing, ok?
      As always, read the "Notes" section for notes and other ramblings
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (2 reviews)




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