34 files
A-4M Skyhawk II for SF2
By Nyghtfall
Re-release of my A-4M Skyhawk II mod.
Readme is included - feel free to read it.
A-4PTM + TA-4PTM Malaysian Skyhawks for SF2
By Nyghtfall
Re-release of my Malaysian Skyhawks.
Readme is included, feel free to read it.
Re-upload A4D-2 (TW A-4B & Nyghtfall's A-4E pit) 'Rework' with ini fixes
Re-upload of the A4D-2 with data and texture ini updates submitted by Cliff7600:
Addition of cockpit visual of refueling probe
USN & USMC 'Stock' texture numbering not showing
Inst: All fixes/additions have been made in applicable ini files - just drop 'Object' and 'Sound' folders in main folder and overwrite.
** Note - if you have added additional units/skins applicable changes will have to be made to your A4D-2.INI file.
"Thanks Cliff7600"
A4D-2 (TW A-4B & Nyghtfall's A-4E pit) 'Rework'
"My rendition of the A4D-2 (Before 1962 change to A-4B & C)"
INSTALL – unpack/unzip file contents and drag/copy to main YAP Revamp Works (Whatever you have named it) folder.
* Nyghtfall and Wrench for their help in working/moving cockpit items techniques.
*Repaint of Nyghtfall's outstanding A-4E pit.
*TW A-4B stock jet - required for AR probe.
*Repaint/numbering of A-4A fuselage, Nose, tail numbers from ChampionsVA56 suhsjake.
*J65-W-5.wav engine sound from ChampionsVA56.
** Included is a A-4A_DATA – SAM_Lgt_Active.ini file which activates SAM threat warning equipment if desired. Don't think this mod was worked in until later A-4 models.
*** Had problems getting the program to load different BuNo, TN, Modex, etc. Sometimes none at all?
Had to select in the loading phase of a mission each acft individually – then they would show?
If anyone can help regarding this tail no issue please help.
Enjoy, NIELS
SF2 TA-4F Skyhawk "Fast FACs"
By Wrench
SF2 TA-4F Skyhawk "Fast FACS" by 331Killerbee & Co.
This is the full package (all necessary parts included), originally created by 331Killerbee in 2008. It has been fully updated to SF2 standards, with various small changes to the aircraft and the data ini.
As with my other SF2 "fixes" for the TA-4 series, some components have been 'removed' to stop the shadow tractor beams. The FM is at the latest SF2 standard (latest patch level) Other changes include (but not limited too):
resetting all hit boxes
randomization of decals
"fake insignia" decal to activate Nation displayed name.
All weapons used are stock 3W.
Killerbee's original readme (well, actually this document!) is included for historical purposes, and it's historical background on the Fast FACs.
Have fun!!
Kevin Stein
By torno
A4-P Argentine modified version of A4B, these aircraft had a large
participation in the Malvinas war with many victories,
Here these conflicts are represented skins.
This mod includes a fake pilot adds antennas
6 different skins
armament, pilot, sound effect and ejection seat.
to use this plane is necessary SFP2 A4-B, WOV,
for the complete installation of the updated series.
how to install copy the contents of each aircraft folder, sound, pilot,
etc... inside your mod folder corresponding simulator.
thank you very much to the people who created weapons and effects using this mod
SF2 Scooters! Vol.2 - Aggressors for TW A-4 and Fractures TA-4 Skyhawks
By Nyghtfall
Scooters! Vol.2 - Aggressors for TW A-4 and Fractures TA-4 Skyhawks
*** DLC A-4G Skyhawk required. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
*** SF2 or SF2V for the A-4E cockpit and A-4F model ***
This pack contains 14 Aggressor-Skins for the Scooter as used during it's career as plane for DACT - Dissimilar Air Combat Training. These planes were used to simulate enemy aircraft vs. regular Squadrons.
Although a certain camouflage was applied often to 1 plane only, I decided to do 8 planes per skin for playability reasons. To difference the real planes and the "filler" I added the BuNos for the real planes in the loadout menu. The ones without BuNo are fictional.
This pack contains skins depicting the following planes/squadrons:
A-4E/F Mongoose without Hump
- A-4E/F of VF-43 Challengers, 1992 in a light gray/gray wraparound camo.
- A-4E/F of VF-126 Bandits, 1992 in white/gray/blue with light blue bottom
- A-4E/F of VF-126 Bandits, 1991 in tan with brown stripes and gray bottom.
- A-4E/F of VF-126 Bandits, 1991 in tan/brown/green with gray bottom.
- A-4E/F of VFC-12 Fighting Omars, 1993 in an overall glossy engine gray camo.
A-4E/F Skyhawk with Hump
- A-4E of VF-45 Blackbirds, 1987 in brown with green tiger stripes ("Brown Tiger")
- A-4E of VF-101 Grim Reapers, 1972 in 2 shades of bluegray with light blue bottom.
TA-4J Skyhawk
- TA-4F/J of VFC-12 Fighting Omars, 1989 in an overall glossy engine gray camo.
- TA-4F/J of VA-127 Cylons, 1986 in a tan/green wraparound camo.
- TA-4F/J of VA-127 Cylons, 1983 in a light gray/dark gray/blue wraparound camo.
- TA-4F/J of VC-8 Redtails, 2000 in tan/brown.
- TA-4F/J of VC-8 Redtails, 2000 in blue/light blue ("Baby Blue").
- TA-4F/J of VF-45 Blackbirds, 1993 in bluegray/gray wraparound camo.
- TA-4F of H&MS-31 Aggressors, 1989 in 3 different gray wraparound camo.
Included is a variation of the ACMI-Pod. For that I combined ravenclaws ACMI-Pod model with the data.ini of 331Killerbees CAP-9 to make it a missiletype-store than uses a build-in rail.
New Hangar- and Loadingscreens are also included with a resolution of 1920x1080 as default and 1024x768 as optional.
I changed the cockpit by removing the radar screen. Additional changes are the switched positions of the Accelerometer and AoA-Indicator and Levers for Arresting Hook and Landing Gear are operational now.
As in dtmdragons original mod, I retained the cannons for playability, although they are not visible in game.
I hope you have fun with it!
- Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011
- A-4 Skyhawk Association, http://a4skyhawk.org/
- Airliners.net
- Google in general to gather pictures of aggressor skins.
1. unzip to a temporary folder
2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
3. enjoy!
If the Squadrons are missing in the loadout screen, you should add content of the "squadronlist_ini_addon.txt"-file to the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free numbers.
If the Aggressors-"Nation" is missing, you have to add the content of "nations_ini_addon.txt"-file to the nations.ini ("<mod>\flight"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free number.
- Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used.
- Fracture, Wrench for the original TA-4J Pack and Model.
- dtmdragon for his A-4 Aggressor pack, on which this is based.
- RAVEN - LAU-129 missile-rail
- ravenclaw_007 - ACMI-Pod
- 331Killerbee - CAP-9 from his Ordnance Shop II Pack
- Alejandro - Escapac seat
- FastCargo - FakePilot
- ???? - TopGun pilot
- ???? - J52-Sound
- ???? - 150gal OV-10A-tank
- me - all skins, decals, loadingscreens, ini-work, modified A-4E cockpit.
Please PM me, if I forgot someone!
- mue for his great LODViewer, which was a big help while creating the camos and placing stuff!
- all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.
- aggressors
- a-4
- (and 8 more)
By torno
A4-C Argentina A4C modified version of the model F external media to carry
bombs and missiles Shafrir 2
these Aircraft has many missions during the conflict between Argentina and chile.
and a large stake in the Malvinas conflict
with heavy losses, these different skins here represented the two conflicts
This mod includes a fake pilot adding antennas and weapons racks
This pack contain 10 different skins ,weapons, pilot, sound effect and ejection seat.
to use this plane is necessary SFP2 A4-C, WOV, or the complete installation
of the current series.
how to install copy the folder contents of each aircraft, sound, pilot, etc.
inside your mod folder corresponding simulator.
bugs had problems installing the bracket Shafrir missile (pod Atlas)
when changing weapons, but if the air mission is air missiles loaded the plane smoothly
I hope you like and thank you very much to the people who
created weapons and effects using this mod
This mod is free and is prohibited commercial distribution
OA-4M UpdatePack for SF2
By Nyghtfall
*** SF2+SF2I+V required for the KfirC1_77-Cockpit and optional A-4F_74-Cockpit, that is used here together with bits from the A-7E-Cockpit. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
This pack contains an update to the previously released OA-4M-Pack by Wrench. All skins and decals are newly done for this pack.
Included are the following "new" planes and Skins:
* OA-4M Skyhawk (2-Tone Gray Camo) - Initial Camo with large insignias and white modex.
- H&MS-12, MCAS Iwakuni '81-'83
- H&MS-13, MCAS Yuma, '79-'83
- H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, '79-'83
* OA-4M Skyhawk (GhostGray Camo) - 2nd Camo-Scheme, differently arranged with small insignias and lowvis modex.
- H&MS-11, MCAS El Toro, '88-'90
- H&MS-12, MCAS Iwakuni 1986 (Yosemite Sam on Tail)
- H&MS-12, MCAS Iwakuni 1989 (Yosemite Sam on Tail, Samurai on Aft Fuselage)
- H&MS-13, MCAS Yuma, '83-'88
- H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, '83-'90
* OA-4M Skyhawk (Overall Gray Camo) - There were probably just 2 planes with that camo 154306/DA01 and an unknown 2nd one. Gray overall with black markings.
- MAG-32, MCAS Cherry Point, '89-'90
* OA-4M Skyhawk (Blue/Green Camo) - Experimental Camo on 154306/DA01. Dark green / dark blue with white bottom and black markings.
- H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, 1983
* OA-4M Skyhawk (Green/Gray Camo) - Experimental Camo on 154628/DA04. Green / gray with gray bottom and inverse markings.
- H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, 1985
Planespecific skins for the droptanks are provided (stock A-4 tanks), aswell as a new skin for the stock Mk.20 Rockeye II CBU.
As there's no dedicated OA-4M-Cockpit available, the Pack contains 2 options here:
* KfirC1_77 cockpit by default, from dtmdragons A-4M-pack as stand-in. It "feels" better than the big and roomy A-7-Cockpit from the original OA-4M-pack. I also made refinements over
dtmdragons version to bring it more towards a modern Skyhawk-Cockpit. Landing Gear-, Arrestor Hook Lever and Rudder pedals are working now, I rearranged and reskinned the weaponspanel,
to get rid of the hebrew stencils and Kfirs additional weaponsstations and I removed some instruments, that are useless here (Nozzle- and Shockcone Position).
* A-4F_74 cockpit, which is slightly modified by me. It now has a HUD and the Radarscreen is used for the ARBS. Although it was not actually installed in real planes, it is added for playability.
Also the HUD is rather small, but works.
Included are Hangar- and Loadingscreens in 1920x1080 by default and 1024x768 as option. Just open the planes ini-files and you see what you have to change.
There's a readme included. Feel free to read it! :)
1. unzip to a temporary folder
2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
3. enjoy!
- Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used.
- Wrench, Fracture, triplethr3at and pappychksix - original OA-4M Pack, Updates and of course the TA-4 Model
- Nengajyou, daddyairplanes and Wrench - Yosemite Sam issue and Samurai logo
- RAVEN - LAU-129 missile-rail
- dtmdragon - Kfir-Cockpit-mod from his A-4M-pack and testing
- Eole2 - testing, loadout.tga and optional A-4F cockpit-idea
- Alejandro - Escapac seat
- FastCargo - FakePilot
- ???? - antenna/bent probe/avionics blister kit
- ???? - avionics hump
- ???? - J52- and damaged Engine-Sounds
- Rudder-Pedals ini-statements taken from bobrocks AV-8Bplus
- myself - skins, decals, loading- and hangarscreens, cockpit-changes, ini-work.
If you created one of the ????-marked items, please contact me, so I can add your name in the credits! If I forgot someone, please PM me too!
- Eole2 and dtmdragon for testing and providing valuable improvement-advices. Thanks to you guys!
- TMF for their A-7 and Crusader for valuable information regarding weaponsstations-arrangement, I found in the forum.
- mue for his great LODViewer, which was a big help while creating the camos and placing stuff!
- Soulfreak, for a A-4 decal pattern, I used here to place maintenance markings.
- all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.
Indonesian A-4E & H Skyhawk Pack for Strike Fighters 2 by dtmdragon and Nyghtfall
By Nyghtfall
Indonesian A-4E & H Skyhawk Pack for Strike Fighters 2 v2.0 by dtmdragon and Nyghtfall
This pack is an updated version of dtmdragons Indonesian Skyhawks pack and brings you nation specific versions of the A-4E_Ahit_73 and A-4H_Ahit_73 with updated INIs based on dtmdragons Ahit Enhancement Pack.
Also included are new skins and decals with correct numbers for all single seaters used by Indonesia.
In game you will find:
"A-4E Skyhawk (Indonesia)" with 3 blue camos (HighViz markings, light gray markings and dark markings according to year) and 1 brown camo (HighViz markings)
"A-4H Skyhawk (Indonesia) (Blue Camo)" with the 3 blue camos
"A-4H Skyhawk (Indonesia) (Brown Camo)" with the 1 brown camo
Please read the included readme for further details!
1. unzip to a temporary folder
2. copy 'Objects'-folder from the zip to your mods 'Objects'-folder, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'.
3. enjoy!
If the Squadrons are missing in the loadout screen, you should add the following lines in the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next 2 free numbers:
DisplayName=Skadron Udara 11
DisplayName=Skadron Udara 12
- Thirdwire and TK for a great game, nice models and skins
- dtmdragon Idea and basic Mod
- Nyghtfall Skins, Decals
- Dev A-Team of Capun
- CB Productions
- Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!
- Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm
- all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM dtmdragon or Nyghtfall.
A-4L Skyhawk by Crab_02 & Column5
By Wrench
A-4L Skyhawk, VC-13 "Fighting Saints" Skin/Decal Pak
= For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Prefered) and/or SF2:V =
*Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4C_65, which is stock in all merged installs, excepting a stand-alone SF2:I. However, it does use the A-4E_67 Cockpit and Avionics ini, which is only availabe in SF2:V. Hence, the 'Full-4 Merged' tag is applicable*
Complete overhaul of the A-4L Skyhawk as originally released in 2004 by Crab02 and Column5. For historical purposes, their original readme is included.
This mod makes use of all stock, "in-game" items, excepting for the avionics hump.
All inis have been updated to the latest patch level (August, 2011); the loadout ini has some minor changes for a couple of mission profiles. The data ini has had the landing light added, and (of course!) the canopy activated, via manual animation. Use shift/0 to open and close it.
All 'standard' Skyhawk mission profiles are retained.
The avionics hump has been converted to a 'pilot seat' using the fake pilot method (the FakePilot is also supplied, just in case). The mid fuselage upper light position has been adjusted to match that on the hump.
A new SF2 style hangar screen jpg is also included
Decal randomization has been set to "TRUE", so be at least at whichever patch level gave this to us.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
If you have the DLC A-4L from Third Wire, do NOT download this mod. It will cause major conflicts. They should not be mixed in any way!!!
If you do NOT have the 3W DLC A-4L, this is safe for your use.
A-4N Ahit Pack for SF2
By dtmdragon
A-4N Ahit Pack for SF2 2.0
Instillation: As usual simply drop into your mods folder and allow it to override when prompted.
Strike Fighters 2 Israel plus either Strike Fighters 2 or Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam are required
A-4N Ahit - Specific model Skyhawk for Israel based on the A-4M with deliveries starting in 1972. The A-4N has the more powerful J52-P-408A Engine, larger canopy, HUD and an advanced weapons delivery/ Nav system.
A-4N Ahit (78) - RWR upgraded
A-4N Ahit (84) - Additional external antenna on the avionics hump and nose of the aircraft are installed.
A-4N Ahit Pave Penny/ LGB - In 1984 some A-4N have their radars replaced with the AN/AAS-35(V) Pave Penny Laser spot tracker and are given the ability to drop GBU-12 and Israeli Griffin laser guided bombs.
A-4N Ahit Pave Penny/ LGB (84) - Additional external antenna on the avionics hump and nose of the aircraft are installed.
A-4N Improved Ahit (Sibat) - Major upgrade of the A-4N in 2005 with a modernised glass cockpit, updated HUD symbology (from the F-16), addition of a Ring Laser Gyro Nav System, plus new Mission and Fire Control Unit.
A-4N Skyhawk ATSI (Desert) - A-4N Ahit (84) Operated but the private company Advanced Training Systems International in the Aggressor role. IAF desert camo.
A-4N Skyhawk ATSI (Grey) - A-4N Ahit (84) Operated but the private company Advanced Training Systems International in the Aggressor role. Two tone grey camo
I have included modified Yom Kippur and Lebanon War campaigns edited to include the A-4N as it was very active in both wars. You will need to have installed my Third Wire A-4E/H/F Ahit upgrade/ Enhancement for SF2 1.0 for the modified campaigns to work correctly.
Gameplay notes:
- Cockpits are stand-ins however all the HUD displays, radar displays, RWR displays are correct.
- To give the A-4N Ahit Pave Penny/ LGB the ability to use Laser Guided Bombs in the CAS role I created a ghost LP weapon station that can be loaded with a 'Shaldag FAC Laser Designation Team' which is the real life IAF special forces team that designated targets for the A-4N. If you don’t like the way it works just delete it from the weapons folder and stick to dumb bombs for everything except strike missions.
- TK for the SF2 series and original Ahits
- Alejandro for external cockpit/ canopy mods and Escapac seat
- ravenclaw_007 for his amazing weapon packs
- MGunny 331KillerBee's Ordnance Shop II
- wpnssgt for the grey ATSI skin
Dan (dtmdragon)
AF-1 Brazilian Navy
AF-1 Brazilian Navy
Navy of Brazil
The Navy of Brazil has 23 copies of the version Skyhawk A-4KU, the last to be produced. Of these, 20 are single-seaters (version A-4KU) and 3 two-seaters training version (TA-4KU). These aircraft are used as single-seat five parts sources.
The single-seater model was designated AF-1 and AF-1A biposto.
The AF-1 and AF-1A were purchased in the late 90 Kuwaiti aircraft and are veterans of war, having participated in combat missions in Operation Desert Storm in early 1991. During the 1991 conflict with a camouflage flew in sand, brown and gray, in addition to taking the side of the fuselage written the words "Free Kuwait".
The Skyhawk Brazilians are based in Naval Air Station São Pedro Aldeia (BAeNSPA) and embedded operating in NAe São Paulo.
On 15/04/09 Embraer of Brazil and the Navy signed a $ 106 million for modernization nine AF-1 and AF-A three. The twelve A-4 Navy operating in Brazil must be retired in 2025.
Marinha do Brasil
A Marinha do Brasil possui 23 exemplares de Skyhawk da versão A-4KU, a última a ser produzida. Desses, 20 são monopostos (versão A-4KU) e 3 bipostos de treinamento (versão TA-4KU). Destas aeronaves, cinco monoplaces são utilizados como fontes de peças.
O modelo monoposto foi designado AF-1 e o biposto AF-1A.
Os AF-1 e AF-1A foram comprados no final dos anos 90 do Kuwait e são aeronaves veteranas de guerra, tendo participado de missões de combate da Operação Tempestade no Deserto no início de 1991. Durante o conflito de 1991 voaram com uma camuflagem em areia, marrom e cinza, além de levarem escrito na lateral da fuselagem as palavras "Free Kuwait".
Os Skyhawk brasileiros ficam sediados na Base Aérea Naval de São Pedro Aldeia (BAeNSPA) e operam embarcados no NAe São Paulo.
Em 15/04/09 a Embraer e a Marinha do Brasil assinaram um contrato de $106 milhões para modernização nove AF-1 e três AF-A. Os doze A-4 operacionais da Marinha do Brasil devem ser aposentados no ano de 2025.
(1 airplane and 1 ship)
Texture - Denis Oliveira
3D mod - Denis Oliveira
Decals - Denis Oliveira and PauloPanz
Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Denis Oliveira
Hinchinbrooke for original CV
Good work Coupi !
Third Wire A-4E/H/F Ahit upgrade/ Enhancement for SF2
By dtmdragon
This is an upgrade and major enhancement for the stock Third Wire A-4E, H, & F Ahits (Skyhawks). The standard TW Ahits have a few issues with their historical accuracy. This mod corrects those issues and even adds a few more aircraft to the Ahit family.
Instillation: As usual simply drop into your mods folder and allow it to override when prompted. (This is important as there are changes to some of the aircraft.ini files etc)
Strike Fighters 2 Israel plus either Strike Fighters 2 or Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam are required.
Changes include:
- The A-4H Ahit was not delivered with a downgraded engine. It had the same J52-P8A engine as the F model Skyhawk. Israel latter upgraded the engines of the H and F Ahits to the P-408A as used in the A-4M and N Skyhawks.
- The 30mm cannons fitted to the A-4H Ahit were fitted at a 2.5 degree downward angle due to the emphasis the IAF placed on strafing after the Six Day war. However in reality it was less than ideal as there was no change to the A-4 gun sight so aiming proved quite difficult until the introduction of the HUD in the Crystal upgrade.
- A-4E Ahit was delivered with the avionics hump of the F model Skyhawk. The hump was installed in US Navy service in anticipation of receiving ECM equipment but these aircraft were delivered to Israel instead. Because it was empty the hump was initially removed in Israeli service.
- The A-4E Ahit was also refitted with 30mm cannons. However due to the problems encountered with the angle of instillation in the H model Ahit they were installed at a 1.5 degree downward angle in the E models.
- US Emergency Aid Skyhawks: During the Yom Kippur war A-4E as well as A-4F Skyhawks were sent to Israel as replacements for IAF A-4 losses during the war. These A-4E Skyhawks had the same standard of avionics as the F models.
- Additional early textures added to the A-4H Ahits with the Star Of David on the rear fuselage and two digit aircraft numbers.
- Additional texture added with the US 'Stars and Bars' and US Navy numbers which the A-4H wore during test flights in the USA.
- Textures modified so there are no squadron colors on the rudder before 1976.
- Textures modified so aircraft numbers are not on both the nose and vertical stabilizer at the same time before 1976. Before then the aircraft number was on either the nose or the vertical stabilizer- not both. Where it was largely depended on which squadron operated the aircraft.
- The hump and corresponding avionics upgrade that appear on the A-4H Ahit (73) and A-4E Ahit (73) were known as the Crystal upgrade. This upgrade was designed to bring the Ahit fleet up to the standard of the A-4N Skyhawk/Ahit so this upgrade also included a basic heads up display with computerized weapons aiming. This upgrade would also be applied to the US Emergency Aid A-4E and F Ahits after end of the Yom Kippur war.
- The triangular antenna behind the normal UHF/VHF antenna on the hump of the A-4H/E Ahits (73) as well as one of the nose antennas did not appear on the aircraft till the mid 80's
- Loadouts: the stock Ahit loadouts are not unrealistic but they certainly aren't the most realistic. As such they have all been redone to include things such as the use of the Walleye in the anti-amour role by particular aircraft etc.
- Opening canopy.
- Landing light.
- Cockpit armor changed to the same as the A-4F which the A-4H is meant to based on.
- Yom Kippur and Lebanon War campaigns edited to include additional aircraft and weapons where appropriate.
The Ahits will now appear in the game as follows:
A-4E Ahit - Delivery of ex US Navy Skyhawks in 1971 fitted with an empty hump, no ECM and no chaff dispenser.
A-4E Ahit (72) - The empty hump is removed in Israeli service, the aircraft are also re-fitted with 30mm cannons at a 1.5 degree downward angle.
A-4E Ahit (73) US Emergency Aid - US Navy A-4E Skyhawks with avionics hump and standard USN avionics rushed to Israel during the Yom Kippur War to replace Ahit losses.
A-4E Ahit (73) Crystal Upgrade - A-4E Ahits upgraded under project Crystal with ECM, RHAW, countermeasure dispensers, updated weapons delivery system, updated navigation system and a HUD. An extended tailpipe is also fitted.
A-4F Ahit US Emergency Aid - US Navy A-4F Skyhawks with standard USN avionics rushed to Israel during the Yom Kippur War to replace Ahit losses.
A-4F Ahit (74) Crystal Upgrade - US Emergency Aid A-4F Ahits are upgraded to the same standard as the project Crystal A-4H Ahits with a HUD, updated weapons delivery system, updated navigation system, 30mm cannons, extended tailpipe and P-408A engine.
A-4H Ahit - Specific model Skyhawk for Israel based on the A-4F with deliveries starting in 1968. The A-4H had a downgraded weapons and avionics capability.
A-4H Ahit (70) - Aircraft are re-fitted with 30mm cannons at a 2.5 degree downward angle.
A-4H Ahit (72) - Israel begins replacing the J52-P8A engine with the more powerful J52-P-408A and restoring/ expanding the aircrafts weapon capabilities.
A-4H Ahit (73) Crystal Upgrade - A-4H Ahits are upgrade under project Crystal with ECM, RHAW, countermeasure dispensers, updated weapons delivery system, updated navigation system and a HUD. An extended tailpipe is also fitted.
A-4H Ahit (84) Crystal Upgrade - Additional external antenna on the avionics hump and nose of the aircraft are installed.
-TK for the SF2 series and original Ahits
-ravenclaw_007 for his amazing weapon packs
- MGunny 331KillerBee's Ordnance Shop II
Dan (dtmdragon)
A-4Ku Skyhawk for SF2
By Wrench
A-4Ku Skyhawk (Kuwait AF) Update Pak
= For SF2, Any & All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended) =
*NOTE: usable in any and all SF2 versions that have access to the A-4F_78 lod and A-7D cockpits. Hence, the Full-4 Merged Reccomendation*
Based "loosely" off dtmdragon's SF1 port.
Completely new skins, from a Home Grown Template , and all new BuNum* decals (in fact, as usual, ALL markings are decals). The 2 skins supplied are, well, identical! Excepting the "Free_Kuwait" skin will automatically start in 1991, for ODS, and have the "FREE KUWAIT" fuselage banner decal.
The cockpit used, while not correct, does have pretty much everthing working as the A-4M this is based on should; research has pointed to them having the APR-53 radar, so I added it back. Therefore, 100% accuracy is NOT claimed for this mod.
Loadouts are pretty standard, dumb bombs and so forth. The aircraft is LGB capable, but no evidence has turned up the KuAF used Paveways. Canopy operates via the Standard Animation Key , Shift/0. All loadouts use stock in-game items.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
kevin stein
* yes, the KuAF birds carried their USN BuNums on the tail!
OA-4M Skyhawk, for SF2
By Wrench
OA-4M Skyhawk by triplethr3at/pappychksix/Fracture
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
** The Full-4/5 Merged is a requirement, as the A-7D_78 cockpit is referenced for the Mod
If you don't have these minimum requirements, you shouldn't download this, as you
will not be able to use it.**
This is an overhaul of triplethr3at's SF2 USMC OA-4M Skyhawk FAC/Attack aircraft. All the
inis have been brought up to the latest (as of July, 2012) standard. Some modifications to
the avionics are existant more for 'playability' (meaning: it's far more capable then the
Real Life ™ aircraft).
Loadouts use all common or garden variety stock 3W weapons. It is set to fly all mission
profiles as any other standard Scooter (with the exception of carrier basing). Decal
randomizations is implemented, and all skin maps are jpg.
The avionics hump, while not fitting quite as nice as I would like, and the
'probe/antenna/blister combo kit' are attached via the Fake Pilot Method ™*
New damage textures (dds) and a new SF2-style hangar screen are included. Data ini
modifications using the 'Remove Component Trick**' eliminate the shadow tractor beams from
the outer pylons as seen on other mods using the TA-4J LOD.
The Threat Library also makes use of dtmdragons' extensively expanded list (not included). A
userlist is included, even though the aircraft has only one User (USMC). SF2NA style Carrier
statements are listed in the Data ini, but commented out; as I was unable to determine if
these ever were flown from The Boats.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So,
please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. More interesting and perhaps
vital info there, as well.
Triplethr3at's original readme is included for histerical purposes.
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
* the FPM is copyright © FastCargo, and used freely
** the RCT is copyright © BPAO and The Mirage Factory, used by permission, also freely
IDF TA-4H Skyhawk by pappychksix/fracture
By Wrench
IDF TA-4H Skyhawk by Fracture/Pappychksix 8/7/2001
=For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred)
** May (ok, probably) Requires SF2:V -hence the Full-4 Merged requirement-, as the A-4E_67 cockpit and avionics are referenced for the Mod. If you don't have these
minimum requirements, you shouldn't download this, as you may not be able to use it withOUT heavy editing **
This is a overhaul of Fracture/pappychksix' IDF TA-4H Skyhawk trainer/attack aircraft. All the inis have been brought up to the latest (as of July, 2011) standard. Some modifications to the avionics are more for 'playability', as research showed these most likely did not have an RWR (but knowing the Israelies....). The
standard NAV/Attack radar, yes. Loadouts use all common or garden variety stock weapons. It is set to fly all mission profiles as any other standard Scooter..
New damage textures (dds) and a new SF2-style hangar screen are included.
Please note, that like the TA-4J recently released, the very same shadow issues =WILL= be present, as it uses the TA-4J's lod. You'll just have to live with that (see Notes below)
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Fracture's original readme is also included.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
Douglas A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk Pak for SF2
By Wrench
Douglas A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk
- For SF2 (Any and All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered*) -
*Note: this makes use of the A-4B lods, that are stock in most installs (SF2 & SF2:V).These and the cockpit may not be available in un-mergerd, stand alone SF2:E and most definately not in SF2:I. Hence, the 'Full-4 Merged Prefered' tag.*
The decal sets are taken from the various 1stGen mods of the A-4A, and where necessary I've redone the skin bits, using SF2 A-4B skins to bring them to SF2 standards.
This package included 4 skin and decal sets:
VA-43 Challangers (Gitmo, 59)
VA-72 Bluehawks (1956)
VA-93 Blue Blazers (1956)
VMA-224 Bengals (MCAS El Toro, 1957)
The VA-72 is my original from (whenever); the others were done by some talented folk I've not be able to ID -- as I lost the original readmes (if any). So, the credit is theirs for those skins/decals. I just edited things to fit. Where needed, created new decals.
Decal randomization is set to TRUE, so make sure you're at least at the July 2011 patch level (or whichever one it is...).
Data ini edits remove the refueling probe. The inis included herein are the latest, as of the August 2011 patch. All loadouts are stock ala the A-4B. The canopy is activated via manual animation, use Shift/0 to open and close. The landing light has also been added.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Of course, the usual "Notes" section. These will give you a nice mid-1950s collection of USN Light Strike aircraft for use in various "hot spots" of the time period.
Catch the 3 Wire!
kevin stein
with the release of the DLC A-4A, this mod became moot. However, the skins and decals can easily be adapted for use on that DLC.
TA-4J Skyhawk by Fracture SF2 Compliant
By Wrench
TA-4J Skyhawk by Fracture
=For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred)
** May (ok, probably) Requires SF2:V -hence the Full-4 Merged requirement-, as the A-4E_67 cockpit and avionics are referenced for the Mod. If you don't have these minimum requirements, you shouldn't download this, as you may not be able to use it withOUT heavy editing **
This is a overhaul of Fracture's TA-4J Skyhawk trainer/attack aircraft. All the inis have been brought up to the latest (as of July, 2011) standard. Some modifications to the avionics are more for 'playability', as research showed these most likely did not have an RWR. The standard NAV/Attack radar, yes. Loadouts use all common or garden variety stock weapons. It is set to fly all mission profiles as any other standard Scooter. Decal randomizations is implemented, so be sure you're at least at the June, 2011 patch level.
New damage textures (dds) and a new SF2-style hangar screen are included.
As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Fracture's original readme is also included.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
Third Wire DLC A-4K Skyhawk upgrade/ Enhancement for SF2
By dtmdragon
This is an upgrade/ Enhancement for the Third Wire DLC A-4K Skyhawk.
You will need the DLC A-4K: https://store.thirdw...m/store_dlc.htm
Instillation: As usual simply drop into your mods folder and allow it to override when prompted. (This is important as the export end year date in the AIM-9G is incorrect etc)
Changes include:
-a more realistic loadout.ini file,
-correcting of the air intake textures on all the textures,
-corrections to the squadron markings on the ‘Green’ and ‘Maritime Grey’ textures,
-accurate Royal New Zealand Airforce Pilot,
-activation of the tail hook,
-opening canopy,
-landing light,
-various other data.ini edits.
-a few shots of chaff in each airbrake to simulate the practise of filling the airbrakes with chaff to give the aircraft a limited ability to deploy a onetime burst of chaff by activating the airbrake.
Use the single mission editor to select and make use of some unique RNZAF A-4 loadouts
-ravenclaw_007 for his amazing weapons packs
-NeverEnough for the FMA IA-58a Pucara for SF2 which I used the triple and double rocket pods from to create the CRV-7 double and triple launchers from.
AF-1 + Minas Gerais combo
By paulopanz
complete SF-2 pack upgrade kit SF-2NA ready
- Denis Oliveira for his brazilian Skyhawk;
- Hinchinbrooke for original CV
- Paolo "Paulopanz" Skin edits, decals etc.
To Install:
Put all in main mod folder.
- Canopy open key 10
Happy carrier take off / landings!
@ paulopanz
Top Gun A-4F 'Super Fox/ Mongoose' for Strike Fighters 2 (Mk.II)
By dtmdragon
Top Gun A-4F 'Super Fox/ Mongoose' for Strike Fighters 2 (Mk.II)
This an update and replacement of the A-4 Super Fox I have previously released: http://combatace.com...updated-270111/ HOWEVER, this mod uses the DLC A-4G as the base model as it is an F model Skyhawk but without the avionics hump which is what the Super Fox is.
So this means if you don't have the DLC A-4G this will not work and you should stick to the previous version in the above link. If you do have the DLC A-4G delete the old Super Fox from your mods folder and use this one instead.
This aircraft is the modified A-4 Super Fox/ Mongoose used as an Aggressor aircraft by the US Navy Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun) from 74 till 94. The Super Fox was the ultimate adversary Skyhawk as it was equipped with updated J52-P-408 engine giving 11,200 pounds of thrust. The Super Fox also had its avionics hump and associated equipment stripped reducing its weight and giving it an impressive, better than 1:1, thrust to weight ratio. Other modifications included the wing slats being bolted closed and removal of the cannons.I have retained the countermeasure dispensers as I couldn’t find any information indicating they were removed but with no ECM or RWR I would advise you to avoid being engaged at beyond visual range.Best way to enjoy this bird is to set up a guns only dogfight with the mission editor and go head to head with a few Tomcats.
Additional Features:
- 9 different Aggressor skins including US Navy and USMC versions.
- Cannon barrels have been removed from the 3D model. However the cannons will still fire and I have modified the cannons to be more accurate and more reliable in an effort to more accurately simulate combat with an aggressor aircraft. By this I mean all you needed to do in real life was to get the 'enemy' aircraft in your gun sight and call "Guns kill" so jamming guns or inaccurate cannons weren't an issue so I've stoped it happening in the game.
- Top Gun Pilot Skin
1, Delete previous A-4F_Super_Fox from your mods folder.
2, Drop the extracted files in to the appropriate folders.
3, If you have an extracted and modified NATIONS.INI file than add the following to it if you haven't already: (If you haven't, a modified NATIONS.INI file is included)
DisplayName=Aggressors (Red)
Mod Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles with the DLC A-4G installed.
Third Wire DLC A-4G available here: https://store.thirdw...e_dlc.htm
Credit goes to column5 for their A-4E Super Echo which gave me the idea and various skins which I updated to work in SF2.
A-4G Skyhawk (VF-805)
By Gunrunner
A-4G Skyhawk
(r1 - 1976 - VF-805)
This mod should ultimately cover the whole VF-805 career of the Australian A-4G, however since it started for a very specific project of mine, it will be released as-is and updated whenever (if ever) the rest is done.
For that reason, if you have an interest on the topic and are willing to correct or complete the set, do feel free to do so, it's a safer bet than waiting for the next release.
It has been built with/for SF2, it requires Thirdwire's A-4E and A-4F to work, there should be no other prerequisite.
r1 includes only the mid-70's skin, as my project focuses on the year 1976.
The skin and decals are as correct as I'm willing/able to do based on Thirdwire's skin.
All plane and serial numbers are correctly paired and historically correct (all planes crashed before 1976 are not present).
The only inaccuracy is the fact that some of the planes present were affected to VC-724, however, in case of conflict and to cope with attrition they would have been transferred to VF-805, hence their presence in this mod.
Grey areas :
- On most pictures the A-4G in '76 had the area surrounding the gun muzzle painted black, on some, a square area on the fuselage was painted black and on other, nothing was painted black at all, no text gives any reason for that or precise reference, therefore it's been left as stock.
- Likewise, most sources claim some A-4G were not fitted with guns, without providing the serial number of those planes or whether this was a temporary or permanent change; Moreover, I couldn't find photographic evidence of a gunless A-4G.
- The current INI is a hybrid of A-4E and A-4F, uses an A-4F cockpit with A-4E avionics, I lack sources and will to do any better at the moment, it will have to do.
Optionnally, you can add VF-805 "Checkerboards" to your SquadronList.ini, however it is only a nicety and the skin doesn't rely on it.
DisplayName=805 Sq. "Checkerboards"
- Replace the antennas by accurate ones.
- Have missile rails for outer pylons use with Sidewinders.
- Add the late 60's VF-805 skin (without checkerboard).
- Add the early 70's VF-805 skin (with checkerboard on the rudder).
- Add the late 70's VF-805 skin (grey camo with knight).
Licence :
See the CA Freeware Licence Agreement : http://combatace.com/topic/55729-freeware-licensing/
Credits :
Thirdwire for the A-4E model, original skin and INI.
Wilco for the angled refueling probe replacement and landing lights.
The CA community for years of fun and great mods.
New Zealand A-4K Skyhawk Pack for SF2 Re-dux MAJOR UPDATE 14/02/11
By dtmdragon
MAJOR UPDATE: 14/02/11
Thanks to alejandro all 3d models are now correct. Squared off tail fin, braking parachute, varies aerials and antenna unique to the New Zealand A-4K Skyhawks have now been added. Due to the way they have been created with the fake pilot method an overhaul was required. I have also re done the markings on all skins, things such as walkway lines, stencils, warning markings etc are now historically accurate. A few other minor faults have also been corrected.
When you re install this mod you will need to delete all previous RNZAF A-4 aircraft folders (A-4_70, A-4_72, A-4G_RNZAF, A-4_Kahu and A-4_Kahu_II) and override all files when you install it.
This is the ultimate Royal New Zealand Skyhawk pack updated from my old Royal New Zealand Air Force A-4K Skyhawk package for Strike Fighters 2.After doing some major research for a RNZAF Skyhawk model kit I decided to upgrade my previous RNZAF Skyhawk pack but realising how much needed to be changed I decided to throw it out and create an all new far more historically/ technichally accurate pack.
* 5 different versions with separate models (all stock Third Wire) that cover the major changes to the airframes over the 30 years it was in service.
- A-4K_70 Original 10 single seater Skyhawks introduced in 1970 with avionics humps (empty) and straight refuelling probes.
- A-4K_72 Around 1972 the fleet started being retrofitted with angled re-fuelling probes.
- A-4K_85 In 1985 the fleet started being repainted in Euro 1 camouflage.
- A-4K_Kahu In 1986 a modernisation project was started that saw the removal of the avionics hump, an AN/APG-66NZ radar installed along with a glass cockpit, HUD, ALR-66 RWR, ECM, countermeasures and modern weapons capability.
- A-4G_RNZAF In 1984 New Zealand purchased 8 A-4G Skyhawks from Australia that were eventually converted to the A-4K Kahu standard.
* Over 24 different skins that cover all models of Skyhawk in New Zealand service from 1970 to 2001. Most are for the entire fleet but some are for specific aircraft with an unusual feature/ scheme etc.
* Use of the ‘StartDefaultDate=’ feature ensures a historically accurate skin is automatically selected depending on what year you choose to fly.
* 3 different pilot models that cover the change in flight gear over the years.
* Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
* Historically accurate serial numbers depending on the time period and aircraft type.
* Files and instructions to integrate the RNZAF A-4K into two of the the NATO fighters campaigns.
* Data.ini files reflect my research into the actual A-4K and it's features.
* Opening cockpits 'shift' + '0'
* Working landing lights.
* Reflective white strips added to some skins of late model aircraft as seen on real aircraft.
Note: Only tested in an all SF2 games merged install however it will work in some of the others as long as they have the right Third Wire A-4 models.
* Historical:
-Simply put files from the ‘Main RNZAF A-4 pack’ folder into the appropriate locations in you mods folder. Override when prompted.
* Extras:
- To add the RNZAF Skyhawk to the 1979 and 1986 NATO fighters campaign put the files from the ‘NATO fighters campaign’ folder into the correct place in your mods folder and override when asked. You will need to back up your campaign files first. You will need NATO fighters IV installed up to the Post-Dec2009 Update Pack # 3. http://combatace.com...-update-pack-3/ You will also need Alternate 1986 Red Storm campaign for NATO Fighters 4+ Dec 2009 Patch and Beyond by Dave installed for the A-4K to work in the 1986 campaign. http://combatace.com...tch-and-beyond/ This is because that is what I had installed when I edited the files to add the A-4K and those are the files I’ve uploaded here.
- Fictional and What if skins: This will add a series of grey, Red flag and desert storm skins. Put the files from the ‘Fictional and What if skins’ folder into the correct locations in your mods folder.
- A-4K II: In the ‘Proposed A-4K II’ folder is an additional aircraft that represents Phase II of the Kahu upgrade project. In 2000 when the F-16 was selected as a replacement for the Skyhawks an alternative option was also put together by the RNZAF which was Phase II of the Kahu upgrade done in the 80’s. These additional upgraded would involve a self designation capability for the LGBs, a new anti-ship missile and a new ejection seat. To this end the Litening pod had been selected and would have been migrated to the F-16 program if it had continued. To install simple put the files from the files from the ‘Proposed A-4K II’ folder into the correct locations in you mods folder and override.
Credit: Third Wire for the game, James Fox for his RNZAF skins & decals that I used as a base and wilco for his angled re-fueling probe mode for the A-4K_Kahu & landing lights mods and alejandro for the 3d mods to make it a true K model Skyhawk.
Note: I've deleted the old RNZAF A-4K Skyhawk Pack for SF2 as this replaces it.
Israeli Air Force A-4N SkyHawk/Ahit for Strike Fighters 2 UPDATED 27/01/11
By dtmdragon
Israeli Air Force A-4N SkyHawk/Ahit for Strike Fighters 2
UPDATED 27/01/11
- Updated with Wilco's mods including; angled refuelling probe, landing light, spoilers and loadout information
- minor data.ini updates
- Opening canopy 'shift' + '0'
UPDATES 19/01/11
- Mach limit extended from the stock figure to one that allows braking of the sound barrier as Skyhawks were known to do in a dive.
- Weight limits on the weapon stations changed after I found some reference material with the exact figures of each pylon for the M & N model not just the total increase over previous models
-Year specific versions to reflect upgrades in avionics and weapons capability
-Modernized cockpit with HUD & Avionics
- Python 5 missile included
-Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
-All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
Credit goes to Third Wire the original aircraftl this has been modified from and Wilco
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