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  1. Southern Ukraine and Crimean Peninsula Terrain

    Donbass Beta 0.40
    Southern Ukraine and Crimean Peninsula Terrain

    This terrain is written for SF2E. It works well with SF2NA.
    I. Short description:
    The south and the east of the Ukraine are battlegrounds in mid 2022. At the moment nobody knows how the war will end.
    This terrain covers the most parts of the Ukraine and some parts of the Russian Federation. But only the southern war theater and the crimean peninsula are included in this terrain so far. Airfields and some other target areas are placed on the map. Further improvements will come.
    I made the airfields in their shape as realistic as possible. Only 3 airfields are more or less freestyle.
    At the moment the terrain is made for scenarios around the Crimean peninsula. Offensive operations are more focused for the ukrainian side. In ukrainian strike missions you can fly against airfields, factories, depots, Sewastopol harbour and support facilities and a dense SAM network.
    For the russian side you can only fly against enemy airfields.
    At the moment possible mission types are:  Sweep, CAP, Escort, Intercept, Recon, Strike and SEAD missions.
    The terrain is set as NavalMap=FALSE, but it is prepared for NavalMap=TRUE. If you use SF2NA as basic game you may change the setting, so that carrier vs carrier operations will be possible.
    To run this terrain you need SF2NorthAtlantic or SF2 Israel or SF2 Europe.

    Unzip all files into your saved game folder ...ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2XXXX

    Thats it.

    If you have SF2Europe installed you must do nothing more.
    If you miss SF2E and have SF2Israel you must open file
    with Notepad editor and look for the lines:
    change the entry into:

    save the file
    III. Credits.
    Tileset            is basing on Jan Tumas tiles for First Eagles
    Shelter1            circular aircraft shelter taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue
    EWalls 500,100 and 50 m    taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue
    SunShelter170m        taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue
    D_Bunker            taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue
    ControlTower.LOD        made by RussoUK
    SA-6L            i added Ukraine in the Userlist.ini
    StraightFlush        i added Ukraine in the Userlist.ini
    SA-5 + SquarePair        made by FastCargo, taken from SF2_SAMs_Pack, radar modded by me
    GK-P-14            Tall King Radar, made by GKABS
    GK-D-30Russia        D-30 howitzer made by GKABS
    ShelterZuRoad        made by AmokFloo
    Base_C.lod        round parking area taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue
    Base_H.lod        small parking area taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue
    ZIL-157 Sam Trailer        made by ???, taken from SF2_SAMs_Pack,
    Factories            made by Geezer
    T-72A            i added tactical numbers and gave it a Fla-MG
    BTR-80A            taken from eburgers PanzerPack for SF2
    Plattenbau_4_Geschosse    Made by Wingwiner as BlokW704P, i converted it from bmp to jpg
    Plattenbau_11_Geschosse    Made by Wingwiner as BlokW7010p, i converted it from bmp to jpg
    Nitka_Ramp        Made by Yakarow
    NitkaRezystorKompleks    Made by Yakarow
    I hope i have not forgotten someone.
    IV. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    And i say it again for the YAP, YankeeAirPirates file thiefs, the usage of this terrain and/or parts of  the terrain for commercial use is not allowed!!!!!
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.

    Michael (Gepard)

    Made in Germany
    29. Oktober 2022


       (0 reviews)



  2. NovaLogic Terrains

    NovaLogic Terrains
    July 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
    by Menrva and gerwin

    >For Strike Fighters 2, Recommended Full-5 Merged
    This package was born after the discovery of similarities between the terrain engine of Strike Fighters and that of NovaLogic's flight sims from the late nineties. Upon my initial idea, gerwin helped make it true with his incredible programming skills; without him, these terrains wouldn't even exist for use on Strike Fighters. This package features not one, not two, but all thirteen terrains converted from all NovaLogic's flight sims. Due to differences between game engines, these terrains are smaller in scale in Strike Fighters compared to how they are in NovaLogic's games. Here below a summary of what's included:
    NL01_IslandGreen (Region: Meadow) from F-22 Lightning II
    NL02_IslandSnowy (Region: Tundra) from F-22 Lightning II and F-22 Raptor
    NL03_Desert1 (Region: Arid) from F-22 Lightning II and F-22 Raptor
    NL04_Jungle1 (Region: Forest) from F-22 Lightning II and F-22 Raptor
    NL04_Jungle2 (Region: Jungle) from F-16 Multirole Fighter and MiG-29 Fulcrum
    NL05_Savannah1 (Region: Woodland) from F-22 Raptor
    NL05_Savannah2 (Region: Savanna) from F-16 Multirole Fighter, MiG-29 Fulcrum and F-22 Lightning 3
    NL06_Desert2A (Region: Brush) from F-22 Raptor
    NL06_Desert2B (Region: Desert) from F-16 Multirole Fighter and MiG-29 Fulcrum
    NL07_Steppe (Region: Steppe) from F-16 Multirole Fighter and MiG-29 Fulcrum
    NL08_Scrub (Region: Scrub) from F-16 Multirole Fighter, MiG-29 Fulcrum and F-22 Lightning 3
    NL09_Glacial (Region: Glacial) from F-16 Multirole Fighter, MiG-29 Fulcrum and F-22 Lightning 3
    NL10_IslandJungle (Region: Tropical) from F-22 Lightning 3
    These terrains feature 500m resolution heightmaps and original low-res tilesets (tweaked for the Strike Fighters engine). Each terrain is meant to represent a generic region of the world. Nations are properly limited to ones coherent with each setting, and island terrains enable the use of naval fleets and aircraft carriers. As such, these terrains are meant to be used in a full-5 merged mod folder of all SF2 titles. At this stage very few target areas have been added to each terrain, providing basic support for all mission types, so just enjoy quick missions against the enemy; hopefully these terrains will be completed with more details one day.
    About development, gerwin took care of reverse engineering NovaLogic's files and converting them to SF2 format, plus writing the tools for that. Me and him manually fixed most water alpha channels and adjusted colors in few tiles. Design choices such as target areas, routes, terrain height and surroundings, are mine; if you have any suggestions about this package, contact me.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -gerwin, for converting these terrains to the Strike Fighters game engine and for expanding his awesome tools with new features. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too.
    -Wrench, for permission to upload this package which is based on outdated assets from old games.

    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
    Any changes to the package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
    This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (4 reviews)



  3. SF2 Formosa Straits Terrain Revamp (v.2) by Gepard

    SF2 Formosa Straits Terrain Revamp (v.2) by Gepard                           10/15/23
    *Full 5 Merged Installs Recommended*            
    This terrain mod is designed to REPLACE any and all eariler versions. It also includes any previous updates from long past years. It is designed for use with the SF2-NA environment
    While the tiling has not been touched, (almost) all the target areas have been revamped, rebuilt or replaced. Several new regions have been added, and many of the other inis have been upgraded (See Notes for more changes). Several items (Ground Objects & Weapons) are supplied; in the Notes section is a list of other items you'll probably want to obtain. Be advised, you will experience longer than usual loading times, due to the weight of objects on the terrain. And yes, you can expect a plethora of 'hidden in the open' Easter Eggs. After all, it's my trademark!! (tm)
    As always, PLEASE read the install instructions, and the accompaning Notes and Other Nonsense for more details on other needed items. As is reccommended, unzip to an easy to find location, so you can access the readme for it's full instructions. Gepard's original readme is also included, for historical purposes.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  4. Alaska, Bering Strait (1955-2018)

    Alaska, Bering Strait (1955-2018) Terrain
    April 13th, 2017 (1st Release)
    by Menrva

    >For Strike Fighters 2: Europe, Recommended Full-5 Merged
    This is a complete remake of the DBS terrain made by Major Lee and further tweaked by Wrench.
    Wrench kindly allowed me to improve upon his work; the entire map has been retargetized and retiled using a whole new tileset, combining tiles from Brain32 and Stary. Some water bodies, lakes and rivers have been hand-tiled. Most of the terrain has been hand-tiled to a great extent. Numerous target areas have been added in order to expand playability, targets of opportunity and year range.
    This terrain features a fresh new 250m resolution heightmap (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall it provides the whole terrain with a better look.
    The terrain spans from June 22, 1955 (the date of the first known Cold War incident in the Bering Straits between the U.S. and the Soviets) to December 31, 2018.
    I didn't bother to add all of the possible RL airports. However, when compared to the original DBS terrain, this one has a lot more to offer, especially on the Blue Side. The Soviets (Red Side) only have two flyable airfields. Don't even try to fly Red Side long-range bombers from said small airfields. Reason for this is that the original DBS terrain was rather fictional and included airbases which in reality didn't and don't exist. I made major researches and what I am providing here is a realistic representation of the area, given the terrain engine limitations. Anyway, I added some Off Map Airbases for both Blue Side and Red Side; if you have SF2NA, you can benefit from this addition, as long range AI flights can be generated from such airbases.
    The area in reality is pretty barren, so don't expect a terrain with much targets. Still, you can enjoy CAS missions at St. Lawrence Island and Lopp Lagoon being invaded by Soviet forces, and the usual dogfights over the Bering Straits.
    Ground Objects are not included. You can obtain them from Wrench's original DBS terrain release. Only very few of them should be needed anyway.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -Major Lee, who came up with the idea of recreating such an interesting scenario in the Strike Fighters world.
    -Wrench, who kindly allowed me to improve upon his work by giving me a blank cheque and trusting my capabilities. Thank you, sir!
    -swambast, who provided me with invaluable help in tracking and fixing common and uncommon bugs.
    -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making. If the terrain is pretty accurate to RL it's also because of him. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too.
    -mue, for the improved shaders he made, which I have included and reworked for the terrain, and for the tools he made for SF2 modding.
    -luk1978, for the snowy runway textures he made for his Korean terrain repaint (unofficially released) and the waternormal bitmap he shared at the SF2 screenshots thread. Your mods are very interesting!
    -MigBuster, I have included some of his great hi-res textures for runways.
    -Brain32, for the original hi-res DBS tileset he made and which I have expanded with my bad transition tiles.
    -Stary, because his tilesets are pure art. I borrowed a TOD and few tiles from his excellent Kamchatka tileset repaint.
    -Gepard, for his great tutorials about terrain making, in the SF1 Knowledge Base at CombatACE. It's a gold mine!
    -krfrge, who has produced a tutorial for recreating SF2-like planning maps, which prompted me to work on templates and my own high quality planning maps. Thank you very much!
    -comrpnt, for his Approach and Airfield Lighting Pack mod packages for SF1 series, which I reworked and included.
    Because the original terrain was born from Major Lee and was later tweaked a number of times by Wrench, I included the ReadMe files from the original packages, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not.

    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
    Any changes to the terrain package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
    This terrain may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (10 reviews)



  5. Alternate Falklands Terrains

    Firstly I strongly advise that you install the Falklands_1982 mod by eburger & team.

    Two new versions of the Falklands/Malvinas terrain.
    Hopefully most of the issues with the original are now sorted, coast lines have needed to be changed here and there and the terrain itself is much more uneven with more pronounced hills and mountains, two seasonal variations are included.
    Please read the readme....it really does have some useful stuff in it.
    Many thanks to eburger & the team that worked on the original mod.


       (7 reviews)



  6. Crash fix for Kamchatka 250m version with adjusted tileset

    This is a bug fix for the random crashing issue of the Kamchatka 250m tile set update released by Stary in below link
    Kamchatka 250m version with adjusted tileset etc - Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements - CombatACE
    If you are using the original Kamchatka 2.0 terrain released by Baltika, this is not applicable and you should avoid using it.
    Beautiful landscape tile. However it crashes randomly when flying in certain area or dropping bombs to airfields. The key issue is some incorrect file assignment in DATA.ini and how SF2 handles files in different season folders.
    It took me a long time to figure out. Hopefully this can help you as well. 
    1. Before everything, backup your KAMCHATKA_DATA.INI in your terrains folder. In case this breaks something else you have modded.
    2. Extract the file contents and overwrite file if asked to terrains/KAMCHATKA folder


       (1 review)



  7. Photo Real UK Terrain V2.

    This terrain now uses the 250 meter resolution as described here....
    Thanks Stary.
    Please be aware that due to the terrain resolution, number of objects etc this terrain may take a while to load or not even run at all...Reading the README's is vitally important..!!
    What's new ?
    We now have seasons but the winter version dose'nt have snow as I cant seem to get it right.
    Quite a few new tiles and tod's for the new airfield layouts by myself.
    Lots of new objects including several complete RAF style airbase layouts made by myself.
    I have included a few ground object files, some downloaded from here [ships] and some made by myself [RAF trucks and radar etc] but to make sure everything shows I would get just about every UK ground object you can from the CA downloads section.....there are just too many for me to add to the file and keep its size fairly small.
    FINALLY a big "THANK YOU" to EVERY body that has made any mods for the SF2 series..........there's a good chance some of you work is used here ....Thanks again.


       (9 reviews)



  8. Battle of Britain 2 Terrain Operation Seelöwe

    Battle of Britain 2 Terrain Operation Seelöwe
    This mod is made for SF2E.
    Battle of Britain 2 terrain Operation Seelöwe is a complete rework of my Battle of Britain terrain from 2009. It is completly new tiled, to give it a much better look. Each tile has now a size of 1024x1024 pixel, what is 4 times higher than in the old terrain.
    The terrain is made with "Operation Seelöwe" in mind. This operation was a german military plan from 1940 to land with strong forces on english soil. This operation was planed in a timeframe from summer till early autumn 1940. Thatswhy i made no seasoned tileset. To simulate the ground battles after the german invasion i set some german beachheads on the map, so that now CAS missions can be flown.  
    The area of Londow along the river Themse is new tiled by using satellite images. To hold the frame rate of the game as high as possible, i made the rivertiles not as tga files, but as ordinary jpg files. Thatswhy you will not find waves and reflexions on the river Themse and the most other rivers in this terrain.
    The City of London is populated with house blocks. So is is destroyable by bomb raids.
    The airfields in Britain are made by using old air footages from WW2. The design of the german bases is fiction. I was not able to find air footages from 1940 for this airfields. Please make sure, that your bombers have the setting
    in their data.ini of the plane. Otherwise the bombers will also use fighter bases.
    At the moment Battle of Britain 2 terrain contains 312 target areas. Some target areas are named PQsomething. PQ comes from the german word "Planquadrat", which is in english "grid". I decided to use the term PQ to simulate german planningmaps.
    The terrain comes with two new nations. First the Luftwaffe of the Third Reich and the fictionary Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte of the Republic of Germany. Both nations have own insiginas, which you can select for single missions. The swastika i made only in a "camouflaged" version, because in Germany it is not allowed to handle this symbol in a game.
    I have also moded the missioncontrol.ini file. Now the planes are closer to their base when they start a landing approach.
    The terrain comes with 3 campaigns.
    No.1 is Operation Seelöwe, the german invasion in Britain in late summer 1940
    No.2 is the so called Nonstop Offensive, the british air strikes over the Channel in 1941
    No.3 is Operation Seelöwe in 1956 with a fiction Republic of Germany as invader.
    For the campaigns you need following planes:
    BF109E-4 by RussoUK         https://combatace.com/files/file/14035-bf109e-47z/
    Ju-88A-1 by Veltro2k   https://combatace.com/files/file/15445-junkers-ju-88-a1/
    Do-17P by Veltro2k       https://combatace.com/files/file/15196-dornier-do-17p/
    Spitfire Mk.1 by TMF   https://combatace.com/files/file/13510-sf2-ww2-spitfire-mk1a-by-mod-mafiatmf/
    Hurricane IA by Raven   https://combatace.com/files/file/13646-sf2-ww2-hawker-hurricane-ia-etobob-by-raven/
    WW2 RAF Bombers pack by Wrench   https://combatace.com/files/file/13795-sf2-ww2-raf-bombers-pak/
    For the german 1956 campaign you need a MiG-17 cockpit
    The best is made by Stary   https://combatace.com/files/file/12684-mig-15-mig-15-bis-mig-17-cockpit/


    While making Battle of Britain 2 terrain i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
    The tileset is basing on Jan Tumas tileset for First Eagles
    The most tod files are made by me, but i also used files made by Stary.
    The white cliffs objects are made by GKABS.
    The airfield objects are made by Geezer.
    Some hangars are taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1
    The Robinson hangars are made by RussoUK2004
    The industrial factories are made by Geezer.
    The fortification objects are made by Geezer.
    The cargoships which you find in London Docks are made by Nils 'Julhelm' Dücker
    I hope that have nobody forgotten.

    -Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder

    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
    Battle of Britain 2 terrain Operation Seelöwe and all of his parts are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!


    Hope you enjoy it.

    Michael (Gepard)

    Made in Germany
    May 2021


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  9. Iraq, Western Asia (2003-2018)

    Iraq, Western Asia (2003-2018) Terrain
    August 13th, 2017 (1st Release)
    by Menrva

    >For Strike Fighters 2, Recommended Full-5 Merged
    This is a complete remake of the IR2003 terrain released long time ago by Wrench.
    The entire map has been retargetized and retiled using a whole new tileset, combining tiles from JSF_Aggie, Stary, Centurion-1 and my bad transition tiles. All major water bodies, lakes and some minor rivers have been hand-tiled. The Caspian Sea coast had to be hand-tiled as well. Numerous target areas have been added in order to expand playability, targets of opportunity and year range.
    This terrain features a fresh new 250m resolution heightmap (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall it provides the whole terrain with a better look.
    The terrain spans from May 2, 2003 (the day following the end of major combat operations of Operation Iraqi Freedom) to December 31, 2018; it is designed for fictional clashes between US-backed Iraq and Iran. It's the perfect playground for the fictive Operation Darius scenario created by the CombatACE community. Iran is Enemy, Iraq is Friendly, other countries are Friendly as well.
    Targets reflect Real World events as accurately as possible; for instance, certain Iraqi airbases will be abandoned by 2004 or by other dates (some airports were converted to simple U.S. Army FOBs), etc. Some airfields won't be available after a certain date and/or will change name according to historic changes.
    All main targets are in their Real World locations (I tried to be as accurate as possible, to such a level that even surpasses ThirdWire's stock terrains). Shiraz Int'l Airport and Prince Sultan Airbase are beyond the Wall. However, if you have SF2NA, long range AI flights can be generated from such airbases.
    Ground Objects are not included. You can obtain most of them from Wrench's original Iran-Iraq terrains, or from other mod packages.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -Wrench, who reworked the original terrain and provided the CombatACE community with plenty of mods and scenarios to play with. He gave me invaluable advise, the tools I needed and introduced me to the beautiful, exhausting world of terrain modding/making. Thank you, sir!
    -swambast, who offered to build two high quality 3D models (Mosul Dam and Mosul Grand Mosque), featured for the first time in this terrain, it's an honor! He also provided major help in tracking and fixing common and uncommon bugs. If the terrain is stable (no CTDs), it's his merit!
    -Nyghtfall, for creating 3d models of the Kuwait Water Towers and Kuwait Freedom Towers.
    -tiopilotos, for providing reworked .tga tiles with new alpha channels. Much appreciated!
    -Spudknocker, who helped me complete the 1980-2003 beta version of the terrain, providing additional target areas.
    -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making. If the terrain is pretty accurate to RL it's also because of him. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too.
    -MigBuster, I have included some of his great hi-res textures for runways.
    -mue, for the improved shaders he made, which I have included and reworked for the terrain, and for the tools he made for SF2 modding.
    -luk1978, for the waternormal bitmap he shared at the SF2 screenshots thread. Your mods are very interesting!
    -Crusader, who provided me with the info I needed about ODS and other stuff related to targets.
    -JSF_Aggie, for his high quality DS tileset, which I have expanded with my horrible transition tiles.
    -7eleven, who directed me to a website filled with Desert Storm related info.
    -Centurion-1, since I used some tiles from his Desert 4 Mountain Regions+ Addon. I tried to contact you for permission, but it seems RL got in your way. Your WIP mod about the Iran/Iraq war gave me the motivation to complete this terrain. The least I can say is thank you. Best of luck, mate!
    -Stary, because his tilesets are pure art. I borrowed a few TODs and tiles from his excellent IsraelME tileset.
    -Gepard, for his great tutorials about terrain making, in the SF1 Knowledge Base at CombatACE. It's a gold mine!
    -Stratos, who supported me support during the terrain's development.
    -krfrge, who has produced a tutorial for recreating SF2-like planning maps, which prompted me to work on templates and my own high quality planning maps. Thank you very much!
    -comrpnt, for his Approach and Airfield Lighting Pack mod packages for SF1 series, which I reworked and included.
    I am totally sure I missed someone, especially because the terrain was born from Wrench's original ones. So I also included Wrench's original readme files from his IR and IR2003 terrains to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not.

    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
    Any changes to the terrain package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
    This terrain may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (4 reviews)



  10. Ethiopia, African Horn (1977-1990)

    Ethiopia, African Horn (1977-1990) Terrain
    December 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
    by Menrva

    >For Strike Fighters 2, Recommended Full-5 Merged
    I am proud to present a brand new terrain made from scratch! Initially proposed in private by tiopilotos, I later decided to create it in order to offer an accurate playground for different conflicts never recreated in Strike Fighters.
    The terrain completely covers Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti, and a great portion of Somalia and Yemen. The tileset, based on JSF_Aggie's Desert repaint and Centurion-1's Desert 4 add-on, has been greatly expanded with necessary transition tiles. Expect long and very accurate river courses and all major lakes, the reddish deserts of the Horn of Africa and the green highlands of Ethiopia. Numerous target areas, such as civilian airports and airstrips, have been added in order to expand playability, targets of opportunity and year range.
    This terrain features a fresh new 250m resolution heightmap (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall it provides the whole terrain with a better look.
    The terrain spans from July 13, 1977 (the beginning of the Ogaden War) to May 21, 1990 (the day before the unification of Yemen). This terrain is adapt for historical scenarios such as the Ogaden War and the Second Yemenite War of 1979 between North Yemen and South Yemen.
    Targets reflect Real World events as accurately as possible. Off Map Airbases have been added and long range AI flights can be generated from them. Having SF2NA is a must, as I have enabled naval ops; if your mod folder contains American, British and French aircraft carriers, sometimes you'll see fleets being generated in single missions.
    Ground Objects are not included. You can obtain the most needed ones from Wrench's old Eritrea/Ethiopia terrain release.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -Wrench, for working on Wingwiner's original Eritrea terrain, producing new target area layouts.
    -swambast, who provided me with invaluable help in tracking and fixing common and uncommon bugs.
    -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making. If the terrain is pretty accurate to RL it's also because of him. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too.
    -mue, for the improved shaders he made, which I have included and reworked for the terrain, and for the tools he made for SF2 modding.
    -luk1978, for the waternormal bitmap he shared at the SF2 screenshots thread. Your mods are very interesting!
    -JSF_Aggie, for his great Hi-Res Runway Textures v2.0 which I included, and for the hi-res desert tileset.
    -Centurion-1, for expanding JSF_Aggie's tileset with more variety for the Desert4 terrain by Piecemeal.
    -tiopilotos, for his continuous support in all my terrain modding efforts. Thank you very much!
    -Stary, for old .TOD files which add trees and buildings on some tiles of this terrain.
    -Gepard, for his great tutorials about terrain making, in the SF1 Knowledge Base at CombatACE. It's a gold mine!
    -krfrge, who has produced a tutorial for recreating SF2-like planning maps, which prompted me to work on templates and my own high quality planning maps. Thank you very much!
    -comrpnt, for his Approach and Airfield Lighting Pack mod packages for SF1 series, which I reworked and included.
    Although scratch-made, the terrain makes use of most objects and target layouts from Wrench's Eritrea terrain; because of this, I included the ReadMe file from that package, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not.

    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
    Any changes to the terrain package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
    This terrain may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (0 reviews)



  11. Italy, Southern Europe (1963-1991)

    Italy, Southern Europe (1963-1991) Terrain
    September 13th, 2022 (1st Release)
    by Menrva and tiopilotos

    >For Strike Fighters 2, Recommended Full-5 Merged
    I am very proud to release a long awaited, brand new terrain made from scratch! The result of many years of dedication and sweat starting in 2017, it features thousands of manually placed tiles reproducing Real World river courses and lakes, not to mention tons of cities all accurately placed in their correct locations. This terrain portrays a pretty complex area, no wonder it never got made properly in two decades of Strike Fighters modding. It is my hope you realize the amount of time and hard effort that I have put to reproduce it with much care and detail.
    The terrain completely covers Italy (with the exception of Sicily, which is included in my Libya terrain), Yugoslavia, Albania, Corsica (France), Liechtenstein and nice portions of Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Greece and even a bit of Romania. The tileset, based on one of Stary's GermanyCE tilesets, has been recoloured and expanded with needed transition tiles and features beautiful, unique tiles by tiopilotos which reproduce real islands. Expect long and very accurate river courses, all major and some minor lakes, and tons of islands in the Adriatic Sea. Numerous target areas have been added in order to expand playability, targets of opportunity and year range; those include more than 140 airports, more than 100 SAM sites and more than 70 EW-GCI sites, all placed accurately in their correct locations as shown by well-made SAM site datasets for Google Earth.
    This terrain features a fresh new 250m resolution heightmap (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall it provides the whole terrain with a better look.
    The terrain spans from April 7, 1963 (the day the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was introduced) to June 24, 1991 (the day before Slovenia and Croatia declared independence). This terrain is adapt for Cold War scenarios pitting NATO forces against the combined Red Side forces of Yugoslavia, Albania, Hungary and Romania. Airfields in Austria and Switzerland have been set to Neutral, so the AI and the player will never spawn on those by default.
    Targets reflect Real World events as accurately as possible. Having SF2NA is a must, as I have enabled naval ops; if your mod folder contains American, French and Italian aircraft carriers, sometimes you'll see fleets being generated in single missions.
    NOTE: The terrain is not fully finished. It currently misses targets for cities, such as bridges, warehouses, factories etc. If time will allow, maybe someday it will be completed properly.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -tiopilotos, for working on very well done island tiles which offer more unique sights in the Adriatic Sea.
    -swambast, who provided me with invaluable help in tracking and fixing common and uncommon bugs.
    -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making. If the terrain is pretty accurate to RL it's also because of him. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too.
    -mue, for the improved shaders he made, which I have included and reworked for the terrain, and for the tools he made for SF2 modding.
    -JSF_Aggie, for his Hi-Res Runway Textures package which I have included and slightly reworked.
    -Coupi, for his Soviet style repaint of the stock Runway3 airfield.
    -luk1978, for the waternormal bitmap he shared at the SF2 screenshots thread. Your mods are very interesting!
    -Stary, for an old version of his GermanyCE tileset included in the Anatolia v1 terrain by PureBlue.
    -Gepard, for his great tutorials about terrain making, in the SF1 Knowledge Base at CombatACE. It's a gold mine!
    -krfrge, who has produced a tutorial for recreating SF2-like planning maps, which prompted me to work on templates and my own high quality planning maps. Thank you very much!
    -comrpnt, for his Approach and Airfield Lighting Pack mod packages for SF1 series, which I reworked and included.

    Some statistics of the amount of work that went into it, gathered thanks to gerwin's TFDtool. I placed manually one by one: more than 8600 rivers tiles, more than 1100 road tiles, more than 2000 city related tiles! This is just the tip of the iceberg, not counting other thousands of tiles that have been placed manually on the tilemap to better reproduce coastlines, islands and lakes, and not counting the endless hours of research since 2017 into adding all possible airports with much accuracy.

    This is a freeware; you are NOT allowed to redistribute it without my prior explicit consent.
    Any changes to the terrain package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
    This terrain may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (4 reviews)



  12. Rio de la Plata terrain

    Rio de la Plata terrain version 1.3
    This terrain is written for SF2NA and SF2E or SF2I.
    I. Short description:
    This terrain covers the Bay of the river Rio de la Plata. South of this bay we find Argentina, north of it Urugay and Brazil. East of it is the Atlantic Ocean.
    The timeframe of the terrain is from 1980 to 2020.
    It is made as a NavalMap with carrier vs carrier operations in mind.
    The scenario is, that in 1982, the Royal Navy answered the argentinian invasion on the Falkland islands with sending a Naval Task Force toward Buenos Aires and landing troops on the shores of Argentina.
    Thatswhy you find a big british beachhead on the map.
    You can fly following missions for the British and their allies, the Brazilians:
    For the Argentinians you can fly this missions:
    New in vesion 1.2:
    - number of target area increased from 37 to 47
    - all target areas are now fitted with objects. Factories, warehouses, commbuilding etc.
    - Airbase Tandil moved 75 km westward. It is not yet at the correct position. I fear, that if the base is placed at the correct position, the AI would not use it, because it is to far in the west.
    - At the former position of Tandil Airbase i placed a temporary aifield.
    - I added the river Rio Paradana and the neigbour rivers.
    - I relocated Montevideo and the Montevideo Airport. The airport is completly new made.
    - I reworked all rivermouth tiles, enlarged them to 1024x1024 pixel size.
    New in version 1.3
    - number of targetareas increades to 82
    - a lot of new factory target areas for Argentina
    - included uruguayan airbases
    - included static Cessna for airfield "population
    - included some goodies

    To run this terrain you need SF2NorthAtlantic and SF2 Israel or SF2 Europe.

    Unzip all files into your saved game folder ...ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2XXXX

    Thats it.

    If you have SF2Europe installed you must do nothing more.
    If you miss SF2E and have SF2Israel you must open file
    with Notepad editor and look for the lines:
    change the entry into:

    save the file
    II.A: Goodies
    I have made a new mainscreen and included a new mainscreensound. Check it out and if you like it then copy the folder Menu to your SF2 mod installation
    If you own the TK's  DLC28 and SF2Israel, you can use the MirageIIIEA and MirageIIIEBR, which you also find in the goodies folder. Simply copy to your objects folder.
    III. Credits.
    Tileset            is basing on Starys Green Hell 3.0 tileset. I converted it to jpg format and
                merged the 512x512 tiles to 1024x1024 pixel tiles.
    Tileset green        made by Wilches
    GK-CG1            civil airport building made by GKABS
    GK-CMT            civil airport building made by GKABS
    GK-CT1            civil airport building made by GKABS
    Base_C.lod        round parking area taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue
    Base_H.lod        small parking area taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue
    ControlTower.LOD        made by RussoUK
    Modern Royal Navy ship pack     made by WhiteBoySamurai
                i added shipnumbers and converted the bmp to jpg files, corrected the hitboxes
    ARA 25 de Mayo        made by Torno for original 25 de Mayo CV, - upgrades by paulopanz
                i made the angle deck and the Flak working and converted the bmp to jpg files
    TAM            made by SUICIDAL & Torno, taken from SF2 Tanks Pack
                i converted the bmp to jpg files
    TAM_Roland        made by Gabilon, i made a new skin
    Unimog            made by BANIDOS TEAM and SUICIDAL
                i converted the bmp to jpg files
    GearingFRAM1B_ Argentina    stock ship of SF2NA, made by TK, modded by me
    SumnerFRAM2_Argentina    stock ship of SF2NA, made by TK, modded by me
    Fearless Class        Austin, stock ship of SF2NA, made by TK, modded by me
    Cleveland class        made by YEYEYE (General Belgrano), modded by me
    Leopard1A5_Brazil        LOD file made by Gabilon, skin made by me
    Gepard_Brazil        LOD file made by Gabilon, skin made by me
    Factory buildings        Made by Geezer
    Refinery1,2 and Factory-2    Made by Wingwiner, i renamed the files
    Techniker            made by Geezer, moded by me
    Mainscreensound        mady by Andrius Klimka
    A special Thank you goes to Wilches and Snowburn for their support.

    I hope i have not forgotten someone.
    IV. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    And i say it again for the YAP, YankeeAirPirates file thiefs, the usage of this terrain and/or parts of  the terrain for commercial use is not allowed!!!!!
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.

    Michael (Gepard)

    Made in Germany
    27. April 2023


       (1 review)



  13. Italy, Southern Europe (1993-2006)

    Italy, Southern Europe (1993-2006) Terrain
    September 13th, 2022 (1st Release)
    by Menrva and tiopilotos

    >For Strike Fighters 2, Recommended Full-5 Merged
    I am very proud to release a long awaited, brand new terrain made from scratch! The result of many years of dedication and sweat starting in 2017, it features thousands of manually placed tiles reproducing Real World river courses and lakes, not to mention tons of cities all accurately placed in their correct locations. This terrain portrays a pretty complex area, no wonder it never got made properly in two decades of Strike Fighters modding. It is my hope you realize the amount of time and hard effort that I have put to reproduce it with much care and detail.
    The terrain completely covers Italy (with the exception of Sicily, which is included in my Libya terrain), Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Corsica (France), Liechtenstein and nice portions of Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Macedonia, Greece and even a bit of Romania. The tileset, based on one of Stary's GermanyCE tilesets, has been recoloured and expanded with needed transition tiles and features beautiful, unique tiles by tiopilotos which reproduce real islands. Expect long and very accurate river courses, all major and some minor lakes, and tons of islands in the Adriatic Sea. Numerous target areas have been added in order to expand playability, targets of opportunity and year range; those include more than 140 airports, more than 100 SAM sites and more than 70 EW-GCI sites, all placed accurately in their correct locations as shown by well-made SAM site datasets for Google Earth.
    This terrain features a fresh new 250m resolution heightmap (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall it provides the whole terrain with a better look.
    The terrain spans from April 12, 1993 (the beginning of Operation Deny Flight) to June 2, 2006 (the day before Montenegro declared its independence). This terrain is adapt for the Yugoslav Wars and for what-if scenarios pitting Serbia against NATO. For gameplay purposes, Bosnia is set to Red Side alongside Serbia and Montenegro. Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia are set to Blue Side. Airfields in Austria, Switzerland and Romania have been set to Neutral, so the AI and the player will never spawn on those by default.
    Targets reflect Real World events as accurately as possible. Having SF2NA is a must, as I have enabled naval ops; if your mod folder contains American, French and Italian aircraft carriers, sometimes you'll see fleets being generated in single missions.
    NOTE: The terrain is not fully finished. It currently misses targets for cities, such as bridges, warehouses, factories etc. If time will allow, maybe someday it will be completed properly.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -tiopilotos, for working on very well done island tiles which offer more unique sights in the Adriatic Sea.
    -swambast, who provided me with invaluable help in tracking and fixing common and uncommon bugs.
    -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making. If the terrain is pretty accurate to RL it's also because of him. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too.
    -mue, for the improved shaders he made, which I have included and reworked for the terrain, and for the tools he made for SF2 modding.
    -JSF_Aggie, for his Hi-Res Runway Textures package which I have included and slightly reworked.
    -Coupi, for his Soviet style repaint of the stock Runway3 airfield.
    -luk1978, for the waternormal bitmap he shared at the SF2 screenshots thread. Your mods are very interesting!
    -Stary, for an old version of his GermanyCE tileset included in the Anatolia v1 terrain by PureBlue.
    -Gepard, for his great tutorials about terrain making, in the SF1 Knowledge Base at CombatACE. It's a gold mine!
    -krfrge, who has produced a tutorial for recreating SF2-like planning maps, which prompted me to work on templates and my own high quality planning maps. Thank you very much!
    -comrpnt, for his Approach and Airfield Lighting Pack mod packages for SF1 series, which I reworked and included.

    Some statistics of the amount of work that went into it, gathered thanks to gerwin's TFDtool. I placed manually one by one: more than 8600 rivers tiles, more than 1100 road tiles, more than 2000 city related tiles! This is just the tip of the iceberg, not counting other thousands of tiles that have been placed manually on the tilemap to better reproduce coastlines, islands and lakes, and not counting the endless hours of research since 2017 into adding all possible airports with much accuracy.

    This is a freeware; you are NOT allowed to redistribute it without my prior explicit consent.
    Any changes to the terrain package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
    This terrain may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (3 reviews)



  14. SF2-WW2 Battle of the Bulge Terrain

    The terrain is set up to use the GermanyCE.Cat file but there are not that many ThirdWire objects in use and no ThirdWire tiles so it may work OK with other Terrain.cat files but hasn't been tested.
       This is a very narrow focused terrain with the emphasis on fighter bomber operations in the Ardennes region in late 1944 and early 1945. The main intent of this project was to make a semi-historical Battle of the Bulge campaign but as usual with the SF series, things are taking much longer than expected so I'm going to release this unfinished beta 0.9 version for testing and hopefully get the final version with a campaign released in about 6 months.
       The towns along the front line are in place but I still have quite a few to add further behind both the US and German lines. Most targets are  of the tactical variety such as supply dumps, fuel caches, storage barns, command/communication trucks, fuel trucks, high value tanks and local command buildings.
       Most target areas are focused on the Ardennes region with the exception of airfields and hangars. The area to the east of the Rhine river is considered off limits to allied fighter bombers so the five German airfields located there have zero points for runways and hangars. There are two German airfields on the west side of the Rhine that can be assigned as strike targets during single missions. The seven Allied airfields and their hangars can be targets during Luftwaffe strike missions.
    The terrain has some artillery positions and the plan is to use the artillery as a force multiplier during the campaign. The artillery is very one sided in areas that saw quick German break outs but the northern and southern shoulders of the battle area saw very little movement so those areas have artillery positions for both sides.
    The terrain is meant for fighter bomber operations only so all airfields are classed as SMALL to try and minimize the number of large aircraft that might show up in single missions. There are three types of runways in use, two use a version of my quicker take off mod and one uses the FE style sequential take off.
    All the add-on tanks, vehicles, guns, etc. have had adjustments made to things like hit boxes, engine power, on and off road speed, armor protection, gun range, rate of fire, visual range, etc. They aren't perfect but I thought it best to take a consistent approach. Although they weren't always widely available, all the tank guns use AP rounds with no explosive in the warhead. All the guns and ground objects included have a suffix for "Bulge" or "Baffmeister', take your pick.
    There is an optional folder that contains some AAA pieces. If you are happy with your present WW2 AAA set up it can be ignored but my WW2 install was a real mess regarding the AAA so I took the opportunity to improve things. For now, the German 88mm, US 90mm and British 3.7inch time fused flak use the same gun and cover the entire WW2 date range. This is a gross simplification but I'm still experimenting with overly large explosive rounds for the time fused flak so it remains as is.  
    The seven allied airfield positions are relatively accurate although I had to move them a bit to fit within the GermanyCE terrain tods. The Luftwaffe airfields are just using some of the stock ThirdWire locations. Two of the Luftwaffe airfields have a second airfield/runway attached to give two airfields at one location. None of the airfields are a good representation of the actual WW2 airfields. Also, I haven't had a chance yet to sort through some new objects so they are very plain looking.
    I tried to organize the ground objects a bit so they all have Green, Tan and for this terrain White texture folders. Some of the objects had some dedicated winter textures I could use but others I had to make myself by just messing with colors, brightness and saturation. Lots of room for improvement! The same holds true for winter roof textures I did for some building objects. Geezer's objects all have good textures!
    While scouting out town locations I found a great spot on the GermanyCE terrain for Elsenborn Ridge and guesstimated the other town locations off that point. The result is inaccurate town locations too far south. It doesn't really affect game play unless you try and fly with a real map but it's a done deal at this point.
    The ThirdWire GermanyCE terrain doesn't really do the Ardennes region justice. None off the rivers that were a big part of the Battle of the Bulge are modeled and neither are most of the roads but trying to do a dedicated terrain would have added years to the project.
    I tried using a very tight date range for this terrain but it seems to default to 1944 or 1945. For single missions you will want to choose 1944 because, at certain target areas, some US objects get removed from the terrain starting 17th December, 1944.
    ThirdWire: GermanyCE terrain and city TODs.
    Stary: GermanyCE Hard Winter tiles and countryside TODs and TOD textures. Some TOD textures taken from Rends GermanyCE terrain.
    Geezer: Too many objects to name individually! They are being run from individual folders within the terrain folder. The credits are included within the object folders. Objects include urban blocks, farm houses, town houses, churches, barns, light industrial buildings, warehouses, static vehicles, soldiers, horse drawn carts,tents and a supply dump. Some hangars included as well. Thank you Sir!
    Polak and Wrench: Some objects from Object Library 1.
    Gepard: Burg_Colditz, Pfalzgrafenstein, airfield ramps, taxiways and a runway with modified textures.
    WingWiner: Many town buildings and destroyed models, most with modified textures.
    Stary: str_han1, 4, and 8 with modified textures. Also, some Stary textures being used on a couple of ThirdWire hangars.
    Sundowner: Road grader.
    Closterman: Tactical Control Centre.
    Monty CZ: Static version of his Opel_Blitz_Com vehicle and a landing strip model with modified textures.
    Mitch: halle3_close
    Stephen1918: SmallChurch.
    Unknown:  FH-Trees, Tree3A, Tree3B and Tree3C.
    Unknown: Fort Gatehouse, Fort HQ Building, Fort Turret, Fort Wall and Fort Wall Destroyed, all with modified textures.
    Geezer: 105mm German and US artillery, M5 anti tank gun, PanzerWerfer-42, motorized versions of his M3 half track, GMC canvas truck, Dodge WC51 light truck, and a PanzerIVh model that is still a work in progress.
    Geo: M3 half track, M36 tank destroyer, Panther tank, Sdkfz251 half track, Sdkfz251 flak, TigerII tank, Sherman M4A3 and E8 tanks, M16 Quad AAA, and Opel Blitz Canvas/Open trucks.
    Raven: TigerI tank and the SturmTiger rocket launcher.
    Monty CZ: 88Flak36Emplaced, 88mm Flak36Towed[used as AT gun], and I think, the 20mm FlakVierling [quad].
    Nicholas Bell: Bofors L60
    ThirdWire: US 90mm AAA. [uses KS-19 Lod.]
    Unknown: British 3.7inchAAA.
    SPECIAL THANKS TO MUE!   Without his Target Area Editor I would not have even attempted this project!
    Instructions included in the package.
    Geezer's PanzerIV-h model is still a work in progress and may not be re-distributed in any way. It's included mainly for testing and as a favor to me. It includes some copy/paste textures from RussoUK's PanzerIV-j but that's just a temporary test for now.
    Geezer's other building/vehicle/troop etc. objects can be used, with appropriate credits, for freeware projects only, no commercial use permitted. The new objects are contained in individual folders within the BotB Terrain folder and can be easily viewed with Mues lod viewer. You can then do a search through the BotB_Types.ini to see the way I've set them up, which might not be the best way. Keep in mind, this isn't a formal object pack upload and not all summer textures are included.
    The terrain is still WIP and may not be re-distributed or modified, except for personal use.
    To the best of my knowledge, other objects included in this package are subject to the CombatAce fair use agreement.


       (1 review)



  15. South East Europe BETA

    This is a Beta mod, anyone who wants to help and finish it, thank you in advance. Also for campaigns that I failed to activate due to strategic nodes, ground troops are therefore inactive. I hope that someone will not resent me because I used some elements from other mods, all with the best intention to bring the best possible atmosphere to everyone on the forum here. Thank you for your understanding. I also thank my development team, first of all Stratos, Tiopilotos and others.


       (1 review)



  16. Ethiopia, African Horn (1993-2028)

    Ethiopia, African Horn (1993-2028) Terrain
    December 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
    by Menrva

    >For Strike Fighters 2, Recommended Full-5 Merged
    I am proud to present a brand new terrain made from scratch! Initially proposed in private by tiopilotos, I later decided to create it in order to offer an accurate playground for different conflicts never recreated in Strike Fighters.
    The terrain completely covers Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti, and a great portion of Somalia and Yemen. The tileset, based on JSF_Aggie's Desert repaint and Centurion-1's Desert 4 add-on, has been greatly expanded with necessary transition tiles. Expect long and very accurate river courses and all major lakes, the reddish deserts of the Horn of Africa and the green highlands of Ethiopia. Numerous target areas, such as civilian airports and airstrips, have been added in order to expand playability, targets of opportunity and year range.
    This terrain features a fresh new 250m resolution heightmap (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall it provides the whole terrain with a better look.
    The terrain spans from April 27, 1993 (the day Eritrea declared independence from Ethiopia) to December 31, 2028. This terrain is adapt for historical scenarios such as the Eritrean–Ethiopian War and for territorial disputes between Eritrea, Yemen and Djibouti. Somaliland is still considered as Somalia since Somaliland is not officially recognized, though you can spot the Somaliland flag over some of its cities.
    Targets reflect Real World events as accurately as possible; for instance, some airfields will appear at a given date, cities change their name at a specific year and so on, all according to Real World changes. Off Map Airbases have been added and long range AI flights can be generated from them. Having SF2NA is a must, as I have enabled naval ops; if your mod folder contains American, British and French aircraft carriers, sometimes you'll see fleets being generated in single missions.
    Ground Objects are not included. You can obtain the most needed ones from Wrench's old Eritrea/Ethiopia terrain release.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -Wrench, for working on Wingwiner's original Eritrea terrain, producing new target area layouts.
    -swambast, who provided me with invaluable help in tracking and fixing common and uncommon bugs.
    -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making. If the terrain is pretty accurate to RL it's also because of him. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too.
    -mue, for the improved shaders he made, which I have included and reworked for the terrain, and for the tools he made for SF2 modding.
    -luk1978, for the waternormal bitmap he shared at the SF2 screenshots thread. Your mods are very interesting!
    -JSF_Aggie, for his great Hi-Res Runway Textures v2.0 which I included, and for the hi-res desert tileset.
    -Centurion-1, for expanding JSF_Aggie's tileset with more variety for the Desert4 terrain by Piecemeal.
    -tiopilotos, for his continuous support in all my terrain modding efforts. Thank you very much!
    -Stary, for old .TOD files which add trees and buildings on some tiles of this terrain.
    -Gepard, for his great tutorials about terrain making, in the SF1 Knowledge Base at CombatACE. It's a gold mine!
    -krfrge, who has produced a tutorial for recreating SF2-like planning maps, which prompted me to work on templates and my own high quality planning maps. Thank you very much!
    -comrpnt, for his Approach and Airfield Lighting Pack mod packages for SF1 series, which I reworked and included.
    Although scratch-made, the terrain makes use of most objects and target layouts from Wrench's Eritrea terrain; because of this, I included the ReadMe file from that package, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not.

    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
    Any changes to the terrain package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
    This terrain may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (0 reviews)



  17. SF2 Mescalero Proving Grounds Part 3

    The Apache Spirit Dancers have brought forth some more target drones for your new range. This is DRONE PACKAGE #2 for the Mescalero Proving Grounds. Please be sure to have parts 1 and 2 already installed.
    INCLUDED with this package are the following NEW target drones and BONUS aircraft:
    THE QF-9J Cougar: Former front line carrier fighter of the USN. An AGRESSIVE drone of good manueverabilty
    but no countermeasures.Operated by permanent USN detachment from China Lake. Type was
    fully expended by 1975.
    THE PQM-102A DELTA DAGGER: Former front line USAF interceptor. Retired and placed in AMARC storage,Arizona.
    Recalled for target drone use in 1975 because of its performance simularities to
    the Soviet Mig-21. An AGGRESSIVE drone of fair manueverability and limited counter-
    measures. Type fully expended by 1986.
    THE CQM-10B BOMARC: Former USAF air defense missile. Retired in 1972 and converted for target drone use.
    A PASSIVE drone of poor manueverability BUT SUPERIOR SPEED!! A pair of ramjet engines
    can hold MACH 1.7 over the range and MACH 3.5 at higher altitudes. Limited countermeasures.
    A "shoot quick or it's gone" target. Designed to simulate the MIG-25 Foxbat or SR-71 type
    recon aircraft. Ground launched via self contained booster rocket.
    THE QT-38A Talon: Former USAF supersonic Advanced Trainer. Obtained by USN in 1975. and converted to target drone.
    Retrofitted with belly-pod containing limited countermeasures. A passive drone of fair/good manuever-
    ability. Operated by permanent USN detachment from China Lake. Type still operational but retirement
    is immenent.
    THE QF-4B Phantom II: Former front line carrier fighter of the USN. An AGRESSIVE drone of good manueverabilty
    and good countermeasures.Operated by rotating USN detachment from US NAVAL MISSILE CENTER in.
    Point Mugu,Calif. Type was fully expended by 1990.
    --------------DRONE CONTROLLER-------------------
    THE FJ3-D2 Fury: Drone controller conversion of the FJ-3 Fury. Pilot can assume command of errant drones and activate
    self-destruct mechanism via radio control. Armed with (4x) 20mm cannon as secondary termination
    choice. Operated on a limited utility basis from 1955 until 1966.
    -------------RANGE "HUNTER KILLER" AIRCRAFT------(one of my personal favorites!!)
    THE F4D-1 Skyray: Short-lived, front line carrier fighter of the USN and later USMC. Designed as an interceptor for the fleet.
    Holder of several speed and climb-to altitude records of its day. Has (4x) 20mm cannon in wings with limited
    ammo. Primarily designed to intercept with unguided "Mighty Mouse" rockets in external pods. Can be con-
    figured to use early sidewinder missiles instead. Capable, but NOT USED for air/ground operations (due to wing
    stress problems). Limited internal fuel makes drop-tanks neccesary. VERY limited combat time over range
    once tanks are dropped.....WATCH YOUR FUEL!! Non-carrier use over land requires carrying of external
    NAVPAC which contains needed avionics for navigation (VOR-OMNI) and instrument apporach use (ILS). This pack
    is non-droppable and carried on centerline. Your Skyray wears the colors of FAGU.....the Fleet Air Gunnery Unit,Pacific
    out of NAAS ElCentro,Calif. 1958.
    A full READ-ME file with installation and CREDITS is included. ENJOY!!!


       (1 review)



  18. Socotra terrain

    Socotra 1.0
    This terrain is written for SF2NA and SF2 Israel.
    I. Short description:
    Socotra is a relativly big island on the shores of the Horn of Africa. It belongs to Yemen.
    Socotra is an ideal position to control all shipping lines between the Mediterranian Sea and the Indian Ocean.
    The power who controls Socotra can easily block the oil support from the Gulf to Western Europe.
    Socotra is the cork in the bottle neck, like Djibouti, the Suez Canal or Gibraltar.
    From mid 1960th to the fall of the Soviet Union, the soviets had an airbase on Socotra. In the 1980th on the base one regiment (squadron) of Su-24 bombers was active on Socotra.
    This terrain is made for a scenario that the Americans must defeat the soviet forces on Socotra island. They had to operate from carrier positions in the Gulf of Aden. For all guys who love to fly Air Force planes i made a temporary american airfield in Somalia.
    In the timeframe, where the soviets have no own carriers the single missions are focused on Socotra island. When the soviets field carriers the terrain is mostly focused on carrier vs carrier battles. So, if you prefer carrier vs ground battles you must choose missions before 1976. After that date you will have to fight Kiev carrier battle groups.
    To run this terrain you need SF2NorthAtlantic and SF2 Israel or SF2 Europe.

    Unzip all files into your saved game folder ...ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2XXXX

    Thats it.

    If you have SF2Israel installed you must do nothing more.
    If you miss SF2I and have SF2Europe you must open file
    with Notepad editor and look for the lines:
    change the entry into:
    save the file
    III. Credits.
    Tileset            made by Stary (SF2 Israel enhanced tileset)
    GK-P-14            Tall King Radar, made by GKABS
    GK-D-30NVA        D-30 howitzer made by GKABS, modded by me.
    Shelter1            circular aircraft shelter taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue
    TOD-Trees        taken from Angola Terrain, made by ??? Stary???    
    ZIL-157 Sam Trailer        made by ???, taken from SF2_SAMs_Pack,
    EWalls 500,100 and 50 m    taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue
    D_Bunker            taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue
    BTR-60             made by Pasko, taken from SF2_Panzer_Pack , skin modded by me
    SA-5 + SquarePair        made by FastCargo, taken from SF2_SAMs_Pack, radar modded by me
    formation.ini        Soviet tank attack formation modded by me
    T-54 and T-55        Fla-MG added, tactical numbers added, modded by me
    T-55 destroyed        taken from SF2_Panzer_Pack, made by Suicidal
    T-72 destroyed        taken from SF2_Panzer_Pack, made by Suicidal
    KS-60            made by me
    FireCan Radar        made by Juhlhelm
    Spoonrest        made by FastCargo, taken from SF2_SAMs_Pack,
    ControlTower.LOD        made by RussoUK
    M38 Jeep            moded by me
    Fahrer            Jeepdriver, must be placed in Weapons folder!!!!!!!
    I hope i have not forgotten someone.
    IV. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    And i say it again for the YAP, YankeeAirPirates file thiefs, the use of this terrain and parts of  the terrain for commercial use is not allowed.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.

    Michael (Gepard)

    Made in Germany
    26. Dezember 2021


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  19. Israel 2 Terrain (ver 4.1) Upgrade/Update for SF2

    Israel 2 Terrain (ver 4.1) Upgrade/Update for SF2 3/28/2015
    = For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!!!) =
    **Note: this terrain replaces any and all previous versions!!**
    This is an (almost) complete rebuild of my 2008 build of Gepard's Israel 2 terrain. The
    terrain has been 90% retiled to more match the stock IsraelME and my "Eastern Med"
    terrains. However, the farm and city tiles remain in their original 'desert' style. All
    other tiles have been replaced. The target areas have, for the most part, been rebuilt,
    enhanced and/or expanded. As is to be expected, several new tiles, and their associated
    TODs had to be created.
    It is designed to be used =ONLY= in the SF2:I environment.
    The addon terrain objects have been kept to a minimum (no, not really!). Stock in-game
    items have been used in most cases, although some additional structrues HAVE been added.
    Add-on GroundObjects, while heavily listed in the _Types.ini, have been kept to as small
    an amount as possible.
    I've included =SOME= of the Ground Objects needed but NOT all of them. Its up to the End
    User ™ to make sure that you have the theatre-specific (read: Israeli and Arab nations)
    proper items. That means, I've given you no AAAs/SAMs/Radars, Tanks, SPGs, ships, etc (and
    any associated guns/weapons they'd require).
    Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real
    Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several
    cities and other physical features, and target areas will also fall into that
    classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, even if they
    might have had strategic or tactical values (most don't!). Just someplace to fly over.
    When in game, you'll see:
    "Isreal 2 (Full Scale)"
    Limited Nations is set to TRUE, and only contains regional states. This terrain is =NOT=
    carrier capable in =any= SF2 Environment (see notes - and I don't know why!).
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest
    of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the
    document through after unzipping, but before installing.
    As always, the Notes and Other Nonsense section may make for entertaining (and essential!) reading.
    It's most important that the legal disclaimer at the bottom be read and complied with.
    There has been a change in policy with regards to =ALL= my terrain mods.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    Changes for 4.1:
    moved Az Zaqaziq (Abu Hamed) AB
    Added Hulwan AB
    Added Al Mazza AB
    Added Mezze AB
    Retiled region between the Nile and Qaroun Lake
    Please note, if you've already download this full terrain, you need not do so again. An
    update containing the changed files can be found at the following URL:


       (6 reviews)



  20. Outer Space Terrains

    Outer Space Terrains
    July 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
    by Menrva and nuni

    >For Strike Fighters 2, Recommended Full-5 Merged
    This package was born out of fun while working on the realSKY Environment enhancement mod. It features two experimental terrains, Moon and Mars, each with own environment data files which allow different gravity acceleration values and custom skies. Due to various hardcoded factors of the stock game, the Moon terrain shows contrail effects at very high altitude like any other terrain, as well as overcast/inclement weather layers which cannot be disabled in any way; enjoy these custom environments by taking such and other game engine limitations into account. It is suggested to install the realSKY Environment mod, since the custom environment data references extra details from that package.
    Both terrains feature fresh new 250m resolution heightmaps (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall they provide each terrain with a better look. Given that these are extraterrestrial terrains, different types of source data had to be used in their creation; for this and other limitations, altitudes of geographical features are inaccurate.
    The Moon terrain spans from 2040 to 2070, while Mars is available from 2060 to 2090; both are designed for fictional clashes between Red forces (Russian Space Forces and People's Liberation Army Strategic Support Force) and Blue forces (United States Space Force and French Space Force). Both terrains contain only two bases, one for Friendly forces and one for Enemy forces, fully populated with custom objects created by nuni. Few target areas have been added so that users can easily discover features such as craters, plateaus and valleys. At this stage, only the Recon mission type is available, so just have fun by flying over these barren terrains. Off Map bases have been added to both terrains and long range AI flights could be generated from them.
    An Orion MPCV created by nuni in three different variants has been added as a flyable aircraft as well as a terrain object in points of interest. In addition, custom skins have been created for it so that all AI-only space forces spawn with at least one terrain-specific aircraft; I would have liked to include other feasible and realistic spacecraft, but none are available at this stage. If you wish to contribute to this end, just contact me. The idea is to create plausible space warfare and exploration scenarios, so alien and sci-fi stuff should not be involved. Of course, you're free to alter the original scenario for your own personal use.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -nuni, for creating the Orion MPCV and all featured space terrain objects.
    -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making.
    -mue, for the improved shaders he made and for the tools he made for SF2 modding.

    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
    Any changes to the package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
    This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (2 reviews)



  21. Hawaii, Central Pacific (1959-2028)

    Hawaii, Central Pacific (1959-2028) Terrain
    December 13th, 2020 (1st Release)
    by Menrva

    >For Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam, Recommended Full-5 Merged
    This is a complete remake of the Hawaii terrain. Unlike the original one released by Wrench, which is not in full Real World scale, this new terrain was made and tiled from scratch, and it features all the main Hawaiian islands in full scale, with more cities and pretty accurate elevation details.
    A better looking and more complete tileset has been added. Numerous target areas, such as small civilian airports, have been added in order to expand playability, targets of opportunity and year range.
    This terrain features a fresh new 250m resolution heightmap (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall it provides the whole terrain with a better look.
    The terrain spans from August 21, 1959 (when Hawaii officially became the 50th American State) to December 31, 2028; it is designed for fictional clashes between Red forces (namely Russia and China) and all of the American services (USAF, USN and USMC). The island of Kauai is added to Red Side for better gameplay; imagine it as the first step of a hostile invasion of Hawaii. All mission types are available, including CAS and Armed Recon.
    Targets reflect Real World events as accurately as possible; for instance, some airfields will appear only after a certain year, according to historic changes. If you have SF2NA, naval fleets will spawn in the Pacific Ocean. Also, Off Map Airbases have been added and long range AI flights can be generated from them. All main targets have been placed accurately in their Real World locations.
    Ground Objects are not included. You can obtain the most needed from Wrench's original Hawaii terrain release.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -Wrench, for his permission to use his target areas from the original, smaller scale Hawaii terrain.
    -swambast, who provided me with invaluable help in tracking and fixing common and uncommon bugs, and for allowing me to include his exclusive Pearl Harbor Memorial 3d model (which you cannot redistribute).
    -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making. If the terrain is pretty accurate to RL it's also because of him. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too.
    -mue, for the improved shaders he made, which I have included and reworked for the terrain, and for the tools he made for SF2 modding.
    -luk1978, for the waternormal bitmap he shared at the SF2 screenshots thread. Your mods are very interesting!
    -JSF_Aggie, for his great Hi-Res Runway Textures v2.0 which I included.
    -Stary, for the hi-res Okinawa tileset he made, which I have reworked and expanded.
    -Gepard, for his great tutorials about terrain making, in the SF1 Knowledge Base at CombatACE. It's a gold mine!
    -krfrge, who has produced a tutorial for recreating SF2-like planning maps, which prompted me to work on templates and my own high quality planning maps. Thank you very much!
    -comrpnt, for his Approach and Airfield Lighting Pack mod packages for SF1 series, which I reworked and included.
    Because this terrain re-uses some of the original target area layouts by Wrench from his previously released Hawaii terrain, I included the ReadMe files from his original package, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not.

    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
    Any changes to the terrain package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
    This terrain may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (0 reviews)



  22. Kamchatka Peninsula for SF2

    Kamchatka Peninsula
    by Baltika
    For Strike Fighters 2 Series
    This is an upgrade of my original Kamchatka Peninsula Terrain to bring it up to the latest SF2 standard (September 2011 patch).
    I was motivated to bring it up to speed to provide a native combat environment for TK's excellent JASDF Phantom F-4EJ, available at the Thirdwire DLC Store.
    What's new over version 1.0:
    -Fully compatible with SF2
    -Winter and Summer tilesets
    -Fully operational in Thirdwire Mission Editor (Cheers Crusader!)
    This terrain includes a base tileset by Deuces, together with Stary's forests and farms mod adapted for use on this terrain. I have also created a large number of additional transition tiles based on Deuce's tiles, which may be of interest to terrain builders.
    This version 2.0 release also includes a full winter tileset, which is based on Major Lee's DBS terrain tileset. Thanks also to Wrench for creating the water effect .TGA tiles used here which bring the water to life.
    The tile naming format is compatible with the stock GermanyCE tileset for ease of expansion, but be aware that the excellent hi-res and seasoned tilesets by Brain32 and Stary in particular will not have all the necessary transition tiles, so use them with caution. Should you wish to use the included transitioned tileset for your own terrain mods, copy all the terrain .bmp files and .tga files into the "Tileset" folder and convert the .tga tiles to .bmp format. See Gepard's excellent terrain tutorials in the KB at CA for more info.
    All mission types are activated, for both red and blue side flyable. The Americans have their existing bases on the Aleutian Islands. I have handed the northern Kuril Islands to the Japanese for the sake of this scenario. Take it as read that the Soviets were sufficiently distracted by the ground war in central Europe that they lost their hold on the Kurils to Japan. Now, the Soviets are engaged in a fierce battle for control of the strategically important Kamchatka Peninsula.
    This is a target-rich, fictionalised version of the RUssian Far East. There are many installations and industrial zones in the Kamchatkai Krai that you will not find in real life. Equally, as much real-life stuff as I could discover went into the mix. Also, this is a showcase of a fully-transitioned tileset, so there is much more agriculture than you would get at these latitudes. Just kick back and enjoy the scenery.
    Finally, there is a monstrous presence lurking at the heart of the Peninsula who has risen from aeons of deathless sleep to trouble the affairs of men once more. Bragging rights to the first person to take a recon photo of this horror and make it back to base alive, and with their sanity intact ;-)
    Simply unzip and drop the "KAMCHATKA" folder into your User\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2\Terrains folder.
    It is highly recommended that you install the files listed below or you will not get the full intended Kamchatka Krai experience.
    CVN-75 by Digital Overload
    TAKR Orjol by Gepard
    TAKR Admiral Gorshkov by X-RAY
    UdaloyI by China Insky Team
    UdaloyII by China Insky Team
    BRDM_SA-9 by rebelryder
    SA-11 & SA-17 by 101tfs
    ScudLauncher & Missile by bigal1
    Soviet SAMs by gabilon
    Core tilesets by Deuces and Major Lee. Additional transition tiles by Baltika
    Winter Sea .TGA tiles by Wrench
    Forests and Farms mod by Stary, extended to cover additional tiles
    Kamchatka_water.bmp by Crusader
    Doppler Radar Dome by grumpapotamus
    I have modded this as a terrain object rather than a separate ground object. The original readme file is included. Thanks grumpapotamus ;-)
    WW2 Subpens from WW2 Europe Terrain by Edward et al, modded for Soviet use.
    Thanks to the original creator.
    As ever, feedback, comments, bug-reports and general griping are most welcome.
    September 2011


       (3 reviews)



  23. Desert Terrain Movement Ini Fix-It Pak

    Desert Movements Ini Expansion
    =For SF2, Any and All (with access to the Desert Terrain)
    *Note: will even work in SFP1 Original, if the ini is saved back to ANSI*
    So, you've made all the MiGs, Sukhois and other Red Birds ™ flyable...
    So, you're playing on the Desert terrain, and want to go out and find some vehicle or ship convoys to shoot up...
    So, you start the mission...
    and find out YOU CAN'T!!!
    Is that what's bothering you, bunkie???
    Well, never fear! Stop your worrying!! Because this little 'fixit pak' will bring back the joys of flying the Red Side, on the Original SF2 Desert Terrain ™, by allowing you to do so!
    Just for you, we've added 14 new Truck Routes for your Truck-Busting pleasure. And, at no extra cost to you -but at great expense to us-, 4 Brand New Shipping Routes!! All included at one low price!!
    Why, we've even taken the time and effort to add one or two for the Blue Side ™ as well! Because we like to be fair!
    This package is guaranteed to give you several hours of Flying Fun ™, or your money back! (subject to limitations of time, distance, aircraft and munitions used, and general stufflikethatthere. Limited warranty exipres 5 seconds after downloading. Local, Federal and International Sales taxes apply. Shipping and Handling extra.)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff.
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)



  24. Timor, North Oceania (1950-2018)

    Timor, North Oceania (1950-2018) Terrain
    August 13th, 2018 (1st Release)
    by Menrva

    >For Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam, Recommended Full-5 Merged
    This is a complete remake of the Modern Darwin terrain made by Wrench.
    A better and more complete tileset has been added, improving the looks of Northern Australia with the introduction of desert and barren valleys. Various rivers and lakes have been hand-tiled and mimic Real World courses. Now the island of Timor has a lot of bases to take-off from. Numerous target areas, such as emergency airstrips and civilian airports, have been added in order to expand playability, targets of opportunity and year range.
    This terrain features a fresh new 250m resolution heightmap (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall it provides the whole terrain with a better look.
    The terrain spans from August 17, 1950 (when President Sukarno proclaimed a single unitary Republic of Indonesia) to December 31, 2018; it is designed for fictional clashes between ANZUS/SEATO forces (namely Australia and New Zealand) and a random pool of Red Side countries (namely Indonesia and China).
    Targets reflect Real World events as accurately as possible; for instance, some airfields will appear only after a certain year, according to historic changes. If you have SF2NA, naval fleets might spawn in the Timor Sea. Also, Off Map Airbases have been added and long range AI flights can be generated from them. All main targets have been placed accurately in their Real World locations.
    Ground Objects are not included. You can obtain the most needed from Wrench's original Modern Darwin terrain release.

    >Credits (in no particular order):
    -Wrench, for he had the idea of recreating such a scenario in the Strike Fighters world.
    -swambast, who provided me with invaluable help in tracking and fixing common and uncommon bugs.
    -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making. If the terrain is pretty accurate to RL it's also because of him. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too.
    -mue, for the improved shaders he made, which I have included and reworked for the terrain, and for the tools he made for SF2 modding.
    -luk1978, for the waternormal bitmap he shared at the SF2 screenshots thread. Your mods are very interesting!
    -MigBuster, I have included some of his great hi-res textures for runways.
    -Stary, for the hi-res PTO tileset he made, which I have reworked and expanded.
    -Brain32, for the gorgeous VietnamSEA tileset repaint he made, from which I borrowed a few tiles.
    -Centurion-1, Spudknocker and tiopilotos, for the impressive tileset they made for the Angola terrain, from which I borrowed some tiles.
    -Gepard, for his great tutorials about terrain making, in the SF1 Knowledge Base at CombatACE. It's a gold mine!
    -krfrge, who has produced a tutorial for recreating SF2-like planning maps, which prompted me to work on templates and my own high quality planning maps. Thank you very much!
    -comrpnt, for his Approach and Airfield Lighting Pack mod packages for SF1 series, which I reworked and included.
    Because the original terrain was made and tweaked numerous times by Wrench, I included the ReadMe files from his original packages, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not.

    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
    Any changes to the terrain package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
    This terrain may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (2 reviews)



  25. SF2 Hawaii/Northern Pacific Terrain, Modern (v.2)

    SF2 Hawaii/Northern Pacific Terrain, Modern (v.2)        9/5/2020
    - For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged, + Expansion Paks REQUIRED!!!)
    This is a rebuild of the WW2 Hawaiian Islands terrain into a more "modern" version (1950s and later). This is NOT a WW2 version; it is for post-war into modern times. Do NOT use this in your WW2 PTO mods folder!! You must also have SF2NA are part of you merged installs. This was built and tested in the NA environment.
    You may experience longer than normal loading times due to the number of terrain objects. It should be noted, due to the inherent scaling issue in the SF series, objects placed herein are, for the most part, representative of their Real World counterparts. See "Notes" for more information. 
    When in game, on the Terrain Selection drop-down, you'll see:
    Hawaii (Modern)
    Even though the folder remains in it's original name of just "Hawaii".
    As is recommended, unzip this archive to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's recommended you -read- the document through after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing.
    As always, the "Notes and Other Nonsense" section may make for entertaining reading. Down in that section is a list of required ships that you're going to need!! I've supplied SOME items, but you End Users (tm) are responsible for all the rest. !!PLEASE!!! read the "Notes" section for more more detailed explainations of this terrain, and it's limitations. 
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)

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