33 files
SF2 Avionics Community Pack (SF2: ACP) - Alpha v0.3
By Eagle114th
Welcome to SF2: ACP first release of alpha. Before I explain about the pack, I want to express big thank to the wonderful communities and modders of Combatace and Combat Flight Sim Tavern (Discord), including Thirdwire for the simulation.
You all are the reasons why this pack exists. I want to use the passions to improve SF2 into higher levle with avionics.
This requires a lot of research, reading flight manual, and tons of tweaking in avioincs and cockpit ini, along with countless of testing in-flight in SF2.
The mods is not perfect, we do our best with the mods. We do it with the joys of our hobbies!
This pack includes the following features:
- New gunsight / optical sight
- New texture for radar scope and another avionic equipment (See note #1)
- Improved cockpit and radar through cockpit and avionics ini tweaks for semi-realism (See note #2)
- Templates for gunsight, radar, TV, and other avionics
- Improves glass texture (If possible)
- Accessibility - Optional, includes the AAM firing cue on gunsight for people who can not hear the sounds of missile locking on targets.
- Improved night lights inside cockpits
- Tweaks to the view angle around cockpit
NOTE #1: Due to the nature of lighting system inside cockpit in SF2 engine, I had to apply the darkness level on top of texture scope, in order, to prevent them from glowing. In templates, you will see "darkness" layer for this reason.
NOTE #2: As mentioned in note #1, due to little resources (Information / data) on early cold war era radar, at least half or most of tweaks are based on an educated guess. For exampe, AN/APG-33 radar that is used with E-1 FCS in F-89B and C, there are some data on it, but no data on elevator nor azimuth angle limitation.
----------------------- TEMPLATES ------------------------
There are templates for gunsight, radar, RWR, and another type of avionics assets. It is there so anyone can use it to create their own avionics for any aircraft. You will see the folder:
Please note, the standard size created for radar and gunsights;
For Radar scope, it is 1024 x 1024.
For gunsight, it comes in two sizes:
512 x 512 (For MIL 80 to higher MIL)
256 x 256 (For MIL 70 to lower MIL)
----------------- HISTORICAL VS FICTIONAL ----------------
Avionics overhaul for Historical vs fictional aircraft
I am dong overhaul for both historical and 'what if' fictional aircraft.
For example, in this alpha version, there are avionics overhaul for F-8A to F-8K, along with France F_8s. It also includes 'what if' JASDF F-8EJ Crusader.
---------------------- INSTALLATION ----------------------
There are readme inside each aircraft folder, please read the instruction to install the mods.
----------------------- CHANGE LOGS ----------------------
v0.01 - First release of SF2: ACP
v0.02 - Includes avionics overhaul for A-1s, A-4s, F-8s, F-89s, and MiG-15s
v0.03 - MAJOR updates,
> gunsight and radar are now in higher resolution.
> Tweaked cockpit panning angles
> Tweaked night lights for night mission
> New texture to add 'Old CRT' effect to early cold war aircraft's DTV
----------------- CURRENT / FUTURE PLANS -----------------
I am currently workong on F-86s series before moving on the next aircraft. If you have any feedback or request for aircraft avionic overhaul, please post in CombatAce forum discussion:
------------------------ CREDITS ------------------------
I want to give big thanks to the people who have suported me, helped me with the project, shared the books, mods, information, and gave me the advice on various aircraft avionics, especially giving me the feedbck. I also want to thank to the modders for the excellent mods that makes SF2 the greater sims. I use the various mods as part of this projects too.
Thank you dtmdragon, Stary, Wrench, FANATIC MODDERS, KJakker, Crusader, Gunfighter6, Nightfall, Centurian (Outlaw), USNRaptor, and the rest of awesome fellow people of Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern!
I also want to credit the great works of the developer teams who develops Wing over Korea, The Mirage Factory for great quality cockpits and other files, and the great communities from Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern.
Finally, Thakn you Thirdwire (TK) for the Strike fighter 2 simulation.
To anyone who is missing from the credit part, please let me know ASAP. I will update the credit page.
Thank you for enjoying the mods!
Eagle114th / Flowing Dragon
- accessibility
- avionics
- (and 2 more)
SF2 MiG-31BM enhanced avionics
By ariel38
Enhanced avionics for the MiG-31BM. The update makes it possible to attack simultaneous targets using active homing missiles.
Backup, and replace the ini files.
TMF F-14 radar...sort of
By bop1701
Update - sorry, forgot to mention you also have to go into the Cockpit INI and change the [RadarScope] NodeName from =radar_screen to =vdi; see pic.
Third Wire's F-14 was nice but didn't have a dedicated RWR display. The Mirage Factory's F-14 was fantastic, but the radar doesn't work anymore. Both are needed, and a fleet defender that's sans-radar is pretty useless.
I edited the INI for TMF's F-14 (see first pic) and spliced in the avionics from TW's F-14_82. So now TMF's awesome cockpit has a working radar, sort of....
Problem: TW's radar image is too large for TMF's radar display screen, so the edges are cut off. I'm guessing you can only see about half to two-thirds of the radar image. See pics for comparison. Besides not seeing the full radar display, important target data along the edges are cut off also.
Does anyone know how to scale down the TW radar image to get it to properly fit in the TMF cockpit display? I haven't had any luck
Better CCIP mod v1.1
By orsin
Better CCIP mod for SF1/2 series.
This mod will prevent the CCIP and Gunsight dot from showing through any solid part of your cockpit. Leading to a much authentic bombing procedure.
In SF1, this is done without any harm.
In SF2, I have to remove 2 effect shaders which are used when your effect setting is at "Unlimited". So you lose some not-so-obvious effect.
For SF1, just extract the file to the 'objects' folder
For SF2, first extract the file in the 'objects' folder in your mod folder, then follow the procedure mentioned in the "Special note for SF2 users" to complete it.
Create: orsin (china insky team)
Beta testing: HoneyFox (china insky team)
V1.0 initial release
V1.1 fixed a problem in SF2
By Leopard2A4
Incorporates a waypoint marker in the middle of the HUD of the F-35.
Installation :
Extract files to Objects/Aircraft/F-35 (Any version) and overwrite when prompted.
If required, rename the avionics.ini file to suit the version, e.g. F-35A_AVIONICS.ini to F-35B_AVIONICS.ini
Credits :
Fastcargo - Original F-35A/B/C Lightning II V 2.5 for SF2 pack
JAT81500 - Armée de l'air Rafale Mod for SFP V2 (SteeringCue.tga and Steerpoint.tga)
By JosefK
Here is a wad of avionics.ini mods for the SF2 F-111s by @FastCargo. Now granted I recommend @viper63a's F-111 add-ons to graft on top of 'em you can get here: https://combatace.com/files/category/630-f-111/
Basically what I've done is add a CCIP or Continuously Calculated Impact Point to the HUD. The intent is to give you the chance to be a lot more accurate droping Mk 80-series dumb bombs in the F-111. Especially since there is no feedback when bombing from the Weapons System Operator/WSO in SF2.
Now I realize this isn't realistic for the days of the F-111 when there was absolutely NO helmet-mounted display that could project on top of a cockpit like now in 2020 with the Lightning IIs, Flankers, Fulcrums and arguably other front-line jets like the Super Hornet & Typhoon. Frankly from the research I've done most of the F-111 variants with the exception of the D likely never got a CCIP. The fact later models got a PAVE TACK to drop laser-guided bombs was a factor and of course, the F-111 had the Lead Computing Optical Sight that one can't program in SF2. So this copy-paste job of mine could very well be the next best thing with at least a realistic icon big enough to have some decent risk of circular error.
Maybe there is better, hence this being an open beta. I would also like to incorporate terrain following into a bigger avionics upgrade... ;-).
Mirage III & Nesher Gun Sight Fix.
By dtmdragon
Mirage III and Nesher Gun Sight Fix.
This mod corrects the Stock Third Wire Gun Sights for the Mirage IIICJ Shahak, Mirage IIICJ Shahak (71), Nesher and as a bonus the DLC 17 RAAF Mirage fighters.
I recently read the Osprey book Israeli 'Mirage and Nesher Aces' and 'Mirage III vs Mig-21 Six Day War 1967.' Both books are full of gun camera images of Israeli Mirage IIICJ and Nesher fighters killing MIGs.
From these I realised Third Wire has made an error on all the Mirage gun sights by aligning the (horizontally elongated) aircraft reference cross with the gun bore-sight and thus the gun piper. In the Nesher and Mirage IIIO that leaves the actual gun bore-sight cross sitting above the gun piper doing nothing.
This mod corrects the position and alignment of the aircraft reference cross, gun piper and gun bore-sight cross (Nesher and Mirage IIIO).
This correction should be applied to any other version of Mirage III, Mirage 5, Nesher or Dagger you have that uses a Third Wire Mirage cockpit and/ or Mirage gun sight.
CombatAce fair use agreement applies.
By Crusader
Small update for the Tornado F3 HUD
Adds new gunsight / HUD symbols.
Not fully finished (WIP)
- tornado f3
- tornado adv
- (and 3 more)
By Crusader
F-4E_75_AHUD (Austere HUD) mod
The real Austere HUD modification has been tested on F-4E 68-0304 during 1974-76.
The goal was to have a better sight display, primarily for air to air combat.
Further modifications were made to the radar for a quicker boresight lock-on and new dogfight
scan modes.
The Austere HUD modification remained a F-4E test and didnt went into production aircraft
or upgrades.
Ive re-created the Austere HUD, using the TW F-4E_75 (required for the mod to work).
Ive used the
Wraparound desert skin for stock F-4E
by amariani
for a quick "make it fly" setup (we dont have a proper Edwards Test Unit white with red trimmings
The real Austere HUD was a test setup, so its no problem to add/remove readouts to the HUD modes
to ones personal liking.
Updated Cockpit.ini for TW A-4 Skyhawks (all variants) v1.0
By Wrench
As seen in this thread in the SF2 Knowledge base:
This zip includes fixes for all stock 3rd Wire Skyhawks by Crusader
Updated Cockpit.ini for TW A-4 Skyhawks (all variants) v1.0
- working Arresting Hook-Lever (all)
- working Landing Gear-Lever (all, except A-4A, as the "Landing_Gear_Indicator"-type is already in use for another display)
- ECM-Box (A-4E_67, A-4E_Ahit_73, A-4H_Ahit_73, A-4F, A-4F_Ahit, A-4L)
- Chaff-Box (A-4E_Ahit_73, A-4H_Ahit_73)
- Spoiler-Light (A-4F, A-4F_Ahit, A-4F_74, A-4H_Ahit, A-4H_Ahit_68, A-4H_Ahit_70, A-4H_Ahit_73, A-4G, A-4K, A-4L)
- WeaponSelectorKnob - Sidewinder selectable (A-4E_Ahit_73, A-4F, A-4F_74, A-4F_Ahit, A-4H_Ahit, A-4H_Ahit_73, A-4G, A-4K, A-4L)
- LABS-Display - displays distance to next waypoint (distance to target is not available as displaytype, so better than nothing)
- corrected A-4F_74.ini to use the proper cockpit
PLEASE read the enclose readme --- unzip to a safe place, and you'll have access to all that's needed to install!
T-45C Avionics + Cockpit
By Crusader
T-45C avionics mod
For use with T-45A
and the updated T-45A lod (dated 03.03.2012) for it
Or to make a stand-alone T-45C from it.
Uses AT-6B cockpit by Dels (included in my mod)
- t-45c goshawk
- goshawk
- (and 1 more)
SF2E Version August 2011 F-15A Avionics Enhancement v1c
By Crusader
Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E) F-15A Eagle avionics enhancement v1c
Updates over the previous v1a version:
- improved and repositioned scales for a more realistic look
- added EOGB capability to data ini for GBU-8 (Wing and CL stations)
- EOGB seeker symbology (gunsight) added to HUD
- LGB seeker symbology (Target Box) added to HUD (The box marks primary strike target like it
would be the case by using the Inertial Navigation System function)
- minor other ini tweakes
Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E) F-15A Eagle avionics enhancement v1a
by :
Crusader ( avionics, ini tweaks )
# For SF2E updated to version JULY 2011 #
No TWS radar mode. That's no error, its just the way it was.
The enhancement adds several readouts or changes to them for a more
"realistic" look and functionality of the HUD and APG-63 radar.
Further changes are made to the data and cockpit ini for a new launch
sequence of AIM-7 missiles, launching in Right Fwq - Right Aft - Left fwd - Left Aft
Another small tweak is the AIM-7 ejection angle, they are now ejected at a 45° downward
angle instead of straight down.
All edits/tweakes/enhancements are limited by current game limits, so there are a few
work arounds and trade-offs.
Installation :
Copyor move the 3 ini files and cockpit folder provided by this mod into the ..\ your mods folder\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\Objects\Aircraft\F-15A folder
Other files/mods included:
Gunsight texture by wpnssgt.
For questions/comments ect, contact "Crusader" at CombatAce.com forums.
- I take no responsibility if anything goes wrong , use at your own risk!
- this mod is FREEWARE and can not be used in any payware product!
SF2I Kfir HUD mod v1
By Crusader
Kfir HUD enhancment v1
This mod is for Strike Fighters 2 Israel Kfirs , game version June 2010
It will enhance the Kfir HUD to give it a more real look.
German Bomber Bombsight
By Crusader
A cockpit mod which adds a CCIP-type bombsight for level/shallow dive bombing with Ju 88 and He 111
By Crusader
HUD and Radar update for Julhelm's F-22 cockpit which can be found here:
- New HUD which looks more like a F-22 HUD
- Improved radar, only fast scanning TWS, close combat Vertical Scan and Ground Map now
Not fully finished yet, still like to further improve a few things some day.
Version 1.0
Sea Harrier FRS.2 Avionics
By Crusader
Something I've thrown together in a handfull of hours today ...
New HUD symbology which looks a bit more like the real thing
Pitch ladder is just a quick fix, will see more attention during the next overhaul..
Only small edits to the radar so far, it needs some bigger changes by chance...
- I recommend to delete the present HUD subfolder in the Cockpit folder first
- Then add the files include din this mod, let overwrite if asked
Thats it, Thats all
Remember... its just a quick beta .. have fun
( some other things I noticed on ianH and crew SHAR 2 mod: shouldnt have a CL fuel tank, gunpods have some data error which prevents correct CCIP function in Guns A2G ... )
Yak38M Cockpit Hotfix
By Fubar512
Yak-38M Gunsight Hotfix
by: Fubar512
This is a Hotfix that resolves the Yak-38M’s missing gun sight, and adjusts the aircraft’s gun aim angle to take advantage of the gun sight’s positioning.
TO INSTALL: "Objects", into your User Name/Saved Games/Thirdwire/SF2x folder, overwriting the originals when prompted.
It will replace the cockpit folder, the avionics, cockpit, and the Yak-38M_85 data ini files.
Paladrian: Mira overlay
Tomcat74: Setka
Fubar512: A2A sight and ini work
And thanks to...
KJakker: For the idea and the inspiration.
Harrier Avionics Mod for SF2E
By Crusader
Avionics and data ini mod for the stock
TW SF2E Harrier GR.1, GR.1A and GR.3
See included READ.txt for more info.
Basically this mod adds enhanced avionics with
changed HUD symbology, increased HUD FOV and other small changes...
AV-8A and AV-8S Harrier Avionics Mod
By Crusader
Avionics Mod for the AV-8A and AV-8S Harrier mods by Wrench which are based on the stock ThirdWire Harrier GR.1
This avionics mod contains enhanced HUD's and several changes to the data and cockpit inis.
Read the included READ.txt for further info.
The AV-8A can be found here:
The AV-8S can be found here:
Special thanks to ravenclaw_007
for making the LAU-7 launcher specifically for this mod
New Mirage V sights
By ignacioc91
With the Mirage V I have the same problem as with the Mirage III. This sights are based on the Mirage III's. Just drag them to your Mirage V cockpit folder inside the Mirage V main directory. I you don't have a "Cockpit" folder, create one. You can use it with any aircraft that has a Mirage V cockpit (Nesher or Dagger for instance).
New Mirage III sights
By ignacioc91
Hi!!! As you may have noticed, the Mirage III sights are a bit too dull against bright skies, and there's not enough contrast against it for propper aiming. A couple Mig-21s got lucky because of this. With the help of Ivanbasic, I am uploading the modified TGAs. Just drag them to your Mirage III cockpit folder, inside the Mirage III main directory, in the mods folder. If you don't have a "Cockpit" folder, create one. You can use this sights in every aircraft that has a Mirage III cockpit (Shahak, for instance). Thanks to Ivanbasic!!! I hope you like it, feel free to modify it!! (if you kow how to improve it, do it and upload it ;) ) I hope you like it.
Basic naval threat library for RWR displays
This mod supplies generic RWR symbols that modders may use to represent ships. Until now, all ship radars would show up as <U> ("unknown") on TEWS-equipped aircraft. With this you will be able to distinguish between general categories of vessels.
This symbology is not meant to be 100% realistic, and does not display individual radar names or ship class names. Once you install the mod, when flying applicable aircraft around radar-emitting ships, you will see the following symbols on your RWR display:
PT = Patrol boat
FF = Frigate
DD = Destroyer
CC = Cruiser
LS = Amphibious assault ship
CV = Aircraft carrier
BB = Battleship
Æ = Aegis-equipped vessel
Please see the readme file for complete installation instructions and more details. Enjoy!
***Note that this ONLY works for the SF2 series; the first gen games don't support this sort of mod.***
As a bonus, I included a tga file with the official US Navy hull number fonts. Perhaps any other modders making ships will find it useful.
By Crusader
This mod replaces the stock HUDs in the TW SF2E A-10A's with the early HUD displays
for 70's era A-10 avionics.
F-5E Tiger II Avionics Update
By Crusader
This is an avionics update for The Mirage Factory F-5E, updated for the latest SF2 version by
Available at http://combatace.com...-f-5e-tiger-ii/
+ data ini updates
+ Cockpit updates
+ New F-5E-type sight and radar
Read the Readme file for additional info
F-105D Gunsight Mod for SF2V Thunderchiefs
By Crusader
Small enhancement of the stock F-105 gunsight...
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