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We are all a bunch of sycophants!

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What gets me about Stiglr is his refusal to accept the concept of sim-lite. I'm sure all of us are aware of TW game limitations, but he chooses to deny the concept's existence. All fruits must be oranges and that apple there is merely an orange in a poor disguise............. and makes decidedly poor marmalade.


As for Targetware................ I've been to a few sites and things look pretty moribund, but perhaps someone can correct me (perhaps the great man himself).

Edited by Hinchinbrooke

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Already mentioned in some pages back about their unholy brotherhood.

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YEAH!! KICK HIS ASS WARLORD!! :boxing::aggressive::boxing::aggressive:



KAPOW!! :aggressive:



EDIT: Sorry lads, this 117F heat is getting to me... what were we talking about again?? :smile:

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I just heard about this and all I can say is...wow...a bit harsh perhaps...I do agree though it is his opinion, though I REALLY disagree, also I would have thought more abut this more but my eyes got preoccupied...


I do agree with Hinchinbrooke above

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I wonder what Stiglr would say to me trying to cram 2000Kg of explosive into a 200Kg bomb body, knowing his anal retentive nature for accuracy.


Dave, I think it's time to unleash the Ordnance Mafia :big_boss:

Edited by firehawkordy

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My main concern is that Frugals is a popular site and people who might consider buying a TW product would believe what Stiglr was saying. In so many areas he is just flat out wrong, like when he describes our flight models. I figured i could just make a counter post and maybe set things straight, but he just kept coming back spouting more crap.


I'm proud to be a member of the TW community (Sycophants!) and I love these sims. I would not own WOV,WOE,WOI and FE if i didnt. I just didn't want to see someone driven away by someone who has no clue what he is talking about. This community has been good to me and i don't like it when someone talks smack and has no clue how good this series actually is.


Anyway, Now i'm off to see what was posted at Frugals, i haven't made it there yet tonight.

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Oh jeez is he still going after Dave's post?


Quick point to sum everything up for people just glancing about TW games over there. If you liked the old janes series of survey sims, you'll like the TW series. A "spiritual successor" to them. They didn't go to excruciating detail operating the plane, actually TW is more advanced in every way. Ask the people bashing SFP2 over there what they thought of USAF or FA.

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JimmyBib's signature about the serious cat comes to mind.


Haha, just for you mate :biggrin:

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I finally just got caught up with all of the postings and think it is a hoot. I remember hearing about Vaorware about four years ago while over at at SimHQ and the reviewer at the time mentioned they were still in beta waiting for various designers/coders Real Life to get sorted before progressing beyond beta, it looked promsing thought. Yt it always seems as though the program is in "development" sort of like Duke Nukem 3d.

That being said one of the funnier things is it appears that someone hacked Stiglr's profile over there because if you hover your mouse over his name and try to select the homepage you are directed to some malware homepage titled "Naysayers.com" and all over it are hits for mental health and family planning. :lol: I would assume that his homepage would of directed you to Vaorware's homepage.

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Maybe it's a cry for help...


I have a baseball bat.

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I don't think it a baseball bat will do. I think we need to get in touch with the underground and call out the A-Team!

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For me, TK's sims were the Counter-Strike of air combat sims. Even with only 2-3 years of knowing this sim and playing/modding it, it's been exciting all the way: games, communities and all. I love this series and I can't stand of it being spoken ill or something. I'm proud to be a member of TW community. :good:


GO THIRDWIRE! :biggrin:

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I like the final post there, C5. I commend you on keeping online debates clean and free of mud slinging. Besides, there's no rule against sh!t slinging!


Though some of stiglr's points are valid, I have to say that he was a bit harsh. Sure, the TW series isn't state-of-the-art, but in what other series can you be knocking down vickers gunbuses one mission, then go and bomb hanoi with a thud next mission, then go and down some flankers in an F-22?

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Stiglr has been a well known buzz harsher in the flight sim community for alot of years.


He feels he is somehow helping by directing developers to the Holy grail of combat simulations? Puh-lease. I've not seen him

accomplish anything but controversy and discontent.


Unfortunately, I am pretty sure he thrives on these long threads about him.


I am also pretty sure I swung the ban-hammer on him when I modded the UbiSoft forums. He and Cropduster, who I've had

the pleasure of banning 3 times, from the same place! :rofl:

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Stiglr has been a well known buzz harsher in the flight sim community for alot of years.


He feels he is somehow helping by directing developers to the Holy grail of combat simulations? Puh-lease. I've not seen him

accomplish anything but controversy and discontent.


Unfortunately, I am pretty sure he thrives on these long threads about him.


I am also pretty sure I swung the ban-hammer on him when I modded the UbiSoft forums. He and Cropduster, who I've had

the pleasure of banning 3 times, from the same place! :rofl:


Crop-duster? You mean the same one that was on SimHQ? As Crop-duster/milkweg/meep?


It's funny, you always have to ask..."If you hate it here so much, why do you keep coming back?"





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Yup, he's been bitching and moaning on the finest flight sim boards for years.


`Til I banned him from a few. :biggrin:


I haven't been to SimHQ for years, due to folks like him. Say "Hi" from Spectre_USA, and he'll flip out!

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Well, I had a read and I must say this fellow is the exact sort of gamer (yes gamer, they are games) that has nearly killed flight siming. They set the standards and bars so high that attempts by newcomers that have real lives and aren't willing to devote their nights to memorizing the exact operating procedures for a specific system will fall short for obvious reasons of disinterest. It also breeds a sort of elitism that is so vile I can't even utter the name Falcon 4 without making is sound like a curse word.


In comparison we have the community here. We have all types of gamers and fans here. Veterans, active duty, kids with aspirations, grown up kids, normal gamers. And I have never seen anyone on her has vapid and horrid as that Stiglr fellow. We promote the sim, we make it better, we make it bigger, we increase the accuracy, we dream with it, and we're accepting to newcomers. Its like night and day compared to those serious "simulation" communities. And I wouldn't rather be anywhere else.

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Posting a little late here.


I know some of us play one or more of WOV, SF, WOE, WOI, and FE.

I hope I didn't miss any.

Since I found this site because I was way stoked with WOV and learned there was the other TK flight sims I always wondered if we had a name or title to all here.

Disturbing black and white British film with ravens and starlings cackling in the background:

Alpha: Good morning.

Bravo: Good morning to you sir.

Alpha: Do you have flying monkeys in your garden?

Bravo: No sir. I have tree walrus'

Alpha: Splendid. I can't believe I met another another sycophant for real.

Bravo: Low voice please. There a few that would not be pleased to here that.

Disturbing sound track. 2 men fast walking to the pub.

:ph34r: CL

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I should have read this thread earlier...


If I wanted 100% realism where I had to click every knob, I'd still be wearing a scarlet colored French hat to work.

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I should have read this thread earlier...


If I wanted 100% realism where I had to click every knob, I'd still be wearing a scarlet colored French hat to work.



yeah if I wanted realistic knob use I would still be working at a gentelmans club.

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Bravo: No sir. I have tree walrus'


:ph34r: CL


I always thought it was "walri."

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{STANDS} Hello, my name is George and I'm a sycophant, and have been so since SFP1 was released.

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Last December I made a stupid comment like that of Stiglr's and I'm really ashamed of it. When I made that post, I started going into some tough times with my dad getting laid off, my orders to work several months getting cut early, my Uncle Don Thomas (retired Air Force Major) dieing from cancer, and facing no work for myself for a longer time period than what I'm comfortable with. I guess I took my frustrations out in the wrong way that anyone can and ended up hurting a lot of people with a stupid post. I know I started a topic about that comment, but the post I made in that was complete piss. So after reading this topic for the first time, it really put things into perspective for me. For anybody who is new to the Thirdwire series and want to know what the whole deal is, it's this. SF/WO* is a sim that gives you a quality of game play that is above Ace Combat. However, you don't get lost in the technical operations of flying an aircraft as you would might find in some other sims. That being said, SF/WO* series is the perfect balance for those who want a flight sim that's fun, but not too complicated to get into. I play this sim almost non stop because of that balance.

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