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does look totally different but its the A-4Q in Argentine service but the Q is B version in US service

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Welcome back mate!:drinks: Oustanding as usual.


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First DLC planes:







these are cheap so grab them folks

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Here's mine! beat me too it



Edited by dsawan

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Just checked it out on the TW site. A-4 with 'winder rails on the outside pylons too! I think I'm gonna like this new feature :yes:

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Having fun withe the One O Four! :dance2:

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Ahh handling the weapon stations...

Will be nice to see it on the C model :good:

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Ahh fun times... just gotta love the... Chinook.


Just a relaxing flight to at least maintain some skills given my limited flying time virtually.


Edited by EricJ

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2006, training flight over Germany...




Stary's HD terrain is awesome :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:



Edited by ludo.m54

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so there i was tryin for a photo op for the Keflavik PAO, when along comes a Beagle...



and you thought you had problems taken a pic of the kids when a puppy goes by!

(they were all loaded for CAS originally. sigh)

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Just watchin' the game, havin' a bud......



Edited by Piecemeal

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Here I can say it....



DISCO rocks! :good:

the other things we already have... :lol: (Fun Mode)

Edited by Soulfreak

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Thats the paint scheme from the Harrier Display A/C which is on my Leaving print (ZD407 '36') - I was on 20(.R.) back in '95-'99.




I was on 20(.R) Sqn from 2001 to 2008, been in the Harrier AEDIT and Engineering Support Team ever since.



More of my WIP Harrier Skins:


Retro Camo painted Harrier Hovers home for the final time....





and bows to the crowd...



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Ready, waiting and more than capable to go into Libya . . . . .





. . . . but sadly, only in the game!!!

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check this out Jim Beamer.



Fixed! Missing file in the support thread, main file updated and awaiting approval. Thanks for letting me know. :)



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@ ace888 - They really would look better without text and oversize white cones!




I totally agreed... need to figure out the off button? lol.gif


thanks ace thats really help , and i apologize to everybody here for taking out a part of the threat

the status is good , me and cadeteBRA are making a progress and the bird should be out soon




Good to hear... drinks.gif

Edited by ace888

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New fuel Bird


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Nice one Veltro, too bad we can't use it other than just for fun...


Press To Test


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