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Best Vietnam war film?

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I would say Hamburguer Hill is my favourite, maybe followed by Platoon. Apocalypse and FMJ are cool, but too surreal. If anything i dislike, are the vocieovers, but Cpt. Willard is my Favourite Character.


An special mention would go to Flight of the Intruder and maybe the Forrest Gump Vietnam scenes


Being their own genre, what´s your input into Vietnam War films?

Edited by macelena

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Add 'Air Force Bat 21'. But I would also put 'Hamburger Hill' as #1...

Edited by Capitaine Vengeur

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Well i could say the one i enjoy the most is The Flight Of The Intruder, i bought the movie in VHS form and watched until i wrecked the cassette, later i bought the DVD and made 3 copies just in case, i think i have seen it more that 300 times, by that time our girlfriends asked what it was with the obsession with that, a friend had the same taste for it, and nowadays, i watch it from time to time, but Hamburguer Hill is pretty nice too.

Edited by FLOGGER23

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The Green Berets.

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No contest for me despite liking/loving most of the major Vietnam movies: The Green Berets


But a close second might be We Were Soldiers.

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Best Vietnam War movie? ALL....... :biggrin:

But my favorite is "Heaven & Earth" and the TV Series "Tour of Duty".



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Platoon then Siege of Firebase Gloria. Who can ignore Lee Ermey in Gloria

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umm, many I did not see from those you all mentioned... (


My No1 is Flight of the Intruder (although the book was far better than the movie), BAT21... Hamburger Hill I've seen loooooong ago (good idea I go and get it for tonight )))) ) Platoon Leader is also on the list... and RAMBO 2 Just kidding )))))))))))

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Flight of the Intruder would have to be my favorite. Platoon and Boys in Company C both very close to being the fave also. No mention of Born on the Fourth of July..... probably the only movie mentioned in this thread that actually has to do with what Vietnam was really all about.

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Hamburger Hill, We were... and Bat 21, followed by Platoon (you just got to love Oliver Stone's face expression second before he goes boom! :) ) and Gump's Nam scenes (check the strike in HD!)


as one wrote, FMJ and Apocalypse are great movies but too artsy :smile: and Green Berets is pure propaganda for farmboys :tongue: I really wish Wayne didn't took part in that leaving it to a-holes like Heston

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most of the movies mentioned I've seen a long time ago... barely remember which one was my favorite

but all are good (Platoon, Apocalypse Now, We Were Soldiers.. etc..)

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For its low level catches with the Cessna O-2: BAT*21

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84 Charlie MoPic, its the story of a combet camera man 84C MoPic is for motion picture, great film, they use all the real says of the day , like "im so short i could parachute off a dime"


Rescue Dawn (much better than BAT21,which didnt even mention the death of the fast fac guys that were killed in there bronco trying to save him.

Its a true story about deta dengler, I read his story years ago in a great series of books that i got from my newsagents they were called EYE WITNESS NAM & number 17 was called " Escape from Laos" top right $(KGrHqR,!iYF!9,nzK7,BQewBqPRLg~~48_79.JPG, & on his first combat mission got hit and was to low to baleout as it was a navy A1 it didnt have the ejection seat the airforce fitted in them a year or so later.


American graffiti 2, has a cool Viet bit in it when "the toad" goes to war, great film

Edited by gambit168

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How was the title of the movie were they dropped an elephant by parachute?


"Good Morning Vietnam" was also great.

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It was "Operation Dumbo Drop". That opening Huey scene...




Burt Lancaster did really kick ass in "Go tell the Spartans", i would dare to say more than the Duke in "Green Berets".



On a side note, the other day i was talking with a peace activist i know from Law School. She is quite open minded, not a upper class brat wich is just there for the show. She asked me about wich version did i believe in: that of Platoon, or that of We were soldiers. All i could say is that both were true in my opinion. Didn´t pretty much think about it at the moment, but you know, that makes sense. War seems too broad and too big to tell the whole story with a single point of view

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Having seen or owning most of them I would go for either Flight Of the Intruder or BAT21 for me.


Casualties of War was another I remember........just so many



Jarhead reminded me of Platoon and FMJ - didnt quite have the same effect though considering GW1 was no comparison to Vietnam .

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For me, FMJ and AN are the "best" because of their entertainment value, not necessarily due to any realism. Those two have more quotable dialogue than all the others combined.

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Tropic Thunder!!!!

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How about Fog of War,MacNamera sort of owns up and finally admits(mistakes were made).

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