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Very cool news

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Tomorrow I will get my new communication computer. It's mainly a heavily modified I-POD with very cool voice simulation software that will sound more natural like a real voice. And it is extremely easy to program phrases and hot keys for quick replies. My old communication computer was a real bitch to program. My new communication computer has internet access, 2 cams (heh now I could take pics of cute respite nurses when I am in respite when my mother travels) and etc. That is good because that saves my mother space when we go to trips so I don't have to take a laptop with me.


And guys remember to think of me on Wednesday. My operation starts at 8:45am on that day. I don't know how long it will take. Hopefully I will be fine. Wish there was a way to contact you guys. But I imagine I will be bed ridden for few days despite they'll be going in my bikini line so if you see a post from me after few days I survived :D.



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good luck Falcon and congrats on the new comm comp ;)

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Im sure you'll be fine Falcon. Your in my prayers pal. Congrats on the new computer, sounds snazzy.

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Best of luck on Wednesday, bud.


And remember; just make sure you milk that TLC from the nurses! Worked for me on occasion :grin:

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Good luck, and don´t forget to share that "nursing related imagery" you mentioned

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May God be with you and his hand guides the Doctor´s 

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Hey Falcon, have you ever listened to the Roger Waters solo album, Radio K.A.O.S. ? It is a theme album, like "The Wall", about a special boy who could hear "radio waves" and interact with computers/electronic devices by phone/radio. I have listened to it for years. It is Roger Waters' only "upbeat" work (which he greatly regrets doing!). Touches on some Cold War/Nuclear themes like "The Final Cut", but has a happy ending. I will think of you from now on whenever I hear it knowing how you use so many special devices and abilities to overcome your physical problems. I have no doubt you will come through your operation as well as anyone could!

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My friend,


You are in my prayers and I wish you a successful op and speedy recovery.

Someone up above is watching over all of this. You will be fine.



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Falcon, my hopes and prayers that you have a successful and uneventful surgery and a rapid and complete recovery.  You will be fine.

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Good luck Falcon!

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