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Strike Fighters 2: Windows 10 Edition up for pre-order

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or just maybe they havent been working on it as they cant get to work in lockdown...im happy to wait if it turns out to be good.

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5 hours ago, Wilches said:

Well, I guess that TW, to make its product more interesting, will add some new features like new plane/s or terrain/s. My guess...

I hope too. Let's be patient :)

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5 hours ago, Wilches said:

Well, I guess that TW, to make its product more interesting, will add some new features like new plane/s or terrain/s. My guess...

If TW will add new terrains/planes etc... this will confirm that TW is arrogant and ignorant. And does not give a shit about what the players' community would like to improve. 

As I said many times before - This game does not need new planes or terrains. 

Do you want a new plane? which one? Making new plane is easy-peasy stuff. 

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31 minutes ago, yakarov79 said:

If TW will add new terrains/planes etc... this will confirm that TW is arrogant and ignorant. And does not give a shit about what the players' community would like to improve. 

As I said many times before - This game does not need new planes or terrains. 

Do you want a new plane? which one? Making new plane is easy-peasy stuff. 

Well, I totally agree with you, that it would be the best solution, if TW sets it's focus on fixing or improving SF2-engine stuff instead of bringing new models or terrains. But I have to disagree on the easy-peasy stuff. Probably for a few guys it is like this...including you. But for the whole majority it is just not so, if the goal is a plane that looks like one and not a cube-like thing. ;)

Edited by Nyghtfall
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I agree with @yakarov79. I also get @Nyghtfall's point. TW created some decent aircraft 3d models, but the terrains? Dear heavens, they are atrocious! Not just visually, but also taking into account historical and geographical accuracy. The Vietnam terrain from SF2V is an absolute mess, which reminds me that I have yet to complete the WIP rework of it I have.

So, I'd rather have important fixes from TW, game engine wise. Terrains? Hell no, leave those to me and a few others who put passion and research into them.

Edited by Menrva
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1 minute ago, Menrva said:

Dear heavens, they are atrocious!


32 minutes ago, Nyghtfall said:

But I have to disagree on the easy-peasy stuff. Probably for a few guys it is like this...including you. But for the whole majority it is just not so, if the goal is a plane that looks like one and not a cube-like thing. ;)

well,  i used easy-peasy expression just to compare making models and fixing things that should be fixed. we know that making models in real is tedious work.


Just in case some will whine that we do not have this and that and also that model....

There is plenty of websites that offer ready models, purchase, and ask someone to export into Lod format. 

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Unfortunately a few of you are expecting SF3. That is not going to happen so you're going to be disappointed.

I'm expecting a version of SF2 that's officially W10 compatible and also looks a little bit better because it takes advantage of newer shaders  etc. My expectations could only be exceeded if TK throws in a few of those planes that are in his mobile games as AI only (because clearly he isn't going to do cockpit for them).

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10 hours ago, yakarov79 said:

well,  i used easy-peasy expression just to compare making models and fixing things that should be fixed. we know that making models in real is tedious work.

Agree. And finally game engine is ruining half of our effort, cause of stupid limitation like ground radar ..

In fact all we need is distance to ground target and it is max annoying that we can see this distance in game HUD, but no way to use it :stars:.

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10 hours ago, Spinners said:

Unfortunately a few of you are expecting SF3

No Master :biggrin:. All we want is 1 or 2 or 3 ... datas that we can use. And game is using these datas, so we need only entries.

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My thoughts

1) Listen folks have a lot on their plate even or especially being locked down.  I wish I coulda launched a mission pak a lot sooner than mid-July now but...  I also understand the SF2 developer has other games he's working on.

2) If I could add only one feature it would be for AI to be able to drop GPS-bombs easily.  No seriously.  Leave the terrains to others.  Planes and ships are nice but that can wait.

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Well, I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on SF2 for Windows 7 and see if I can get it to run on Windows 10. I hope it works because I love WOV so much. I was contemplating getting the SF2 WOV but, I think it's time I get more modern. Please stop me if it's a bad idea. I am a veteran flight simmer starting back in 1982, and I love Microsoft Flight Simulator. I have 1424 actual hours flying in RL. MS Combat Flight Simulator is one of my favorites.

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I run SF2 on Windows 10 and so far no issue, though it's the Complete version.

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J'exécute SF2 ( version compléte ) sur Windows 10 mais si tout fonctionne bien j'ai un petit PB ,impossible de voir les effets

au sol des  bombes dites Classiques . (Mk 81 83 etc) un réglage peut ètre  ?

Je pense acheter la version Windows 10 pour remédier a cela .


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1 hour ago, lucjean said:

J'exécute SF2 ( version compléte ) sur Windows 10 mais si tout fonctionne bien j'ai un petit PB ,impossible de voir les effets

au sol des  bombes dites Classiques . (Mk 81 83 etc) un réglage peut ètre  ?

Je pense acheter la version Windows 10 pour remédier a cela .



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2 hours ago, lucjean said:

J'exécute SF2 ( version compléte ) sur Windows 10 mais si tout fonctionne bien j'ai un petit PB ,impossible de voir les effets

au sol des  bombes dites Classiques . (Mk 81 83 etc) un réglage peut ètre  ?

Je pense acheter la version Windows 10 pour remédier a cela .


Translation with google:

I am running SF2 (full version) on Windows 10 but if everything works well I have a small PB, impossible to see the effects
on the ground of the so-called Classic bombs. (Mk 81 83 etc) a setting can be?
I am thinking of buying the Windows 10 version to remedy this.

I don't know what "PB" is, maybe someone else knows, sorry.

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Let's hope he started modding and got carried away like "we" all do...LOLOLOL...Maybe it will be better than promised...positive thoughts...see where this goes...


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hacked security cam footage: TW developer hard at work on SF2Win10


you guys say woohoo, i thought weee   weeee:biggrin:

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5 hours ago, viper63a said:


Pretty much

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Hello guys,When can we wait the SF2 for win 10 PC releasing?Just bought  a new PC but can't play the SF2.

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16 minutes ago, YanBin said:

but can't play the SF2.

why? most folks have working SF2 on W10....dig into video drivers. 

17 minutes ago, YanBin said:

When can we wait the SF2 for win 10

Perhaps never...or not soon ..not soon - possibly never. 

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According to the Kohms, perhaps by the next Year of the Red Bird.



**bonus points to ID the reference***

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39 minutes ago, Wrench said:

**bonus points to ID the reference***

The Omega Glory. TOS.

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