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3 points
2 points
Version 1.5
Hello and thank you for downloading my work. https://gkabs.net What's included: New Pilot model All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. This is for Strike Fighters 2 Series ONLY. Installation: Copy the files to Objects\pilot folder Add these lines to the _DATA.INI file to any jet you would like to add the new pilot to. [Pilot] PilotModelName=GK-Pilot <---- PilotHeadNodeName=GK-Head <---- if you have a two-seater add the Copilot as well. [CoPilot] PilotModelName=GK-Pilot1 <---- PilotHeadNodeName=GK-Head <---- If you need any further help please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission. gkabs@gkabs.net Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop Fuse FaceGen If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net -
2 points
Version 1.0.0
Hi there everyone, I joined combatace almost 10 years ago and, after several attempts I finally managed to make this monstrosity. The mighty BC-304 Daedalus-Class battlecruiser from the Stargate franchise. It is the second generation of interstellar Earth warships made integrating alien reverse engineered technology obtained in the operations of the Stargate Command during the previous 8 years. It includes: - 28 automatic railgun turrets around the ship. - 16 VLS missile in the front deck silos, armed with conventional HE warheads or tactical nuclear ones. The range of this missiles are 150+ km. Since there is no name for these missiles I made it up as SSM (Standard Space Missile). - Advanced Trinium-Naquadah alloy armour (Steel with lots of hitpoints). - Reverse engineered sublight engines (that uses this naquadah as fuel, making the TSFC=0.01 as it possess a huge amount of energy so don't worry about consumption :) ). - Antigravity drive which substitutes the landing gear allowing you to hover at about 300 meters above the ground. Now you can stay above the tanks shooting down Beagles, watching how enemy AAAs fail trying to shoot you down muahahaha. - Shield generator that covers the entire ship, "theoretically" absorbing the damage before it reaches the ship itself. For those who are also like stargate franchise, no, I haven't made the also mighty Asgard Plasma Beam upgrade, but I will try to do something in future releases. I also included several skins of the different ships that appeared in the franchise: U.S.S. Daedalus - The first to be commissioned for USAF which is assigned to assist Atlantis expedition in Pegasus Galaxy. U.S.S. Odyssey - The second to be finished which remains in Earth. B.F.R. Korolev - Commissioned almost simultaneously with the Odyssey, given to the Russian Federation in exchange for the operations of the stargate. U.S.S. Apollo - The second to be assigned to Pegasus Galaxy. C.N.S. Sun Tzu - The first ship to be given to People's Republic of China. U.S.S. Hammond - The last known to be commissioned for United States, originally was going to be called Phoenix but they changed the name to honour the first General in charge of Stargate Command, George Hammond, after passing away. U.S.S. Phoenix - The name given to that ship in alternate realities. Some notes about this model: I don't fully understand the damage mechanics in this game, so despite of the fact that this ship have "advanced force fields" that withstand several tactical nukes, sometimes you can get shot down by the rear gun of a Tu-95. Since it is a very big ship (650m long) all the 28 railguns have difficulties aiming at small targets due to the offset of the guns. But they still hit big targets such as other spaceships of the same size, and sometimes big bombers like Tu-95. Anyways, if someone knows how to improve this, suggestions and ideas are very welcomed! The flight mechanics have been "developed" from FastCargo's F-35B, my goal was to have vertical takeoff and landing functioning but I have not managed to achieve that properly. This "plane" is quite special to fly, it has a 100+ times bigger inertias than the F-35 so don't expect to dogfight with fighter jets, just wait until they crash in your force fields :) Also, take into account that the size of this aircraft is such that you can not fly in regular squadron formations as it crashes with the other ships. It is ment to fly alone in air combat missions (however I would like to implement air to ground warfare in next versions). It has no cockpit, I just put it in the place of the bridge. I will try to do my own cockpit in the future. If you are wondering where I took these F-302 of the screenshots, they are from the A-Team Skunkworks. They also have the Death Glider so if you get it from there you can recreate some pretty good stargate battles! ********Any commercial use of this mod is CLEARLY FORBIDDEN!!! CREDITS for the material that made this possible: - FastCargo's F-35 that I used as a base for the INIs. - Effects included in Stary's EE3 for SF2 series used for the nuclear explosions in both ground and air. I know that this material also involve more people who put their best effort on it, I want to thank them sincerely, and also the people involved on the Viper afterburner effect that I was unable to track. I hope I haven't missed anybody! Also I would like to thank the modding knowledge in combatace which helped me to make this possible. And finally! The model itself is incomplete, I still have to add some parts like the communication deck and the sensors array and many more things, but Christmass time is over so I decided to upload what I have made. It is my first serius mod after having joined Combatace 10 years ago, after several attempts of doing sci-fi stuff, and now I finally managed to make this "living insult to aerodynamics". I really hope you enjoy it and of course I am opened to suggestions and feedback as this model is not perfect by far (a lot of things are not adjusted, it lacks more testing, it is like flying two carriers in a simulator not ment to do that, etc.). All things said, have fun! :) -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Operation Attila 1979: After the skirmish for Cyprus the tension never really cools down. In September 1979 the full war broke out and every side fight for the strategic aims. PLEASE BE AWARE: This release of Attila 1979 is unpolished and is to be considered a Beta version. In short, there will be bugs and not all of them have been found. Thanks to: Anatolia v2 Terrain.............. Anatolia v2 (09/25/2011) for SF2 Series by PureBlue LTV A-H/E & TA-7H/C Corsair II Polemikì Aeroporìa (HAF) pack................. by paulopanz F-4E TuAF pack...................... By ravenclaw_007 SF2 HAF F-4E_SRA..............by ace888 F-100D TuAF........ by paulopanz F-102A Delta Dagger(*)................. by paulopanz SF2 F-104 Starfighter Super Mega Pack 2016................ by viper63a Turkish Air Force F-104S CB for SF2.................... By PureBlue and some more … THANKS -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
SF2 SA-14 Gremlin / 9K34 Strela-3 MANPADS Pack 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This pack features the SA-14 Gremlin. It is a man-portable, shoulder-fired, low-altitude, infrared guided surface-to-air missile system (MANPADS) developed as a response to the limited performance of the earlier SA-7 Grail. The missile was largely based on the earlier Strela-2 and thus development proceeded rapidly. The most significant change over the Strela-2 was the introduction of an all-new infra-red homing seeker head. The new seeker worked on FM modulation (con-scan) principle, which is less vulnerable to jamming and decoy flares than the earlier AM (spin-scan) seekers, which were easily fooled by flares and even the most primitive infrared jammers. The new seeker also introduced detector element cooling in the form of a pressurized nitrogen bottle attached to the launcher. The effect of cooling was to expand the seeker's lead sulphide detector element's sensitivity range to longer wavelengths (slightly over 4 µm as opposed to 2.8 µm of uncooled PbS elements). In practice this made possible the tracking of cooler targets over longer ranges, and enabled forward-hemisphere engagement of jets under favourable circumstances. The seeker also had better tracking rate, enabling the missile to track maneuvering of fast and approaching targets. A negative side effect from the aforementioned improvements was increased missile weight, which caused a slight decrease in the kinematic performance compared with Strela-2M (SA-7B). Against relatively slow, low-altitude battlefield air threats the overall effectiveness was much improved. The new system was accepted into service in 1974. Strela-3 missiles have been exported to over 30 countries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Known issues: - System has limited all aspect capability mostly against slow, low-altitude targets. - Helicopters have higher survival rate per hit because in some cases missiles hit the tail rotor without causing significant damage. I guess this is another game engine characteristic. - Low altitude (lower than 500 meters) performance is downgraded for current missile values. By increasing noise rejection the missile becomes capable of hitting targets in lower altitude but at the same time the single shot hit/kill probability is being increased to an unrealistic level. - Fuze distances are longer compared with the actual lethal and damage radius of the system. In SF2 world the real high explosive warhead quantity is big enough to destroy a fighter size target even in 10 meters! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As always open readme.txt first to see installation instructions and credits. Lot of research and hard work was made to make this SAM as realistic as possible. More than 2000 launches took place during testing! Enjoy as much as you can this mod and leave comments with your in-game experience in the support topic! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed only in other CombatACE mod packages. You are free to make further modifications for own use but if you plan to release a modified version of this package you must request permission first. In that case you must include original read me file. This mod may not in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Hello and thank you for downloading my work. https://gkabs.net What's included: Collection of 2 hangars with 12 skins one with open doors and the other closed. For SF2 only All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. Installation: Copy the files to Objects folder and the falowing to _TYPES.ini file [TargetTypeXXX] Name=GK-CHangar1 FullName=GK-CHangar1 ModelName=GK-CHanger1.LOD <---- change the number for the skin name you need TargetType=HANGAR ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=50 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=140.0 ArmorValue=24516080.0 ArmorType=2 RepairRate=0.150 StartDetectChance=20 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=8000.0 CollisionMesh=Shelter_Hardened1_col.LOD DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=MediumShortStructureCollapse DestroyedModel= SecondaryChance=100 SecondaryEffect=LargeFire If you need any further help please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission. gkabs@gkabs.net Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
SF2 RA-5C Vigilante Pack v.2 9/27/2019 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) This is a revamp of Julhiem's RA-5C "Vigilante" carrier based recon aircraft. It has has several updates/upgrades/changes to make it more SF2 compliant. This is the complete aircraft, with everything included. If you have any earlier version(s) it is suggested you delete BOTH the aircaft and decals subfolders, as this version replaces them it toto. Or at least, remove or store them elsewhere. The aircraft comes with 6 skins, including the original released single skin. These skins are: RVAH-1 'Smokin' Tigers (USS Independence 1965, CVW-7, SEA, first combat cruise) RVAH-5 'Savage Sons' (USS Ranger CVW? 19??) ** RVAH-6 'Fleurs' (USS Kittyhawk 1971, CVW-11 SEA) RVAH-7 'Peacemakers' (USS Ranger, 1978/79, WesPac, Squadron's Final Cruise) RVAH-9 'Hoot Owls' (USS Saratoga 1967, CVW-3 Med cruise) RVAH-11 'Checkertails' (USS constellation, CVW-9 SEA 1971/72) **= original release skin Almost all markings are decals, excepting some painted-on squadron insignia. Serial/BuNums are 100% historically accurate (by unit) Decal randomization is TRUE. Skins remain in bmp format, as they're not that large. The SF2 "date switch" is active. The canopy opens/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0 (zero). As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. See "Notes" for list of changes. If there's anything missing or "off", please let me know and I'll try to find it. This mod got lost in the shuffle with several other large projects. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
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