i didnt figure you would be interested Menrva. You have said in the past that Balkans had sort of worn you out and I know that you still keep fine tuning ODS 30AE. It is impressive how you keep improving it so far out after its release when many modders and teams would have stopped and declared it finished
when i make posts like that, it is to try to get other new interest in it. the game is up to the modders and those that still enjoy our work. everyone starts somewhere, maybe the Balkans gets someone new interested in modding.
that interest goes further when we encourage new skinners, modelers, terrain builders and campaign writers rather than decrying the lack of interest.
for the folks that dont have interest tweaking their work for a future update, i would hope they would be willing to help a next generation with interest learn.
besides, like i mentioned theres quite abit of time to work on it. and even Allied Force wasnt as intensive as Iraq 91, let alone Deliberate Force or fictional strikes durng Deny Flight