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Strike Fighters by Thirdwire

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All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. SF2 KAW Era F4U/AU-1 Corsair Pak by TMF

      SF2 Korean War Era F4U/AU-1 Corsair Pak by TMF
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      This package contains theTMF Corsairs for use during the Korean War. There are 4 complete aircraft in this pak, with a ship-load of skins/decal sets.
      Skins/Decal sets are included for the following units:
      VF-24 "Renegades" (USS Boxer, 7/50-11/50)
      VF-63 "Fighting Redcocks" (same as above)
      VF-64 "Freelancers" (same as above)
      VF-113 "Stingers"(USS Philippine Sea, 7/50-3/51)
      VF-114 "Excutioners" (same as above)
      VMF-312 "Checkboards" (Shore based, various fields in Korea)
      VF-53 (USS Essex 1/51-3/52)
      VF-54 (same as above)
      VF-192 (USS Princeton, 11/51-5/52)
      VF-791 "Fighting Rebels" (USS Boxer, 3/51-10/51)
      VMA-323 "Deathrattlers" (shore based, various fields in Korea)
      VMA-332 "Polka Dots" (USS ??? -flew off CVE)
      VMF-214 "Black Sheep" (shore based)
      VC-3 (various Dets aboard ship)
      VMF-513 "Flying Nightmares" (shore based, various fields)
      VMA-212 "Devil Cats" (land based until 1951, transfered to USS Bataan)
      VMA-323 (used F4U from USS Badoeng Strait, 1950; shore based after?)
      *Please note, many Corsair squadrons flew both the -4 and -4B at the same time. As the aircraft are mapped identically, it's an easy job to swap out skins/decal sets, for those so inclined. There is also one 'Easter Egg' squadron, as you all know how I hate wasting good skins/decal sets!! *
      The aircraft is fully carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'.
      Skins are in jpg format, so you MUST be at (minimum) Nov 2011, or the Latest July 2012 patch level (HIGHLY suggested!!!). All markings are decals and are Randomized. BuNums are accurate for the aircraft variant depicted, but not for the actual ones used by the squadrons; consider them 'generic' for that purpose.
      Standard Animations keystrokes are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wingfold (shift/9) *Note the -4/-4B wingfold no longer works for some inexplicable reason*.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein
      -with special thanks to my brothers in the Mod Mafia-
      For Oli ...


         (4 reviews)



    2. SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A4, JG2, MTO

      SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A4, JG2, MTO
      -- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *Note: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the MTO envrionment.*
      **This mod is designed to REPLACE any 1stGen variant you may have in your WW2 MTO intalls. It is reccomended you delete the skin and decals folders of the originals, as to NOT cause any conflicts with THIS mod.**
      Reskin/Redecaling for the recently released FW-190A4 recreates JG2 'Richthofen' as seen in North Africa/Tunisia region during late 1942 (early 43??) and onward.
      The aircraft is finished in a 'solid' desert tan, with white ID bands. Skins are in jpg format, decal randomization is set to TRUE. This set contains the markings for the various gruppe officers (<, <<, etc). With luck, they're pretty close.
      If you don't have the aircraft yet, you can get it here:
      However, you WILL be doing some light ini editing BEFORE adding this skin. See "To Install Notes" for more details.
      Remember, this is for a WW2 MTO-centric mods folder ONLY!!!
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, the "Notes" section for other important stuff of interest.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    3. What If... SF2 Lockheed (Y)F-12A Starduster by Veltro2K

      SF2 Lockheed (Y)F-12A Starduster by Veltro2K
      =For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 Merged Prefered/Reccomended)
      Re-release of Veltro's F-12A Interceptor. This is the FULL aircraft, with pretty much everything needed. If you have the original release, it's advised you delete it and use ONLY the items supplied herein (been some changes, doncha know!).
      This package also includes all the various 'tweeks' from my 2011 modification pak.
      The skin has been converted to jpg, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
      Weapons, sounds, pilot figures, etc, from the Tweeks Pak are included. And a NEW SF2-style hangar screen.
      This assumes a fully operational aircraft, so when in game you'll is listed as
      F-12A Starduster
      On the aircraft selection drop-down menu.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Veltro's original and my 'tweeks pak' readmes are included.
      Good Hunting!!
      kevin stein
      with thanks to V2K, and many others!


         (2 reviews)



    4. SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A-5

      SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A-5
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However due to
      the excessive modifications made to fit into the SF2 environment, not all features will be
      *Note X2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the ETO envrionment. Specific versions for use
      in the MTO will be released seperatly, if required*
      Mods, rebuilds, reskining/redecaling for Wolf's FW-190. This is the second of a series of FW-
      190 upgrades, that will cover those models (while still based off Wolf's original LOD), that
      were/are available from the 1stGen SF/Wo* mods previously released. With required upgrades for
      This mod is designed to REPLACE any 1stGen variant you may have in your WW2 ETO intalls. It is
      reccomended you delete the aircraft and decals folders of the originals, as to NOT cause any
      conflicts with THIS mod.
      This package represents FW-190A-5s as deployed in Western Europe. Skins/Decals in this pak are:
      2/JG2 (with partial fues Eagle marking)
      JG26 (once again, the slightly generic FW-190, this time with a slightly mottled fues camo)
      Both represent aircraft from late 1942 onwards.
      Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
      A (semi) compliant SF2 FM was cobbled together from various sources. As always, while it works
      quite well, further fine tuning is required by Experten.
      Sounds, pilot figures and weapons are included, as well a new SF2 version of my "box art"
      Hangar and/or Loading screens.
      Please note, the engine sound in this one has been changed to the AVHistory BMW 801 sound. It's
      reccomeneded you make this change to the FW-190A-1 that was recently released. It's a VERY
      simple text edit.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
      them!!! Also, the "Notes" section for other important stuff of interest. When discoverable,
      Wolf's original readme is included for historical purposes.
      *Due to the age of the physical model (LOD), this mod is being released "as is"; PLEASE see the
      Notes section for more info*
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    5. SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A-8 Pak

      SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A-8 Pak
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However due to
      the excessive modifications made to fit into the SF2 environment, not all features will be
      *Note X2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the ETO envrionment. Specific versions for use
      in the MTO will be released seperatly, if required*
      Mods, rebuilds, reskining/redecaling for Wolf's FW-190. This is the next of a series of FW-190
      upgrades, that will cover those models (while still based off Wolf's original LOD), that
      were/are available from the 1stGen SF/Wo* mods previously released. With required upgrades for
      This mod is designed to REPLACE any 1stGen variant you may have in your WW2 ETO intalls. It is
      reccomended you delete the aircraft and decals folders of the originals, as to NOT cause any
      conflicts with THIS mod.
      This package contains 2 variants of the FW-198A8 as deployed in Western Europe. Skins/Decals in
      this pak are:
      JG300 (early, "Wilde Sau" night camo)
      JG300 (Late, splinter/mottle with blue/white/blue Riech Defense Band)
      Fw-190A8R8 "Strumbock":
      11/JG3 (from 1944 thru war's end)
      All Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
      A (semi) compliant SF2 FM was cobbled together from various sources. As always, while it works
      quite well, further fine tuning is required by Experten.
      Sounds, pilot figures and weapons are included, as well a new SF2 version of my "box art"
      Hangar and/or Loading screens.
      Please note, the engine sound in this one has been changed to the AVHistory BMW 801 sound. It's
      reccomeneded you make this change to the FW-190A-1 that was recently released. It's a VERY
      simple text edit.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
      them!!! Also, the "Notes" section for other important stuff of interest. When discoverable, all
      original readmes are included for historical purposes.
      *Due to the age of the physical model (LOD), this mod is being released "as is"; PLEASE see the
      Notes section for more info*
      Dedicated to the memory of Bob "howling1" Hauser; a dedicated WW2 modder if there ever was one!
      Happy Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    6. Fictional Saab/BAE Gripen FGR1

      Saab/BAE Gripen FGR1 For Strike Fighters 2.
      Simple mod of the Gripen Team's Saab Gripen to represent a fictional angloised RAF version of the Gripen.
      Small changes made such as Eurojet2000 engine instead of Volvo unit. Slightly up rated pylon weights and RAF spec loadouts.
      3 new skins to represent 6, 25 & 74 Squadrons.
      Drop all folders into your desired mod folder.(let it over write)
      Run and save both weapons and guns editors.(I think this is necessary for new weapons to show up)
      That should be it.
      Best used with the SF2 Weapons Pack by 331Killerbee.
      Thanks to:-
      The Gripen team for creating the Gripen mod.
      Brain32 for converting the Gripen to SF2.
      Spinners for his RAF decal pack.
      Tk for the SF2 series games.
      The Combatace community for helping me out when
      ever I need it.
      Freeware use only!


         (2 reviews)



    7. SF2 WW2 Heinkel He-162 Volksjager

      SF2 WW2 Heinkel He-162 Volksjager by Geo
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *Note: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the ETO envrionment.
      Some small fiddling-with for Geo's Volksjager. Ini work includes a 'cobbled' together SF2 (semi) compliant FM, randomization of the decals, and some (very slight!!) reclaibration of some cockpit insturments. Skin is still in it's original bmp format. Decal randomization is set to "TRUE" for the 15 decals we have. A NEW SF2 'box art' Hangar screen was created for this mod.
      All bits are included: sounds, pilot figure, the gun, etc. Operational years (ok, months!) are set semi-historical, with the correct 'In Service' StartDate (end of service date is conjectural; ie: end of 45)
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Geo's original readme is included for historical purposes.
      Happy Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    8. StorchTemplets.zip

      Fi 156 C5 and F Storch Photoshop .psd Templates


         (0 reviews)



    9. Fi156-F_Storch.zip

      V 1.0
      Fi 156 F Storch SF1/WOV/WOE 06 Patch level installs.
      To install: UnZip and drop the Fi156_F folder into the Aircraft folder,StorchTank folder in the weapons folder.
      Adding Weapons: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons.
      Watch it Fly
      Mod Info:
      This mod is intended for WWII install’s as a FAC AI aircraft, there is a very basic (nonworking) Cockpit included for testing only.
      External fuel tank and Bomb Pylons added.
      The Door and window do not open.
      Tailgunner is not included.
      Decals: Nation Only
      The NationName “Axis Germany “and the “absence” of the traditional tail emblem with the model is intentional. End users can change these two items to suit there Install.
      For the Landinglight to function the Tailgear is set to "Retractable=TRUE" with no movement.
      Corrected: Fuel capacity’s
      Corrected Statment: SystemName[003]=RightSlat
      Corrected Fuel consumption: BSFC=0.00280
      Tested with WOE 06 patch only.
      TW: FM (modded by me).
      AC 3D Model, Cockpit and Textures: Myself
      Landing Light Info: Wrench
      This Mod is Freeware and not to be sold!
      Note: Anyone who wishes to update the FM or convert this mod for SF2 and re-upload it may do so.


         (2 reviews)



    10. Fi156Storch02.zip

      Fi 156 C-5/Trop Storch SF1/WOV/WOE 06 Patch level installs.
      To install: UnZip and drop the Fi156_C-5T folder into the Aircraft folder.
      Watch it Fly
      Mod Info:
      This mod is intended for WWII install’s as a FAC AI aircraft, there is a very basic (nonworking) Cockpit included for testing only.
      The External fuel tank is part of the model and cannot be droped.
      The Door and window do not open.
      Tailgunner is not included.
      Decals: Nation Only
      The NationName “Axis Germany “and the “absence” of the traditional tail emblem with the model is intentional. End users can change these two items to suit there Install.
      For the Landinglight to function the Tailgear is set to "Retractable=TRUE" with no movement.
      Tested with WOE 06 patch only.
      Change log:
      Corrected: Fuel capacity’s
      Corrected Statment: SystemName[003]=RightSlat
      Corrected Fuel consumption: BSFC=0.00280
      TW: FM (modded by me).
      AC 3D Model, Cockpit and Textures: Myself
      Landing Light Info: Wrench
      This Mod is Freeware and not to be sold!
      Note: Anyone who wishes to update the FM or convert this mod for SF2 and re-upload it may do so.


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    11. Canberra B(I) mk8

      Canberra B(I) mk8 for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra - didn't realise they were so out!
      Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
      Temp Gunpack by Wrench (July 2009)
      The B(I) mk8 was derived from the B(I)mk6 and retains the same Engines, fuel load and loadout. The main change was a redesigned nose and offset fighter style canopy - which was put in place due to the targetting difficulties of the B.mk2 fishbowl style canopy.
      The B.1 Mk8 Interdictor came into service in 1956 with around 69 being built. Other Later variants also used the offset Fighter style canopy.
      Read the install instructions!
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (2 reviews)



    12. Canberra B(I) mk58

      Canberra B(I) mk58 (Indian Air Force) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra - didn't realise they were so out!
      Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
      Temp Gunpack by Wrench (July 2009)
      The B(I) mk58 was the export version of the B(I) mk8 and retains the same Engines, fuel load and loadout with some cosmetic changes.
      Sixty Five Canberra B(1) 58's were delivered to and flown by the Indian Air Force from 1957 along with eight PR.57 and seven T.4 trainers. Canberras saw combat in the major conflicts (1965, 1971, and 1999). The last IAF Canberra retired in 2007.
      Read the Install instructions!
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (1 review)



    13. Canberra B(I) mk12

      Canberra B(I) mk12 (South African AF) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza and skin by Michael (Mike1) Riddell
      Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra - didn't realise they were so out!
      Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
      Temp gunpack by Wrench
      The B.(I) mk12 Interdictor was a new build export version of the British B.(I) mk8
      The SAAF received the first B(I) Mk 12 aircraft in 1963. Six B(I) Mk 12 bombers (451 to 456) and the T Mk 4 trainers (457 to 459) were operated by 12 Squadron.
      The SAAF have used these in several regional conflicts most notibly Angola.
      read the install instructions
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (0 reviews)



    14. Canberra B mk20

      Canberra B.20 (RAAF) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kessselbrut" Himmel
      Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra - didn't realise they were so out!
      Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
      The B.mk20 was licence built B.mk2 by the Government Aircraft Factories, Melbourne, Australia. It featured an increased fuel capacity thanks to wing fuel tanks and outer wing pylons were also added.
      The B.mk20 was used by the Australian RAAF between around 1966 and 1971 in conflict during the Vietnam war as part of the US 35th TFW.
      The version in this pack is the later model with the Avon 109 engines and has outer wing pylons according to pictures ive seen. It is also mentioned that the RAAF could use wingtip racks for extra bombs though not too sure on that.
      read the install instructions!!
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (0 reviews)



    15. Canberra B (I) mk66

      Canberra B.(I) mk66 for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel
      Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra - didn't realise they were so out!
      Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
      Temp gunpack by Wrench (July 2009)
      10 B(I).mk66s were delivered to India in 1970. These were slightly upgraded versions of the RAF B.mk6 and were similar to the B(I) mk6 Interdictor.
      They are included with the same Avon 109 turbojets and option to carry a gunpack.
      Read the install instructions!
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (0 reviews)



    16. Canberra B mk2 Luftwaffe and Rhodesian AF

      Canberra B.2 (West German Luftwaffe) and
      Canberra B.2 (Rodesian Air Force) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel
      WGAF skin by Soulfreak
      RRAF skin by Michael (Mike1) Riddell
      Special thanks to Spinners for making the 3D model more accurate and making me find some better reference material :)
      Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
      In 1957 the Royal Rhodesian Air Force ordered 15 B.2s and three T.4s. These were delivered two years later. These were said to have seen action in several regional wars in the area. The version here represents the RRAF from 1971 to 1980. (Rhodesia is now called Zimbabwe)
      In 1961 three ex-RAF Canberras were purchased by Germany for trials and experimental use flying with Erprobungstelle 61 - these were delived in 1966.
      Read the installations!!
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (0 reviews)



    17. Canberra B. mk2

      Canberra B.2 (RAF) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kessselbrut" Himmel
      Special thanks to Spinners for making the 3D model more accurate and making me find some better reference material :)
      RAF0 skin by Spinners
      RAF1 skin by Michael (Mike1) Riddell
      Updated for the SF2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
      The RAF's first bomber, the Canberra, had a career spanning over 51 years on the front lines. Chief designer W. Petter had just joined the design team at English Electric when work began on the Canberra. He changed the swept wings of the original design to a more unconventional design with the engines part way out on, and embedded in, the wing. The end sections of the wings were broad and square, and two powerful Rolls-Royce Avon engines completed the design. The crew of two sat side-by-side in a pressurized cabin. With good fuel economy, and excellent maneuverability at all altitudes, the EE.A1 was an instant success.
      The prototype was first flown on May 13, 1949, and was problem-free. The first four prototypes were designated the Canberra B.MK 1, and were intended for use with a radar-assisted bomb aiming system. A delay in this system led to the production of a day bomber prototype, the Canberra B.MK 2, and the first operational aircraft were delivered on May 25, 1951.
      Around 410 B.mk2s were built for the RAF - some saw action in the 1956 Suez crisis.
      Read the instructions!!!
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (2 reviews)



    18. Canberra B (I) mk6

      Canberra B.(I) mk6 (RAF) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel
      RAF1 skin by Michael (Mike1) Riddell
      Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra!
      Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
      Temp gunpack by Wrench (July09)
      The B(I).mk6 was an interim interdictor version of the B.mk6 having the same engines and fuel load of the B.mk6 but was fitted with 2 under wing pylons for stores and could now carry a Hispano 4 x 20mm gun pack which could be fitted to the rear bomb bay.
      This version was superceded by the B(I).mk8 variant.
      Engines : Two RR Avon 109 Turbojets
      Thrust : 7,500lbs static thrust each
      Speed : 620mph
      Service Ceiling : 45-50,000ft
      Range : 3,000 miles (with tip tanks)
      Armament :
      Up to 10,000LBs in the bomb bays
      2 x 1,000lb bombs or rockets (on 2 single wing pylons)
      1 x Hispano mkV 20mm gunpack could be fitted to rear of bomb bay
      16 x Flares in front bomb bay
      Read the install instuctions for any issues, controls etc!!
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (0 reviews)



    19. RB-57E Canberra "Patricia Lynn"

      Canberra RB-57E for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      Cockpit by Erikgen
      New Avionics and camera view by USAFMTL (July 2009)
      The RB-57E was a reconnaissance version that saw combat action from 1963 to 1971 in the Vietnam war for the "Patricia Lynn" project.
      Read the instructions!
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (0 reviews)



    20. B-57C Pakistan Air Force

      Canberra B-57C for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      Pakistan was the only real foreign user of the B-57, with 24 B-57Bs and two B-57Cs passed on in 1959 under the US Military Assistance Program. From 1963, they were fitted with the RB-1A "Georgia Peach" all-weather bombing system, giving these machines a longer nose. Some of the Pakistani B-57Bs were also modified to allow them to carry four external tanks, permitting them to conduct strikes deep inside India.
      Pakistani B-57Bs performed strikes during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War, flying 167 sorties, with three lost in combat, but as mentioned destroying three IAF Canberras on the ground. They also saw combat in the brief 1971 Indo-Pakistan War, with reports of four or five lost in combat. The Pakistani B-57s remained in service well into the 1980s, being the last of the breed flying in military colors.
      Read the Instructions!
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (0 reviews)



    21. B-57B Pakistan Air Force Late (Long nose)

      Canberra B-57B 1963 LongNose (Pakistan AF) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      Pakistan was the only real foreign user of the B-57, with 24 B-57Bs and two B-57Cs passed on in 1959 under the US Military Assistance Program. From 1963, they were fitted with the RB-1A "Georgia Peach" all-weather bombing system, giving these machines a longer nose. Some of the Pakistani B-57Bs were also modified to allow them to carry four external tanks, permitting them to conduct strikes deep inside India.
      Pakistani B-57Bs performed strikes during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War, flying 167 sorties, with three lost in combat, but as mentioned destroying three IAF Canberras on the ground. They also saw combat in the brief 1971 Indo-Pakistan War, with reports of four or five lost in combat. The Pakistani B-57s remained in service well into the 1980s, being the last of the breed flying in military colors.
      See the installation instructions
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (0 reviews)



    22. B-57B Pakistan Air Force (short nose)

      Canberra B-57B 1959 Short Nose (Pakistan AF) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      Pakistan was the only real foreign user of the B-57, with 24 B-57Bs and two B-57Cs passed on in 1959 under the US Military Assistance Program.
      Pakistani B-57Bs performed strikes during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War, flying 167 sorties, with three lost in combat, but as mentioned destroying three IAF Canberras on the ground. They also saw combat in the brief 1971 Indo-Pakistan War, with reports of four or five lost in combat. The Pakistani B-57s remained in service well into the 1980s, being the last of the breed flying in military colors.
      Read the installation instructions
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (0 reviews)



    23. B-57G Tropic Moon III

      Canberra B-57G for "Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam"
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      New Avionics and TV by MiGBuster
      USAF2 Tropic Moon skin by MiGBuster
      READ the instructions - includes how to use the TV/FLIR etc
      16 B-57Bs were converted to B-57G standard and used in Vietnam from 1970 to 1972
      flying from Tailand for the Tropic Moon III project, and was a pioneer in laser
      guided technology. The B-57G had built in sensors such as a low light TV system,
      FLIR, and a laser giudance system. This enabled it to carry 4 x 500lb Laser guided
      bombs and self designate targets for them. The 20mm wing cannons were deleted due
      to the weight of the LGBs. 4 bombs were also carried in the bomb bay (unconfirmed).
      Its mission was to hunt trucks over the notorious Ho Chi Minh Trail.
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (2 reviews)



    24. RB-57A Canberra

      Martin RB-57A Canberra for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kessselbrut" Himmel
      Original skin and ini work by pappychksix
      Updated for SF2 by MiGBuster (July 2009)
      The USAF ordered English Electric Canberras as a need to fill a mission gap - however the order could not be fulfilled in the UK so Martin was able to license build Canberras under the B-57 designation.
      The B-57A looks similar to the Canberra B mk2 however there were actually many differences - not least the the Wright J65 engines. Due to the bubble canopy, targetting the guns was found to be very difficult, and so the canopy and nose were totally redesigned into what became the B-57B.
      The RB-57A was the first real production model of the B-57 with around 67 being built for a photo recon role. They served from 1954 and were withdrawn in the early 1970s. 24 RB-57As were also converted to EB-57As.
      See the install instructions
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (0 reviews)



    25. B-57A Canberra

      Martin B-57A Canberra for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Ahmed Junaid Raza
      B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kessselbrut" Himmel
      Original skin and ini work by pappychksix
      Updated for SF2 by MiGBuster (July 2009)
      The USAF ordered English Electric Canberras as a need to fill a mission gap - however the order could not be fulfilled in the UK so Martin was able to license build Canberras under the B-57 designation.
      The B-57A looks similar to the Canberra B mk2 however there were actually many differences - not least the the Wright J65 engines. Due to the bubble canopy, targeting the 8 x 12.7mm Browning guns was found to be very difficult, and so the canopy and nose were totally redesigned into what became the B-57B.
      Only 8 B-57As were built.
      See the install instructions
      Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (1 review)

      1 comment



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