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Strike Fighters by Thirdwire

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All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. SF2 WW2 PTO/CBI Nakajima Ki-44 Tojo by Geo

      SF2 WW2 PTO/CBI Nakajima Ki-44 Tojo by Geo
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *There is a possibility that this mod will =MAY= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level. However, due to some/many of modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, not all features will be active.*
      ** Notex2: The aircraft herin have several different skins ... for the CBI, SoWesPac (ie: Dutch East Indies), (semi) Central Pacific (read: Phillipines), Home Islands defense. I've tried to tag them as best as I can. If running seperate CBI and general PTO mods folders, you may want to seperate them out, or move the texture listing around to fit your usage. **
      This model seems to be either the Ki-44-Ib, Ic or IIB, as it carries the 4 12.7mm machine guns. I chose to call it the "Ic".
      Skins within the pack are the originals from Geo's 1stGen release. They are (as bes as I can ID them):
      23 Sentai
      29 Sentai (PI)
      47 Sentai
      50 Sentai, 1 Chutai (CBI)
      85 Sentai (CBI -china mostly)
      23 & 47 both carry the 'white bandage' marking that usually denote Home Islands Defense, but some units around Pelambang, NEI also carried them.
      New (semi)compliant SF2 FM was cobbled together. As has become expected, the FM is NOT perfect, and needs further fine-tuning by Experts. A New SF2 style "box art" hangar screen, Geo's original 2 loading screens, converted to jpg, so you can switch to whichever one you like better. Weapons (drop tanks and bombs), guns, a pilot figure and engine sounds are included. All skins remain in their original bmp format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE (for the few number decals we have). As is usual, all lighting is 100% historically correct.
      The canopy has been switched to the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0.
      Damage textures are new, in DDS format.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. All original readmes are included for historical purposes (when discoverable from the archives)
      Happy Hunting!
      kevin stein
      with thanks to Geo!!


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      1 comment


    2. SF2 WW2 ETO Hawker Typhoon Mk.1B (DAT)

      SF2 WW2 ETO Hawker Typhoon Mk.1B (DAT)
      = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!)
      **This mod -MAY- work in 1stGen game installs. But this has not/cannot be tested by me.**
      This pak contains mods for the Dev A-Teams Hawker Typhoon IB as seen in the ETO
      This is a semi-complete aircraft mod, and as per DAT directives, the aircraft lod is =NOT= included. So, those users that cannot access the DAT downloads, you're advised to skip this, as it's of no use to you. Everything else is included (pretty much!).
      Those users with access, =WILL= be transfering the lod from a seperate DAT download of the Hawker Typhoon IB.
      This mod has been built and tested with the...
      Typhoon-R11.lod (dated 8/3/2005
      from their WW2 Aircraft Downloads section.
      This pacakge contains the (almost) complete aircraft, and two skins.
      You'll have:
      No. 175 Squadron (code HH)
      No. 609 Squadron "West Riding" (code PR)
      The skins are completly new, from my Home Grown Template ™, and remains in bmp format. New decals were created for Squadron Code letters, serials, plane-in-group letters and others.
      The serials are pooled, and are 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular aircraft within the unit(s) depicted, but ARE for the model variant represented. Colors are FS matched as close as possible. When possible, the Squadron Crest is used for the 'paint chip' on the loadout screen.
      All fuselage markings are decals (wing roundels remain painted on); this will allow super easy creation of other squadrons by simply creating a new SCode or **(2letter) decal, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
      My 1stGen original "Box Art" style Hangar and/or Loading screens have been rebuilt to SF2-spec for this package. They are in jpg format. Damage textures are new, in DDS format.
      Also included, is a new drop tank, by Raven, with a built in pylon (as it's missing from the aircraft model itself). See Notes for more on loadouts.
      The rockets and guns you should already have, so they are NOT included.
      The canopy has been switched to the Standare Manual Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0.
      The FM may need further small adjustments (ok, maybe more than a little...).
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
      All the original DAT readmes are included, for historical and ownership/copyright purposes.
      It is HIGHLY suggested you unzip this archive FIRST, and READ the install instructions BEFORE installing this mod. So you know EXACTLY what to do..
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    3. B-17F Flying Fortress (ETO)

      The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engine heavy bomber aircraft developed in the 1930s for the (USAAC.
      Model: Veltro2k
      AvHistory engine sound: Gregoryp
      cockpit: Kesselbrut
      Ini working, and skins, decals and screens and whatnots; including hundreds of hours of research>: Wrench
      Others I'm sure I'm forgetting....
      Make sure to read the instructions !!!!!!
      Under no circumstances shall this be used as whole or part of any payware product !!!!!!!!!!!!!


         (2 reviews)



    4. SF2 WW2 PTO B-17F Flying Fortress Pak

      SF2 WW2 PTO B-17F Flying Fortress Pak
      -- Something for the WW2 PTO players --
      = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      **Note: Having any SF2 series game is HIGHLY reccomended, as this mod references the stock destroyed An-12. Also, due to modifications to various inis, this mod will probably -NOT- work in 06 level 1stGen game installs. 08 Level 1stGens may have some issues, but this has not/cannot be tested by me.**
      This is a "Theatre Specific" release of Veltro2K's B-17F Flying Fortress Heavy Bomber. This package =ONLY= represents Forts used in the PTO/SoWesPac region.
      To eliminate any confusion with any other B-17Fs you may (or may not) have, your in-game displayed name will read "B-17F Flying Fortress (V2K)"
      There is 1 skins/decal set in this pack:
      AAF42/43 - OD/G representing aircraft when first they first arrived in Theatre (star/ball insignia). This scheme, and insignia, was used throughout the (rather short) service life of the Fortress in the SoWesPac region. Research has NOT turned up any evidence they ever recieved the "star-and-bar" insigina before being phased out of the PTO.
      The Skin is in jpg format. All new (theatre specific) serial number decals were created. The serials ARE historically accurate (100%), for those aircraft assigned to the SWP from the first 300 F models deployed worldwide. One may consider the serials as 'generic' in nature, as they represent none of the Bomb Groups/Squadron of the region, but =ARE= correct for the model depicted, and theatre deployed to.
      All markings are decals. All lighting is historically correct. Damage textures are in DDS format.
      There are =NO= nose arts. Those with the desire (and talent) are encouraged to do the necessary legwork on research, running down the correct match between nose art and serial number.
      It should be noted, do =NOT= use this mod in an MTO or ETO-centric mods folder; the Pacific Fortress' (Fortressi?) is slightly different!
      Engine sounds, pilot figures, BRAND new "Box Art" style Hangar screen (in SF2 jpg format) are included. Operational service dates are rounded to 'whole months', and ARE relatively correct for PTO usage ("Eaker wants them for Europe")
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations.
      Happy Landings!!
      Kevin Stein
      PS: when flying at night, watch out for glowing green orbs!!


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    5. Vought Corsair MK.4, RN Fleet Air Arm, by Mod Mafia/TMF

      Vought Corsair MK.4, RN Fleet Air Arm, by Mod Mafia/TMF 7/17/2013
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod =MAY= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. A Full 4/5 Merged install is reccomened. At very minimum, SF2:V is required, as this aricraft references the A-1H's destroyed model. Also, some of the SF2 only "switches" will NOT work in 1stGens.*
      *Note #2: this model will REPLACE, in it's entirety, those using Wolf's as a base. You may (well, should!) delete that mod completly; both the aircraft and decals folders. These, again, will replace them.*
      A brand "new" model that was never completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia.
      This will complete the set of TMF/MM WW2 Corsairs.
      This is the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Corsair Mk.4 (with clipped wingtips) as seen 1944 and later aboard RN carriers in the Pacific Ocean (ie: BPF).
      Skin/Decals are included are for:
      1830 NAS, BPF, HMS Illustirous
      1841 NAS, BPF, HMS Formidible
      Both skins are in 'standard' Fleet Air Arm (ie: USN) Dark Blue Overall.
      All skins are in jpg format.
      A new-ish SF2 'box art' style hangar screen was (re)created for this aircraft. Damage textures are the old tga versions.
      Decals are used for all markings, and Randomization is set to TRUE. This will make it easier for other skinners to recreate other Air Groups by simple making a new "TLet" decal.
      The aircraft is fully carrier capable. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystorke ™ of Shift/0. Like the other MM/TMF Corsairs, the wingfold operates via the "airbrakes" key. This is why they do not show folded when parked on deck.
      All lighting is historically accurate. WW2 weapons (ie: bombs, rockets) are included. Even though you may have them already. The pilot figure and engine sounds are included(which you may also have already!).
      When 'in game', you'll see
      "Corsair Mk.IV FAA (TMF)"
      in the aircraft selection drop-down window. This will diferentiate it from any other Mk.IVs you may (or may not) have.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


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    6. Iran-Iraq Replacement Desert Tileset

      Iran-Iraq Replacement Desert Tileset 7/3/2013
      -For SF2, any/all at any patch level-
      *Note: these tiles will also work in SF/Wo* 1stGen games for the listed terrains*
      This package contains nearly 60 new Desert2*** tiles, both in bmp and tga (for the seashore tiles) that will replace the original "blindingly white" desert and desert2*** transitions for the following terrains:
      Desert Storm
      Iran/Iraq 2003
      These are designed =ONLY= for use on the above listed terrains. Not for ANYTHING else!
      By using the IsraelME Desert1 & 2 as a base, these tiles are direct replacements for the originals. ALL transitions, including all river, roads, 3-ways, etc are new builds. As direct replacements, this will not effect target placements or TOD object placements.
      For the other Terraformers, I've included the multi-mega layered PSD with all the tile layers divided into terrain type sets (sea, mountain, road, etc).
      For those that wish, 3 new planning maps are included for the "IR2003" terrain. Red & Blue side will now show correctly.
      So as not to totally foul up one's terrain(s), it's HIGHLY advised to =READ= the install instructions after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing them, as you've a couple of things to do first.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


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    7. Phillipines Islands 1944, WW2 PTO Terrain for SF2

      Phillipines Islands 1944, WW2 PTO Terrain for SF2
      - For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended)
      = For Adventures in the Western Pacific =
      *Note: this pack includes the PI 44 update pak released sometime back. It is designed for the timeframe of the US Invasion of Leyte in late 1944. It uses SF2NA statements for carrier-based operations. Hence, your PTO mods folder =SHOULD= (read: MUST) be built from the SF2NA exe. It is designed to REPLACE, in total, any eariler versions.*
      **Note2: IMPORTANT! Make sure you have the WW2 ground objects!!**
      This map repsents the situation in the Phillipines from approximately October thru December 1944, just after the US Invasion of Leyte. To that end, the eastern regions of Leyte, and southern Samar are conisdered (somewhat) 'secured' and in Allied hands. The rest of the country is still "Occupied Territory".
      The LimitedNations statement is set to TRUE, allowing only for the regional powers that took part. The terrain also makes use of the 'AllowedDates" statement, preventing use BEFORE October 1944 (but dosen't seem to be working quite right post 7/13 patch)
      LOTS of new tiles and their associated TODs have been created, and match the Green Hell 3 styling. There is also, as expected, a few Easter Eggs.
      Also included are several (ok, LOTS) GroundObjects, some you may have already, but a few are new. Some are updates of ships, tanks, truck and etc seen in my other terrain mods. These are designed to REPLACE any pre-existing ones I've done. Be advised, you'll still need many of the other WW2 PTO objects I've included in other terrain mod paks. Make sure you have them!!!
      REMEMBER: you will need the latest WW2 weapons and Guns pack! Some are supplied, but just to be safe...
      **Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification. Some cities exist as 'named places' only. Some airfields may not be in their historical locaitons due to Height Field and other tiling restrictions.**
      As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you READ this document through after unzipping, but BEFORE installing.
      Again, as always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading.
      Please also read the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (3 reviews)



    8. Iranian Weapons for Op Darius

      ************************ Iranian Weapons for SF2 ****************************
      This pack is designed for use in the Op Darius Mod. The weapons in this pack were originally made for SF1 by Lindr2 back in September '08. I've converted them to SF2 standard and reskinned them to be more "realistic" than the original skins were, however 99% of the work was done in Paint so don't expect miracles with the skins!
      I've tested it in Op Darius with the Nov'11 Patch and everything seemed fine but let me know if you find anything.
      All the following have been tested and work on all the Iranian jets, however because of the "AttachmentType" nations used for the various Iranian jets in Op Darius these weapons will be available for most Aircraft. To make the pack compatable with the Aircraft in Op Darius I've had to make a few changes to how the Radar guided Anti-Ship Missiles work so they are now IIR guided (that way you won't have to mess with A/C data files to get them to fit on the pylons)
      Drag and drop into your Op Darius Mod Folder - Usually C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Op Darius (or whatever you've called it)
      Weapons List - Due to sanctions Iran has it's own indigenous weapons program so I'll try and explain what each weapon is and it's guidance system.
      AGM-379 Zoobin - TV Guided 1200lb Missile
      Farj-e-Darya - TV Guided 300lb Anti-Ship missile
      Fatter IRM - Heat-Seeking Air to Air Missile
      GBU-67 Qadr - TV Guided 2500lb Glide Bomb
      GBU-78A Ghassem - TV Guided 2000LB Glide Bomb
      HK-55 Granat - Inertial Nav Guided 3300lb Cruise Missile
      Kosar 1 - TV Guided 210lb Anti-Ship Missile
      Kosar 3 - Radar Guided 250lb Anti-Ship Missile
      Nasr - Radar Guided 750lb Anti-Ship Missile
      Noor-A - Radar Guided 1350lb Anti-Ship Missile
      Noor-B - Radar Guided 2000LB Anti-Ship Missile (extended range)
      Retarded 750lb LGB
      Retarded 1000lb LGB
      Retarded 2000lb LGB
      Sattar 1 - Laser Guided 1000lb Rocket
      Sattar 2 - Laser Guided 1000lb Rocket
      Sattar 3 - Laser Guided 1000lb Rocket
      Sattar 4 - Laser Guided 1000lb Rocket
      Toophan 2 and Launcher - Wire Guided Tow-Style Anti-Tank Missile
      Yasser - Laser Guided 1750lb Rocket
      TIS-33 Laser Designator Pod
      Issues - The original models and skin mapping weren't perfect so I've done the best with what I had to work with, however there are several issues which are beyond my control. The worst of which is the model for the Sattar 1&4 wasn't mapped fully so there's a thin slice where you can see through the model. 2nd is the Retarded LGB's only use a tiny section of the skin map meaning the text on the skin is repeated in mirror image on one side of the bomb. There's other minor issues but those are the biggest.
      Thanks to The following -
      Lindr2 for the original weapons.
      Dave & Edbuger for the Op Darius Mod and the weapons ini help.
      Ravenclaw007 for the Skinning ideas & templates.
      Change Log
      V1.1 - Weapon .ini's updated to SF2 standard, FRANCE added to nations (For F1-EQ)


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    9. Desert Target Zone

      For Strike Fighters Project 1 / Gold.
      Built for real time game generated strike missions. Shouldn't take more than 30 minutes to do a round trip strike mission. Paran and Dhimar get 4 airports each and the front line is relocated to what used to be central Dhimar. Main Features:
      1. 141 target areas including 10 SAM sites for Paran.
      2. Easy install.
      3. Many "Freeware" building objects being used.
      4. Quicker Take Off mod pre-installed, with customized parking spots and parking for C-5A sized aircraft.
      5. Contains Ground Attack, Truck, and Ship routes so you can fly CAS, Armed Recon and anti-ship missions.
      6. Has a 3X zoom map from an older version of SF that shows desert and green spaces better.
      7. Installation won't affect your stock "Desert" terrain.
      8. Negative points awarded if you cause collateral damage.
      CREDITS: Thanks to these folks for creating and allowing freeware use of their building objects:
      1. This project uses some objects from MITCH's "Factory Place" project. There seems to be a consensus within the Strike Fighters community that it's OK to use these objects for FreeWare projects.
      3. WRENCH, for hosting the "Factory Place" objects at his website. And for the cool "Shipwrecks!"
      2. GEPARD, for some objects I lifted from his DRV terrain.
      4. PASKO, for the round tents, now used by the Bedouins.
      5. GRUMPOTAMUS, for the Radar Dome.
      6. WINGWHINER, for the new Factories, Headquarters Building, Gas Station, Tactical Control Center, and Control Tower H1.
      7. STARY, for the new Hangars.
      8. FUBAR512, for the Pecco Crane.
      New for this version:
      9. WINGWHINER again for some buildings from his epic 43 buildings pack.
      10.JULHELM for some industrial silo's/buildings
      11.RussoUK and Gepard for the Oil Rig.
      12.EZLead for the formation take off mod.
      13. TK and ThirdWire for creating such an interesting flight sim / hobby.
      Changes for the final version: Mostly some new objects with a few other minor changes. EZleads formation take off mod is a perfect fit for this terrain, give it a try!


         (5 reviews)



    10. Tiger Moth Upgrade

      Adding a little 'bite' to this fun-to-fly little bird. Gets a Lewis Gun, and to wing stations for light bombs. Full instructions in the readme ...


         (1 review)



    11. F-15 Super Pack (Version 2.4)

      F-15 Super Pack for the SF2 series
      ****************** Version 2.4 ****************************
      Added many skins by JAT to the F-15C_85 and F-15E_04
      ****************** Version 2.31 ***************************
      Minor issues fixed.
      ****************** Version 2.3 ****************************
      F-15E_04, F-15SE, F-15SG updated with proper Sniper Pod model, skin by JAT81500.
      ****************** Version 2.2 ****************************
      Updated to June 2010 Patch standards. Cockpit view issues fixed.
      ****************** Version 2.1 ****************************
      Several early variants of the non-Israeli Eagles added. You will need to have SF2E to be able to have a cockpit for these early versions. The stock F-15A ini files included with SF2E has also been tweaked to take advantage of the 3rd party effects in this aircraft pack.
      There may be a way to use the Baz cockpit included in SF2I and/or use the Eagle/Baz cockpits in WOE/WOI...however, we cannot provide support for this due to time constraints.
      Additional thanks to USAFMTL for indulging me in my obsessive/compulsive disorder by helping decal every variant...
      ****************** Initial Release ************************
      Version 2.0.
      Supersedes every Eagle released for the ThirdWire series with the exception of the stock ThirdWire F-15s and the F-15 ACTIVE.
      Includes the F-15C, F-15D, F-15E (2 versions), F-15I, F-15J, F-15DJ, F-15K, F-15S, and F-15SG. Be advised, uncompressed, this file will take up 2 GBs on your hard drive.
      Simply drag and drop into your mod directory, allow overwrites, and read the readmes!
      Thanks to the following folks:
      TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
      The Mirage Factory - For the nice F-15D MSIP aircraft...in particular Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, and Dave for making the F-15 MAX files available for me to play with.
      Kei Nagase - For the awesome skins for the F-15 ACTIVE.
      AleDucat - For the nice ACES II ejection seat models.
      Deuces - For the F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.
      Diego - For the Modern USAF Pilot skins.
      Fubar512 - For the FM work.
      JimmyBib - For the F-15C cockpit flight control textures.
      MoonJumper - Avionics work.
      Sundowner - Textures.
      USAFMTL/Dave - Decals.
      Wpnssgt - Models, Textures.
      Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit.
      Kout - Loading and Hanger Screens.
      Kct - Textures and decals for the F-15SG.
      Brain32 - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.
      Mago - F-15E Cockpit.
      331KillerBee - SF2 Weapons Pack (basis for some of the weapons included).
      Lexx Luthor - Siberian Sky Experimental 3-D Rocket Exhaust
      JAT81500 - F-15E Cockpit avionics and HUD work.
      To my fellows at Combatace for helping me beta test and work out bugs.
      Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
      12 Jan 10


         (21 reviews)



    12. f22 umbrella

      1. found this at insky
      2. all credits go to user named horse2010 , good work
      3. not a f-22 expert but should be easy to match the skin , mod, package, skin structure ,mesh etc....
      4. don't know what the meaning of the umbrella is to the f-22 but excellent artist work.
      5. just want to give this user more credits than it is given at insky.
      6. this rar/zip file is original .
      plaaf comrade xie xie ne (thank you)


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    13. P-40F-5-CU_Templates

      PhotoShop templates for the P-40F-5-CU.
      Drop Tank included.


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    14. Kestrel_V2.0_13may13_RAF_Gen1

      Royal Air Force Kestrel GR1/3 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1 V2.0 Patch Level 08
      This is a 1st Gen conversion of the V2.0 Pak
      1.Unzip then copy and paste the Effects/Flight/Objects/Sounds folders into your WOX install.
      2. Adding weapons:
      A. Check to see if these weapons have are already been previously added.
      B. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop all of the enclosed folders into your Weapons folder.
      C. Weapons data needs to be added with the 08 Patch level Weapons Editor.
      See Weapons Add.ini for data.
      3. Gun Data needs to be added with the Gun Editor.
      Please Read:
      Weapons Info and the
      Original Read Me's, included.
      CREDITS and Thanks
      Myself: Package conversion, a new set of RNCode number decals and a new Kestrel_2IR Duel IRM Rack.
      If I missed anyone PM me and I will Fix it.
      Legal BS by Wrench
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


         (0 reviews)



    15. P-40_E1CU-1A_Update

      For the P-40E1-CU and the Kittyhawk_1A
      This Update fixes the Fuselage Right side And adds "Damage Nodes to the model’s and replaces the
      Included in this Update:
      Out Files
      Updated Textures (Optional)
      06 _Data.ini’s
      Damage Data.txt (To update the _data.ini’s manually)
      PhotoShop Layers To update Templates.
      To install Auto: !!! Backup the Originals First!!!
      Unzip, Copy/Paste the P-40E1-CU and Kittyhawk_1A folders to the Aircraft folder, when asked to
      Overwrite? Click yes.
      Note On Textures: The 49thFG Updated Textures included, need to be copied to the AVG Folder,As they
      are the same.
      To install Manually : !!! Backup the Originals First!!!
      Unzip, Copy/Paste selected files to the correct locations, Edit _Data.ini’s to add damage nodes.


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      1 comment


    16. Fictional F-106AI 'Chanit' skin V1.1

      This is a fictional Israeli skin for Pasko's F-106A Delta Dart. As such, it can be called a "generic" skin, as it does not represent any squadron, group, or wing.
      As this is my first ever skin, there are bound to be problems. If you feel the need to remind me of this, drop me a line. You can find my email in the readme only, as it's generally a bad idea to post your email on the internet for all the bots to see.
      V1.1 UPDATE 13 JULY 2008
      -Smoothed curves/patterns on the textures (you probably won't notice much difference)
      -New patch graphic
      -Updated readme
      This is still a work in progress. I plan to weather the skin and skin the drop tanks when my proficiency allows for it, which should be in 2050.
      Go fly, and may the Force be with you.
      Pasko, for his beautiful F-106A Delta Dart
      Column5, I used his 94th Aero Squadron skin as a base.
      The Mirage Factory, I used their IAI Kfir C7 as inspiration for the pattern on the wing (and for the camo colors).
      Allenjb42, he came up with the name 'Chanit'
      TK: SF series, of course!


         (3 reviews)



    17. Tiger Meet 2013 skins for Polish F-16C/D

      Here are the skins of Polish Vipers prepared for this year's NATO Tiger Meet. Unfortunely, these skins were only foil stickers in real life and they fell off almost completely during the flight from Poland to Norway. The author of this design is a Polish architect from Brodnica, Oskar Gawlowski.
      First of all, download the Viper Team's Polish F-16 pack (http://combatace.com/files/file/13652-polish-air-force-f-16cd-by-the-viper-team/) with my skins unless you already have it. Then unpack contents of this .zip file to your mod folder.
      Thanks to all Viper Team members for their Block 52 VIper.
      Legal Stuff:
      You cannot include any contents of this .zip in any payware.
      Jun 22, 2013


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      1 comment


    18. Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya"

      In the late 1950s, the Soviet Air Force was seeking a jet-powered replacement for its fleet of piston-engined trainers, and this requirement was soon broadened to finding a trainer aircraft that could be adopted in common by Eastern Bloc air forces. Aero's response, the prototype XL-29 designed by Z. Rublic and K. Tomáš first flew on 5 April 1959, powered by a British Bristol Siddeley Viper engine. The second prototype was powered by the Czech-designed M701 engine, which was used in all subsequent aircraft.
      The basic design concept was to produce a straightforward, easy-to-build and operate aircraft. Simplicity and ruggedness were stressed with manual flight controls, large flaps and the incorporation of perforated airbrakes on the fuselage sides providing stable and docile flight characteristics, leading to an enviable safety record for the type. The sturdy L-29 was able to operate from grass, sand or unprepared fields. Both student pilot and instructor had ejection seats, and were positioned in tandem, under separate canopies with a slightly raised instructor position.
      In 1961, the L-29 was evaluated against the PZL TS-11 Iskra and Yakovlev Yak-30 and emerged the winner. Poland chose to pursue the development of the TS-11 Iskra anyway, but all other Warsaw Pact countries adopted the Delfin under the agreements of COMECON.
      What's in:
      - a new SF-2 fixed model
      - a new up to date FM
      - 27 updated & new worldwide skins (3 Auri, 1 BVVs, 7 CVL, 2 EAF, 1 FAR, 1 IrAF, 2 Lsk, 1 ML, 2 NAF, 1 VVs, 1 SyAF, 1 UgAF, 1 UkrAF, 2 VPAF)
      - Sound
      - pilot
      - weapons
      - screens
      - Key=10 front canopy open
      - key=9 back canopy open
      both automatic closing at take off
      - all in main mod folder
      - MontyCZ SF-1 model (old but gold), L-39 cockpit, original skins
      - Spillone104 SF-2 model edits (shadows, mappings, roundings edits) & sounds
      - Baffmeister FM & data edits
      - Muesli original SF-1 camo skins
      - Paulopanz (me) skins data7weapons SF-2 edits ect. ect.
      I realy love this bird and was a real pleasure to realise this togheter with my very friends Spillo & Baff.
      @ paulopanz


         (4 reviews)



    19. Hunter F.5 Skins & Edits

      The Sapphire-powered version of the F.4 was designated the Hunter F.5.
      What's in:
      - RAF 1-34-41-56-263 Squadrons Skins
      - RAF 1-34 Suez Skins
      - new historical decalset
      - common with further Hunters packs RAF decals: letters, numbers, pennants.
      - sounds
      - pilot
      - canopy open key=10 automatic closing at take off
      - all in main mod folder
      - skins & edits Paulopanz
      - decals Paulopanz & Spinners
      - sounds & pilot ?
      .... to be continued ALL Hunters 1-80 made / remade / in the makings
      @ paulopanz


         (1 review)



    20. Hunter F.4 Skins & Edits

      The Hunter F.4 first flew on 20 October 1954, and entered service in March 1955. A distinctive Hunter feature added on the F.4 was the pair of blisters under the cockpit, which collected spent ammunition links to prevent airframe damage. Crews dubbed them "Sabrinas" after the contemporary movie star. 365 built in service till '57.
      What's in:
      - RAF 4-43-54-66-67-71(2)-74(2)-93-98-111-112-118-130-145-222-234-245-247 Squadrons Skins
      - RAF Central Flying School & Generic skins
      - KLU (my old skins revised): camo (with all working squadrons badges), target tug, East Indies
      - New historical decalset
      - common with further Hunters packs RAF decals: letters, numbers, pennants.
      - sounds
      - pilot
      - canopy open key=10 automatic closing at take off
      - all in main mod folder
      - plane TK/TW (Exp. 2)
      - skins & edits Paulopanz
      - decals Paulopanz & Spinners
      - sounds & pilot ?
      .... to be continued ALL Hunters 1-80 made / remade / in the makings
      @ paulopanz


         (1 review)



    21. Hunter F.2 Skins & Edits

      The Hunter F.2, which used the Armstrong-Siddeley Sapphire engine, did not suffer from engine issue. Further problems occurred; ejected cannon ammunition links had a tendency to strike and damage the underside of the fuselage, and diverting the gas emitted by the cannon during firing was another necessary modification. The original split-flap airbrakes caused adverse changes in pitch trim and were quickly replaced by a single ventral airbrake. This meant, however, that the airbrake could not be used for landings.Only 45 planes were built and entered in service only with 257 and 263 squadrons.
      What's in:
      - RAF 257-263 Squadrons Skins
      - new historical decalset
      - common with further Hunters packs RAF decals: letters, numbers, pennants.
      - sounds
      - pilot
      - canopy open key=10 automatic closing at take off
      - all in main mod folder
      - plane TK/TW (Exp. 2)
      - skins & edits Paulopanz
      - sounds & pilot ?
      .... to be continued ALL Hunters 1-80 made / remade / in the makings
      @ paulopanz


         (1 review)



    22. Hunter F.1 Skins & Edits

      The Hunter F.1 entered service with the Royal Air Force in July 1954. It was the first high-speed jet aircraft equipped with radar and fully powered flight controls to go into widespread service with the RAF.
      The Hunter replaced the Gloster Meteor, the Canadair Sabre, and the de Havilland Venom jet fighters in service. Initially, low internal fuel capacity restricted the Hunter's performance, giving it only a maximum flight endurance of about an hour. A tragic incident occurred on 8 February 1956, when a flight of eight Hunters was redirected to another airfield due to adverse weather conditions.
      Six of the eight aircraft ran out of fuel and crashed, killing one pilot. Another difficulty encountered during the aircraft's introduction was the occurrence of surging and stalling with the Avon engines.
      What's in:
      - RAF 43-222-229-233 Squadron Skins
      - RAF Day Fighter Leader School (2) & Fighter Weapons School Skins
      - new historial decalset
      - common with further Hunters packs RAF decals: letters, numbers, pennants.
      - sounds
      - pilot
      - canopy open key=10 automatic closing at take off
      - all in main mod folder
      - plane TK/TW (Exp. 2)
      - skins & edits Paulopanz
      - sounds & pilot ?
      .... to be continued ALL Hunters 1-80 made / re-made / in the makings
      @ paulopanz


         (0 reviews)



    23. AvHistory WW2 Aircraft Engine Sounds

      These files accompany the AvHistory Flight Dynamics files (In Object Mods-> Ini-File Edits). They contain specific engine sounds for each type of engine used.


         (1 review)



    24. AvHistory WW2 1% Flight Dynamics files

      New 1% flight dynamics and damage profiles for the following aircraft:
      gregoryp is well known within the flightsims world for the extremely realistic flight models he has produced for a number of sims; these are among the most recent, and accurately reflect the characteristics of each aircraft.
      All credit goes to gregoryp and Bear of AvHistory.
      The Engine sounds for this mod are in Sound Mods


         (0 reviews)



    25. Australian Army for Modern Darwin

      Here are some skins for the Modern Darwin map. The M113
      and M163 are in Australian Army camo and the M35A2 is in
      Australian Army late 80's camo.


         (0 reviews)




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