605 files
F-19 Stealth Fighter
By Menrva
F-19 Stealth Fighter
September 13th, 2022 (1st Release)
by Julhelm, Dels and Menrva
>For Strike Fighters 2 games
This is a rework of Julhelm's fantastic F-19 stealth fighter 3d model, now featuring a centre strut canopy structure (thanks to a cheap trick of repainting the bubble canopy glass) and a new cockpit, a purposely modified F-117A cockpit by Dels.
Among the improvements, it now features proper hit boxes and collision points, proper location for position lights and landing gear lights, reworked skins, aircraft characteristics and loadouts meant to resemble the ones of Microprose's F-19 Stealth Fighter game.
It still features two internal weapon bays (unlike Microprose's exaggerated four bays), but with properly reworked limits; you can have 4x Sidewinders or 3x AMRAAMs per bay, 2x bombs or AGMs depending on their overall weight and size. A 20mm cannon is on the nose with 680 rounds, and an extra 1,900 lbs fuel cell has been added for a total of 11,800 lbs of fuel; non-afterburning engines are used for stealth reasons. An (invisible) arrester hook has been added as well, since Microprose's version could also operate from aircraft carriers.
Skins feature the 83-019 serial number and an F letter on the vertical tails; these two details come from a picture of a menu screen in one of the releases of Microprose's F-19 Stealth Fighter game, where you could choose between an F-19 or an F-117A. More serial numbers couldn't be featured as the 3d model of the aircraft does not support decals without decal bleeding issues. Just imagine piloting the only example of F-19 in very black operations!
Three new skins were created: a Prototype Black skin created from the specular texture Julhelm had made, and Desert and Arctic camo skins made by modifying the USAF Euro camo skin created by kblomkvist.
NOTE: Strike Fighters 2 has no proper IRST functionality, so for the purpose of launching AMRAAMs a very basic ACM radar mode has been added to the avionics file of the aircraft. Moreover, the default cockpit features an obtrusive front strut which makes the cannon difficult to use. You can activate an alternative cockpit LOD in the relative INI file.
>What-if Backstory
During the development of the Have Blue demonstrators, Lockheed's Skunk Works division also conceived a third experimental stealth aircraft featuring an entirely different shape, rounded fuselage and wings, and meant to have air combat capabilities. The CIA got wind of it, classifying it at the highest possible level and using it as a cover-up story for the stealth aircraft that came to be the F-117A Nighthawk. In 1986, the Testor Corporation released a plastic model aircraft kit, calling it the "F-19 Stealth Fighter". Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1987-88 book listed an RF-19 as a Lockheed development project. The conceptual drawings of it were generally similar to Testor's design. In 1988 a combat flight simulator game, F-19 Stealth Fighter by Microprose, was released just moments before the public unveiling of the F-117A Nighthawk attack aircraft, which is said to be what it sought to represent. The reality is that a single F-19 existed and, during secret flights over Groom Lake, this experimental aircraft showed unique strength and was deemed a super-aircraft. Due to its funding and maintenance costs, the project was officially abandoned in 1983. Unofficially, this single example of F-19 took part in black operations all over the world until 1997. It is named F-19A Nightowl, internally nicknamed "Flying Frisbee" for its rounded shape and also referred to as "Ghostrider" for allegedly being affiliated with the 416th TFS Ghost Riders flying the F-117A Nighthawk.
"The view would have been frightening to most men, there were solid clouds overhead at 4000 feet. He flew through the showers, he more heard than saw on this black night and the dark outlines of the trees appeared to reach up and snatch at his speeding fighter. Only a madman would be so low on such a night. 'So much the better' he smiled in his oxygen mask" - Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising
>Credits (in no particular order):
-Julhelm, for creating this well-made 3d model of the F-19.
-Dels, for his kindness in reworking the F-117 cockpit following my request.
-kblomkvist, for his USAF Euro camo inspired by Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising book.
-guuruu, for sharing his RWR symbols improvement mod and for his improved sound files.
-simonmiller416, for his smokeless rocket effects mod.
-Crusader, for the more realistic weapons data for AIM missiles.
-TaktischesGenie, for his suggestions and chats we've had about the F-19 concept.
-My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.
- ghostrider
- flying frisbee
- (and 5 more)
MiG-21F-13M Fishbed-O
By Gepard
MiG-21F-13M update program (What if)
I. This mod is written for SF2
II. History:
In 1969, the Soviet Union delivered the first of 87 MiG-21Ms to the East German Air Force LSK/LV. This aircraft was eagerly awaited in the GDR, as it promised a greater range, a higher weapon load and an improved radar. But when the aircraft became part of everyday military life, the joy soon gave way to great disillusionment. It became apparent that the MiG-21M had lost a large part of its maneuverability compared to its predecessor models. The acceleration ability was also no longer what it was used to. The pilots were loudly critical, which was unusual, because in the GDR it was strictly frowned upon to criticize Soviet military technology.
At first the head of the air force wanted to punish his pilots for their criticism, but his deputy convinced him of the opposite. If loyal elite pilots dared to criticize openly, then there must be something to it.
Therefore, a series of training air battles was scheduled in which the MiG-21M had to compete against its predecessor models.
In every single air battle, the MiG-21M was outmaneuvered and simulated being shot down. The aircraft was simply too fat and underpowered.
The disillusionment was great. Therefore, it was decided to use the MiG-21M from now on only as a reconnaissance aircraft and fighter-bomber. In order to bridge the time until more modern MiG-21 variants arrived, the older MiG-21 versions were ordered to be modernized.
The focus was on the MiG-21PF and the MiG-21F-13.
The MiG-21F-13 was the most agile version of the MiG-21. It was loved by its pilots. But this aircraft had some disadvantages. These included the lack of an air target radar, a low weapon load and a less than reliable engine. These problems needed to be addressed. The project was codenamed "Moskito".
At the end of 1969, the Chief of the GDR Air Force presented the "Moskito" project at a meeting of the top leadership of the Warsaw Pact states. Polish and Czech participants were interested, so an agreement was reached that the "Moskito" project should be jointly pursued by the three states of the GDR, Poland and Czechoslovakia.
Poland took on the task of modernizing the weapon system. Czechoslovakia would take care of the engine and the GDR would revise the sensor system.
Work in Poland progressed quickly. This was because Poland was already working on a double launch rail for air-to-air missiles. It was called Monsun and was originally intended for the MiG-21PF. It now had to be integrated into the weapon system of the MiG-21F-13. This was achieved within a few months.
The Czechs' task was more difficult. Initially, the original R-11F-300 engine was to be replaced by the MiG-21PFM engine. However, there were some delays and problems installing the engine. In addition, the increase in performance was only achieved when the afterburner was used, not with normal thrust. It was only when the Soviet Union agreed to supply the R-13F-300 engine that real progress could be made. Normal thrust increased by 5%, and afterburner thrust by an incredible 25%. The test pilots were enthusiastic about the MiG-21F-13 with this engine.
In the GDR, they were faced with the problem of developing an air target radar that would match the RP-21 in terms of performance. The RP-21 did not fit into the slim nose of the MiG-21F-13. Therefore, the radar rangefinder SRD-5ND Kwant was used as the starting point for radar development. By using semiconductor technology instead of vacuum tubes, it was possible to reduce the weight of the device, increase its reliability and triple the detection distance. Instead of detecting a large aerial target at 7 km, the new radar had a range of more than 20 km.
Making the radar's small antenna swivelable was a major problem. But after a few failed attempts, it was possible to develop a reliable mechanism.
By mid-1971, project work had progressed to the point where the components developed by the three participating countries in the "Moskito" project could be combined in a prototype. Flight testing went surprisingly smoothly, so that the conversion of the first MiG-21F-13 to the new standard could begin in early 1972. In the GDR, the work was carried out in the aircraft factory in Dresden. Modernized aircraft were given the type designation MiG-21F-13M. The Polish aircraft were given the same designation, while the Czechs called their machines S-106M. Between 50 and 60 MiG-21F-13s were converted in each of the three countries. Czechoslovakia built another 50 new machines till 1976.
The MiG-21F-13M saw its first combat deployment in the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The Soviet Union demanded that its allies compensate for the aircraft losses of Egypt and Syria by supplying MiG-21s. The GDR supplied the unpopular MiG-21M, while Poland and the Czechs each sent 12 MiG-21F-13Ms to Egypt. They were first deployed in the air battle of Al-Mansura, where they were able to shoot down 11 Israeli F-4Es without losing a single aircraft of their own. The Egyptian pilots were enthusiastic about the MiG-21F-13M.
The MiG-21F-13M was flown in the GDR until 1985. In Poland and Czechoslovakia they were taken out of service in 1990. The pilots of the MiG-21F-13 loved this aircraft and considered it the best MiG-21 version ever.
The MiG-21 cockpit is made by Paladrian.
The missile dual rack is taken from Weaponspack.
The tactical numbers are made by Paulopanz.
The EastGerman skinpack is made by me, all other skins are stock game.
-Unzip all files into your objects folder.
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
December 2024
- mig-21
- mig-21f-13
- (and 2 more)
[What If] RAAF CA-28 Sabre Dingo.
By yakarov79
Fictional CAC CA-28 Sabre Dingo
Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.)
Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination.
A fake pilot is required to run this mod.
Do not take this too seriously, but templates are available upon request. (with specific know-how)
It uses a cockpit from EF variants of Sabre as the radar operator is in the back.
The model is new but some parts are based on Zur's F-86H which I was able to work on previously with Wrench.
Yours truly - model, skins, decals, research...
Weapons: Mk4 Mighty Mouse by Ravenclaw.
Have fun.
Report bugs. *
Expect the unexpected.
Live long and prosper.
Jarek Hereda
* report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it. .
[Fictional] Panavia Tornado GR.1H for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
By ValAstur
Mod of guuruu's great Tornado GR.1 to make it look like a fictional fighter-bomber plane for the greek air force.
The fulfilment of the Peace Xenia I contract, signed with the Reagan administration in 1987, got delayed short before the first aircraft could be handed over to the HAF. As a reason for this delay, the Pentagon stated important matters of foreign security, since the Soviet Union (and the Warsaw Pact) started to show significant signs of wear and the beginning emancipation of the eastern block countries. Therefore, the Pentagon wanted to use the aircraft to reinforce overseas units with them. In exchange, the HAF got offered a significant discount for the next contract, Peace Xenia II. Greece, not willing to wait, got in touch with Panavia via the german ministry for foreign affairs.
Panavia offered the HAF 36 Tornado GR.1 from a cancelled order, partly produced, which could be delivered in a short period of time. The HAF accepted the conditions for the aircraft and was able to introduce the first sixteen GR.1H in January 1989, assigning them to the 330 Moira Keravnos (Lightning). The remaining 20 aircraft got delivered during the following 18 months.
1. Drop the content of the "to MODS folder" into your mod folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to all the people involved (see original credits) in the creation of this superb mod.
Also thanks to guuruu for allowing me to release it.
For ORIGINAL CREDITS see the R E A D M E.txt
Happy flying!
[Fictional] Dassault Mirage 4000H & TH for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
By ValAstur
Mod of the superb Mirage 4000 to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the indian air force.
1. Drop the folders into your Mod folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to all the people involved (see original credits) in the creation of this superb mod.
Also thanks to Logan4 for allowing me to release it.
ORIGINAL CREDITS taken from Logan4's Mirage 4000P & PB
This aircraft mod represents Dassault's what-if Mirage 4000P fighter and its trainer PB variant in the Portugese Air Force service.
This package comes with 1 skin set for each variant, with decals for P (14 planes), and for PB (6 planes).
Also it is dedicated to our friend Cocas who put his work and time to bring us many of the rare or experimental aircraft in this game series and originally created the base model for this plane.
This model is meant for SF2 games only, SF1 variants will be uploaded at the SF1 section.
Install is the regular dropping the contents in their respective places. In case you have the prototype or French A and B variants you can skip the overwrite prompt of weapons as those 6 items are identical.
Please note: The model can be quite heavy on FPS in large formations on weaker machines, so if required, either resize skin files or use lower lods(_nd,001,002,003) as lod1.
The model uses the general french and NATO weapons, either as part of weapon packs or the Mirage 2000 family.
Important: The PB variant comes with 2 types of cockpit, the basic setup will use a simple pit that has only the pilots cabin instrumented. The other is a fully modeled front and rear compartment, in which you want to fly you should activate the proper line in the AC's.ini file.
CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000PB_Cockpit.ini <---- basic setup
;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000PB_Cockpit_full1.ini <------ front seat
;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000PB_Cockpit_full2.ini <------ rear seat
Be aware - the piloting seat position can not be changed during/in game, so chose wisely!
Make sure to read the manual included with the package.
Creators of these Aircraft mods as members of CombatAce site:
Original 3D work: Cocas
Aircraft 3d update and additional changes: Logan4
Cockpit 3d work: Logan4
Aircraft FM: Cliff7600
Aircraft avionics: Loborojo, Cliff7600, logan4
Skin files and decals: Flogger23, Cliff7600, logan4, loborojo
Cockpit files: Logan4, Cliff7600
Thanks to Crusader for additional brochure files
Big thanks to members of CombatAce for helping and answering our questions and in sorting out some of the issues we got while creating this mod.
Modding and distribution of files are allowed and limited according to the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement.
Happy flying!
[Fictional] IAI/Mitsubishi Kfir C2J
By ValAstur
Fictional mod of the stock Kfir C2 from SFP:I to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the japanese self defense force.
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Thanks also to Yakarov for sharing his template with me.
Kindest regards
[Fictional] IAI/SAAB JA-38 Åska (Thunder)
By ValAstur
Fictional mod of the stock Kfir C2 to make it look like a fighter plane for the swedish air force.
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Also to yakarov for the template and to Alfie (Spinners) for the camo pattern I used.
Happy flying
[Fictional] McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.3
By Spinners
McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.3 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire Phantom F-4E (early - short cannon muzzle fairing) to create a fictional Phantom FGR.3 in service with the Royal Air Force in the 1969-1972 timeline with markings for No.6 and No.112 squadrons of RAF Middle East Command as they might have appeared during this period when deployed to Dhimar. Both squadrons have an association with the Middle East and Desert areas with No.6 Squadron being 'The Flying Tin Openers' whilst No.112 Squadron were famous for being the RAF's 'sharkmouth' squadron.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the PhantomFGR3 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the PhantomFGR3 folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
Special thanks to sundowner for the F-4E templates.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 29th, 2024.
[Fictional] Lockheed Starfighter F.2
By Spinners
Lockheed Starfighter F.2 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2:Europe
This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-104G to give a 'what if' Starfighter F.2 interceptor-fighter with markings for ten classic 1960's RAF Fighter Command squadrons - mainly real world Lightning squadrons but with No.43 Squadron added in as they were a famous interceptor squadron in the Phantom era. The service dates are confined to 1963 to 1969 but you can easily edit this to suit your tastes.
RAF Squadrons covered; 5, 11, 19, 23, 29, 43, 56, 74, 92, 111.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the StarfighterF2 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the StarfighterF2 folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
Special thanks to bobrock for the excellent F-104G template used here for the skin and the specular maps.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 25th, 2024.
[Fictional] Lockheed Starfighter F.2A (RAF Germany)
By Spinners
Lockheed Starfighter F.2A for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2:Europe
This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-104G to give a 'what if' Starfighter F.2A interceptor-fighter with markings for No.19 and No.92 squadrons of RAF Germany as they might have appeared during the 1970's.
This mod requires you to have SF2E for the F-104G LODs which are, of course, NOT included here.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the StarfighterF2A folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the StarfighterF2A folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
Special thanks to bobrock for the excellent F-104G template used here for the skin and the specular maps.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 22nd, 2024.
- starfighter
- f-104
- (and 3 more)
[Fictional] Lockheed Starfighter F.1
By Spinners
Lockheed Starfighter F.1 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2:Europe
This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-104G to give a 'what if' Starfighter F.1 interceptor-fighter with markings for No.56 and No.74 squadrons of RAF Fighter Command as they might have appeared during the mid-1960's through to the mid-1970's.
This mod requires you to have SF2E for the F-104G LODs which are, of course, NOT included here.
With no Hunter replacement on the horizon and with the Lightning programme progressing slowly (and being clearly of no use in the tactical fighter role) the RAF suddenly became interested in the F-104-7 (later renamed F-104G) Starfighter programme during 1958 and in April 1959 followed West Germany in ordering the type as the Starfighter F.1 for air defence and the Starfighter FGA.2 as a tactical fighter for both RAF Germany and also for No.38 Group.
The F.1 for RAF Fighter Command was the initial production version and these were manufactured by Canadair and were powered by the Orenda-built J79 OEL-9 engine developing 10,500lbs of thrust dry and 16,000lbs of thrust with reheat. Entering service with No.56 Squadron in early 1962 the Starfighter F.1 introduced the Firestreak infra-red homing air-to-air missile and also the Skylance radar-guided air-to-air missile (based on the American Sparrow) carried on underwing pylons.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the StarfighterF1 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the StarfighterF1 folder into your Decals folder.
3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the two folders into your Weapons folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
Special thanks to bobrock for the excellent F-104G template used here for the skin and the specular maps.
Thanks to Russo for the Firestreak air-to-air missile from his superb Lightning F.6 (check it out) included here in case you haven't got access to the Third Wire one.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 20th, 2024.
- starfighter
- f-104
- (and 4 more)
[Fictional] McDonnell Douglas Phantom RNZAF
By Spinners
McDonnell Douglas Phantom F-4M_89 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire Phantom FGR.2 (F-4M_75) to give a fictional 'Kiwi' Phantom with markings for No.2 squadron of the Royal New Zealand Air Force as they might have appeared during the 1990's. It goes without saying that you will need to have the F-4M_75 from SF2:Europe.
During the build up to Operation Corporate (the UK's military operation to retake the Falkland Islands) the UK Government were overwhelmed at the support given by the countries of the Commonwealth and, in particular, the response of the Australian and New Zealand Governments who provided ships to maintain the UK's NATO commitments and thus allow the Royal Navy to maximise the number of ships it could send to the South Atlantic.
In the following years there were many reciprocal deals made and favours given to the Commonwealth nations (and even Chile!) and one such 'favour' was the transfer of 18 ex-RAF Phantom FGR.2's in 1988. The 18 FGR.2's, only recently withdrawn from RAF service, were ferried out to New Zealand (most still in their dirty grey camo scheme) during Operation Saddleback before arriving at Ohakea for refurbishment by a joint McDonnell Douglas/RNZAF team that saw the aircraft eventually emerge in a new 'Forest' style camo scheme and with digital INAS, upgraded RWR and new outer wing panels. Entering service with No.2 squadron in early 1989 (supposedly as the Karearea but they were always simply called Phantoms) the aircraft gave good service to the Royal New Zealand Air Force during the 1990's until finally being retired in December 2001 when, indeed, all 'Air Combat Force' aircraft were sadly withdrawn from service.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-4M_89 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-4M_89 folder into your Decals folder.
3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the SUU-23G folder into your Weapons folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 18th, 2024.
[Fictional] McDonnell Douglas Phantom F-4L (USMC)
By Spinners
McDonnell Douglas F-4L (USMC/USN) Phantom for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-4M_75 to give a fictional USMC Phantom F-4L with markings for VMFA-333 'Shamrocks'. Also included is a USN VF-111 scheme that generally uses stock decals but is included here to give a blank F-4L tail for you to do other squadrons by using stock decals. It goes without saying that you will need to have the F-4M_75 from SF2:Europe.
With all the considerable design effort being put into the marriage of the Phantom airframe and the Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan engine McDonnell Douglas thought it might be a good idea to propose a version to the US Navy to allow the Phantom to operate from the smaller carriers that were limited to F-8E Crusaders. In June 1966 the designation F-4L was given to the proposed Spey-powered Phantom and in October 1966 an initial order for 130 F-4L's (USN/USMC) was made, followed by an unexpected export order of 30 F-4L's for the Royal Australian Navy.
Deliveries to the US Navy commenced in February 1969 with VF-24 becoming the first operational squadron followed by VMFA-333. By this time the wisdom of operating such a relatively large aircraft on the older, smaller carriers was being questioned and most F-4L's served aboard the larger carriers or with land-based units.
When the decision was made not to re-equip the USMC 'fighter-attack' Phantom squadrons with the hugely expensive Grumman F-14A Tomcat, McDonnell Douglas pushed hard for low-rate production of the F-4L to continue specifically for USMC use and they were eventually successful meaning that production continued until 1976 with an eventual total of 306 F-4L's being built. Apart from Australia, F-4L's also served with the Royal Air Force where 15 ex-USN F-4L's were sold to the UK Government to allow the formation of an additional home-based Phantom squadron to release a squadron for the defence of the Falkand Isles.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-4L_75 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-4L_75 folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 17th, 2024.
[Fictional] McDonnell Douglas F-4M USAFE
By Spinners
McDonnell Douglas F-4M (USAF) Phantom for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2:Europe
This is a simple mod of the stock F-4M_75 to give a fictional USAFE Phantom F-4M with markings for all three squadrons of the 48th Tactical Fighter Wing based at RAF Lakenheath during the mid 1970's.
During late 1966 with the USA getting more and more embroiled in the Vietnam war it was decided to re-equip several USAFE units with the British licence-built F-4M so as to release older tactical aircraft such as the F-100D and F-105D for Vietnam where attrition was now a very serious issue.
McDonnell Douglas had already brought together a UK sub-contracting team consisting of BAC, Hawker Siddeley, Rolls-Royce (for the Spey turbofan engines) and Shorts with final assembly and flight testing being carried out at St. Louis but, with one eye on the European market, McDonnell Douglas moved final assembly to Brough (North Humberside) with flight testing at Holme on Spalding Moor. This decision came a bit late for the Royal Navy whose F-4K aircraft continued to be assembled and flight tested in the USA but all F-4M's were produced in the UK with all odd production numbers being allocated to the RAF and all even numbers to the USAFE with Lakenheath and Bitburg becoming the first USAFE wings to re-equip with the type.
Entering service with the 48th Tactical Fighter Wing based at RAF Lakenheath in England in 1970 the F-4M's received a modest upgrade during 1973-1974 to emerge with the Marconi ARI18228 RWR mounted on the fintip and also gained 'slimer' formation-keeping strip lights. The USAF F-4M's had a relatively long career with USAFE and were eventually replaced by F-15E's during 1990 and just missed out on participation in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-4M_74 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-4M_74 folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 16th, 2024.
[Fictional] Vought F-8EJ Crusader (JASDF)
By Spinners
This is a simple mod of the stock Crusader F-8E to give a fictional F-8EJ in service with the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) during the 1964 - 1985 timeline with markings for;
203rd Hikotai (overall grey).
302nd Hikotai (overall blue with sharkmouth).
After a long selection process the Vought F-8EJ was finally selected by the JASDF in 1962 as its standard interceptor-fighter. With it's impressive unrefuelled range, reliable Pratt & Whitney J-57-P-20J engine and powerful Magnavox APQ-94J radar the F-8EJ served with a total of eight JASDF squadrons with initial deliveries commencing in late 1964.
Compared to the superb multi-role F-8E, and because of Japan's own 'self-defense' status and imposed peace treaty terms, the F-8EJ was stripped of much of it's surface-attack capability but gained a modified APQ-94 radar, wing-mounted AIM-7E Sparrow missiles and also had a very useful anti-ship capability (deemed acceptable as being an 'anti-invasion' capability) and all eight 'Hikotai' had maritime attack and reconnaissance as a secondary role. The F-8EJ's served until the mid-1980's with the 302nd Hikotai being the last to surrender this very popular aircraft in JASDF service in 1985.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-8EJ folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-8EJ folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 13th, 2024.
[Fictional] Northrop/McDonnell Douglas F-23J 'Tora'
By Spinners
Northrop/McDonnell Douglas F-23J for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a simple mod of Dels' excellent F-23A 'Black Widow' to give a fictional F-23J 'Tora' (Tiger) of the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force with markings for the 302nd Hikotai in a retro 'Zero' scheme (suggested by Canadair).
(This backstory was for my Israeli F-23 but explains why the Black Widow ended up in the land of the Rising Sun).
With the success of the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom and F-15 Eagle in Heyl HaAvir service the Israeli's were hoping that the Northrop/McDonnell Douglas F-23A 'Black Widow' would win the USAF's ATF competition to continue their relationship with the McDonnell team at St. Louis but unfortunately Lockheed Martin's victory in the ATF competition looked like bringing an end to a long and enduring partnership.
However in a brave move, in May 1991 the Northrop/McDonnell Douglas team secured permission from Congress to actively market the F-23 to (State Department) 'approved' nations and offered a single-seat multi-role
version called the F-23I (International) to Germany, Japan, Israel and the UK. With Germany looking for any excuse to get out of the Eurofighter consortium and facing high reunification costs they persuaded the UK to team up in a combined purchase of 200 F-23I's. In return, this led to the German and UK Governments persuading Northrop/McDonnell Douglas to make BAe and MBB prime sub-contractors for any further export sales.
However, with only 200 F-23I's on order Northrop/McDonnell Douglas were not convinced that it was enough to start a viable programme but the breakthrough came in January 1994 when, due to increasing tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the USAF agreed to purchase 100 F-23A's for PACAF (the air component of United States Pacific Command) and this move finally saw Japan and Israel also join the programme with 100 F-23I's each.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-23J folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-23J folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
Massive thanks to Dels for this superb add-on aircraft - one of the very best.
Special thanks to Canadair for suggesting the retro Zero style F-23J.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 12th, 2024.
[Fictional] Dassault Mirage 5 - Indian Air Force
By Spinners
Dassault Mirage 5 'Inde' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 (Merged)
This is a simple mod of the stock Dassault Mirage 5D to give a fictional Mirage 5 in service with the Indian Air Force during the 1970 - 2000 timeline with markings for;
No.1 Squadron - 'Tigers' (in a camo scheme).
No.24 Squadron - 'Hawks' (in a silver scheme).
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Mirage5IA folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Mirage5IA folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 11th, 2024.
[Fictional] Republic F-7S Thunderstorm
By Spinners
Republic F-7S Thunderstorm for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a simple mod of the stock MiG-23P to give a fictional Republic F-7S Thunderstorm in service with the Aeronautica Militare during the 1970-2005 timeline and includes the famous 'Devil' markings of 6 Stormo (154 Gruppo).
You'll need to have SF2E for the Mig-23P LOD's (not included) and the pit from the F-105D_66 is used to get you flying. Radar and avionics are not my thing so forgive me if I've overlooked something but I like to make my mods nice and simple, just like me.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-7S folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-7S folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 9th, 2024.
- aeronautica militare
- mig-23p
- (and 5 more)
[Fictional] McDonnell Douglas F-15A 'Italiano'
By Spinners
McDonnell Douglas F-15A_AMI for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a simple mod of the stock F-15A to give a fictional F-15A in service with the Aeronautica Militare Italiano during the 1980 - 2010 timeline and includes markings for 18° Gruppo, 37° Stormo.
You'll need to have SF2E for the F-15A LOD's (not included) but SF2I owners will have the option of using the F-15A_Baz with minor editing.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-15A_AMI folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-15A_AMI folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 8th, 2024.
[Fictional] Canadair CF-103 Callisto
By Spinners
Canadair CF-103 Callisto for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a simple mod of the stock MiG-19S to give a very fictional 'what if' Canadair CF-103 Callisto with markings for No.423 Squadron and No.433 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force. I did this as a request back in 2009 and this update is just to add a screenshot to the listing but I've changed the name to fit in with the Canadian system of aircraft designation (the real CF-103 never left the drawing board) and I've also tweaked a few things including the Third Wire MiG-19's ferocious rate of roll at low-level.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the CF-103 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the CF-103 folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
Special thanks to Rambler 1-1 for his request which lead to this bit of fun.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 7th, 2024.
[Fictional] BAC Thunderstrike S.2 (TSR.2)
By Spinners
BAC Thunderstrike S.2 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a simple mod of bongodriver's outstanding BAC TSR.2 to give a fictional Thunderstrike S.2 strike aircraft in service with No.213 Squadron of RAF Germany during the 1970 to 1991 timeline.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the ThunderstrikeS2 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the ThunderstrikeS2 folder into your main Decals folder.
3. From the EFFECTS folder move the three 'Olympus' files into your Effects folder.
4. From the PILOTS folder move the TSRSeat folder into your Pilots folder.
5. From the SOUNDS folder move the two 'Oly' files into your Sounds folder.
6. From the WEAPONS folder move the two 'Martel' folders into your Weapons folder.
Please note that this mod uses a slightly modified stock Phantom pit with the pilot position altered and the air-to-air modes disabled. Cockpits and Avionics are not my thing so I'm open minded to any suggestions for improvements but please note that I do like to make my mods as simple as possible so rivet counters need not apply.
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
Massive thanks to bongodriver for bringing the TSR.2 to the Third Wire Community. Genius! It's impossible to improve on his outstanding TSR.2 add-on so this version is just a different flavour.
Equally massive thanks to sundowner for the awesome skins on this version and, indeed, on all the TSR.2's plus his developed versions... check them out!
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 6th, 2024.
- tsr2
- thunderstrike
- (and 1 more)
[Fictional] BAC Thunderstrike S.1 (TSR.2)
By Spinners
BAC Thunderstrike S.1 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a simple mod of bongodriver's outstanding BAC TSR.2 to give a fictional Thunderstrike S.1 strike aircraft in service with the RAF during the 1968 to 1980 timeline. Three RAF squadrons are covered and all with toned-down (pale) markings;
No.100 Squadron.
No.139 (Jamaica) Squadron.
No.617 Squadron - The famous 'Dambusters'.
In the House of Commons on April 6th 1965, when Chancellor James Callaghan stood to deliver his budget day speech most of the British aviation industry were prepared for the worst but nothing about the TSR.2 was mentioned and a collective sigh of relief was heard. On April 9th, Prime Minister Wilson made an unannounced visit to BAC Warton and, after raised voices were heard coming from the boardroom, Wilson was given a tour of the TSR.2 front office by an enthusiastic and passionate Roland Beaumont. Playing to the assembled crowd of BAC workers and the Press corps, Wilson announced that whilst some economies were needed this important aircraft was "an amazing example of British engineering and will form the backbone of a modern Royal Air Force" adding that a production order for 30 examples would be immediately placed plus another four pre-production aircraft. Astounded BAC officials looked at each in disbelief, swallowed hard and smiled for the cameras.
In the months that followed, everything seemed to fall into place. The undercarriage retraction problems disappeared, the new Olympus 321 engines ran faultlessly both at Filton (and soon after in the newly flown XR222) whilst various highly classified black boxes arrived at Warton, were fitted and worked like a charm. Testing continued into 1966 and on April 6th, 1966 Mary Wilson (the wife of Prime Minister, Harold Wilson) smashed a bottle of champagne across the nose of XR225 in a naming ceremony christening the aircraft 'Thunderstrike'. In August 1966, the Air Ministry announced that to ease the aircraft into squadron service a Thunderstrike Test and Evaluation Squadron (TTES) would be formed during 1967 at RAF Coningsby operating the last four prototypes (XR223 to XR226) and the four pre-production aircraft (XR556 to XR559).
During the Spring of 1967 the excellent results coming from the Thunderstrike Test and Evaluation Squadron allowed the RAF to begin to plan the introduction into service of the BAC Thunderstrike S.1 and it was hoped
to initially re-equip No.617 'Dambuster' squadron at RAF Scampton first and hopefully by April 1st, 1968 (the RAF's 50th birthbday). However, during August 1967 the RAF top brass became aware of the onset of fatigue
problems with the two Victor B.2 squadrons at RAF Wittering and, fearful of another Valiant style mass grounding, it was decided to move the Victor B.2's away from the arduous low-level role as a matter of urgency and re-equip them with the Thunderstrike.
Deliveries to No.100 and No.139 squadrons commenced in February 1968 but by April 1st only seven aircraft had been received and these early production machines had varying standards of both engines and nav/attack
systems but the photo-shoot held on April 1st at least gave the impression that the aircraft had entered service but it was not until February 1969 that both squadrons were declared operational and available to NATO Sacuer.
By this time, No.617 squadron at Scampton had also began to re-equip with the Thunderstrike S.1 and had moved to Wittering at the end of March 1969. During April 1969 all three squadrons took part in Exercise Clansman, a
NATO exercise based on mock-attacks on several Scottish hydro-electric facilities, with all three squadrons returning exceptionally high scores for serviceability, penetration and bombing accuracy.
Following this solid entry into service the Thunderstrike programme never looked back with orders placed for 60 Thunderstrike S.2's for RAF Germany plus 90 S.3's for RAF Strike Command as Vulcan replacements and a hugely
successful export campaign saw the aircraft sold to Australia, Canada, India, Italy, Saudi Arabia and West Germany.
Nurse, my medicene please.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the ThunderstrikeS1 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the ThunderstrikeS1 folder into your main Decals folder.
3. From the EFFECTS folder move the three 'Olympus' files into your Effects folder.
4. From the PILOTS folder move the TSRSeat folder into your Pilots folder.
5. From the SOUNDS folder move the two 'Oly' files into your Sounds folder.
6. From the WEAPONS folder move the AS-30 folder into your Weapons folder.
Please note that this mod uses a slightly modified stock Phantom pit with the pilot position altered and the air-to-air modes disabled. Cockpits and Avionics are not my thing so I'm open minded to any suggestions
for improvements but please note that I do like to make my mods as simple as possible so rivet counters need not apply.
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
Massive thanks to bongodriver for bringing the TSR.2 to the Third Wire Community. Genius! It's impossible to improve on his outstanding TSR.2 add-on so this version is just a different flavour.
Equally massive thanks to sundowner for the awesome skins on this version and, indeed, on all the TSR.2's plus his developed versions... check them out!
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 3 - February 6th, 2024.
- tsr2
- thunderstrike
- (and 1 more)
[Fictional] Sud-Ouest Farandole II (MiG-15bis)
By Spinners
Sud-Ouest Farandole II for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire MiG-15bis masquerading as a fictional Sud-Ouest competitor and rival to the Dassault Mystere IIC. Naturally, you will need the Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack One as it contains the MiG-15bis and also the Mystere IV pit.
When the straight-wing Sud-Ouest Farandole I lost out to the Dassault Ouragan for a production order they quickly schemed an improved swept-wing version known as the Farandole II utilising the same Hispano-Suiza Nene 104B engine. Working at speed the Sud-Ouest team flew the first prototype in October 1950 and the scintillating performance soon attracted the Armee de l'Air who ordered 150 production aircraft almost immediately leading to the cancellation of the Dassault Mystere IIC. Entering service in November 1952 the Farandole II was considered to be an interim type but served until 1960 with the Armee de l'Air and until 1974 with the Israeli Air Force who were the only export customer.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Farandole2 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Farandole2 folder into your Decals folder.
3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the Farandole_Tank into your Weapons folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 5th, 2024
[What If] RAF '43. Early jet madness.
By yakarov79
What if ... RAF went 'full jet' much earlier?
Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.)
Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination.
A fake pilot is required to run this mod. Also, the Thirdwire Meteor cockpit is required from the original game.
Fuel tanks- Overwrite or just leave it. 100 gal tank is the original TW tank. You can overwrite or just simply do not copy.
175 gal tank also.
Tanks are just ini files. The mod uses tanks that are part of aircraft lod.
After successful trials of Meteor F.1 Ministry of Defense urged the Gloster company to increase the speed of production. How financing this enormous effort was possible until today is a mystery, that can not be revealed until the year 2375 - due to a secret agreement. But rumors are that behind that substantial loan was the First Bank of Commerce of Ferenginar. But this is a quite different story that we should not discuss here.
MoD sent requirements for the development of special versions. Gloster at that time focused on the F.3 variant. But having prepared airframes and finally a large stock of Rolls-Royce Dervent I, the company decided to put what they had together resulting in Meteor F.1b which was an upgraded F.1 variant with modifications known from the upcoming F.3 model.
Meanwhile, the company took the development of a fighter-reconnaissance version resulting in the FR.2 Meteor equipped with elongated nose with recon cameras. FR.2 was powered by an uprated engine- Derwent II. Also, the high altitude variant marked as HF.5 received longer span wings and an uprated newly developed Derwent 4 jet engine. The fuselage was reworked by increasing the height of the fuselage right after the canopy which allowed it to fix slightly bigger internal fuel tanks. Only 26 HF.5 were built.
Knowing that Gloster can not afford to work on all MoD requirements some of the work was moved to other companies. Armstrong-Withworth focused on the development of a radar-equipped night fighter version - NF.6. In this model AW installed a Bristol-made turret with four 20mm Hispano cannons. Additionally, two 20mm cannons were installed in the wings. This version was powered by engines initially installed in the HF.5 variant. Which already had better performance at higher altitudes.
DeHavilland took the mantle of developing a fighter bomber variant. Based on HF.5 but with shorter wings FB.3 was delivered in the middle of 1943. This variant was equipped with 4 bomb racks under the fuselage. Since DeHavilland made a significant amount of changes in the airframe by strengthening the airframe, received permission to change the name of the aircraft - and there where Banshee was born. Only 24 fighter-bombers Banshee FB.3 were built before switching to production of full-grown fighter-bomber variant FB.5.
At the same time remaining airframes and long-span wings were put together into the photo reconnaissance variant PR.4. which was still in fact development of the HF.5 variant. Full fighter bomber variant FB.5 was ready two months later. Knowing that FB.3 had serious issues with drag when loaded with bombs, DeHavilland redesigned the central part of the aircraft and equipped FB.5 with an internal bomb bay. Additionally, FB.5 had a remote-controlled turret. Nose contained similar to FB.3 weaponry - four 20mm Hispano canons and four 0.303 cal Browning machine guns. In further development, FB.5 could carry specially made for small bomb containers, additional fuel packs in a bomb bay, or 57mm canon which was required for Coastal Command variant - FB.5C. Coastal Command additionally equipped its Banshees with ASV mkVII surface radar. Based on the FB.5C variant Fairey Company developed the torpedo fighter Banshee TF.6 - where the main difference is the lack of an internal bomb bay but with a semi-recessed belly to accommodate Mk.12 torpedo. All FB.5 and TF.6 were equipped with a new jet engine a joint Rolls-Royce DeHavilland program - which resulted in Hobgoblin 2 and Derwent 5 engines
Special note:
TF.6 /FB.5c - you will find that loading a QF6 57mm cannon Mk.12 torpedo is possible on both birds - this is just a 'fake weapon station' that allows choosing your wingman to fly FB.5c and still have the possibility to load a full range of weapons for second aircraft.
All skins are in 4096x4096 format.
I Made a bunch of decals covering all real serial numbers of Banshee and Meteor
Also, the RAF letters folder should be added to the Decals folder I know it is big but it gives slightly better quality with still a small file size. If you have already my RAF letters from the real Meteor pack - you can overwrite them - this adds a few more variations of letters.
There are many reasons why I have made things in this mod the way they are...versions, skins, and decals. A lot to explain but I doubt anyone wants to read about it anyway.
Pack is big..but I think you will see why it is, the way it is.
Veltro2k - the original old model of t7
Yours truly - model rework, mambo jumbo like skins, decals, research...
Pilots - RAF pilot by Geezer
I used Ravenclaw's weapons - bombs and rockets (those that are required due to stated in loadout.ini)
The rest are done by me.
This model is designed/checked only to work with Ravenclaw's rockets and bombs - so there might be some strange positioning in other (stock - often oversized) weapons.
During the creation of squadron patches, I might have used the wrong crown on squadron crests. (according to the squadron timeframe)Gaffe indeed. All should have St. Edward's Crown but I am aware that some have Tudor Crown. It is not out of ignorance ...Hope this small faux pas can be forgiven.
Have fun.
Report bugs. *
Expect the unexpected.
Live long and prosper.
Jarek Hereda
* report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it. Not like this mod is using some ancient or extraterrestrial files..
[Fictional] F-8E Crusader Royal Australian Navy
By Spinners
Vought F-8E Crusader for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2:VIETNAM
This is a simple mod of the stock Thirdwire F-8E to create a 'what if' Royal Australian Navy F-8E Crusader with markings for No.805 and No.808 squadrons.
You must have Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam so that you have the necessary Third Wire F-8E LOD's that are, of course, not included here.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-8E_RAN folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-8E_RAN folder into your Decals folder.
That's it!
As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - February 4th, 2024
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